pressbooks aldine theme the theme used for the front page or default book

66 lines
824 KiB

* ATTENTION: An "eval-source-map" devtool has been used.
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/******/ (function() { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({
/***/ "./assets/scripts/catalog-admin.js":
!*** ./assets/scripts/catalog-admin.js ***!
/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) {
eval("/* provided dependency */ var jQuery = __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ \"./node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js\");\n/* global ajaxurl, PB_Aldine_Admin */\n(function ($) {\n $(document).ready(function () {\n $('.wrap').on('click', '.notice-dismiss', function () {\n $(this).parent('#message').fadeOut(500, function () {\n $(this).remove();\n });\n });\n $('').on('change', function () {\n var book_id = $(this).parent('td').siblings('th').children('input').val();\n var in_catalog = $(this).prop('checked');\n $.ajax({\n url: ajaxurl,\n type: 'POST',\n data: {\n action: 'pressbooks_aldine_update_catalog',\n book_id: book_id,\n in_catalog: in_catalog,\n _ajax_nonce: PB_Aldine_Admin.aldineAdminNonce\n },\n success: function success() {\n if ($('#message').length < 1) {\n $('<div id=\"message\" class=\"updated notice is-dismissible\">').html('<p><strong>' + PB_Aldine_Admin.catalog_updated + '</strong></p><button type=\"button\" class=\"notice-dismiss\"><span class=\"screen-reader-text\">' + PB_Aldine_Admin.dismiss_notice + '</span></button>').hide().insertAfter('.wrap h1').fadeIn(500);\n } else {\n $('#message').fadeOut(500, function () {\n $(this).remove();\n $('<div id=\"message\" class=\"updated notice is-dismissible\">').html('<p><strong>' + PB_Aldine_Admin.catalog_updated + '</strong></p><button type=\"button\" class=\"notice-dismiss\"><span class=\"screen-reader-text\">' + PB_Aldine_Admin.dismiss_notice + '</span></button>').hide().insertAfter('.wrap h1').fadeIn(500);\n });\n }\n },\n error: function error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {\n if ($('#message').length < 1) {\n $('<div id=\"message\" class=\"error notice is-dismissible\">').html('<p><strong>' + PB_Aldine_Admin.catalog_not_updated + '</strong></p><button type=\"button\" class=\"notice-dismiss\"><span class=\"screen-reader-text\">' + PB_Aldine_Admin.dismiss_notice + '</span></button>').hide().insertAfter('.wrap h1').fadeIn(500);\n } else {\n $('#message').fadeOut(500, function () {\n $(this).remove();\n $('<div id=\"message\" class=\"error notice is-dismissible\">').html('<p><strong>' + PB_Aldine_Admin.catalog_not_updated + '</strong></p><button type=\"button\" class=\"notice-dismiss\"><span class=\"screen-reader-text\">' + PB_Aldine_Admin.dismiss_notice + '</span></button>').hide().insertAfter('.wrap h1').fadeIn(500);\n });\n }\n }\n });\n });\n });\n})(jQuery);//# sourceURL=[module]\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,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
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js":
!*** ./node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js ***!
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
eval("var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/*!\n * jQuery JavaScript Library v3.6.0\n *\n *\n * Includes Sizzle.js\n *\n *\n * Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors\n * Released under the MIT license\n *\n *\n * Date: 2021-03-02T17:08Z\n */\n( function( global, factory ) {\n\n\t\"use strict\";\n\n\tif ( true && typeof module.exports === \"object\" ) {\n\n\t\t// For CommonJS and CommonJS-like environments where a proper `window`\n\t\t// is present, execute the factory and get jQuery.\n\t\t// For environments that do not have a `window` with a `document`\n\t\t// (such as Node.js), expose a factory as module.exports.\n\t\t// This accentuates the need for the creation of a real `window`.\n\t\t// e.g. var jQuery = require(\"jquery\")(window);\n\t\t// See ticket #14549 for more info.\n\t\tmodule.exports = global.document ?\n\t\t\tfactory( global, true ) :\n\t\t\tfunction( w ) {\n\t\t\t\tif ( !w.document ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthrow new Error( \"jQuery requires a window with a document\" );\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\treturn factory( w );\n\t\t\t};\n\t} else {\n\t\tfactory( global );\n\t}\n\n// Pass this if window is not defined yet\n} )( typeof window !== \"undefined\" ? window : this, function( window, noGlobal ) {\n\n// Edge <= 12 - 13+, Firefox <=18 - 45+, IE 10 - 11, Safari 5.1 - 9+, iOS 6 - 9.1\n// throw exceptions when non-strict code (e.g., ASP.NET 4.5) accesses strict mode\n// arguments.callee.caller (trac-13335). But as of jQuery 3.0 (2016), strict mode should be common\n// enough that all such attempts are guarded in a try block.\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar arr = [];\n\nvar getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;\n\nvar slice = arr.slice;\n\nvar flat = arr.flat ? function( array ) {\n\treturn array );\n} : function( array ) {\n\treturn arr.concat.apply( [], array );\n};\n\n\nvar push = arr.push;\n\nvar indexOf = arr.indexOf;\n\nvar class2type = {};\n\nvar toString = class2type.toString;\n\nvar hasOwn = class2type.hasOwnProperty;\n\nvar fnToString = hasOwn.toString;\n\nvar ObjectFunctionString = Object );\n\nvar support = {};\n\nvar isFunction = function isFunction( obj ) {\n\n\t\t// Support: Chrome <=57, Firefox <=52\n\t\t// In some browsers, typeof returns \"function\" for HTML <object> elements\n\t\t// (i.e., `typeof document.createElement( \"object\" ) === \"function\"`).\n\t\t// We don't want to classify *any* DOM node as a function.\n\t\t// Support: QtWeb <=3.8.5, WebKit <=534.34, wkhtmltopdf tool <=0.12.5\n\t\t// Plus for old WebKit, typeof returns \"function\" for HTML collections\n\t\t// (e.g., `typeof document.getElementsByTagName(\"div\") === \"function\"`). (gh-4756)\n\t\treturn typeof obj === \"function\" && typeof obj.nodeType !== \"number\" &&\n\t\t\ttypeof obj.item !== \"function\";\n\t};\n\n\nvar isWindow = function isWindow( obj ) {\n\t\treturn obj != null && obj === obj.window;\n\t};\n\n\nvar document = window.document;\n\n\n\n\tvar preservedScriptAttributes = {\n\t\ttype: true,\n\t\tsrc: true,\n\t\tnonce: true,\n\t\tnoModule: true\n\t};\n\n\tfunction DOMEval( code, node, doc ) {\n\t\tdoc = doc || document;\n\n\t\tvar i, val,\n\t\t\tscript = doc.createElement( \"script\" );\n\n\t\tscript.text = code;\n\t\tif ( node ) {\n\t\t\tfor ( i in preservedScriptAttributes ) {\n\n\t\t\t\t// Support: Firefox 64+, Edge 18+\n\t\t\t\t// Some browsers don't support the \"nonce\" property on scripts.\n\t\t\t\t// On the other hand, just using `getAttribute` is not enough as\n\t\t\t\t// the `nonce` attribute is reset to an empty string whenever it\n\t\t\t\t// becomes browsing-context connected.\n\t\t\t\t// See\n\t\t\t\t// See\n\t\t\t\t// The `node.getAttribute` check was added for the sake of\n\t\t\t\t// `jQuery.globalEval` so that it can fake a nonce-containing node\n\t\t\t\t// via an object.\n\t\t\t\tval = node[ i ] || node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute( i );\n\t\t\t\tif ( val ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tscript.setAttribu
/***/ })
/******/ });
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
/******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
/******/ return cachedModule.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
/******/ // no needed
/******/ // no module.loaded needed
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // startup
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ // This entry module can't be inlined because the eval-source-map devtool is used.
/******/ var __webpack_exports__ = __webpack_require__("./assets/scripts/catalog-admin.js");
/******/ })()