Bento box search with multiple targets
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

101 lines
4.9 KiB

Drupal.behaviors.roblib_search_eds = {
attach: function(context, settings) {
$url = settings.roblib_search_eds.search_url;
profile = 'eds'; //settings.roblib_search_eds.eds_profile;
jQuery.getJSON($url, function(data) {
var items = [];
var numberOfDocs = 0;
try {
numberOfDocs = data.records.length;
} catch (err) {
// do nothing leave docLength at 0
if(numberOfDocs < 1){
jQuery('#' + 'roblib-search-content-eds').empty().append('No Results');
jQuery('.' + 'pane-roblib-search-eds-roblib-search-eds-results').hide();
} else {
var counter = 0;
var divs = new Array();
var content = new Array();
jQuery.each(data.records, function(key, val) {
id = 'roblib-search-eds-' + counter;
divs[counter++] = id;
if (typeof val.Items !== 'undefined') {
items.push('<div class ="roblib-search-row" id="' + id + '">');
if (typeof val.Items.Ti !== 'undefined') {
jQuery.each(val.Items.Ti, function(key2, val2){
items.push('<div class="roblib-title eds">');
items.push('<a href="'+val.PLink+'&scope=site">'+val2.Data+'</a></div>');
pubYear = val.RecordInfo.BibRelationships.IsPartOfRelationships["date"];
!pubYear ? pubYear = " " : pubYear = pubYear[0]["Y"];
if (typeof val.Items.TypPub !== 'undefined') {
jQuery.each(val.Items.TypPub, function(key6, typpub){
strs = typpub.Data.split('; ');
types = roblib_intersects(strs, ['<span class="highlight">Book</span>', '<span class="highlight">eBook</span>']);
items.push('<div class="eds-type"><span class="eds-pubyear">'+pubYear+'</span> - '+ types.join(', ') + '</div>');
items.push('<div class="eds-sor">');
roblib_authors = "";
jQuery.each(val.RecordInfo.BibRelationships.HasContributorRelationships, function(key3, author){
roblib_authors += author.NameFull;
roblib_authors = roblib_shorten(roblib_authors, 50, " ");
if (typeof val.Items.Src !== 'undefined') {
jQuery.each(val.Items.Src, function(key4, source){
items.push('<div class="eds-src">'+source.Data+'</div>');
if (typeof val.Items.PubIrInfo !== 'undefined') {
jQuery.each(val.Items.PubIrInfo, function(key5, pubinfo){
items.push('<div class="eds-pubinfo">'+pubinfo.Data+'</div>');
items.push('<div class="eds-db">'+val.DbLabel+'</div>');
jQuery('#' + 'roblib-search-content-eds').empty().append(items.join(''));
var queries = [];
jQuery.each(data.queries, function(key7, query){
var query_str = data.queries[0].query;
//var host = "";
//var get = "/edsapi/rest/Search?query=history&searchmode=all&resultsperpage=20&pagenumber=1&sort=relevance&highlight=y&includefacets=y&facetfilter=1%2cSourceType%3aMagazines%2cSourceType%3aNews%2cSourceType%3aAcademic+Journals%2cSourceType%3aConference+Materials&view=detailed";
var href_str = '' + profile + '&mode=bool&lang=en&bquery=';
jQuery('#roblib-search-eds-more').empty().append('<a href="'+href_str+query_str+'" id="see_all_results">See all results (' + data.recordCount + ')</a>');
function roblib_intersects(a, b) {
var d = {};
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
d[b[i]] = true;
for (var j = 0; j < a.length; j++) {
if (d[a[j]])
return results;
function roblib_shorten(str, maxLen, separator) {
if (str.length <= maxLen) return str;
return str.substr(0, str.lastIndexOf(separator, maxLen)) + ' et al.';