458 lines
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458 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2018 pressbooks-aldine |
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pressbooks-aldine package. |
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"Language-Team: Pressbooks (Book Oven Inc.) <code@pressbooks.com>\n" |
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" |
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#: ../404.php:17 |
msgid "Oops! That page can’t be found." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../404.php:21 |
msgid "It looks like nothing was found at this location." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../comments.php:34 |
msgid "One thought on “%1$s”" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../comments.php:40 |
msgctxt "comments title" |
msgid "%1$s thought on “%2$s”" |
msgid_plural "%1$s thoughts on “%2$s”" |
msgstr[0] "" |
msgstr[1] "" |
#: ../comments.php:63 |
msgid "Comments are closed." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../footer.php:40, ../footer.php:44 |
msgid "%s on Facebook" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../footer.php:48, ../footer.php:52 |
msgid "%s on Twitter" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../functions.php:18 |
msgid "Dependencies Missing" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../functions.php:19 |
msgid "You must run <code>composer install</code> from the Aldine directory." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../header.php:44 |
msgid "Skip to content" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../header.php:60 |
msgid "Logo for %s" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/intervention.php:12 |
msgid "Hello," |
msgstr "" |
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msgstr "" |
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msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/actions/namespace.php:101 |
msgid "Network Footer Block 1" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/actions/namespace.php:111 |
msgid "Network Footer Block 2" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/actions/namespace.php:136 |
msgid "Increase Font Size" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/actions/namespace.php:137 |
msgid "Decrease Font Size" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/actions/namespace.php:217 |
msgid "This page displays your network catalog, so there is no content to edit." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:25 |
msgid "About Pressbooks" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:26 |
msgid "Pressbooks is easy-to-use book writing software that lets you create a book in all the formats you need to publish." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:27 |
msgid "Learn More" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:34, ../inc/activation/namespace.php:135, ../inc/activation/namespace.php:141 |
msgid "About" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:39 |
msgid "Pressbooks is simple book production software. You can use Pressbooks to publish textbooks, scholarly monographs, syllabi, fiction and non-fiction books, white papers, and more in multiple formats including:" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:40 |
msgid "MOBI (for Kindle ebooks)" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:41 |
msgid "EPUB (for all other ebookstores)" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:42 |
msgid "designed PDF (for print-on-demand and digital distribution)" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:45 |
msgid "For more information about Pressbooks, %s." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:46 |
msgid "see here" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:52, ../inc/activation/namespace.php:165, ../inc/activation/namespace.php:171 |
msgid "Help" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:58 |
msgid "The easiest way to get started with Pressbooks is to follow our %1$s. Or, you can review our %2$s." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:59 |
msgid "4 Step Guide to Making a Book on Pressbooks" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:60 |
msgid "Guide to Using Pressbooks" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:62 |
msgid "If you require further assistance, please contact your network manager." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:67, ../inc/activation/namespace.php:114, ../inc/activation/namespace.php:120, ../inc/activation/namespace.php:150, ../inc/activation/namespace.php:156, ../page-catalog.php:4 |
msgid "Catalog" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/activation/namespace.php:71, ../inc/helpers/namespace.php:162 |
msgid "Home" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/admin/namespace.php:30 |
msgid "Catalog updated." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/admin/namespace.php:31 |
msgid "Sorry, but your catalog was not updated. Please try again." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/admin/namespace.php:32 |
msgid "Dismiss this notice." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/admin/namespace.php:61 |
msgid "In Catalog" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/admin/namespace.php:72 |
msgctxt "pressbooks-aldine" |
msgid "Show in Catalog" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/admin/namespace.php:73 |
msgctxt "pressbooks-aldine" |
msgid "This book is private, so you can’t display it in your catalog." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/customizer/namespace.php:37 |
msgid "Primary Color" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/customizer/namespace.php:38 |
msgid "Primary color, used for links and other primary elements." |
msgstr "" |
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msgstr "" |
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msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/customizer/namespace.php:49 |
msgid "Primary Foreground Color" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/customizer/namespace.php:50 |
msgid "Used for text on a primary background." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/customizer/namespace.php:55 |
msgid "Accent Foreground Color" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/customizer/namespace.php:56 |
msgid "Used for text on an accent color background." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/customizer/namespace.php:75 |
msgid "Social Media" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/customizer/namespace.php:83 |
msgid "Facebook" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/customizer/namespace.php:92 |
msgid "Twitter" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/customizer/namespace.php:99 |
msgid "Front Page Catalog" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/customizer/namespace.php:106 |
msgid "Show Front Page Catalog" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/customizer/namespace.php:116 |
msgid "Front Page Catalog Title" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/customizer/namespace.php:123 |
msgid "Contact Form" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/customizer/namespace.php:130 |
msgid "Show Contact Form" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/customizer/namespace.php:140 |
msgid "Contact Form Title" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/filters/namespace.php:60 |
msgid "Continued" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/filters/namespace.php:84 |
msgid "Page Section" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/filters/namespace.php:90 |
msgid "Page Section (Accent)" |
msgstr "" |
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msgid "Page Section (Bordered)" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/filters/namespace.php:102 |
msgid "Page Section (Borderless)" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/filters/namespace.php:108 |
msgid "Call to Action" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/helpers/namespace.php:168 |
msgid "Contact" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/helpers/namespace.php:175 |
msgid "Sign In" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/helpers/namespace.php:181 |
msgid "Sign Up" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/helpers/namespace.php:189 |
msgid "Admin" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/helpers/namespace.php:197 |
msgid "My Books" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/helpers/namespace.php:203 |
msgid "Sign Out" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/helpers/namespace.php:256 |
msgid "Name is required." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/helpers/namespace.php:260 |
msgid "Email is required." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/helpers/namespace.php:264 |
msgid "Email is invalid." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/helpers/namespace.php:268 |
msgid "Institution is required." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/helpers/namespace.php:272 |
msgid "Message is required." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/helpers/namespace.php:278 |
msgid "Contact Form Submission from %s" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/helpers/namespace.php:289 |
msgid "Your message was sent!" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../inc/helpers/namespace.php:292 |
msgid "Your message could not be sent." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/book.php:27 |
msgid "About this book" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/contact-form.php:11 |
msgid "Contact Us" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/contact-form.php:29 |
msgid "Your name (required)" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/contact-form.php:37 |
msgid "Your email address (required)" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/contact-form.php:45 |
msgid "Your institution (required)" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/contact-form.php:53 |
msgid "Your message (required)" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/contact-form.php:57 |
msgid "Send" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-front-page.php:17 |
msgid "Our Latest Titles" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-front-page.php:52 |
msgid "View Complete Catalog" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-none.php:14 |
msgid "Nothing Found" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-none.php:25 |
msgid "Ready to publish your first post? <a href=\"%1$s\">Get started here</a>." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-none.php:38 |
msgid "Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-none.php:44 |
msgid "It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-page-catalog.php:17 |
msgid "Filter by Subject" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-page-catalog.php:19 |
msgid "All Subjects" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-page-catalog.php:35 |
msgid "Filter by License" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-page-catalog.php:37 |
msgid "All Licenses" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-page-catalog.php:46 |
msgid "Sort by" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-page-catalog.php:49 |
msgid "Title" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-page-catalog.php:50 |
msgid "Subject" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-page-catalog.php:51 |
msgid "Latest" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-page-catalog.php:58 |
msgid "Clear Filters" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-page-catalog.php:59 |
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msgstr "" |
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msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content-page.php:35 |
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msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/content.php:34 |
msgid "Continue reading<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> \"%s\"</span>" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../partials/paged-navigation.php:2 |
msgid "Navigation" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../search.php:21 |
msgid "Search Results for: %s" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../searchform.php:3 |
msgctxt "label" |
msgid "Search Catalog" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../searchform.php:6 |
msgctxt "submit button" |
msgid "Search" |
msgstr ""