Alan Stanley
11 years ago
10 changed files with 838 additions and 42 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
The MIT License |
Copyright (c) 2011 Felix Gnass [fgnass at neteye dot de] |
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy |
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal |
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights |
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell |
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is |
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: |
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in |
all copies or substantial portions of the Software. |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
--------------------- |
* summary |
------- |
This directory contains the spin.js library: |
downloaded from on Sept 27th |
2013. This project is under version control: |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
(function(t,e){if(typeof exports=="object")module.exports=e();else if(typeof define=="function"&&define.amd)define(e);else t.Spinner=e()})(this,function(){"use strict";var t=["webkit","Moz","ms","O"],e={},i;function o(t,e){var i=document.createElement(t||"div"),o;for(o in e)i[o]=e[o];return i}function n(t){for(var e=1,i=arguments.length;e<i;e++)t.appendChild(arguments[e]);return t}var r=function(){var t=o("style",{type:"text/css"});n(document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],t);return t.sheet||t.styleSheet}();function s(t,o,n,s){var a=["opacity",o,~~(t*100),n,s].join("-"),f=.01+n/s*100,l=Math.max(1-(1-t)/o*(100-f),t),u=i.substring(0,i.indexOf("Animation")).toLowerCase(),d=u&&"-"+u+"-"||"";if(!e[a]){r.insertRule("@"+d+"keyframes "+a+"{"+"0%{opacity:"+l+"}"+f+"%{opacity:"+t+"}"+(f+.01)+"%{opacity:1}"+(f+o)%100+"%{opacity:"+t+"}"+"100%{opacity:"+l+"}"+"}",r.cssRules.length);e[a]=1}return a}function a(e,i){var,n,r;i=i.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+i.slice(1);for(r=0;r<t.length;r++){n=t[r]+i;if(o[n]!==undefined)return n}if(o[i]!==undefined)return i}function f(t,e){for(var i in e)[a(t,i)||i]=e[i];return t}function l(t){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var i=arguments[e];for(var o in i)if(t[o]===undefined)t[o]=i[o]}return t}function u(t){var e={x:t.offsetLeft,y:t.offsetTop};while(t=t.offsetParent)e.x+=t.offsetLeft,e.y+=t.offsetTop;return e}function d(t,e){return typeof t=="string"?t:t[e%t.length]}var p={lines:12,length:7,width:5,radius:10,rotate:0,corners:1,color:"#000",direction:1,speed:1,trail:100,opacity:1/4,fps:20,zIndex:2e9,className:"spinner",top:"auto",left:"auto",position:"relative"};function c(t){if(typeof this=="undefined")return new c(t);this.opts=l(t||{},c.defaults,p)}c.defaults={};l(c.prototype,{spin:function(t){this.stop();var e=this,n=e.opts,r=e.el=f(o(0,{className:n.className}),{position:n.position,width:0,zIndex:n.zIndex}),s=n.radius+n.length+n.width,a,l;if(t){t.insertBefore(r,t.firstChild||null);l=u(t);a=u(r);f(r,{left:(n.left=="auto"?l.x-a.x+(t.offsetWidth>>1):parseInt(n.left,10)+s)+"px",top:("auto"?l.y-a.y+(t.offsetHeight>>1):parseInt(,10)+s)+"px"})}r.setAttribute("role","progressbar");e.lines(r,e.opts);if(!i){var d=0,p=(n.lines-1)*(1-n.direction)/2,c,h=n.fps,m=h/n.speed,y=(1-n.opacity)/(m*n.trail/100),g=m/n.lines;(function v(){d++;for(var t=0;t<n.lines;t++){c=Math.max(1-(d+(n.lines-t)*g)%m*y,n.opacity);e.opacity(r,t*n.direction+p,c,n)}e.timeout=e.el&&setTimeout(v,~~(1e3/h))})()}return e},stop:function(){var t=this.el;if(t){clearTimeout(this.timeout);if(t.parentNode)t.parentNode.removeChild(t);this.el=undefined}return this},lines:function(t,e){var r=0,a=(e.lines-1)*(1-e.direction)/2,l;function u(t,i){return f(o(),{position:"absolute",width:e.length+e.width+"px",height:e.width+"px",background:t,boxShadow:i,transformOrigin:"left",transform:"rotate("+~~(360/e.lines*r+e.rotate)+"deg) translate("+e.radius+"px"+",0)",borderRadius:(e.corners*e.width>>1)+"px"})}for(;r<e.lines;r++){l=f(o(),{position:"absolute",top:1+~(e.width/2)+"px",transform:e.hwaccel?"translate3d(0,0,0)":"",opacity:e.opacity,animation:i&&s(e.opacity,e.trail,a+r*e.direction,e.lines)+" "+1/e.speed+"s linear infinite"});if(e.shadow)n(l,f(u("#000","0 0 4px "+"#000"),{top:2+"px"}));n(t,n(l,u(d(e.color,r),"0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.1)")))}return t},opacity:function(t,e,i){if(e<t.childNodes.length)t.childNodes[e].style.opacity=i}});function h(){function t(t,e){return o("<"+t+' xmlns="" class="spin-vml">',e)}r.addRule(".spin-vml","behavior:url(#default#VML)");c.prototype.lines=function(e,i){var o=i.length+i.width,r=2*o;function s(){return f(t("group",{coordsize:r+" "+r,coordorigin:-o+" "+-o}),{width:r,height:r})}var a=-(i.width+i.length)*2+"px",l=f(s(),{position:"absolute",top:a,left:a}),u;function p(e,r,a){n(l,n(f(s(),{rotation:360/i.lines*e+"deg",left:~~r}),n(f(t("roundrect",{arcsize:i.corners}),{width:o,height:i.width,left:i.radius,top:-i.width>>1,filter:a}),t("fill",{color:d(i.color,e),opacity:i.opacity}),t("stroke",{opacity:0}))))}if(i.shadow)for(u=1;u<=i.lines;u++)p(u,-2,"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(pixelradius=2,makeshadow=1,shadowopacity=.3)");for(u=1;u<=i.lines;u++)p(u);return n(e,l)};c.prototype.opacity=function(t,e,i,o){var n=t.firstChild;o=o.shadow&&o.lines||0;if(n&&e+o<n.childNodes.length){n=n.childNodes[e+o];n=n&&n.firstChild;n=n&&n.firstChild;if(n)n.opacity=i}}}var m=f(o("group"),{behavior:"url(#default#VML)"});if(!a(m,"transform")&&m.adj)h();else i=a(m,"animation");return c}); |
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ |
/** |
* @file |
* Triggers the display of a spinning icon when the form is submitted. |
*/ |
(function ($) { |
Drupal.behaviors.spinner = { |
attach: function(context, settings) { |
// Store what triggered the submit.
$('form').once('submit-resolver', function() { |
$(this).click(function(event) { |
$(this).data('clicked', $(; |
}); |
$(this).keypress(function(event) { |
// On enter the first submit button is assumed as is most often the
// case and this is part of the HTML 5 specification, although some
// Browsers may choose the button with the lowest tab-index.
if (event.which == 13) { |
$(this).data('clicked', $(':submit', this).first()); |
} |
}); |
}); |
for (var base in settings.spinner) { |
var id = '#' + base; |
$(id, context).once('spinner', function () { |
var spinner = new Spinner(settings.spinner[base].opts); |
$(id).parents('form').one('submit', function(event) { |
if ($(this).data('clicked').is(id)) { |
event.preventDefault(); |
// Add Message.
var message = $('<div/>').text(settings.spinner[base].message); |
$(id).after(message); |
// Make UI changes.
spinner.spin(this); |
$('#edit-next').hide(); |
// Submit the form after a set timeout, this handles problems with
// safari, in that safari submit's immediately..
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') == -1) {
$(':submit').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); |
} |
setTimeout(function() { |
// Allow for the button to be clicked, then click it then
// prevent the default behavoir.
$(id).removeAttr('disabled') |
.click() |
.click(function(event) { |
event.preventDefault(); |
}); |
}, 500); |
} |
return true; |
}); |
}); |
} |
} |
}; |
})(jQuery); |
@ -0,0 +1,473 @@ |
<?php |
/** |
* @file |
* Assertions for various datastream types. |
* |
* For a datastream validator to work correctly with IslandoraWebTestCase:: |
* validateDatastreams(), it needs to return an array of results, each entry of |
* which contains two values: first, TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether or not |
* that particular result passed or failed, and second, a string containing a |
* message to accompany the result. |
* |
* It also should contain three parameters, all of which may use any label, but |
* must be organized in the following order: |
* $object - an object that the datastream can be loaded from. |
* $datastream - a DSID to pull from $object. |
* $optional_params - a parameter for any data the function requires. |
* |
* When IslandoraWebTestCase::validateDatastreams() is called, it is passed an |
* array of datastreams, each of which is itself an array containing the DSID of |
* the datastream, the middle of the function name (image, pdf, tiff, etc.), and |
* (optional) data to be passed to that third parameter. |
*/ |
/** |
* A function to pass assertions to and receive results from. |
* |
* @param bool $assertion |
* The if/then statement to validate against. |
* @param array $results |
* An array of results to append the generated result to. |
* @param string $pass |
* A message to return if the assertion turns up true. |
* @param string $fail |
* An optional message to return if the assertion turns up false. |
* If left empty, the $pass message will be returned. |
* |
* @return array |
* A result that can be made useful in the validation functions below. |
*/ |
function islandora_assert_valid($assertion, $results, $pass, $fail = NULL) { |
if ($assertion) { |
$result = array(TRUE, $pass); |
} |
else { |
if (isset($fail)) { |
$result = array(FALSE, $fail); |
} |
else { |
$result = array(FALSE, $pass); |
} |
} |
array_push($results, $result); |
return $results; |
} |
/** |
* Converts a hexidecimal string to an integer. |
* |
* This is useful for running checks on values that appear in the binary |
* of a datastream. Returns FALSE if the hex value contains non-hex characters |
* or if the string would not return a 16- or 32-bit formatted big-endian |
* signed integer. |
* |
* @param string $hex |
* The hexidecimal string. |
* |
* @return bool|int |
* FALSE on failure, or the integer on success. |
*/ |
function islandora_hex2int($hex) { |
// A couple of quick string checks. |
if (!ctype_xdigit($hex)) { |
drupal_set_message(t('String passed to islandora_hex2int() contains non-hexidecimal characters.'), 'error'); |
return FALSE; |
} |
if (!strlen($hex) === 4 || !strlen($hex) === 8) { |
drupal_set_message(t('String passed to islandora_hex2int() cannot create a 16- or 32-bit little-endian signed integer'), 'error'); |
return FALSE; |
} |
// The actual conversion. |
try { |
$reverse_hex = implode('', array_reverse(str_split($hex, 2))); |
$int = hexdec($reverse_hex); |
return $int; |
} |
catch (Exception $e) { |
throw new Exception('An error occurred during the conversion of hexidecimal to integer.', 0, $e); |
} |
} |
/** |
* Asserts that an object's given datastreams are common-type image files. |
* |
* Uses PHPGD to run the assertion check. This means that only certain kinds |
* of image files can be checked. Please check the documentation for the PHPGD |
* imagecreatefromstring() function to determine what filetypes are valid. |
* |
* @param AbstractObject $object |
* The PID of the object. |
* @param string $datastream |
* A DSID to check that corresponds to a PHPGD-valid image datastream. |
* |
* @return array |
* A series of TRUE(pass)/FALSE(fail) results paired with result messages. |
*/ |
function islandora_validate_image_datastream($object, $datastream) { |
$datastream_string = $object[$datastream]->content; |
$results = array(); |
$pass = "Image datastream {$datastream} is valid."; |
$fail = "Image datastream {$datastream} is either invalid or corrupt."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(imagecreatefromstring($datastream_string), $results, $pass, $fail); |
return $results; |
} |
/** |
* Asserts the validity of any .tif/.tiff datastream. |
* |
* Does not use the islandora_assert_valid() function, as this is not a simple |
* true/false. |
* |
* @param AbstractObject $object |
* The PID of the object. |
* @param string $datastream |
* A DSID to check that corresponds to a .tif/.tiff datastream. |
* |
* @return array |
* A series of TRUE(pass)/FALSE(fail) results paired with result messages. |
*/ |
function islandora_validate_tiff_datastream($object, $datastream) { |
$datastream_string = $object[$datastream]->content; |
$datastream_header_hex = substr(bin2hex($datastream_string), 0, 8); |
$results = array(); |
if ($datastream_header_hex == "49492a00") { |
// In this case, the ingested TIFF is designated as using the "Intel |
// byte-order" (e.g. little-endian) by starting with the characters "II" |
// (repeated so that byte order does not yet need to be significant). |
// The number that follows is '42' in little-endian hex, a number of |
// 'deep philosophical significance' to the TIFF format creators. |
array_push($results, array(TRUE, "{$datastream} datastream asserts that it is a valid Intel-byte-orderded TIF/TIFF file.")); |
} |
elseif ($datastream_header_hex == "4d4d002a") { |
// In this case, the ingested TIFF is designated as using the "Motorola |
// byte-order" (e.g. big-endian) by starting with the characters "MM" |
// instead. 42 follows once again, this time in big-endian hex. |
array_push($results, array(TRUE, "{$datastream} datastream asserts that it is a valid Motorola-byte-ordered TIF/TIFF file.")); |
} |
else { |
array_push($results, array(FALSE, "{$datastream} datastream does not assert that it is a valid TIF/TIFF file.")); |
} |
return $results; |
} |
/** |
* Asserts the validity of any .jp2 datastream. |
* |
* @param AbstractObject $object |
* The PID of the object. |
* @param string $datastream |
* A DSID to check that corresponds to a .jp2 datastream. |
* |
* @return array |
* A series of TRUE(pass)/FALSE(fail) results paired with result messages. |
*/ |
function islandora_validate_jp2_datastream($object, $datastream) { |
$datastream_hex = bin2hex($object[$datastream]->content); |
$results = array(); |
// JP2 files begin with an offset header at the second 32-bit integer, |
// 0x6A502020. This header is in all .jp2s, and we check for it here. |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream begins correctly with the appropriate .jp2 header."; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream does not begin with the appropriate .jp2 header."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(substr($datastream_hex, 8, 8) == '6a502020', $results, $pass, $fail); |
// JP2 files have their codestream capped with a marker, 0xFFD9. We're |
// just checking for it here to see if the .jp2 encoder finished okay. |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream ends correctly with the appropriate .jp2 marker."; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream does not end with a .jp2 marker; derivative generation was likely interrupted."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(substr($datastream_hex, strlen($datastream_hex) - 4, 4) == 'ffd9', $results, $pass, $fail); |
return $results; |
} |
/** |
* Asserts the validity of any .pdf datastream. |
* |
* @param AbstractObject $object |
* The PID of the object. |
* @param string $datastream |
* A DSID to check that corresponds to a .pdf datastream. |
* |
* @return array |
* A series of TRUE(pass)/FALSE(fail) results paired with result messages. |
*/ |
function islandora_validate_pdf_datastream($object, $datastream) { |
$pdf = $object[$datastream]->content; |
$pdf_version = substr($pdf, 5, 3); |
$results = array(); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream asserts that it is a valid PDF file using PDF version {$pdf_version}"; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream binary header appears to be corrupt and missing a valid PDF signature."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(substr($pdf, 0, 5) == '%PDF-', $results, $pass, $fail); |
$pdf_streams = substr_count(bin2hex($pdf), '0a73747265616d0a'); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream reports the existence of {$pdf_streams} PDF streams. Note that an extremely low number could still indicate corruption."; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream contains zero PDF streams, and is likely not a PDF file."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid($pdf_streams, $results, $pass, $fail); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream reports the existence of the closing 'EOF' tag required at the end of PDFs"; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream does not contain the closing 'EOF' tag. If this is the only PDF validation that failed, it is likely that derivative generation was interrupted."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(strpos(bin2hex($pdf), '0a2525454f460a'), $results, $pass, $fail); |
return $results; |
} |
/** |
* Asserts that a string of text shows up inside a datastream. |
* |
* @param AbstractObject $object |
* The PID of the object. |
* @param string $datastream |
* A DSID to check that corresponds to a datastream containing text. |
* @param array $text |
* An array of strings/the number of times it should appear in the datastream. |
* |
* @return array |
* A series of TRUE(pass)/FALSE(fail) results paired with result messages. |
*/ |
function islandora_validate_text_datastream($object, $datastream, array $text) { |
$results = array(); |
$content = $object[$datastream]->content; |
$string_count = substr_count($content, $text[0]); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream contains the word(s) '{$text[0]}' repeated {$string_count} time(s) (expected: {$text[1]})."; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream contains the word(s) '{$text[0]}' repeated {$string_count} time(s) (expected: {$text[1]})."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid($string_count == $text[1], $results, $pass, $fail); |
return $results; |
} |
/** |
* Asserts the validity of any .wav datastraeam. |
* |
* WAV files contain a rigidly detailed header that contains all sorts of fun |
* information we can use to validate things against other things. So, we check |
* rigorously that the header contains properly constructed data by looking to |
* see if certain values are at their expected byte offset. We also compare |
* declared chunk sizes against actual sizes. If any of these are off, WAV |
* players will fail to function. |
* |
* @param AbstractObject $object |
* The PID of the object. |
* @param string $datastream |
* A DSID to check that corresponds to a datastream generated via OCR or HOCR. |
* |
* @return array |
* A series of TRUE(pass)/FALSE(fail) results paired with result messages. |
*/ |
function islandora_validate_wav_datastream($object, $datastream) { |
$results = array(); |
$wav = bin2hex($object['OBJ']->content); |
$wav_subchunk2size = islandora_hex2int(substr($wav, 80, 8)); |
$wav_samplerate = islandora_hex2int(substr($wav, 48, 8)); |
$wav_numchannels = islandora_hex2int(substr($wav, 44, 4)); |
$wav_bytespersample = islandora_hex2int(substr($wav, 68, 4)) / 8; |
$wav_numsamples = strlen(substr($wav, 88)) / $wav_numchannels / $wav_bytespersample / 2; |
$magic_number = str_split(substr($wav, 0, 24), 8); |
$pass = "Header of the {$datastream} datastream contains correct file signature"; |
$fail = "Header of the {$datastream} datastream contains corrupt file signature"; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid($magic_number[0] = '52494646' && $magic_number[2] = '57415645', $results, $pass, $fail); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream chunksize in WAV header is correct"; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream chunksize in WAV header does not match actual chunksize."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(islandora_hex2int(substr($wav, 8, 8)) === 36 + $wav_subchunk2size, $results, $pass, $fail); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream contains a 'fmt' subchunk."; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream is missing the required 'fmt' subchunk."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(substr($wav, 24, 8) === '666d7420', $results, $pass, $fail); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream byterate in the WAV header is correct."; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream byterate in the WAV header does not match actual calculated byterate."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(islandora_hex2int(substr($wav, 56, 8)) === $wav_samplerate * $wav_numchannels * $wav_bytespersample, $results, $pass, $fail); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream block alignment is set correctly."; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream block alignment is off."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(islandora_hex2int(substr($wav, 64, 4)) === $wav_numchannels * $wav_bytespersample, $results, $pass, $fail); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream contains 'data' subchunk."; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream is missing the 'data' subchunk."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(substr($wav, 72, 8) === '64617461', $results, $pass, $fail); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream 'data' chunk is the correct size."; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream 'data' chunk is sized incorrectly."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid($wav_subchunk2size === $wav_numsamples * $wav_numchannels * $wav_bytespersample, $results, $pass, $fail); |
return $results; |
} |
/** |
* Asserts the validity of any .mp3 datastream. |
* |
* Our default setup tries to create an MP3 using VBR, but we do some extra |
* checks in case someone turns that off. If the header contains the characters |
* 'Xing', it is flagged as VBR, and we can do an in-depth check on each of the |
* VBR settings. Otherwise, we look for the basic MP3 signature 'fffa' or 'fffb' |
* at the start of the binary. |
* |
* @param AbstractObject $object |
* The PID of the object. |
* @param string $datastream |
* A DSID of a datastream corresponding to an mp3 file. |
* |
* @return array |
* A series of TRUE(pass)/FALSE(fail) results paired with result messages. |
*/ |
function islandora_validate_mp3_datastream($object, $datastream) { |
$results = array(); |
$mp3 = bin2hex($object[$datastream]->content); |
$mp3_size = strlen($mp3) / 2; |
// Looks to see if VBR was set properly by LAME. If so, MATH TIME! |
if (strpos($mp3, '58696e67')) { |
$mp3_vbrheader = substr($mp3, strpos($mp3, '58696e67'), 240); |
// Check the field flags. VBR-formatted MP3 files contain a 32-bit |
// integer (stored as $mp3_flag_value) that is a combination of four |
// bits, each one indicating the on-off status of a VBR setting, via |
// logical OR. Rather than disassembling this value into individual |
// bits, we use the algorithm "if (binary_total+bit_value*2)/bit_value*2 |
// is greater than or equal to bit_value, that bit is turned on" to find |
// the status of each bit, so we know whether to offset the rest. |
$mp3_field_offset = array(0, 0, 0); |
$mp3_flag_value = hexdec(substr($mp3_vbrheader, 8, 8)); |
// We can't use the first flag, but we still need to offset the rest. |
if (($mp3_flag_value + 1) % 2 == 0) { |
$mp3_field_offset[0] += 8; |
$mp3_field_offset[1] += 8; |
$mp3_field_offset[2] += 8; |
} |
// The second flag leads us to filesize data, which we can verify. |
if (($mp3_flag_value + 4) % 4 > 1) { |
$mp3_field_bytes = hexdec(substr($mp3_vbrheader, $mp3_field_offset[0] + 16, 8)); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream reported filesize of {$mp3_size} bytes matches size field value of {$mp3_field_bytes}"; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream reported filesize of {$mp3_size} bytes does not match size field value of {$mp3_field_bytes}"; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid($mp3_size == $mp3_field_bytes, $results, $pass, $fail); |
$mp3_field_offset[1] += 8; |
$mp3_field_offset[2] += 8; |
} |
// We can't use the third flag for anything either. |
if (($mp3_flag_value + 8) % 8 > 3) { |
$mp3_field_offset[2] += 200; |
} |
// The fourth flag leads us to VBR quality data, which we can validate. |
if ($mp3_flag_value > 7) { |
$mp3_field_quality = hexdec(substr($mp3_vbrheader, $mp3_field_offset[2] + 16, 8)); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream reports valid VBR quality of {$mp3_field_quality} (expected: between 0-100)"; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream reports invalid VBR quality of {$mp3_field_quality} (expected: between 0-100)"; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid($mp3_field_quality <= 100 && $mp3_field_quality >= 0, $results, $pass, $fail); |
} |
} |
// Otherwise, just forget everything and check the file signature. |
elseif (strpos($mp3, '58696e67') == FALSE && substr($mp3, 0, 4) == 'fffa') { |
$results = array(array(TRUE, "{$datastream} datastream is encoded as a valid MPEG-1 Layer 3 file with CRC protection")); |
} |
elseif (strpos($mp3, '58696e67') == FALSE && substr($mp3, 0, 4) == 'fffb') { |
$results = array(array(TRUE, "{$datastream} datastream is encoded as a valid unprotected MPEG-1 Layer 3 file")); |
} |
else { |
$results = array(array(FALSE, "{$datastream} datastream is corrupt and does not identify as a valid MP3.")); |
} |
return $results; |
} |
/** |
* Attempts to validate an .mp4 datastream. |
* |
* MP4 files are a subset of the ISO file format specification, and as such need |
* to contain a 64-bit declaration of type within the first eight eight bytes of |
* the file. This declaration is comprised of the characters 'ftyp', followed by |
* a four-character filetype code. Below, we look for 'ftyp', and then pass the |
* filetype code to the test message. |
* |
* @param AbstractObject $object |
* The PID of the object. |
* @param string $datastream |
* A DSID of a datastream corresponding to an mp4 file. |
* |
* @return array |
* A series of TRUE(pass)/FALSE(fail) results paired with result messages. |
*/ |
function islandora_validate_mp4_datastream($object, $datastream) { |
$results = array(); |
$mp4 = $object[$datastream]->content; |
if (strpos($mp4, 'ftyp')) { |
$mp4_ftyp = substr(strpos($mp4, 'ftyp'), 4, 4); |
} |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream asserts that it is a valid ISO-formatted video file using ftyp {$mp4_ftyp}"; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream is not a valid ISO-formatted video"; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(strpos($mp4, 'ftyp'), $results, $pass, $fail); |
return $results; |
} |
/** |
* Attempts to validate an .ogg/ogv datastream using Vorbis and Theora encoding. |
* |
* OGG files are made up of several 'pages' of OGG data, each prefaced with an |
* OGG marker - the letters 'OggS'. The file header also contains information on |
* what encoders were used to create the file. Here, we're looking for at least |
* one OGG page, and confirming that the file asserts the Theora and Vorbis |
* codecs were used to create the file. |
* |
* @param AbstractObject $object |
* The PID of the object. |
* @param string $datastream |
* A DSID of a datastream corresponding to an ogg file. |
* |
* @return array |
* A series of TRUE(pass)/FALSE(fail) results paired with result messages. |
*/ |
function islandora_validate_ogg_datastream($object, $datastream) { |
$results = array(); |
$ogg = $object[$datastream]->content; |
$ogg_pages = substr_count($ogg, 'OggS'); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream asserts that it contains {$ogg_pages} Ogg pages (even a very small file should contain several)."; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream contains no Ogg pages."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(substr_count($ogg, 'OggS'), $results, $pass, $fail); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream asserts that it contains Theora-encoded video data."; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream contains no marker indicating the presence of Theora-encoded video data."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(substr_count($ogg, 'theora'), $results, $pass, $fail); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream asserts that it contains Vorbis-encoded audio data"; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream contains no marker indicating the presence of Vorbis-encoded audio data."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(substr_count($ogg, 'vorbis'), $results, $pass, $fail); |
return $results; |
} |
/** |
* Attempts to validate an .mkv datastream. |
* |
* There's not much we can do to check an MKV file, since the format is really, |
* really loose. We do know a couple of things though - first, since MKV is an |
* EBML format, the first four characters will always be the same. Since they're |
* non-standard characters, we're looking at their hex values instead. And |
* second, we know that the file will contain the declaration 'matroska' soon |
* after. We could look for this in the binary, but we already have the hex- |
* translated version, so we just look for 'matroska' in hex. |
* |
* @param AbstractObject $object |
* The PID of the object. |
* @param string $datastream |
* A DSID of a datastream corresponding to an MKV file. |
* |
* @return array |
* A series of TRUE(pass)/FALSE(fail) results paired with result messages. |
*/ |
function islandora_validate_mkv_datastream($object, $datastream) { |
$results = array(); |
$mkv = bin2hex($object[$datastream]->content); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream asserts that it is an EBML-formatted file"; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream is not an EBML-formatted file."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(substr($mkv, 0, 8) == '1a45dfa3', $results, $pass, $fail); |
$pass = "{$datastream} datastream asserts that its EBML DocType is Matroska"; |
$fail = "{$datastream} datastream does not contain a Matroska EBML DocType marker."; |
$results = islandora_assert_valid(substr_count($mkv, '6d6174726f736b61') == 1, $results, $pass, $fail); |
return $results; |
} |
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