PHP 0 0

Branch 4.0.x-roblib is currently the same as Drupals main branch but with our patches applied.

Updated 2 weeks ago

PHP 0 0

Drupal modules for browsing and managing Fedora-based digital repositories.

Updated 4 months ago

For more information about this repository, visit the project page at

Updated 5 months ago

Bento box search with multiple targets

Updated 6 months ago

For more information about this repository, visit the project page at

Updated 6 months ago

Base theme for LMMI Journal

Updated 6 months ago

PHP 0 0

For more information about this repository, visit the project page at

Updated 6 months ago

Updated 6 months ago

Extensions for the journaloflmmontgomerystudies site

Updated 6 months ago

Implements some citeproc alters to help handle edge cases introduced by using french roleterms etc. in the mods

Updated 9 months ago

The libraries interlibrary loan form module

Updated 1 year ago

Loads Evergreen bookbags in a drupal block based on bookbag id stored in bookbag_id field of course reserve content type. This version is for Drupal 9 or greater. The d7 version is in github in the roblib organization.

Updated 1 year ago

Modelica 0 0

pressbooks aldine theme the theme used for the front page or default book

Updated 2 years ago

Fork of Drupal 7 Google Analytics module. Based on the 7.x-2.6 version. Use this fork if you want to track Islandora searches more accurately.

Updated 3 years ago

EBSCO Discovery module. Used on the website. The bento box modules leverages the auth parts of this module.

Updated 3 years ago
