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370 lines
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370 lines
13 KiB
<?php |
namespace Drupal\Tests\twig_tweak\Functional; |
use Drupal\Core\Link; |
use Drupal\Core\Render\Markup; |
use Drupal\Core\Url; |
use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase; |
use Drupal\Tests\TestFileCreationTrait; |
use Drupal\file\Entity\File; |
use Drupal\language\Entity\ConfigurableLanguage; |
use Drupal\media\Entity\Media; |
use Drupal\responsive_image\Entity\ResponsiveImageStyle; |
use Drupal\user\Entity\Role; |
/** |
* A test for Twig extension. |
* |
* @group twig_tweak |
*/ |
final class TwigTweakTest extends BrowserTestBase { |
use TestFileCreationTrait; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
protected $defaultTheme = 'classy'; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public static $modules = [ |
'twig_tweak', |
'twig_tweak_test', |
'views', |
'node', |
'block', |
'image', |
'responsive_image', |
'language', |
'contextual', |
]; |
/** |
* {@inheritdoc} |
*/ |
public function setUp(): void { |
parent::setUp(); |
$test_files = $this->getTestFiles('image'); |
$image_file = File::create([ |
'uri' => $test_files[0]->uri, |
'uuid' => 'b2c22b6f-7bf8-4da4-9de5-316e93487518', |
]); |
$image_file->save(); |
$media_file = File::create([ |
'uri' => $test_files[8]->uri, |
'uuid' => '5dd794d0-cb75-4130-9296-838aebc1fe74', |
]); |
$media_file->save(); |
$media = Media::create([ |
'bundle' => 'image', |
'name' => 'Image 1', |
'field_media_image' => ['target_id' => $media_file->id()], |
]); |
$media->save(); |
$node_values = [ |
'title' => 'Alpha', |
'field_image' => [ |
'target_id' => $image_file->id(), |
'alt' => 'Alt text', |
'title' => 'Title', |
], |
'field_media' => [ |
'target_id' => $media->id(), |
], |
]; |
$this->createNode($node_values); |
$this->createNode(['title' => 'Beta']); |
$this->createNode(['title' => 'Gamma']); |
ResponsiveImageStyle::create([ |
'id' => 'example', |
'label' => 'Example', |
'breakpoint_group' => 'responsive_image', |
])->save(); |
// Setup Russian language. |
ConfigurableLanguage::createFromLangcode('ru')->save(); |
} |
/** |
* Tests output produced by the Twig extension. |
*/ |
public function testOutput(): void { |
$this->drupalGet('twig-tweak-test'); |
// -- View (default display). |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-view-default"]'; |
$xpath .= '//div[contains(@class, "view-twig-tweak-test") and contains(@class, "view-display-id-default")]'; |
$xpath .= '/div[@class = "view-content"]//ul[count(./li) = 3]/li'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath . '//a[contains(@href, "/node/1") and text() = "Alpha"]'); |
$this->assertXpath($xpath . '//a[contains(@href, "/node/2") and text() = "Beta"]'); |
$this->assertXpath($xpath . '//a[contains(@href, "/node/3") and text() = "Gamma"]'); |
// -- View (page_1 display). |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-view-page_1"]'; |
$xpath .= '//div[contains(@class, "view-twig-tweak-test") and contains(@class, "view-display-id-page_1")]'; |
$xpath .= '/div[@class = "view-content"]//ul[count(./li) = 3]/li'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath . '//a[contains(@href, "/node/1") and text() = "Alpha"]'); |
$this->assertXpath($xpath . '//a[contains(@href, "/node/2") and text() = "Beta"]'); |
$this->assertXpath($xpath . '//a[contains(@href, "/node/3") and text() = "Gamma"]'); |
// -- View with arguments. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-view-page_1-with-argument"]'; |
$xpath .= '//div[contains(@class, "view-twig-tweak-test")]'; |
$xpath .= '/div[@class = "view-content"]//ul[count(./li) = 1]/li'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath . '//a[contains(@href, "/node/1") and text() = "Alpha"]'); |
// -- View result. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-view-result" and text() = 3]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Block. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-block"]'; |
$xpath .= '/img[contains(@src, "/core/themes/classy/logo.svg") and @alt="Home"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Block with wrapper. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-block-with-wrapper"]'; |
$xpath .= '/div[@class = "block block-system block-system-branding-block"]'; |
$xpath .= '/h2[text() = "Branding"]'; |
$xpath .= '/following-sibling::a[img[contains(@src, "/core/themes/classy/logo.svg") and @alt="Home"]]'; |
$xpath .= '/following-sibling::div[@class = "site-name"]/a'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Region. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-region"]/div[@class = "region region-sidebar-first"]'; |
$xpath .= '/div[contains(@class, "block-page-title-block") and h1[@class="page-title" and text() = "Twig Tweak Test"]]'; |
$xpath .= '/following-sibling::div[contains(@class, "block-system-powered-by-block")]/span[. = "Powered by Drupal"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Entity (default view mode). |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-entity-default"]'; |
$xpath .= '/article[contains(@class, "node") and not(contains(@class, "node--view-mode-teaser"))]'; |
$xpath .= '/h2/a/span[text() = "Alpha"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Entity (teaser view mode). |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-entity-teaser"]'; |
$xpath .= '/article[contains(@class, "node") and contains(@class, "node--view-mode-teaser")]'; |
$xpath .= '/h2/a/span[text() = "Alpha"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Entity add form (unprivileged user). |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-entity-add-form"]/form'; |
$this->assertSession()->elementNotExists('xpath', $xpath); |
// -- Entity edit form (unprivileged user). |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-entity-edit-form"]/form'; |
$this->assertSession()->elementNotExists('xpath', $xpath); |
// Grant require permissions and test the forms again. |
$permissions = ['create page content', 'edit any page content']; |
/** @var \Drupal\user\RoleInterface $role */ |
$role = Role::load(Role::ANONYMOUS_ID); |
$this->grantPermissions($role, $permissions); |
$this->drupalGet($this->getUrl()); |
// -- Entity add form. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-entity-add-form"]/form'; |
$xpath .= '//input[@name = "title[0][value]" and @value = ""]'; |
$xpath .= '/../../../div/input[@type = "submit" and @value = "Save"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Entity edit form. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-entity-edit-form"]/form'; |
$xpath .= '//input[@name = "title[0][value]" and @value = "Alpha"]'; |
$xpath .= '/../../../div/input[@type = "submit" and @value = "Save"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Field. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-field"]/div[contains(@class, "field--name-body")]/p[text() != ""]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Menu. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-menu-default"]/ul[@class = "menu"]/li/a[text() = "Link 1"]/../ul[@class = "menu"]/li/ul[@class = "menu"]/li/a[text() = "Link 3"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Menu with level option. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-menu-level"]/ul[@class = "menu"]/li/a[text() = "Link 2"]/../ul[@class = "menu"]/li/a[text() = "Link 3"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Menu with depth option. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-menu-depth"]/ul[@class = "menu"]/li[not(ul)]/a[text() = "Link 1"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Form. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-form"]/form[@class="system-cron-settings"]/input[@type = "submit" and @value = "Run cron"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Image by FID. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-image-by-fid"]/img[contains(@src, "/files/image-test.png")]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Image by URI. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-image-by-uri"]/img[contains(@src, "/files/image-test.png")]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Image by UUID. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-image-by-uuid"]/img[contains(@src, "/files/image-test.png")]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Image with style. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-image-with-style"]/img[contains(@src, "/files/styles/thumbnail/public/image-test.png")]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Image with responsive style. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-image-with-responsive-style"]/picture/img[contains(@src, "/files/image-test.png")]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Token. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-token" and text() = "Drupal"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Token with context. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-token-data" and text() = "Alpha"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Config. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-config" and text() = "Anonymous"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Page title. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-title" and text() = "Twig Tweak Test"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- URL. |
$url = Url::fromUserInput('/node/1', ['absolute' => TRUE])->toString(); |
$xpath = sprintf('//div[@class = "tt-url"]/div[@data-case="default" and text() = "%s"]', $url); |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- URL with langcode. |
$url = str_replace('node/1', 'ru/node/1', $url); |
$xpath = sprintf('//div[@class = "tt-url"]/div[@data-case="with-langcode" and text() = "%s"]', $url); |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Link. |
$url = Url::fromUserInput('/node/1/edit', ['absolute' => TRUE]); |
$link = Link::fromTextAndUrl('Edit', $url)->toString(); |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-link"]'; |
self::assertEquals($link, trim($this->xpath($xpath)[0]->getHtml())); |
// -- Link with HTML. |
$text = Markup::create('<b>Edit</b>'); |
$url = Url::fromUserInput('/node/1/edit', ['absolute' => TRUE]); |
$link = Link::fromTextAndUrl($text, $url)->toString(); |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-link-html"]'; |
self::assertEquals($link, trim($this->xpath($xpath)[0]->getHtml())); |
// -- Status messages. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-messages"]//div[contains(@class, "messages--status") and contains(., "Hello world!")]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Breadcrumb. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-breadcrumb"]/nav[@class = "breadcrumb"]/ol/li/a[text() = "Home"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Protected link. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-link-access"]'; |
self::assertEquals('', trim($this->xpath($xpath)[0]->getHtml())); |
// -- Token replacement. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-token-replace" and text() = "Site name: Drupal"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Contextual links. |
$xpath = '//div[@class="tt-contextual-links" and not(div[@data-contextual-id])]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
/** @var \Drupal\user\RoleInterface $role */ |
$role = Role::load(Role::ANONYMOUS_ID); |
$this->grantPermissions($role, ['access contextual links']); |
$this->drupalGet($this->getUrl()); |
$xpath = '//div[@class="tt-contextual-links" and div[@data-contextual-id]]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Replace (preg). |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-preg-replace" and text() = "FOO-bar"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Image style. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-image-style" and contains(text(), "styles/thumbnail/public/images/ocean.jpg")]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Transliterate. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-transliterate" and contains(text(), "Privet!")]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Text format. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-check-markup"]'; |
self::assertEquals('<b>bold</b> strong', trim($this->xpath($xpath)[0]->getHtml())); |
// -- Format size. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-format-size"]'; |
self::assertSame('12.06 KB', $this->xpath($xpath)[0]->getHtml()); |
// -- Truncate. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-truncate" and text() = "Hello…"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- 'with'. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-with"]/b[text() = "Example"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Nested 'with'. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-with-nested" and text() = "{alpha:{beta:{gamma:456}}}"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- 'children'. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-children" and text() = "doremi"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Entity view. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-node-view"]/article[contains(@class, "node--view-mode-default")]/h2[a/span[text() = "Alpha"]]'; |
$xpath .= '/following-sibling::div[@class = "node__content"]/div/p'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Field list view. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-field-list-view"]/span[contains(@class, "field--name-title") and text() = "Alpha"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- Field item view. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-field-item-view" and text() = "Alpha"]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- File URL from URI. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-file-url-from-uri" and contains(text(), "/files/image-test.png")]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- File URL from image field. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-file-url-from-image-field" and contains(text(), "/files/image-test.png")]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- File URL from a specific image field item. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-file-url-from-image-field-delta" and contains(text(), "/files/image-test.png")]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
// -- File URL from media field. |
$xpath = '//div[@class = "tt-file-url-from-media-field" and contains(text(), "/files/image-1.png")]'; |
$this->assertXpath($xpath); |
} |
/** |
* Checks that an element specified by a the xpath exists on the current page. |
*/ |
private function assertXpath(string $xpath): void { |
$this->assertSession()->elementExists('xpath', $xpath); |
} |