CS4820-Winter2020 student project to create a COUNTER SUSHI R5 harvester and related functionality app for Windows and Mac
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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There are 2 levels of reports, Master Reports (e.g. PR, DR) which show all possible columns and Standard Views (e.g. PR_P1, DR_D1, DR_D2) which only show some of the columns from the master reports.

Report Fetching

All reports are fetched via the COUNTER_SUSHI API, data is returned as JSON. The JSON models and all other details can be found at: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/COUNTER/counter-sushi_5_0_api/1.0.0


SUSHI requests can use these parameters for authentication:

  • customer_id (required)
  • requestor_id (optional)
  • api_key (optional) There are also other optional parametrs like "platform"

URL Building

Request supported reports: [base_url]/reports?[authentication],[parameters]

Request report: [base_url]/reports/[report_type]?[authentication],[parameters],[begin_date],[end_date]

TSV Report Formatting

All information about report formatting can be found at: https://www.projectcounter.org/code-of-practice-five-sections/3-0-technical-specifications/#formats

All reports should be formatted like in this image: https://www.projectcounter.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/image3.png

Report Header

All reports should have a header that takes the first 12 rows of the report. The header should be formatted like in this image: https://www.projectcounter.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/FIG-3D.png

A blank row should then be added to separate the report header from the column headings and body of the report.

Report Column Headings and Body

The column headings for each report type are as follows:

PR ["Platform", "Data_Type", "Access_Method"]

PR_P1 ["Platform"]

DR ["Database", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "Propriety_ID", "Data_Type", "Access_Method"]

DR_D1 and DR_D2 ["Database", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "Propriety_ID"]

TR ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "ISBN", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI", "Data_Type", "Section_Type", "YOP", "Access_Type", "Access_Method"]

TR_B1 and TR_B2 ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "ISBN", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI", "YOP"]

TR_B3 ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "ISBN", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI", "YOP", "Access_Type"]

TR_J1 and TR_J2 ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI"]

TR_J3 ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI", "Access_Type"]

TR_J4 ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI", "YOP"]

IR ["Item", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "Authors", "Publication_Date", "Article_version", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "ISBN", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI", "Parent_Title", "Parent_Authors", "Parent_Publication_Date", "Parent_Article_Version", "Parent_Data_Type", "Parent_DOI", "Parent_Proprietary_ID", "Parent_ISBN", "Parent_Print_ISSN", "Parent_Online_ISSN", "Parent_URI", "Data_Type", "YOP", "Access_Type", "Access_Method"]

IR_A1 ["Item", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "Authors", "Publication_Date", "Article_version", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI", "Parent_Title", "Parent_Authors", "Parent_Article_Version", "Parent_DOI", "Parent_Proprietary_ID", "Parent_Print_ISSN", "Parent_Online_ISSN", "Parent_URI", "Access_Type"]

IR_M1 ["Item", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "URI"]

All report types end with these headings: [ "Metric_Type", "Reporting_Period_Total", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ]

The report body is then populated with the data received