There are 2 levels of reports, Master Reports (e.g. PR, DR) which show all possible columns and Standard Views (e.g. PR_P1, DR_D1, DR_D2) which only show some of the columns from the master reports. ## Report Fetching All reports are fetched via the COUNTER_SUSHI API, data is returned as JSON. The JSON models and all other details can be found at: ### Authentication SUSHI requests can use these parameters for authentication: - customer_id (required) - requestor_id (optional) - api_key (optional) There are also other optional parametrs like "platform" ### URL Building Request supported reports: [base_url]/reports?[authentication],[parameters] Request report: [base_url]/reports/[report_type]?[authentication],[parameters],[begin_date],[end_date] ## TSV Report Formatting All information about report formatting can be found at: All reports should be formatted like in this image: ### Report Header All reports should have a header that takes the first 12 rows of the report. The header should be formatted like in this image: A blank row should then be added to separate the report header from the column headings and body of the report. ### Report Column Headings and Body The column headings for each report type are as follows: PR ["Platform", "Data_Type", "Access_Method"] PR_P1 ["Platform"] DR ["Database", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "Propriety_ID", "Data_Type", "Access_Method"] DR_D1 and DR_D2 ["Database", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "Propriety_ID"] TR ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "ISBN", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI", "Data_Type", "Section_Type", "YOP", "Access_Type", "Access_Method"] TR_B1 and TR_B2 ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "ISBN", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI", "YOP"] TR_B3 ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "ISBN", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI", "YOP", "Access_Type"] TR_J1 and TR_J2 ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI"] TR_J3 ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI", "Access_Type"] TR_J4 ["Title", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI", "YOP"] IR ["Item", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "Authors", "Publication_Date", "Article_version", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "ISBN", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI", "Parent_Title", "Parent_Authors", "Parent_Publication_Date", "Parent_Article_Version", "Parent_Data_Type", "Parent_DOI", "Parent_Proprietary_ID", "Parent_ISBN", "Parent_Print_ISSN", "Parent_Online_ISSN", "Parent_URI", "Data_Type", "YOP", "Access_Type", "Access_Method"] IR_A1 ["Item", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "Authors", "Publication_Date", "Article_version", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "Print_ISSN", "Online_ISSN", "Linking_ISSN", "URI", "Parent_Title", "Parent_Authors", "Parent_Article_Version", "Parent_DOI", "Parent_Proprietary_ID", "Parent_Print_ISSN", "Parent_Online_ISSN", "Parent_URI", "Access_Type"] IR_M1 ["Item", "Publisher", "Publisher_ID", "Platform", "DOI", "Propriety_ID", "URI"] All report types end with these headings: [ "Metric_Type", "Reporting_Period_Total", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ] The report body is then populated with the data received