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"description": "A little library to handle color conversions", |
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"description": "Code-Sniffer, Auto-Fixer and Tokenizer for PSR2-R", |
"time": "2016-07-11T14:35:34+00:00" |
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"description": "Human Made coding standards", |
"time": "2017-08-31T03:33:08+00:00" |
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"description": "Common interface for logging libraries", |
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"time": "2016-10-10T12:19:37+00:00" |
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"require-dev": { |
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"CodeSniffer/File.php", |
"CodeSniffer/Fixer.php", |
"CodeSniffer/Report.php", |
"CodeSniffer/Reporting.php", |
"CodeSniffer/Sniff.php", |
"CodeSniffer/Tokens.php", |
"CodeSniffer/Reports/", |
"CodeSniffer/Tokenizers/", |
"CodeSniffer/DocGenerators/", |
"CodeSniffer/Standards/AbstractPatternSniff.php", |
"CodeSniffer/Standards/AbstractScopeSniff.php", |
"CodeSniffer/Standards/AbstractVariableSniff.php", |
"CodeSniffer/Standards/IncorrectPatternException.php", |
"CodeSniffer/Standards/Generic/Sniffs/", |
"CodeSniffer/Standards/MySource/Sniffs/", |
"CodeSniffer/Standards/PEAR/Sniffs/", |
"CodeSniffer/Standards/PSR1/Sniffs/", |
"CodeSniffer/Standards/PSR2/Sniffs/", |
"CodeSniffer/Standards/Squiz/Sniffs/", |
"CodeSniffer/Standards/Zend/Sniffs/" |
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"BSD-3-Clause" |
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"authors": [ |
{ |
"name": "Greg Sherwood", |
"role": "lead" |
} |
], |
"description": "PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.", |
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"standards" |
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"time": "2017-05-22T02:43:20+00:00" |
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"symfony/polyfill-mbstring": "~1.0" |
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"conflict": { |
"symfony/dependency-injection": "<3.4", |
"symfony/process": "<3.3" |
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"symfony/lock": "~3.4|~4.0", |
"symfony/process": "~3.3|~4.0" |
}, |
"suggest": { |
"psr/log": "For using the console logger", |
"symfony/event-dispatcher": "", |
"symfony/lock": "", |
"symfony/process": "" |
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"type": "library", |
"extra": { |
"branch-alias": { |
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"psr-4": { |
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"license": [ |
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"authors": [ |
{ |
"name": "Fabien Potencier", |
"email": "fabien@symfony.com" |
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{ |
"name": "Symfony Community", |
"homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors" |
} |
], |
"description": "Symfony Console Component", |
"homepage": "https://symfony.com", |
"time": "2018-01-03T07:37:34+00:00" |
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"name": "symfony/debug", |
"version": "v3.4.3", |
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"type": "git", |
"url": "https://github.com/symfony/debug.git", |
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"require": { |
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"psr/log": "~1.0" |
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"conflict": { |
"symfony/http-kernel": ">=2.3,<2.3.24|~2.4.0|>=2.5,<2.5.9|>=2.6,<2.6.2" |
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"require-dev": { |
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"branch-alias": { |
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"authors": [ |
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"email": "fabien@symfony.com" |
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{ |
"name": "Symfony Community", |
"homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors" |
} |
], |
"description": "Symfony Debug Component", |
"homepage": "https://symfony.com", |
"time": "2018-01-03T17:14:19+00:00" |
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"name": "symfony/polyfill-mbstring", |
"version": "v1.6.0", |
"source": { |
"type": "git", |
"url": "https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-mbstring.git", |
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"require": { |
"php": ">=5.3.3" |
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"suggest": { |
"ext-mbstring": "For best performance" |
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"type": "library", |
"extra": { |
"branch-alias": { |
"dev-master": "1.6-dev" |
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"autoload": { |
"psr-4": { |
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"MIT" |
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"authors": [ |
{ |
"name": "Nicolas Grekas", |
"email": "p@tchwork.com" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Symfony Community", |
"homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors" |
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"description": "Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension", |
"homepage": "https://symfony.com", |
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"compatibility", |
"mbstring", |
"polyfill", |
"portable", |
"shim" |
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"time": "2017-10-11T12:05:26+00:00" |
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"source": { |
"type": "git", |
"url": "https://github.com/WordPress-Coding-Standards/WordPress-Coding-Standards.git", |
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"authors": [ |
{ |
"name": "Contributors", |
"homepage": "https://github.com/WordPress-Coding-Standards/WordPress-Coding-Standards/graphs/contributors" |
} |
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"description": "PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress coding conventions", |
"keywords": [ |
"phpcs", |
"standards", |
"wordpress" |
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"time": "2016-08-29T20:04:47+00:00" |
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"name": "wpreadme2markdown/wp2md", |
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"symfony/console": "^3.2|^4.0", |
"wpreadme2markdown/wpreadme2markdown": "^3.0.1" |
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"bin": [ |
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"type": "library", |
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"psr-4": { |
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} |
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"license": [ |
"MIT" |
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"authors": [ |
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"name": "Benjamin J. Balter" |
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{ |
"name": "Christian Archer", |
"email": "sunchaser@sunchaser.info" |
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"description": "CLI tool for converting WordPress Plugin readme.txt to Markdown", |
"keywords": [ |
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"markdown", |
"readme", |
"wordpress" |
], |
"time": "2017-11-24T21:19:21+00:00" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "wpreadme2markdown/wpreadme2markdown", |
"version": "3.0.1", |
"source": { |
"type": "git", |
"url": "https://github.com/wpreadme2markdown/wp-readme-to-markdown.git", |
"reference": "8066915828bb05a12b44360cda986e1d9e60047e" |
}, |
"dist": { |
"type": "zip", |
"url": "https://api.github.com/repos/wpreadme2markdown/wp-readme-to-markdown/zipball/8066915828bb05a12b44360cda986e1d9e60047e", |
"reference": "8066915828bb05a12b44360cda986e1d9e60047e", |
"shasum": "" |
}, |
"require": { |
"php": ">= 5.3.3" |
}, |
"type": "library", |
"autoload": { |
"psr-4": { |
"WPReadme2Markdown\\": "src/" |
} |
}, |
"notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/", |
"license": [ |
"MIT" |
], |
"authors": [ |
{ |
"name": "Benjamin J. Balter" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Christian Archer", |
"email": "sunchaser@sunchaser.info" |
} |
], |
"description": "Convert WordPress Plugin readme.txt to Markdown", |
"keywords": [ |
"converter", |
"markdown", |
"readme", |
"wordpress" |
], |
"time": "2017-11-24T20:36:13+00:00" |
} |
], |
"aliases": [], |
"minimum-stability": "stable", |
"stability-flags": [], |
"prefer-stable": false, |
"prefer-lowest": false, |
"platform": { |
"php": ">=7" |
}, |
"platform-dev": [] |