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<?php |
/** |
* The template for displaying the footer |
* |
* Contains the closing of the #content div and all content after. |
* |
* @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-files/#template-partials |
* |
* @package Aldine |
*/ |
?> |
<?php |
$network_facebook = get_option( 'pb_network_facebook' ); |
$network_twitter = get_option( 'pb_network_twitter' ); |
$pb_network_contact_form = get_option( 'pb_network_contact_form' ); |
?> |
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<?php if ( $pb_network_contact_form ) : |
include( locate_template( 'partials/contact-form.php' ) ); |
endif; ?> |
<footer class="footer<?php echo is_front_page() ? ' footer--home' : ' footer--inside' ?>" role="contentinfo"> |
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<svg fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="1.414"><path d="M15.117 0H.883C.395 0 0 .395 0 .883v14.234c0 .488.395.883.883.883h7.663V9.804H6.46V7.39h2.086V5.607c0-2.066 1.262-3.19 3.106-3.19.883 0 1.642.064 1.863.094v2.16h-1.28c-1 0-1.195.476-1.195 1.176v1.54h2.39l-.31 2.416h-2.08V16h4.077c.488 0 .883-.395.883-.883V.883C16 .395 15.605 0 15.117 0" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg> |
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<?php } ?> |
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<a class="link near-black hover-silver dib h2 w2 mr3" href="<?php echo $network_twitter; ?>" title="<?php printf( __( '%s on Twitter', 'pressbooks-aldine' ), get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); ?>"> |
<svg fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="1.414"><path d="M16 3.038c-.59.26-1.22.437-1.885.517.677-.407 1.198-1.05 1.443-1.816-.634.375-1.337.648-2.085.795-.598-.638-1.45-1.036-2.396-1.036-1.812 0-3.282 1.468-3.282 3.28 0 . 5.39 2.733 4.084 1.114 2.1.83 2.583.67 3.147.67 3.75c0 1.14.58 2.143 1.46 2.732-.538-.017-1.045-.165-1.487-.41v.04c0 1.59 1.13 2.918 2.633 3.22-.276.074-.566.114-.865.114-.21 0-.416-.02-.617-.058.418 1.304 1.63 2.253 3.067 2.28-1.124.88-2.54 1.404-4.077 1.404-.265 0-.526-.015-.783-.045 1.453.93 3.178 1.474 5.032 1.474 6.038 0 9.34-5 9.34-9.338 0-.143-.004-.284-.01-.425.64-.463 1.198-1.04 1.638-1.7z" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg> |
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<li><a href="https://pressbooks.org"><?php _e( 'Open Source', 'pressbooks-book' ); ?></a> |</li> |
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<li><a href="https://pressbooks.com"><?php _e( 'Open Book Publishing', 'pressbooks-book' ); ?></a> |</li> |
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