5 years ago
51 changed files with 2919 additions and 2067 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ |
Twig Tweak module provides a Twig extension with some useful functions and |
filters. |
## Usage |
### Drupal View |
```twig |
{{ drupal_view('who_s_new', 'block_1') }} |
``` |
### Drupal View Result |
```twig |
{{ drupal_view('who_s_new', 'block_1') }} |
``` |
### Drupal Block |
In order to list all registered plugin IDs fetch them with block plugin manager. |
With Drush it can be done like follows: |
``` |
drush ev "print_r(array_keys(\Drupal::service('plugin.manager.block')->getDefinitions()));" |
``` |
```twig |
{# Print block using default configuration. #} |
{{ drupal_block('system_branding_block') }} |
{# Print block using custom configuration. #} |
{{ drupal_block('system_branding_block', {label: 'Branding', use_site_name: false}) |
{# Bypass block.html.twig theming. #} |
{{ drupal_block('system_branding_block', wrapper=false) }} |
``` |
@see |
### Drupal Region |
```twig |
{# Print 'Sidebar First' region of the default site theme. #} |
{{ drupal_region('sidebar_first') }} |
{# Print 'Sidebar First' region of Bartik theme. #} |
{{ drupal_region('sidebar_first', 'bartik') }} |
``` |
### Drupal Entity |
```twig |
{# Print a content block which ID is 1. #} |
{{ drupal_entity('block_content', 1) }} |
{# Print a node's teaser. #} |
{{ drupal_entity('node', 123, 'teaser') }} |
{# Print Branding block which was previously disabled on #} |
{# admin/structure/block page. #} |
{{ drupal_entity('block', 'bartik_branding', check_access=false) }} |
``` |
### Drupal Entity Form |
```twig |
{# Print edit form for node 1. #} |
{{ drupal_entity_form('node', 1) }} |
{# Print add form for Article content type. #} |
{{ drupal_entity_form('node', values={type: 'article'}) }} |
{# Print user register form. #} |
{{ drupal_entity_form('user', NULL, 'register', check_access=false) }} |
``` |
### Drupal Field |
```twig |
{{ drupal_field('field_image', 'node', 1) }} |
{{ drupal_field('field_image', 'node', 1, 'teaser') }} |
{{ drupal_field('field_image', 'node', 1, {type: 'image_url', settings: {image_style: 'large'}}) }} |
``` |
### Drupal Menu |
```twig |
{{ drupal_menu('main') }} |
``` |
### Drupal Form |
```twig |
{{ drupal_form('Drupal\\search\\Form\\SearchBlockForm') }} |
``` |
### Drupal Image |
```twig |
{# Render image specified by file ID. #} |
{{ drupal_image(123) }} |
{# Render image specified by file UUID. #} |
{{ drupal_image('9bb27144-e6b2-4847-bd24-adcc59613ec0') }} |
{# Render image specified by file URI. #} |
{{ drupal_image('public://ocean.jpg') }} |
{# Render image using 'thumbnail' image style and custom attributes. #} |
{{ drupal_image('public://ocean.jpg', 'thumbnail', {alt: 'The alternative text'|t, title: 'The title text'|t}) }} |
{# Render responsive image. #} |
{{ drupal_image('public://ocean.jpg', 'wide', responsive=true) }} |
``` |
### Drupal Token |
```twig |
{{ drupal_token('site:name') }} |
``` |
### Drupal Config |
```twig |
{{ drupal_config('', 'name') }} |
``` |
### Drupal Dump |
```twig |
{# Basic usage. #} |
{{ drupal_dump(var) }} |
{# Same as above but shorter. #} |
{{ dd(var) }} |
{# Dump all available variables for the current template. #} |
{{ dd() }} |
``` |
### Drupal Title |
```twig |
{{ drupal_title() }} |
``` |
### Drupal URL |
```twig |
{# Basic usage. #} |
{{ drupal_url('node/1') }} |
{# Complex URL. #} |
{{ drupal_url('node/1', {query: {foo: 'bar'}, fragment: 'example', absolute: true}) }} |
``` |
### Drupal Link |
```twig |
{# It supports the same options as drupal_url(), plus attributes. #} |
{{ drupal_link('View'|t, 'node/1', {attributes: {target: '_blank'}}) }} |
{# This link will only be shown for privileged users. #} |
{{ drupal_link('Example'|t, '/admin', check_access=true) }} |
``` |
### Drupal Messages |
```twig |
{{ drupal_messages() }} |
``` |
### Drupal Breadcrumb |
```twig |
{{ drupal_breadcrumb() }} |
``` |
### Drupal Breakpoint |
```twig |
{{ drupal_breakpoint() }} |
``` |
### Contextual Links |
```twig |
{# Basic usage. #} |
<div class="contextual-region"> |
{{ contextual_links('entity.view.edit_form:view=frontpage&display_id=feed_1') }} |
{{ drupal_view('frontpage') }} |
</div> |
{# Multiple links. #} |
<div class="contextual-region"> |
{{ contextual_links('node:node=123|block_content:block_content=123') }} |
{{ content }} |
</div> |
``` |
### Token Replace |
```twig |
{# Basic usage. #} |
{{ '<h1>[site:name]</h1><div>[site:slogan]</div>'|token_replace }} |
{# This is more suited to large markup. #} |
{% apply token_replace %} |
<h1>[site:name]</h1> |
<div>[site:slogan]</div> |
{% endapply %} |
``` |
### Preg Replace |
```twig |
{{ 'Drupal - community plumbing!'|preg_replace('/(Drupal)/', '<b>$1</b>') }} |
``` |
For simple string interpolation consider using built-in `replace` or `format` |
Twig filters. |
### Image Style |
```twig |
{{ 'public://images/ocean.jpg'|image_style('thumbnail') }} |
``` |
### Transliterate |
```twig |
{{ 'Привет!'|transliterate }} |
``` |
new TwigFilter('transliterate', [self::class, 'transliterateFilter']), |
### Check Markup |
```twig |
{{ '<b>bold</b> <strong>strong</strong>'|check_markup('restricted_html') }} |
``` |
### Truncate |
```twig |
{{ 'Some long text'|truncate(10, true) }} |
``` |
### View |
```twig |
{# Do not put this into node.html.twig template to avoid recursion. #} |
{{ node|view }} |
{{ node|view('teaser') }} |
{{ node.field_image|view }} |
{{ node.field_image[0]|view }} |
{{ node.field_image|view('teaser') }} |
{{ node.field_image|view({settings: {image_style: 'thumbnail'}}) }} |
``` |
### With |
```twig |
{# Set top level value. #} |
{{ content.field_image|with('#title', 'Photo'|t) }} |
{# Set nested value. #} |
{{ content|with(['field_image', '#title'], 'Photo'|t) }} |
``` |
### Children |
```twig |
<ul> |
{% for tag in content.field_tags|children %} |
<li>{{ tag }}</li> |
{% endfor %} |
</ul> |
``` |
### File URL |
For string arguments it works similar to core `file_url()` Twig function. |
```twig |
{{ 'public://sea.jpg'|file_url }} |
``` |
When field item list passed the URL will be extracted from the first item. In |
order to get URL of specific item specify its delta explicitly using array |
notation. |
```twig |
{{ node.field_image|file_url }} |
{{ node.field_image[0]|file_url }} |
``` |
Media fields are fully supported including OEmbed resources. |
```twig |
{{ node.field_media|file_url }} |
``` |
### PHP |
PHP filter is disabled by default. You can enable it in settings.php file as |
follows: |
```twug |
$settings['twig_tweak_enable_php_filter'] = TRUE; |
``` |
```twig |
{{ 'return date('Y');'|php }} |
``` |
Using PHP filter is discouraged as it may cause security implications. In fact |
it is very rarely needed. The above code can be replaced with following. |
```twig |
{{ 'now'|date('Y') }} |
``` |
## LINKS |
Project page: |
Twig home page: |
Drupal 8 Twig documentation: |
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ |
-- SUMMARY -- |
Twig Tweak module provides a Twig extension with some useful functions and |
filters. See src/TwigExtension.php for details. |
-- LINKS -- |
Project page: |
Twig home page: |
Drupal 8 Twig documentation: |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0"?> |
<ruleset name="Twig Tweak"> |
<description>PHP CodeSniffer configuration for Twig Tweak module.</description> |
<arg name="extensions" value="php, module, yml"/> |
<rule ref="Drupal"/> |
<rule ref="DrupalPractice"> |
<!-- Dependencies are not injected for performance reason. --> |
<exclude name="DrupalPractice.Objects.GlobalDrupal.GlobalDrupal"/> |
<!-- False positives. --> |
<exclude name="Drupal.Commenting.InlineComment.Empty"/> |
<!-- The module does not provide change records. --> |
<exclude name="Drupal.Semantics.FunctionTriggerError.TriggerErrorTextLayoutRelaxed"/> |
<!-- Code examples have rather long lines. --> |
<exclude name="Drupal.Files.LineLength.TooLong"/> |
</rule> |
</ruleset> |
@ -0,0 +1,591 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\twig_tweak; |
use Drupal\Component\Utility\NestedArray; |
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Unicode; |
use Drupal\Component\Uuid\Uuid; |
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Field\EntityReferenceFieldItemListInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemListInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Field\Plugin\Field\FieldType\EntityReferenceItem; |
use Drupal\Core\Link; |
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element; |
use Drupal\Core\Render\Markup; |
use Drupal\Core\Site\Settings; |
use Drupal\Core\Url; |
use Drupal\file\Entity\File; |
use Drupal\file\FileInterface; |
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle; |
use Drupal\media\MediaInterface; |
use Drupal\media\Plugin\media\Source\OEmbedInterface; |
use Twig\Environment; |
use Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension; |
use Twig\Markup as TwigMarkup; |
use Twig\TwigFilter; |
use Twig\TwigFunction; |
/** |
* Twig extension with some useful functions and filters. |
* |
* The extension consumes quite a lot of dependencies. Most of them are not used |
* on each page request. For performance reasons services are wrapped in static |
* callbacks. |
*/ |
class TwigTweakExtension extends AbstractExtension { |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public function getFunctions(): array { |
$context_options = ['needs_context' => TRUE]; |
$all_options = ['needs_environment' => TRUE, 'needs_context' => TRUE]; |
return [ |
new TwigFunction('drupal_view', 'views_embed_view'), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_view_result', 'views_get_view_result'), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_block', [self::class, 'drupalBlock']), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_region', [self::class, 'drupalRegion']), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_entity', [self::class, 'drupalEntity']), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_entity_form', [self::class, 'drupalEntityForm']), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_field', [self::class, 'drupalField']), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_menu', [self::class, 'drupalMenu']), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_form', [self::class, 'drupalForm']), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_image', [self::class, 'drupalImage']), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_token', [self::class, 'drupalToken']), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_config', [self::class, 'drupalConfig']), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_dump', [self::class, 'drupalDump'], $context_options), |
new TwigFunction('dd', [self::class, 'drupalDump'], $context_options), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_title', [self::class, 'drupalTitle']), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_url', [self::class, 'drupalUrl']), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_link', [self::class, 'drupalLink']), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_messages', function (): array { |
return ['#type' => 'status_messages']; |
}), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_breadcrumb', [self::class, 'drupalBreadcrumb']), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_breakpoint', [self::class, 'drupalBreakpoint'], $all_options), |
new TwigFunction('drupal_contextual_links', [self::class, 'drupalContextualLinks']), |
]; |
} |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public function getFilters(): array { |
$filters = [ |
new TwigFilter('token_replace', [self::class, 'tokenReplaceFilter']), |
new TwigFilter('preg_replace', [self::class, 'pregReplaceFilter']), |
new TwigFilter('image_style', [self::class, 'imageStyleFilter']), |
new TwigFilter('transliterate', [self::class, 'transliterateFilter']), |
new TwigFilter('check_markup', 'check_markup'), |
new TwigFilter('truncate', [Unicode::class, 'truncate']), |
new TwigFilter('view', [self::class, 'viewFilter']), |
new TwigFilter('with', [self::class, 'withFilter']), |
new TwigFilter('children', [self::class, 'childrenFilter']), |
new TwigFilter('file_url', [self::class, 'fileUrlFilter']), |
]; |
if (Settings::get('twig_tweak_enable_php_filter')) { |
$filters[] = new TwigFilter('php', [self::class, 'phpFilter']); |
} |
return $filters; |
} |
/** |
* Builds the render array for a block. |
*/ |
public static function drupalBlock(string $id, array $configuration = [], bool $wrapper = TRUE): array { |
return \Drupal::service('twig_tweak.block_view_builder')->build($id, $configuration, $wrapper); |
} |
/** |
* Builds the render array of a given region. |
*/ |
public static function drupalRegion(string $region, string $theme = NULL): array { |
return \Drupal::service('twig_tweak.region_view_builder')->build($region, $theme); |
} |
/** |
* Returns the render array to represent an entity. |
*/ |
public static function drupalEntity(string $entity_type, ?string $id, string $view_mode = 'full', string $langcode = NULL, bool $check_access = TRUE): array { |
$entity = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($entity_type)->load((string) $id); |
if ($entity) { |
return \Drupal::service('twig_tweak.entity_view_builder') |
->build($entity, $view_mode, $langcode, $check_access); |
} |
return []; |
} |
/** |
* Gets the built and processed entity form for the given entity type. |
*/ |
public static function drupalEntityForm(string $entity_type, string $id = NULL, string $form_mode = 'default', array $values = [], bool $check_access = TRUE): array { |
$entity_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($entity_type); |
$entity = $id ? $entity_storage->load($id) : $entity_storage->create($values); |
if ($entity) { |
return \Drupal::service('twig_tweak.entity_form_view_builder') |
->build($entity, $form_mode, $check_access); |
} |
return []; |
} |
/** |
* Returns the render array for a single entity field. |
*/ |
public static function drupalField(string $field_name, ?string $entity_type, ?string $id, string $view_mode = 'full', string $langcode = NULL, bool $check_access = TRUE): array { |
$entity = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($entity_type)->load((string) $id); |
if ($entity) { |
return \Drupal::service('twig_tweak.field_view_builder') |
->build($entity, $field_name, $view_mode, $langcode, $check_access); |
} |
return []; |
} |
/** |
* Returns the render array for Drupal menu. |
*/ |
public static function drupalMenu(string $menu_name, int $level = 1, int $depth = 0, bool $expand = FALSE): array { |
return \Drupal::service('twig_tweak.menu_view_builder')->build($menu_name, $level, $depth, $expand); |
} |
/** |
* Builds and processes a form for a given form ID. |
* |
* @param string $form_id |
* The form ID. |
* @param mixed $args |
* Additional arguments are passed to form constructor. |
* |
* @return array |
* A render array to represent the form. |
*/ |
public static function drupalForm(string $form_id, ...$args): array { |
$callback = [\Drupal::formBuilder(), 'getForm']; |
return call_user_func_array($callback, func_get_args()); |
} |
/** |
* Builds an image. |
*/ |
public static function drupalImage(string $property, string $style = NULL, array $attributes = [], bool $responsive = FALSE, bool $check_access = TRUE): array { |
// Determine property type by its value. |
if (preg_match('/^\d+$/', $property)) { |
$property_type = 'fid'; |
} |
elseif (Uuid::isValid($property)) { |
$property_type = 'uuid'; |
} |
else { |
$property_type = 'uri'; |
} |
$files = \Drupal::entityTypeManager() |
->getStorage('file') |
->loadByProperties([$property_type => $property]); |
// To avoid ambiguity render nothing unless exact one image has been found. |
if (count($files) != 1) { |
return []; |
} |
$file = reset($files); |
return \Drupal::service('twig_tweak.image_view_builder')->build($file, $style, $attributes, $responsive, $check_access); |
} |
/** |
* Replaces a given token with appropriate value. |
* |
* @param string $token |
* A replaceable token. |
* @param array $data |
* (optional) An array of keyed objects. For simple replacement scenarios |
* 'node', 'user', and others are common keys, with an accompanying node or |
* user object being the value. Some token types, like 'site', do not |
* require any explicit information from $data and can be replaced even if |
* it is empty. |
* @param array $options |
* (optional) A keyed array of settings and flags to control the token |
* replacement process. |
* |
* @return string |
* The token value. |
* |
* @see \Drupal\Core\Utility\Token::replace() |
*/ |
public static function drupalToken(string $token, array $data = [], array $options = []): string { |
return \Drupal::token()->replace("[$token]", $data, $options); |
} |
/** |
* Retrieves data from a given configuration object. |
* |
* @param string $name |
* The name of the configuration object to construct. |
* @param string $key |
* A string that maps to a key within the configuration data. |
* |
* @return mixed |
* The data that was requested. |
*/ |
public static function drupalConfig(string $name, string $key) { |
return \Drupal::config($name)->get($key); |
} |
/** |
* Dumps information about variables. |
* |
* @param array $context |
* Variables from the Twig template. |
* @param mixed $variable |
* (optional) The variable to dump. |
*/ |
public static function drupalDump(array $context, $variable = NULL): void { |
$var_dumper = '\Symfony\Component\VarDumper\VarDumper'; |
if (class_exists($var_dumper)) { |
call_user_func($var_dumper . '::dump', func_num_args() == 1 ? $context : $variable); |
} |
else { |
trigger_error('Could not dump the variable because symfony/var-dumper component is not installed.', E_USER_WARNING); |
} |
} |
/** |
* Returns a title for the current route. |
*/ |
public static function drupalTitle(): array { |
$title = \Drupal::service('title_resolver')->getTitle( |
\Drupal::request(), |
\Drupal::routeMatch()->getRouteObject() |
); |
$build['#markup'] = render($title); |
$build['#cache']['contexts'] = ['url']; |
return $build; |
} |
/** |
* Generates a URL from an internal path. |
* |
* @param string $user_input |
* User input for a link or path. |
* @param array $options |
* (optional) An array of options. |
* @param bool $check_access |
* (optional) Indicates that access check is required. |
* |
* @return \Drupal\Core\Url|null |
* A new Url object or null if the URL is not accessible. |
* |
* @see \Drupal\Core\Url::fromUserInput() |
*/ |
public static function drupalUrl(string $user_input, array $options = [], bool $check_access = FALSE): ?Url { |
if (isset($options['langcode'])) { |
$language_manager = \Drupal::languageManager(); |
if ($language = $language_manager->getLanguage($options['langcode'])) { |
$options['language'] = $language; |
} |
} |
if (!in_array($user_input[0], ['/', '#', '?'])) { |
$user_input = '/' . $user_input; |
} |
$url = Url::fromUserInput($user_input, $options); |
return (!$check_access || $url->access()) ? $url : NULL; |
} |
/** |
* Generates a link from an internal path. |
* |
* @param string|\Twig\Markup $text |
* The text to be used for the link. |
* @param string $user_input |
* User input for a link or path. |
* @param array $options |
* (optional) An array of options. |
* @param bool $check_access |
* (optional) Indicates that access check is required. |
* |
* @return \Drupal\Core\Link|null |
* A new Link object or null of the URL is not accessible. |
* |
* @see \Drupal\Core\Link::fromTextAndUrl() |
*/ |
public static function drupalLink($text, string $user_input, array $options = [], bool $check_access = FALSE): ?Link { |
$url = self::drupalUrl($user_input, $options, $check_access); |
if ($url) { |
// The text has been processed by twig already, convert it to a safe |
// object for the render system. |
// @see \Drupal\Core\Template\TwigExtension::getLink() |
if ($text instanceof TwigMarkup) { |
$text = Markup::create($text); |
} |
return Link::fromTextAndUrl($text, $url); |
} |
return NULL; |
} |
/** |
* Builds the breadcrumb. |
*/ |
public static function drupalBreadcrumb(): array { |
return \Drupal::service('breadcrumb') |
->build(\Drupal::routeMatch()) |
->toRenderable(); |
} |
/** |
* Builds contextual links. |
* |
* @param string $id |
* A serialized representation of a #contextual_links property value array. |
* |
* @return array |
* A renderable array representing contextual links. |
* |
* @see |
*/ |
public static function drupalContextualLinks(string $id): array { |
$build['#cache']['contexts'] = ['user.permissions']; |
if (\Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('access contextual links')) { |
$build['#type'] = 'contextual_links_placeholder'; |
$build['#id'] = $id; |
} |
return $build; |
} |
/** |
* Emits a breakpoint to the debug client. |
* |
* @param \Twig\Environment $environment |
* The Twig environment instance. |
* @param array $context |
* Variables from the current Twig template. |
*/ |
public static function drupalBreakpoint(Environment $environment, array $context): void { |
if (function_exists('xdebug_break')) { |
xdebug_break(); |
} |
else { |
trigger_error('Could not make a break because xdebug is not available.', E_USER_WARNING); |
} |
} |
/** |
* Replaces all tokens in a given string with appropriate values. |
* |
* @param string $text |
* An HTML string containing replaceable tokens. |
* |
* @return string |
* The entered HTML text with tokens replaced. |
*/ |
public static function tokenReplaceFilter(string $text): string { |
return \Drupal::token()->replace($text); |
} |
/** |
* Performs a regular expression search and replace. |
* |
* @param string $text |
* The text to search and replace. |
* @param string $pattern |
* The pattern to search for. |
* @param string $replacement |
* The string to replace. |
* |
* @return string |
* The new text if matches are found, otherwise unchanged text. |
*/ |
public static function pregReplaceFilter(string $text, string $pattern, string $replacement): string { |
return preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $text); |
} |
/** |
* Returns the URL of this image derivative for an original image path or URI. |
* |
* @param string $path |
* The path or URI to the original image. |
* @param string $style |
* The image style. |
* |
* @return string|null |
* The absolute URL where a style image can be downloaded, suitable for use |
* in an <img> tag. Requesting the URL will cause the image to be created. |
*/ |
public static function imageStyleFilter(string $path, string $style): ?string { |
if (!$image_style = ImageStyle::load($style)) { |
trigger_error(sprintf('Could not load image style %s.', $style)); |
return NULL; |
} |
if (!$image_style->supportsUri($path)) { |
trigger_error(sprintf('Could not apply image style %s.', $style)); |
return NULL; |
} |
return file_url_transform_relative($image_style->buildUrl($path)); |
} |
/** |
* Transliterates text from Unicode to US-ASCII. |
* |
* @param string $text |
* The $text to transliterate. |
* @param string $langcode |
* (optional) The language code of the language the string is in. Defaults |
* to 'en' if not provided. Warning: this can be unfiltered user input. |
* @param string $unknown_character |
* (optional) The character to substitute for characters in $string without |
* transliterated equivalents. Defaults to '?'. |
* @param int $max_length |
* (optional) If provided, return at most this many characters, ensuring |
* that the transliteration does not split in the middle of an input |
* character's transliteration. |
* |
* @return string |
* $string with non-US-ASCII characters transliterated to US-ASCII |
* characters, and unknown characters replaced with $unknown_character. |
*/ |
public static function transliterateFilter(string $text, string $langcode = 'en', string $unknown_character = '?', int $max_length = NULL) { |
return \Drupal::transliteration()->transliterate($text, $langcode, $unknown_character, $max_length); |
} |
/** |
* Returns a render array for entity, field list or field item. |
* |
* @param mixed $object |
* The object to build a render array from. |
* @param string|array $view_mode |
* Can be either the name of a view mode, or an array of display settings. |
* @param string $langcode |
* (optional) For which language the entity should be rendered, defaults to |
* the current content language. |
* @param bool $check_access |
* (optional) Indicates that access check for an entity is required. |
* |
* @return array |
* A render array to represent the object. |
*/ |
public static function viewFilter(object $object, ?string $view_mode = 'default', string $langcode = NULL, bool $check_access = TRUE): array { |
$build = []; |
if ($object instanceof FieldItemListInterface || $object instanceof FieldItemInterface) { |
$build = $object->view($view_mode); |
} |
elseif ($object instanceof EntityInterface) { |
$build = \Drupal::service('twig_tweak.entity_view_builder')->build($object, $view_mode, $langcode, $check_access); |
} |
return $build; |
} |
/** |
* Adds new element to the array. |
* |
* @param array $build |
* The renderable array to add the child item. |
* @param mixed $key |
* The key of the new element. |
* @param mixed $element |
* The element to add. |
* |
* @return array |
* The modified array. |
*/ |
public static function withFilter(array $build, $key, $element): array { |
if (is_array($key)) { |
NestedArray::setValue($build, $key, $element); |
} |
else { |
$build[$key] = $element; |
} |
return $build; |
} |
/** |
* Filters out the children of a render array, optionally sorted by weight. |
* |
* @param array $build |
* The render array whose children are to be filtered. |
* @param bool $sort |
* Boolean to indicate whether the children should be sorted by weight. |
* |
* @return array |
* The element's children. |
*/ |
public static function childrenFilter(array $build, bool $sort = FALSE): array { |
$keys = Element::children($build, $sort); |
return array_intersect_key($build, array_flip($keys)); |
} |
/** |
* Returns a URL path to the file. |
* |
* @param string|object $input |
* Can be either file URI or an object that contains the URI. |
* |
* @return string|null |
* A URL that may be used to access the file. |
*/ |
public static function fileUrlFilter($input): ?string { |
if (is_string($input)) { |
return file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($input)); |
} |
if ($input instanceof EntityReferenceFieldItemListInterface) { |
$referenced_entities = $input->referencedEntities(); |
if (isset($referenced_entities[0])) { |
return self::getUrlFromEntity($referenced_entities[0]); |
} |
} |
elseif ($input instanceof EntityReferenceItem) { |
return self::getUrlFromEntity($input->entity); |
} |
} |
/** |
* Evaluates a string of PHP code. |
* |
* @param string $code |
* Valid PHP code to be evaluated. |
* |
* @return mixed |
* The eval() result. |
*/ |
public static function phpFilter(string $code) { |
ob_start(); |
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart |
print eval($code); |
// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd |
$output = ob_get_contents(); |
ob_end_clean(); |
return $output; |
} |
/** |
* Extracts file URL form content entity. |
* |
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity |
* Entity object that contains information about the file. |
* |
* @return string|null |
* A URL that may be used to access the file. |
*/ |
private static function getUrlFromEntity(EntityInterface $entity): ?string { |
if ($entity instanceof MediaInterface) { |
$source = $entity->getSource(); |
$value = $source->getSourceFieldValue($entity); |
if ($source instanceof OEmbedInterface) { |
return $value; |
} |
elseif ($file = File::load($value)) { |
return $file->createFileUrl(); |
} |
} |
elseif ($entity instanceof FileInterface) { |
return $entity->createFileUrl(); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\twig_tweak\View; |
use Drupal\Core\Block\BlockPluginInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Block\TitleBlockPluginInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableDependencyInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata; |
use Drupal\Core\Controller\TitleResolverInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Plugin\ContextAwarePluginInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\ContextHandlerInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\ContextRepositoryInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element; |
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface; |
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack; |
/** |
* BlockViewBuilder service. |
*/ |
class BlockViewBuilder { |
/** |
* The plugin.manager.block service. |
* |
* @var \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableDependencyInterface |
*/ |
protected $pluginManagerBlock; |
/** |
* The context repository service. |
* |
* @var \Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\ContextRepositoryInterface |
*/ |
protected $contextRepository; |
/** |
* The plugin context handler. |
* |
* @var \Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\ContextHandlerInterface |
*/ |
protected $contextHandler; |
/** |
* The current user. |
* |
* @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface |
*/ |
protected $account; |
/** |
* The request stack. |
* |
* @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack |
*/ |
protected $requestStack; |
/** |
* The current route match. |
* |
* @var \Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface |
*/ |
protected $routeMatch; |
/** |
* The title resolver. |
* |
* @var \Drupal\Core\Controller\TitleResolverInterface |
*/ |
protected $titleResolver; |
/** |
* Constructs a BlockViewBuilder object. |
*/ |
public function __construct( |
CacheableDependencyInterface $plugin_manager_block, |
ContextRepositoryInterface $context_repository, |
ContextHandlerInterface $context_handler, |
AccountInterface $account, |
RequestStack $request_stack, |
RouteMatchInterface $route_match, |
TitleResolverInterface $title_resolver |
) { |
$this->pluginManagerBlock = $plugin_manager_block; |
$this->contextRepository = $context_repository; |
$this->contextHandler = $context_handler; |
$this->account = $account; |
$this->requestStack = $request_stack; |
$this->routeMatch = $route_match; |
$this->titleResolver = $title_resolver; |
} |
/** |
* Builds the render array for a block. |
* |
* @param string $id |
* The string of block plugin to render. |
* @param array $configuration |
* (optional) Pass on any configuration to the plugin block. |
* @param bool $wrapper |
* (optional) Whether or not use block template for rendering. |
* |
* @return array |
* A renderable array representing the content of the block. |
*/ |
public function build(string $id, array $configuration = [], bool $wrapper = TRUE): array { |
$configuration += ['label_display' => BlockPluginInterface::BLOCK_LABEL_VISIBLE]; |
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Block\BlockPluginInterface $block_plugin */ |
$block_plugin = $this->pluginManagerBlock->createInstance($id, $configuration); |
// Inject runtime contexts. |
if ($block_plugin instanceof ContextAwarePluginInterface) { |
$contexts = $this->contextRepository->getRuntimeContexts($block_plugin->getContextMapping()); |
$this->contextHandler->applyContextMapping($block_plugin, $contexts); |
} |
$build = []; |
$access = $block_plugin->access($this->account, TRUE); |
if ($access->isAllowed()) { |
// Title block needs a special treatment. |
if ($block_plugin instanceof TitleBlockPluginInterface) { |
$request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest(); |
$title = $this->titleResolver->getTitle($request, $this->routeMatch->getRouteObject()); |
$block_plugin->setTitle($title); |
} |
$build['content'] = $block_plugin->build(); |
if ($block_plugin instanceof TitleBlockPluginInterface) { |
$build['content']['#cache']['contexts'][] = 'url'; |
} |
if ($wrapper && !Element::isEmpty($build['content'])) { |
$build += [ |
'#theme' => 'block', |
'#attributes' => [], |
'#contextual_links' => [], |
'#configuration' => $block_plugin->getConfiguration(), |
'#plugin_id' => $block_plugin->getPluginId(), |
'#base_plugin_id' => $block_plugin->getBaseId(), |
'#derivative_plugin_id' => $block_plugin->getDerivativeId(), |
]; |
} |
} |
CacheableMetadata::createFromRenderArray($build) |
->merge(CacheableMetadata::createFromObject($access)) |
->applyTo($build); |
return $build; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\twig_tweak\View; |
use Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult; |
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata; |
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormBuilderInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface; |
/** |
* EntityFormViewBuilder service. |
*/ |
class EntityFormViewBuilder { |
/** |
* The entity form builder service. |
* |
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormBuilderInterface |
*/ |
protected $entityFormBuilder; |
/** |
* Constructs an EntityFormViewBuilder object. |
*/ |
public function __construct(EntityFormBuilderInterface $entity_form_builder) { |
$this->entityFormBuilder = $entity_form_builder; |
} |
/** |
* Gets the built and processed entity form for the given entity type. |
* |
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity |
* The entity. |
* @param string $form_mode |
* (optional) The mode identifying the form variation to be returned. |
* @param bool $check_access |
* (optional) Indicates that access check is required. |
* |
* @return array |
* The processed form for the given entity type and form mode. |
*/ |
public function build(EntityInterface $entity, string $form_mode = 'default', bool $check_access = TRUE): array { |
$build = []; |
$operation = $entity->isNew() ? 'create' : 'update'; |
$access = $check_access ? $entity->access($operation, NULL, TRUE) : AccessResult::allowed(); |
if ($access->isAllowed()) { |
$build = $this->entityFormBuilder->getForm($entity, $form_mode); |
} |
CacheableMetadata::createFromRenderArray($build) |
->merge(CacheableMetadata::createFromObject($entity)) |
->merge(CacheableMetadata::createFromObject($access)) |
->applyTo($build); |
return $build; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\twig_tweak\View; |
use Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult; |
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata; |
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface; |
/** |
* EntityViewBuilder service. |
*/ |
class EntityViewBuilder { |
/** |
* The entity type manager. |
* |
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface |
*/ |
protected $entityTypeManager; |
/** |
* Constructs an EntityViewBuilder object. |
*/ |
public function __construct(EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager) { |
$this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager; |
} |
/** |
* Builds a render array for a given entity. |
*/ |
public function build(EntityInterface $entity, string $view_mode = 'full', string $langcode = NULL, bool $check_access = TRUE): array { |
$build = []; |
$access = $check_access ? $entity->access('view', NULL, TRUE) : AccessResult::allowed(); |
if ($access->isAllowed()) { |
$build = $this->entityTypeManager |
->getViewBuilder($entity->getEntityTypeId()) |
->view($entity, $view_mode, $langcode); |
} |
CacheableMetadata::createFromRenderArray($build) |
->merge(CacheableMetadata::createFromObject($entity)) |
->merge(CacheableMetadata::createFromObject($access)) |
->applyTo($build); |
return $build; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\twig_tweak\View; |
use Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult; |
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata; |
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityRepositoryInterface; |
/** |
* FieldViewBuilder service. |
*/ |
class FieldViewBuilder { |
/** |
* The entity repository. |
* |
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityRepositoryInterface |
*/ |
protected $entityRepository; |
/** |
* Constructs a FieldViewBuilder object. |
*/ |
public function __construct(EntityRepositoryInterface $entity_repository) { |
$this->entityRepository = $entity_repository; |
} |
/** |
* Returns the render array for a single entity field. |
* |
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity |
* The entity. |
* @param string $field_name |
* The field name. |
* @param string|array $view_mode |
* (optional) The view mode that should be used to render the field. |
* @param string $langcode |
* (optional) Language code to load translation. |
* @param bool $check_access |
* (optional) Indicates that access check is required. |
* |
* @return array |
* A render array for the field. |
*/ |
public function build( |
EntityInterface $entity, |
string $field_name, |
$view_mode = 'full', |
string $langcode = NULL, |
bool $check_access = TRUE |
): array { |
$build = []; |
$access = $check_access ? $entity->access('view', NULL, TRUE) : AccessResult::allowed(); |
if ($access->isAllowed()) { |
$entity = $this->entityRepository->getTranslationFromContext($entity, $langcode); |
if (!isset($entity->{$field_name})) { |
// @todo Trigger error here. |
return []; |
} |
$build = $entity->{$field_name}->view($view_mode); |
} |
CacheableMetadata::createFromRenderArray($build) |
->merge(CacheableMetadata::createFromObject($access)) |
->merge(CacheableMetadata::createFromObject($entity)) |
->applyTo($build); |
return $build; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\twig_tweak\View; |
use Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult; |
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata; |
use Drupal\file\FileInterface; |
/** |
* ImageViewBuilder service. |
*/ |
class ImageViewBuilder { |
/** |
* Builds an image. |
* |
* @param \Drupal\file\FileInterface $file |
* The file object. |
* @param string $style |
* (optional) Image style. |
* @param array $attributes |
* (optional) Image attributes. |
* @param bool $responsive |
* (optional) Indicates that the provided image style is responsive. |
* @param bool $check_access |
* (optional) Indicates that access check is required. |
* |
* @return array |
* A renderable array to represent the image. |
*/ |
public function build(FileInterface $file, string $style = NULL, array $attributes = [], bool $responsive = FALSE, bool $check_access = TRUE): array { |
$access = $check_access ? $file->access('view', NULL, TRUE) : AccessResult::allowed(); |
$build = []; |
if ($access->isAllowed()) { |
$build['#uri'] = $file->getFileUri(); |
$build['#attributes'] = $attributes; |
if ($style) { |
if ($responsive) { |
$build['#type'] = 'responsive_image'; |
$build['#responsive_image_style_id'] = $style; |
} |
else { |
$build['#theme'] = 'image_style'; |
$build['#style_name'] = $style; |
} |
} |
else { |
$build['#theme'] = 'image'; |
} |
} |
CacheableMetadata::createFromRenderArray($build) |
->merge(CacheableMetadata::createFromObject($access)) |
->applyTo($build); |
return $build; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\twig_tweak\View; |
use Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkTreeInterface; |
/** |
* MenuViewBuilder service. |
*/ |
class MenuViewBuilder { |
/** |
* The menu link tree service. |
* |
* @var \Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkTreeInterface |
*/ |
protected $menuLinkTree; |
/** |
* Constructs a MenuViewBuilder object. |
*/ |
public function __construct(MenuLinkTreeInterface $menu_link_tree) { |
$this->menuLinkTree = $menu_link_tree; |
} |
/** |
* Returns the render array for a menu. |
* |
* @param string $menu_name |
* The name of the menu. |
* @param int $level |
* (optional) Initial menu level. |
* @param int $depth |
* (optional) Maximum number of menu levels to display. |
* @param bool $expand |
* (optional) Expand all menu links. |
* |
* @return array |
* A render array for the menu. |
* |
* @see \Drupal\system\Plugin\Block\SystemMenuBlock::build() |
*/ |
public function build(string $menu_name, int $level = 1, int $depth = 0, bool $expand = FALSE): array { |
$parameters = $this->menuLinkTree->getCurrentRouteMenuTreeParameters($menu_name); |
// Adjust the menu tree parameters based on the block's configuration. |
$parameters->setMinDepth($level); |
// When the depth is configured to zero, there is no depth limit. When depth |
// is non-zero, it indicates the number of levels that must be displayed. |
// Hence this is a relative depth that we must convert to an actual |
// (absolute) depth, that may never exceed the maximum depth. |
if ($depth > 0) { |
$parameters->setMaxDepth(min($level + $depth - 1, $this->menuLinkTree->maxDepth())); |
} |
// If expandedParents is empty, the whole menu tree is built. |
if ($expand) { |
$parameters->expandedParents = []; |
} |
$tree = $this->menuLinkTree->load($menu_name, $parameters); |
$manipulators = [ |
['callable' => 'menu.default_tree_manipulators:checkAccess'], |
['callable' => 'menu.default_tree_manipulators:generateIndexAndSort'], |
]; |
$tree = $this->menuLinkTree->transform($tree, $manipulators); |
return $this->menuLinkTree->build($tree); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\twig_tweak\View; |
use Drupal\Core\Block\TitleBlockPluginInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata; |
use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Controller\TitleResolverInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface; |
use Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\RouteObjectInterface; |
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack; |
/** |
* RegionViewBuilder service. |
*/ |
class RegionViewBuilder { |
/** |
* The entity type manager. |
* |
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface |
*/ |
protected $entityTypeManager; |
/** |
* The config factory. |
* |
* @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface |
*/ |
protected $configFactory; |
/** |
* The request stack. |
* |
* @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack |
*/ |
protected $requestStack; |
/** |
* The title resolver. |
* |
* @var \Drupal\Core\Controller\TitleResolverInterface |
*/ |
protected $titleResolver; |
/** |
* Constructs a RegionViewBuilder object. |
*/ |
public function __construct( |
EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager, |
ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory, |
RequestStack $request_stack, |
TitleResolverInterface $title_resolver |
) { |
$this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager; |
$this->configFactory = $config_factory; |
$this->requestStack = $request_stack; |
$this->titleResolver = $title_resolver; |
} |
/** |
* Builds the render array of a given region. |
* |
* @param string $region |
* The region to build. |
* @param string $theme |
* (optional) The name of the theme to load the region. If it is not |
* provided then default theme will be used. |
* |
* @return array |
* A render array to display the region content. |
*/ |
public function build(string $region, string $theme = NULL): array { |
$blocks = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('block')->loadByProperties([ |
'region' => $region, |
'theme' => $theme ?: $this->configFactory->get('system.theme')->get('default'), |
]); |
$view_builder = $this->entityTypeManager->getViewBuilder('block'); |
$build = []; |
$cache_metadata = new CacheableMetadata(); |
/* @var $blocks \Drupal\block\BlockInterface[] */ |
foreach ($blocks as $id => $block) { |
$access = $block->access('view', NULL, TRUE); |
$cache_metadata = $cache_metadata->merge(CacheableMetadata::createFromObject($access)); |
if ($access->isAllowed()) { |
$block_plugin = $block->getPlugin(); |
if ($block_plugin instanceof TitleBlockPluginInterface) { |
$request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest(); |
if ($route = $request->attributes->get(RouteObjectInterface::ROUTE_OBJECT)) { |
$block_plugin->setTitle($this->titleResolver->getTitle($request, $route)); |
} |
} |
$build[$id] = $view_builder->view($block); |
} |
} |
if ($build) { |
$build['#region'] = $region; |
$build['#theme_wrappers'] = ['region']; |
$cache_metadata->applyTo($build); |
} |
return $build; |
} |
} |
@ -1,598 +0,0 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\Tests\twig_tweak\Kernel; |
use Drupal\block\BlockViewBuilder; |
use Drupal\block\Entity\Block; |
use Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult; |
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache; |
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface; |
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface; |
use Drupal\file\Entity\File; |
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase; |
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node; |
use Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType; |
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface; |
use Drupal\Tests\user\Traits\UserCreationTrait; |
/** |
* Tests for the Twig Tweak access control. |
* |
* @group twig_tweak |
*/ |
class AccessTest extends KernelTestBase { |
use UserCreationTrait; |
/** |
* A node for testing. |
* |
* @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface |
*/ |
private $node; |
/** |
* The Twig extension. |
* |
* @var \Drupal\twig_tweak\TwigExtension |
*/ |
private $twigExtension; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public static $modules = [ |
'twig_tweak', |
'twig_tweak_test', |
'node', |
'file', |
'user', |
'system', |
'block', |
]; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
protected function setUp() { |
parent::setUp(); |
$this->installEntitySchema('node'); |
$this->installEntitySchema('user'); |
$this->installConfig(['system']); |
$node_type = NodeType::create([ |
'type' => 'article', |
'name' => 'Article', |
]); |
$node_type->save(); |
$values = [ |
'type' => 'article', |
'status' => NodeInterface::PUBLISHED, |
// @see twig_tweak_test_node_access() |
'title' => 'Entity access test', |
]; |
$this->node = Node::create($values); |
$this->node->save(); |
$this->twigExtension = $this->container->get('twig_tweak.twig_extension'); |
} |
/** |
* Test callback. |
*/ |
public function testDrupalEntity() { |
// -- Unprivileged user with access check. |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 1']); |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalEntity('node', $this->node->id()); |
self::assertArrayNotHasKey('#node', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => ['user.permissions'], |
'tags' => ['node:1'], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Unprivileged user without access check. |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalEntity('node', $this->node->id(), NULL, NULL, FALSE); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#node', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'tags' => [ |
'node:1', |
'node_view', |
], |
'contexts' => [], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Privileged user with access check. |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 2'], ['access content']); |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalEntity('node', $this->node->id()); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#node', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'tags' => [ |
'node:1', |
'node_view', |
'tag_from_twig_tweak_test_node_access', |
], |
'contexts' => [ |
'user', |
'user.permissions', |
], |
'max-age' => 50, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Privileged user without access check. |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalEntity('node', $this->node->id(), NULL, NULL, FALSE); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#node', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'tags' => [ |
'node:1', |
'node_view', |
], |
'contexts' => [], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
} |
/** |
* Test callback. |
*/ |
public function testDrupalField() { |
// -- Unprivileged user with access check. |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 1']); |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalField('title', 'node', $this->node->id()); |
self::assertArrayNotHasKey('#items', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => ['user.permissions'], |
'tags' => ['node:1'], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Unprivileged user without access check. |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalField('title', 'node', $this->node->id(), 'default', NULL, FALSE); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#items', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => [], |
'tags' => ['node:1'], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Privileged user with access check. |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 2'], ['access content']); |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalField('title', 'node', $this->node->id()); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#items', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => [ |
'user', |
'user.permissions', |
], |
'tags' => [ |
'node:1', |
'tag_from_twig_tweak_test_node_access', |
], |
'max-age' => 50, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Privileged user without access check. |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalField('title', 'node', $this->node->id(), 'default', NULL, FALSE); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#items', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => [], |
'tags' => ['node:1'], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
} |
/** |
* Test callback. |
*/ |
public function testDrupalEntityEditForm() { |
// -- Unprivileged user with access check. |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 1']); |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalEntityForm('node', $this->node->id()); |
self::assertArrayNotHasKey('form_id', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => ['user.permissions'], |
'tags' => ['node:1'], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Unprivileged user without access check. |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalEntityForm('node', $this->node->id(), 'default', [], FALSE); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('form_id', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => ['user.roles:authenticated'], |
'tags' => [ |
'config:core.entity_form_display.node.article.default', |
'node:1', |
], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Privileged user with access check. |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 2'], ['access content']); |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalEntityForm('node', $this->node->id()); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#form_id', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => [ |
'user', |
'user.permissions', |
'user.roles:authenticated', |
], |
'tags' => [ |
'config:core.entity_form_display.node.article.default', |
'node:1', |
'tag_from_twig_tweak_test_node_access', |
], |
'max-age' => 50, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Privileged user without access check. |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalEntityForm('node', $this->node->id(), 'default', [], FALSE); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#form_id', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => ['user.roles:authenticated'], |
'tags' => [ |
'config:core.entity_form_display.node.article.default', |
'node:1', |
], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
} |
/** |
* Test callback. |
*/ |
public function testDrupalEntityAddForm() { |
$node_values = ['type' => 'article']; |
// -- Unprivileged user with access check. |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 1']); |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalEntityForm('node', NULL, 'default', $node_values); |
self::assertArrayNotHasKey('form_id', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => ['user.permissions'], |
'tags' => [], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Unprivileged user without access check. |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalEntityForm('node', NULL, 'default', $node_values, FALSE); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('form_id', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => ['user.roles:authenticated'], |
'tags' => ['config:core.entity_form_display.node.article.default'], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Privileged user with access check. |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 2'], ['access content', 'create article content']); |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalEntityForm('node', NULL, 'default', $node_values); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('form_id', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => [ |
'user.permissions', |
'user.roles:authenticated', |
], |
'tags' => ['config:core.entity_form_display.node.article.default'], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Privileged user without access check. |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalEntityForm('node', NULL, 'default', $node_values); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('form_id', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => [ |
'user.permissions', |
'user.roles:authenticated', |
], |
'tags' => ['config:core.entity_form_display.node.article.default'], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
} |
/** |
* Test callback. |
* |
* @see \Drupal\twig_tweak_test\Plugin\Block\FooBlock |
*/ |
public function testDrupalBlock() { |
// -- Privileged user. |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 1']); |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalBlock('twig_tweak_test_foo'); |
$expected_content = [ |
'#markup' => 'Foo', |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => ['url'], |
'tags' => ['tag_from_build'], |
], |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_content, $build['content']); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => ['user'], |
'tags' => ['tag_from_blockAccess'], |
'max-age' => 35, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Unprivileged user. |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 2']); |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalBlock('twig_tweak_test_foo'); |
self::assertArrayNotHasKey('content', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => ['user'], |
'tags' => ['tag_from_blockAccess'], |
'max-age' => 35, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
} |
/** |
* Test callback. |
*/ |
public function testDrupalRegion() { |
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart |
$create_block = function ($id) { |
return new class(['id' => $id], 'block') extends Block { |
public function access($operation, AccountInterface $account = NULL, $return_as_object = FALSE) { |
$result = AccessResult::allowedIf($this->id == 'block_1'); |
$result->cachePerUser(); |
$result->addCacheTags(['tag_for_' . $this->id]); |
$result->setCacheMaxAge(123); |
return $return_as_object ? $result : $result->isAllowed(); |
} |
public function getPlugin() { |
return NULL; |
} |
}; |
}; |
// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd |
$storage = $this->createMock(EntityStorageInterface::class); |
$blocks = [ |
'block_1' => $create_block('block_1'), |
'block_2' => $create_block('block_2'), |
]; |
$storage->expects($this->any()) |
->method('loadByProperties') |
->willReturn($blocks); |
$view_builder = $this->createMock(BlockViewBuilder::class); |
$content = [ |
'#markup' => 'foo', |
'#cache' => [ |
'tags' => ['tag_from_view'], |
], |
]; |
$view_builder->expects($this->any()) |
->method('view') |
->willReturn($content); |
$entity_type_manager = $this->createMock(EntityTypeManagerInterface::class); |
$entity_type_manager->expects($this->any()) |
->method('getStorage') |
->willReturn($storage); |
$entity_type_manager->expects($this->any()) |
->method('getViewBuilder') |
->willReturn($view_builder); |
$this->container->set('entity_type.manager', $entity_type_manager); |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalRegion('bar'); |
$expected_build = [ |
'block_1' => [ |
'#markup' => 'foo', |
'#cache' => [ |
'tags' => ['tag_from_view'], |
], |
], |
'#region' => 'bar', |
'#theme_wrappers' => ['region'], |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => ['user'], |
'tags' => [ |
'tag_for_block_1', |
'tag_for_block_2', |
], |
'max-age' => 123, |
], |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
} |
/** |
* Test callback. |
*/ |
public function testDrupalImage() { |
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart |
$create_image = function ($uri) { |
$file = new class(['uri' => $uri], 'file') extends File { |
public function access($operation, AccountInterface $account = NULL, $return_as_object = FALSE) { |
$is_public = parse_url($this->getFileUri(), PHP_URL_SCHEME) == 'public'; |
$result = AccessResult::allowedIf($is_public); |
$result->cachePerUser(); |
$result->addCacheTags(['tag_for_' . $this->getFileUri()]); |
$result->setCacheMaxAge(123); |
return $return_as_object ? $result : $result->isAllowed(); |
} |
public function getPlugin() { |
return NULL; |
} |
}; |
$file->setFileUri($uri); |
return $file; |
}; |
// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd |
$storage = $this->createMock(EntityStorageInterface::class); |
$map = [ |
[ |
['uri' => 'public://ocean.jpg'], |
[$create_image('public://ocean.jpg')], |
], |
[ |
['uri' => 'private://sea.jpg'], |
[$create_image('private://sea.jpg')], |
], |
]; |
$storage->method('loadByProperties') |
->will($this->returnValueMap($map)); |
$entity_type_manager = $this->createMock(EntityTypeManagerInterface::class); |
$entity_type_manager->method('getStorage')->willReturn($storage); |
$this->container->set('entity_type.manager', $entity_type_manager); |
// -- Public image with access check. |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalImage('public://ocean.jpg'); |
$expected_build = [ |
'#uri' => 'public://ocean.jpg', |
'#attributes' => [], |
'#theme' => 'image', |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => ['user'], |
'tags' => ['tag_for_public://ocean.jpg'], |
'max-age' => 123, |
], |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
// -- Public image without access check. |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalImage('public://ocean.jpg', NULL, [], NULL, FALSE); |
$expected_build = [ |
'#uri' => 'public://ocean.jpg', |
'#attributes' => [], |
'#theme' => 'image', |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => [], |
'tags' => [], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
], |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
// -- Private image with access check. |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalImage('private://sea.jpg'); |
$expected_build = [ |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => ['user'], |
'tags' => ['tag_for_private://sea.jpg'], |
'max-age' => 123, |
], |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
// -- Private image without access check. |
$build = $this->twigExtension->drupalImage('private://sea.jpg', NULL, [], NULL, FALSE); |
$expected_build = [ |
'#uri' => 'private://sea.jpg', |
'#attributes' => [], |
'#theme' => 'image', |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => [], |
'tags' => [], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
], |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
} |
/** |
* Test callback. |
*/ |
public function testView() { |
// -- Unprivileged user with access check. |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 1']); |
$build = $this->twigExtension->view($this->node); |
self::assertArrayNotHasKey('#node', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => ['user.permissions'], |
'tags' => ['node:1'], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Unprivileged user without access check. |
$build = $this->twigExtension->view($this->node, NULL, NULL, FALSE); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#node', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'tags' => [ |
'node:1', |
'node_view', |
], |
'contexts' => [], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Privileged user with access check. |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 2'], ['access content']); |
$build = $this->twigExtension->view($this->node, NULL); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#node', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'tags' => [ |
'node:1', |
'node_view', |
'tag_from_twig_tweak_test_node_access', |
], |
'contexts' => [ |
'user', |
'user.permissions', |
], |
'max-age' => 50, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
// -- Privileged user without access check. |
$build = $this->twigExtension->view($this->node, NULL, NULL, FALSE); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#node', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'tags' => [ |
'node:1', |
'node_view', |
], |
'contexts' => [], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\Tests\twig_tweak\Kernel; |
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase; |
use Drupal\Tests\user\Traits\UserCreationTrait; |
/** |
* A test for BlockViewBuilder. |
* |
* @group twig_tweak |
*/ |
final class BlockViewBuilderTest extends KernelTestBase { |
use UserCreationTrait; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public static $modules = [ |
'twig_tweak', |
'twig_tweak_test', |
'user', |
'system', |
'block', |
]; |
/** |
* Test callback. |
* |
* @see \Drupal\twig_tweak_test\Plugin\Block\FooBlock |
*/ |
public function testBlockViewBuilder(): void { |
$view_builder = $this->container->get('twig_tweak.block_view_builder'); |
// -- Default output. |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 1']); |
$build = $view_builder->build('twig_tweak_test_foo'); |
$expected_build = [ |
'content' => [ |
'#markup' => 'Foo', |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => ['url'], |
'tags' => ['tag_from_build'], |
], |
], |
'#theme' => 'block', |
'#attributes' => [], |
'#contextual_links' => [], |
'#configuration' => [ |
'id' => 'twig_tweak_test_foo', |
'label' => '', |
'provider' => 'twig_tweak_test', |
'label_display' => 'visible', |
'content' => 'Foo', |
], |
'#plugin_id' => 'twig_tweak_test_foo', |
'#base_plugin_id' => 'twig_tweak_test_foo', |
'#derivative_plugin_id' => NULL, |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => ['user'], |
'tags' => ['tag_from_blockAccess'], |
'max-age' => 35, |
], |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
self::assertSame('<div>Foo</div>', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
// -- Non-default configuration. |
$build = $view_builder->build('twig_tweak_test_foo', ['content' => 'Bar', 'label' => 'Example']); |
$expected_build['content']['#markup'] = 'Bar'; |
$expected_build['#configuration']['label'] = 'Example'; |
$expected_build['#configuration']['content'] = 'Bar'; |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
self::assertSame('<div><h2>Example</h2>Bar</div>', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
// -- Without wrapper. |
$build = $view_builder->build('twig_tweak_test_foo', [], FALSE); |
$expected_build = [ |
'content' => [ |
'#markup' => 'Foo', |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => ['url'], |
'tags' => ['tag_from_build'], |
], |
], |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => ['user'], |
'tags' => ['tag_from_blockAccess'], |
'max-age' => 35, |
], |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
self::assertSame('Foo', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
// -- Unprivileged user. |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 2']); |
$build = $view_builder->build('twig_tweak_test_foo'); |
$expected_build = [ |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => ['user'], |
'tags' => ['tag_from_blockAccess'], |
'max-age' => 35, |
], |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
self::assertSame('', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
} |
/** |
* Renders a render array. |
*/ |
private function renderPlain(array $build): string { |
$renderer = $this->container->get('renderer'); |
return rtrim(preg_replace('#\s{2,}#', '', $renderer->renderPlain($build))); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\Tests\twig_tweak\Kernel; |
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache; |
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase; |
use Drupal\Tests\user\Traits\UserCreationTrait; |
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node; |
use Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType; |
/** |
* A test for EntityFormViewBuilder. |
* |
* @group twig_tweak |
*/ |
final class EntityFormViewBuilderTest extends KernelTestBase { |
use UserCreationTrait; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public static $modules = [ |
'twig_tweak', |
'twig_tweak_test', |
'user', |
'system', |
'node', |
'field', |
'text', |
]; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public function setUp(): void { |
parent::setUp(); |
$this->installConfig(['system']); |
$this->installEntitySchema('node'); |
NodeType::create(['type' => 'article'])->save(); |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 1'], ['edit any article content', 'access content']); |
} |
/** |
* Test callback. |
*/ |
public function testEntityViewBuilder(): void { |
$view_builder = $this->container->get('twig_tweak.entity_form_view_builder'); |
$values = [ |
'type' => 'article', |
'title' => 'Public node', |
]; |
$public_node = Node::create($values); |
$public_node->save(); |
$values = [ |
'type' => 'article', |
'title' => 'Private node', |
]; |
$private_node = Node::create($values); |
$private_node->save(); |
// -- Default mode. |
$build = $view_builder->build($public_node); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#form_id', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => [ |
'user', |
'user.permissions', |
'user.roles:authenticated', |
], |
'tags' => [ |
'config:core.entity_form_display.node.article.default', |
'node:1', |
'tag_from_twig_tweak_test_node_access', |
], |
'max-age' => 50, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
self::assertContains('<form class="node-article-form node-form" ', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
// -- Private node with access check. |
$build = $view_builder->build($private_node); |
self::assertArrayNotHasKey('#form_id', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => [ |
'user', |
'user.permissions', |
], |
'tags' => [ |
'node:2', |
'tag_from_twig_tweak_test_node_access', |
], |
'max-age' => 50, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
self::assertSame('', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
// -- Private node without access check. |
$build = $view_builder->build($private_node, 'default', FALSE); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#form_id', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => [ |
'user.roles:authenticated', |
], |
'tags' => [ |
'config:core.entity_form_display.node.article.default', |
'node:2', |
], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
self::assertContains('<form class="node-article-form node-form" ', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
} |
/** |
* Renders a render array. |
*/ |
private function renderPlain(array $build): string { |
return $this->container->get('renderer')->renderPlain($build); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\Tests\twig_tweak\Kernel; |
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache; |
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase; |
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node; |
use Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType; |
use Drupal\Tests\user\Traits\UserCreationTrait; |
/** |
* A test for EntityViewBuilder. |
* |
* @group twig_tweak |
*/ |
final class EntityViewBuilderTest extends KernelTestBase { |
use UserCreationTrait; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public static $modules = [ |
'twig_tweak', |
'twig_tweak_test', |
'user', |
'system', |
'node', |
'field', |
'text', |
]; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public function setUp(): void { |
parent::setUp(); |
$this->installConfig(['system', 'node']); |
$this->installEntitySchema('node'); |
NodeType::create(['type' => 'article'])->save(); |
$this->setUpCurrentUser([], ['access content']); |
} |
/** |
* Test callback. |
*/ |
public function testEntityViewBuilder(): void { |
$view_builder = $this->container->get('twig_tweak.entity_view_builder'); |
$values = [ |
'type' => 'article', |
'title' => 'Public node', |
]; |
$public_node = Node::create($values); |
$public_node->save(); |
$values = [ |
'type' => 'article', |
'title' => 'Private node', |
]; |
$private_node = Node::create($values); |
$private_node->save(); |
// -- Full mode. |
$build = $view_builder->build($public_node); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#node', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'tags' => [ |
'node:1', |
'node_view', |
'tag_from_twig_tweak_test_node_access', |
], |
'contexts' => [ |
'user', |
'user.permissions', |
], |
'max-age' => 50, |
'keys' => [ |
'entity_view', |
'node', |
'1', |
'full', |
], |
'bin' => 'render', |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
$expected_html = <<< 'HTML' |
<article role="article"> |
<h2><a href="/node/1" rel="bookmark"><span>Public node</span></a></h2> |
<div></div> |
</article> |
$actual_html = $this->renderPlain($build); |
self::assertSame(self::normalizeHtml($expected_html), self::normalizeHtml($actual_html)); |
// -- Teaser mode. |
$build = $view_builder->build($public_node, 'teaser'); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#node', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'tags' => [ |
'node:1', |
'node_view', |
'tag_from_twig_tweak_test_node_access', |
], |
'contexts' => [ |
'user', |
'user.permissions', |
], |
'max-age' => 50, |
'keys' => [ |
'entity_view', |
'node', |
'1', |
'teaser', |
], |
'bin' => 'render', |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
$expected_html = <<< 'HTML' |
<article role="article"> |
<h2><a href="/node/1" rel="bookmark"><span>Public node</span></a></h2> |
<div> |
<ul class="links inline"> |
<li> |
<a href="/node/1" rel="tag" title="Public node" hreflang="en"> |
Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about Public node</span> |
</a> |
</li> |
</ul> |
</div> |
</article> |
$actual_html = $this->renderPlain($build); |
self::assertSame(self::normalizeHtml($expected_html), self::normalizeHtml($actual_html)); |
// -- Private node with access check. |
$build = $view_builder->build($private_node); |
self::assertArrayNotHasKey('#node', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => [ |
'user', |
'user.permissions', |
], |
'tags' => [ |
'node:2', |
'tag_from_twig_tweak_test_node_access', |
], |
'max-age' => 50, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
self::assertSame('', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
// -- Private node without access check. |
$build = $view_builder->build($private_node, 'full', NULL, FALSE); |
self::assertArrayHasKey('#node', $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'tags' => [ |
'node:2', |
'node_view', |
], |
'contexts' => [], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
'keys' => [ |
'entity_view', |
'node', |
'2', |
'full', |
], |
'bin' => 'render', |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
$expected_html = <<< 'HTML' |
<article role="article"> |
<h2><a href="/node/2" rel="bookmark"><span>Private node</span></a></h2> |
<div></div> |
</article> |
$actual_html = $this->renderPlain($build); |
self::assertSame(self::normalizeHtml($expected_html), self::normalizeHtml($actual_html)); |
} |
/** |
* Renders a render array. |
*/ |
private function renderPlain(array $build): string { |
$actual_html = $this->container->get('renderer')->renderPlain($build); |
$actual_html = preg_replace('#<footer>.+</footer>#s', '', $actual_html); |
return $actual_html; |
} |
/** |
* Normalizes the provided HTML. |
*/ |
private static function normalizeHtml(string $html): string { |
return rtrim(preg_replace(['#\s{2,}#', '#\n#'], '', $html)); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\Tests\twig_tweak\Kernel; |
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache; |
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase; |
use Drupal\Tests\user\Traits\UserCreationTrait; |
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node; |
use Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType; |
/** |
* A test for FieldViewBuilder. |
* |
* @group twig_tweak |
*/ |
final class FieldViewBuilderTest extends KernelTestBase { |
use UserCreationTrait; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public static $modules = [ |
'twig_tweak', |
'twig_tweak_test', |
'user', |
'system', |
'node', |
]; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public function setUp(): void { |
parent::setUp(); |
$this->installEntitySchema('node'); |
$this->setUpCurrentUser(['name' => 'User 1'], ['access content']); |
NodeType::create(['type' => 'article'])->save(); |
} |
/** |
* Test callback. |
*/ |
public function testFieldViewBuilder(): void { |
$view_builder = $this->container->get('twig_tweak.field_view_builder'); |
$values = [ |
'type' => 'article', |
'title' => 'Public node', |
]; |
$public_node = Node::create($values); |
$public_node->save(); |
$values = [ |
'type' => 'article', |
'title' => 'Private node', |
]; |
$private_node = Node::create($values); |
$private_node->save(); |
// -- Full mode. |
$build = $view_builder->build($public_node, 'title'); |
self::assertArrayHasKey(0, $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => [ |
'user', |
'user.permissions', |
], |
'tags' => [ |
'node:1', |
'tag_from_twig_tweak_test_node_access', |
], |
'max-age' => 50, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
self::assertSame('<span>Public node</span>', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
// -- Custom mode. |
$build = $view_builder->build($public_node, 'title', ['settings' => ['link_to_entity' => TRUE]]); |
self::assertArrayHasKey(0, $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => [ |
'user', |
'user.permissions', |
], |
'tags' => [ |
'node:1', |
'tag_from_twig_tweak_test_node_access', |
], |
'max-age' => 50, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
$expected_html = '<span><a href="/node/1" hreflang="en">Public node</a></span>'; |
self::assertSame($expected_html, $this->renderPlain($build)); |
// -- Private node with access check. |
$build = $view_builder->build($private_node, 'title'); |
self::assertArrayNotHasKey(0, $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => [ |
'user', |
'user.permissions', |
], |
'tags' => [ |
'node:2', |
'tag_from_twig_tweak_test_node_access', |
], |
'max-age' => 50, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
self::assertSame('', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
// -- Private node without access check. |
$build = $view_builder->build($private_node, 'title', 'full', NULL, FALSE); |
self::assertArrayHasKey(0, $build); |
$expected_cache = [ |
'contexts' => [], |
'tags' => ['node:2'], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_cache, $build['#cache']); |
self::assertSame('<span>Private node</span>', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
} |
/** |
* Renders a render array. |
*/ |
private function renderPlain(array $build): string { |
$actual_html = $this->container->get('renderer')->renderPlain($build); |
$actual_html = preg_replace('#<footer>.+</footer>#s', '', $actual_html); |
$actual_html = preg_replace(['#\s{2,}#', '#\n#'], '', $actual_html); |
return $actual_html; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\Tests\twig_tweak\Kernel; |
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache; |
use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder; |
use Drupal\file\Entity\File; |
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle; |
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase; |
use Drupal\responsive_image\Entity\ResponsiveImageStyle; |
/** |
* A test for ImageViewBuilderTest. |
* |
* @group twig_tweak |
*/ |
final class ImageViewBuilderTest extends KernelTestBase { |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public static $modules = [ |
'twig_tweak', |
'twig_tweak_test', |
'user', |
'system', |
'file', |
'image', |
'responsive_image', |
'breakpoint', |
]; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public function setUp(): void { |
parent::setUp(); |
$this->installEntitySchema('file'); |
$this->installSchema('file', 'file_usage'); |
ImageStyle::create(['name' => 'large'])->save(); |
ResponsiveImageStyle::create(['id' => 'wide'])->save(); |
} |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public function register(ContainerBuilder $container) { |
parent::register($container); |
$container->register('stream_wrapper.private', 'Drupal\Core\StreamWrapper\PrivateStream') |
->addTag('stream_wrapper', ['scheme' => 'private']); |
} |
/** |
* Test callback. |
*/ |
public function testImageViewBuilder(): void { |
$view_builder = $this->container->get('twig_tweak.image_view_builder'); |
/** @var \Drupal\file\FileInterface $public_image */ |
$public_image = File::create(['uri' => 'public://ocean.jpg']); |
$public_image->save(); |
/** @var \Drupal\file\FileInterface $private_image */ |
$private_image = File::create(['uri' => 'private://sea.jpg']); |
$private_image->save(); |
// -- Without style. |
$build = $view_builder->build($public_image); |
$expected_build = [ |
'#uri' => 'public://ocean.jpg', |
'#attributes' => [], |
'#theme' => 'image', |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => [ |
'user', |
'user.permissions', |
], |
'tags' => ['tag_for_public://ocean.jpg'], |
'max-age' => 70, |
], |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
self::assertSame('<img src="/files/ocean.jpg" alt="" />', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
// -- With style. |
$build = $view_builder->build($public_image, 'large', ['alt' => 'Ocean']); |
$expected_build = [ |
'#uri' => 'public://ocean.jpg', |
'#attributes' => ['alt' => 'Ocean'], |
'#theme' => 'image_style', |
'#style_name' => 'large', |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => [ |
'user', |
'user.permissions', |
], |
'tags' => ['tag_for_public://ocean.jpg'], |
'max-age' => 70, |
], |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
self::assertSame('<img alt="Ocean" src="/files/styles/large/public/ocean.jpg?itok=abc" />', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
// -- With responsive style. |
$build = $view_builder->build($public_image, 'wide', ['alt' => 'Ocean'], TRUE); |
$expected_build = [ |
'#uri' => 'public://ocean.jpg', |
'#attributes' => ['alt' => 'Ocean'], |
'#type' => 'responsive_image', |
'#responsive_image_style_id' => 'wide', |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => [ |
'user', |
'user.permissions', |
], |
'tags' => ['tag_for_public://ocean.jpg'], |
'max-age' => 70, |
], |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
self::assertSame('<picture><img src="/files/ocean.jpg" alt="Ocean" /></picture>', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
// -- Private image with access check. |
$build = $view_builder->build($private_image); |
$expected_build = [ |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => ['user'], |
'tags' => ['tag_for_private://sea.jpg'], |
'max-age' => 70, |
], |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
self::assertSame('', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
// -- Private image without access check. |
$build = $view_builder->build($private_image, NULL, [], FALSE, FALSE); |
$expected_build = [ |
'#uri' => 'private://sea.jpg', |
'#attributes' => [], |
'#theme' => 'image', |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => [], |
'tags' => [], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
], |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
self::assertSame('<img src="/files/sea.jpg" alt="" />', $this->renderPlain($build)); |
} |
/** |
* Renders a render array. |
*/ |
private function renderPlain(array $build): string { |
$html = $this->container->get('renderer')->renderPlain($build); |
$html = preg_replace('#src=".+/files/#s', 'src="/files/', $html); |
$html = preg_replace('#\?itok=.+"#', '?itok=abc"', $html); |
$html = preg_replace(['#\s{2,}#', '#\n#'], '', $html); |
return rtrim($html); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\Tests\twig_tweak\Kernel; |
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase; |
use Drupal\menu_link_content\Entity\MenuLinkContent; |
/** |
* A test for MenuViewBuilder. |
* |
* @group twig_tweak |
*/ |
final class MenuViewBuilderTest extends KernelTestBase { |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public static $modules = [ |
'twig_tweak', |
'user', |
'system', |
'link', |
'menu_link_content', |
]; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public function setUp(): void { |
parent::setUp(); |
$this->installEntitySchema('menu_link_content'); |
$this->container->get('entity_type.manager') |
->getStorage('menu') |
->create([ |
'id' => 'test-menu', |
'label' => 'Test menu', |
'description' => 'Description text.', |
]) |
->save(); |
$link_1 = MenuLinkContent::create([ |
'expanded' => TRUE, |
'title' => 'Link 1', |
'link' => ['uri' => 'internal:/foo/1'], |
'menu_name' => 'test-menu', |
]); |
$link_1->save(); |
MenuLinkContent::create([ |
'title' => 'Link 1.1', |
'link' => ['uri' => 'internal:/foo/1/1'], |
'menu_name' => 'test-menu', |
'parent' => $link_1->getPluginId(), |
])->save(); |
MenuLinkContent::create([ |
'title' => 'Link 2', |
'link' => ['uri' => 'internal:/foo/2'], |
'menu_name' => 'test-menu', |
])->save(); |
} |
/** |
* Test callback. |
*/ |
public function testMenuViewBuilder(): void { |
$view_builder = $this->container->get('twig_tweak.menu_view_builder'); |
$build = $view_builder->build('test-menu'); |
$expected_output = <<< 'HTML' |
<ul> |
<li> |
<a href="/foo/1">Link 1</a> |
<ul> |
<li> |
<a href="/foo/1/1">Link 1.1</a> |
</li> |
</ul> |
</li> |
<li> |
<a href="/foo/2">Link 2</a> |
</li> |
</ul> |
$this->assertMarkup($expected_output, $build); |
$build = $view_builder->build('test-menu', 2); |
$expected_output = <<< 'HTML' |
<ul> |
<li> |
<a href="/foo/1/1">Link 1.1</a> |
</li> |
</ul> |
$this->assertMarkup($expected_output, $build); |
$build = $view_builder->build('test-menu', 1, 1); |
$expected_output = <<< 'HTML' |
<ul> |
<li> |
<a href="/foo/1">Link 1</a> |
</li> |
<li> |
<a href="/foo/2">Link 2</a> |
</li> |
</ul> |
$this->assertMarkup($expected_output, $build); |
} |
/** |
* Asserts menu markup. |
*/ |
private function assertMarkup(string $expected_markup, array $build): void { |
$expected_markup = preg_replace('#\s{2,}#', '', $expected_markup); |
$renderer = $this->container->get('renderer'); |
$actual_markup = preg_replace('#\s{2,}#', '', $renderer->renderPlain($build)); |
self::assertSame($expected_markup, $actual_markup); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\Tests\twig_tweak\Kernel; |
use Drupal\block\Entity\Block; |
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html; |
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache; |
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase; |
use Drupal\Tests\user\Traits\UserCreationTrait; |
/** |
* A test for RegionViewBuilder. |
* |
* @group twig_tweak |
*/ |
final class RegionViewBuilderTest extends KernelTestBase { |
use UserCreationTrait; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public static $modules = [ |
'twig_tweak', |
'twig_tweak_test', |
'user', |
'system', |
'block', |
]; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public function setUp(): void { |
parent::setUp(); |
$this->installEntitySchema('block'); |
$this->container->get('theme_installer')->install(['stable']); |
$values = [ |
'id' => 'public_block', |
'plugin' => 'system_powered_by_block', |
'theme' => 'stable', |
'region' => 'sidebar_first', |
]; |
Block::create($values)->save(); |
$values = [ |
'id' => 'private_block', |
'plugin' => 'system_powered_by_block', |
'theme' => 'stable', |
'region' => 'sidebar_first', |
]; |
Block::create($values)->save(); |
} |
/** |
* Test callback. |
*/ |
public function testRegionViewBuilder(): void { |
$view_builder = $this->container->get('twig_tweak.region_view_builder'); |
$renderer = $this->container->get('renderer'); |
$build = $view_builder->build('sidebar_first'); |
// The build should be empty because 'stable' is not a default theme. |
self::assertSame([], $build); |
// Specify the theme name explicitly. |
$build = $view_builder->build('sidebar_first', 'stable'); |
$expected_build = [ |
// Only public_block should be rendered. |
// @see twig_tweak_test_block_access() |
'public_block' => [ |
'#cache' => |
[ |
'keys' => [ |
'entity_view', |
'block', |
'public_block', |
], |
'contexts' => [], |
'tags' => [ |
'block_view', |
'config:block.block.public_block', |
], |
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT, |
], |
'#weight' => NULL, |
'#lazy_builder' => [ |
'Drupal\\block\\BlockViewBuilder::lazyBuilder', |
[ |
'public_block', |
'full', |
], |
], |
], |
'#region' => 'sidebar_first', |
'#theme_wrappers' => ['region'], |
// Even if the block is not accessible its cache metadata from access |
// callback should be here. |
'#cache' => [ |
'contexts' => ['user'], |
'tags' => [ |
'config:block.block.public_block', |
'tag_for_private_block', |
'tag_for_public_block', |
], |
'max-age' => 123, |
], |
]; |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
$expected_html = <<< 'HTML' |
<div> |
<div id="block-public-block" role="complementary"> |
<span>Powered by <a href="">Drupal</a></span> |
</div> |
</div> |
$actual_html = $renderer->renderPlain($build); |
self::assertSame(self::normalizeHtml($expected_html), self::normalizeHtml($actual_html)); |
// Set 'stable' as default site theme and check if the view builder without |
// 'theme' argument returns the same result. |
$this->container->get('config.factory') |
->getEditable('system.theme') |
->set('default', 'stable') |
->save(); |
$build = $view_builder->build('sidebar_first'); |
self::assertSame($expected_build, $build); |
Html::resetSeenIds(); |
$actual_html = $renderer->renderPlain($expected_build); |
self::assertSame(self::normalizeHtml($expected_html), self::normalizeHtml($actual_html)); |
} |
/** |
* Normalizes the provided HTML. |
*/ |
private static function normalizeHtml(string $html): string { |
return rtrim(preg_replace(['#\s{2,}#', '#\n#'], '', $html)); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
langcode: en |
status: true |
dependencies: |
module: |
- system |
theme: |
- classy |
id: classy_content |
theme: classy |
region: content |
weight: 0 |
provider: null |
plugin: system_main_block |
settings: |
id: system_main_block |
label: 'Main page content' |
provider: system |
label_display: '0' |
visibility: { } |
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ |
langcode: en |
status: true |
dependencies: |
config: |
- |
- |
- |
- |
module: |
- path |
- text |
id: |
targetEntityType: node |
bundle: page |
mode: default |
content: |
body: |
type: text_textarea_with_summary |
weight: 31 |
region: content |
settings: |
rows: 9 |
summary_rows: 3 |
placeholder: '' |
show_summary: false |
third_party_settings: { } |
created: |
type: datetime_timestamp |
weight: 10 |
region: content |
settings: { } |
third_party_settings: { } |
path: |
type: path |
weight: 30 |
region: content |
settings: { } |
third_party_settings: { } |
promote: |
type: boolean_checkbox |
settings: |
display_label: true |
weight: 15 |
region: content |
third_party_settings: { } |
status: |
type: boolean_checkbox |
settings: |
display_label: true |
weight: 120 |
region: content |
third_party_settings: { } |
sticky: |
type: boolean_checkbox |
settings: |
display_label: true |
weight: 16 |
region: content |
third_party_settings: { } |
title: |
type: string_textfield |
weight: -5 |
region: content |
settings: |
size: 60 |
placeholder: '' |
third_party_settings: { } |
uid: |
type: entity_reference_autocomplete |
weight: 5 |
region: content |
settings: |
match_operator: CONTAINS |
match_limit: 10 |
size: 60 |
placeholder: '' |
third_party_settings: { } |
hidden: |
field_image: true |
field_media: true |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
langcode: en |
status: true |
dependencies: |
config: |
- core.entity_view_mode.node.teaser |
- |
- |
- |
- |
module: |
- text |
- user |
id: |
targetEntityType: node |
bundle: page |
mode: teaser |
content: |
body: |
label: hidden |
type: text_summary_or_trimmed |
weight: 100 |
region: content |
settings: |
trim_length: 600 |
third_party_settings: { } |
links: |
weight: 101 |
region: content |
hidden: |
field_image: true |
field_media: true |
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ |
langcode: en |
langcode: en |
status: true |
status: true |
dependencies: {} |
dependencies: { } |
id: twig-tweak-test |
id: twig-tweak-test |
label: Twig tweak test |
label: 'Twig tweak test' |
description: '' |
description: '' |
locked: false |
locked: false |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
<?php |
namespace Drupal\twig_tweak_test\Controller; |
/** |
* Returns responses for Twig Tweak Test routes. |
*/ |
final class TwigTweakTestController { |
/** |
* Builds the response. |
*/ |
public function build(): array { |
return ['#theme' => 'twig_tweak_test']; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
twig_tweak_test.test: |
path: 'twig-tweak-test' |
defaults: |
_title: 'Twig Tweak Test' |
_controller: '\Drupal\twig_tweak_test\Controller\TwigTweakTestController::build' |
requirements: |
_permission: 'access content' |
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ |
name: Twig Tweak |
name: Twig Tweak |
type: module |
type: module |
description: Provides some extra Twig functions and filters. |
description: Provides some extra Twig functions and filters. |
core: 8.x |
core_version_requirement: ^9 |
core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9 |
dependencies: |
dependencies: |
- drupal:system (>=8.7) |
- drupal:system (>=9.0) |
@ -1,5 +1,32 @@ |
services: |
services: |
twig_tweak.twig_extension: |
twig_tweak.twig_extension: |
class: Drupal\twig_tweak\TwigExtension |
class: Drupal\twig_tweak\TwigTweakExtension |
tags: |
tags: |
- { name: twig.extension } |
- { name: twig.extension } |
twig_tweak.block_view_builder: |
class: Drupal\twig_tweak\View\BlockViewBuilder |
arguments: ['@plugin.manager.block', '@context.repository', '@context.handler', '@current_user', '@request_stack', '@current_route_match', '@title_resolver'] |
twig_tweak.region_view_builder: |
class: Drupal\twig_tweak\View\RegionViewBuilder |
arguments: ['@entity_type.manager', '@config.factory', '@request_stack', '@title_resolver'] |
twig_tweak.entity_view_builder: |
class: Drupal\twig_tweak\View\EntityViewBuilder |
arguments: ['@entity_type.manager'] |
twig_tweak.entity_form_view_builder: |
class: Drupal\twig_tweak\View\EntityFormViewBuilder |
arguments: ['@entity.form_builder'] |
twig_tweak.field_view_builder: |
class: Drupal\twig_tweak\View\FieldViewBuilder |
arguments: ['@entity.repository'] |
twig_tweak.menu_view_builder: |
class: Drupal\twig_tweak\View\MenuViewBuilder |
arguments: ['@menu.link_tree'] |
twig_tweak.image_view_builder: |
class: Drupal\twig_tweak\View\ImageViewBuilder |
Reference in new issue