rules for php 7.4 which is on ubuntu 20. May also need this version of rules for php7.2. Base off of Development version: 7.x-2.x-dev updated 15 Mar 2020 at 21:52 UTC
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

804 lines
28 KiB

* @file
* Contains the state and data related stuff.
* The rules evaluation state.
* A rule element may clone the state, so any added variables are only visible
* for elements in the current PHP-variable-scope.
class RulesState {
* Globally keeps the ids of rules blocked due to recursion prevention.
* @var array
static protected $blocked = array();
* The known variables.
* @var array
public $variables = array();
* Holds info about the variables.
* @var array
protected $info = array();
* Keeps wrappers to be saved later on.
protected $save;
* Holds the arguments while an element is executed.
* May be used by the element to easily access the wrapped arguments.
public $currentArguments;
* Variable for saving currently blocked configs for serialization.
protected $currentlyBlocked;
* Constructs a RulesState object.
public function __construct() {
// Use an object in order to ensure any cloned states reference the same
// save information.
$this->save = new ArrayObject();
$this->addVariable('site', FALSE, self::defaultVariables('site'));
* Adds the given variable to the given execution state.
public function addVariable($name, $data, $info) {
$this->info[$name] = $info + array(
'skip save' => FALSE,
'type' => 'unknown',
'handler' => FALSE,
if (empty($this->info[$name]['handler'])) {
$this->variables[$name] = rules_wrap_data($data, $this->info[$name]);
* Runs post-evaluation tasks, such as saving variables.
public function cleanUp() {
// Make changes permanent.
foreach ($this->save->getArrayCopy() as $selector => $wrapper) {
* Block a rules configuration from execution.
public function block($rules_config) {
if (empty($rules_config->recursion) && $rules_config->id) {
self::$blocked[$rules_config->id] = TRUE;
* Unblock a rules configuration from execution.
public function unblock($rules_config) {
if (empty($rules_config->recursion) && $rules_config->id) {
* Returns whether a rules configuration should be blocked from execution.
public function isBlocked($rule_config) {
return !empty($rule_config->id) && isset(self::$blocked[$rule_config->id]);
* Get the info about the state variables or a single variable.
public function varInfo($name = NULL) {
if (isset($name)) {
return isset($this->info[$name]) ? $this->info[$name] : FALSE;
return $this->info;
* Returns whether the given wrapper is savable.
public function isSavable($wrapper) {
return ($wrapper instanceof EntityDrupalWrapper && entity_type_supports($wrapper->type(), 'save')) || $wrapper instanceof RulesDataWrapperSavableInterface;
* Returns whether the variable with the given name is an entity.
public function isEntity($name) {
$entity_info = entity_get_info();
return isset($this->info[$name]['type']) && isset($entity_info[$this->info[$name]['type']]);
* Gets a variable.
* If necessary, the specified handler is invoked to fetch the variable.
* @param string $name
* The name of the variable to return.
* @return
* The variable or a EntityMetadataWrapper containing the variable.
* @throws RulesEvaluationException
* Throws a RulesEvaluationException in case we have info about the
* requested variable, but it is not defined.
public function &get($name) {
if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->variables)) {
// If there is handler to load the variable, do it now.
if (!empty($this->info[$name]['handler'])) {
$data = call_user_func($this->info[$name]['handler'], rules_unwrap_data($this->variables), $name, $this->info[$name]);
$this->variables[$name] = rules_wrap_data($data, $this->info[$name]);
$this->info[$name]['handler'] = FALSE;
if (!isset($data)) {
throw new RulesEvaluationException('Unable to load variable %name, aborting.', array('%name' => $name), NULL, RulesLog::INFO);
else {
throw new RulesEvaluationException('Unable to get variable %name, it is not defined.', array('%name' => $name), NULL, RulesLog::ERROR);
return $this->variables[$name];
* Apply permanent changes provided the wrapper's data type is savable.
* @param $selector
* The data selector of the wrapper to save or just a variable name.
* @param $wrapper
* @param bool $immediate
* Pass FALSE to postpone saving to later on. Else it's immediately saved.
public function saveChanges($selector, $wrapper, $immediate = FALSE) {
$info = $wrapper->info();
if (empty($info['skip save']) && $this->isSavable($wrapper)) {
$this->save($selector, $wrapper, $immediate);
// No entity, so try saving the parent.
elseif (empty($info['skip save']) && isset($info['parent']) && !($wrapper instanceof EntityDrupalWrapper)) {
// Cut of the last part of the selector.
$selector = implode(':', explode(':', $selector, -1));
$this->saveChanges($selector, $info['parent'], $immediate);
return $this;
* Remembers to save the wrapper on cleanup or does it now.
protected function save($selector, EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper, $immediate) {
// Convert variable names and selectors to both use underscores.
$selector = strtr($selector, '-', '_');
if (isset($this->save[$selector])) {
if ($this->save[$selector][0]->getIdentifier() == $wrapper->getIdentifier()) {
// The entity is already remembered. So do a combined save.
$this->save[$selector][1] += self::$blocked;
else {
// The wrapper is already in there, but wraps another entity. So first
// save the old one, then care about the new one.
if (!isset($this->save[$selector])) {
// In case of immediate saving don't clone the wrapper, so saving a new
// entity immediately makes the identifier available afterwards.
$this->save[$selector] = array($immediate ? $wrapper : clone $wrapper, self::$blocked);
if ($immediate) {
* Saves the wrapper for the given selector.
protected function saveNow($selector) {
// Add the set of blocked elements for the recursion prevention.
$previously_blocked = self::$blocked;
self::$blocked += $this->save[$selector][1];
// Actually save!
$wrapper = $this->save[$selector][0];
$entity = $wrapper->value();
// When operating in hook_entity_insert() $entity->is_new might be still
// set. In that case remove the flag to avoid causing another insert instead
// of an update.
if (!empty($entity->is_new) && $wrapper->getIdentifier()) {
$entity->is_new = FALSE;
rules_log('Saved %selector of type %type.', array('%selector' => $selector, '%type' => $wrapper->type()));
// Restore the state's set of blocked elements.
self::$blocked = $previously_blocked;
* Merges info from the given state into the existing state.
* Merges the info about to-be-saved variables from the given state into the
* existing state. Therefore we can aggregate saves from invoked components.
* Merged-in saves are removed from the given state, but not-mergeable saves
* remain there.
* @param $state
* The state for which to merge the to be saved variables in.
* @param $component
* The component which has been invoked, thus needs to be blocked for the
* merged in saves.
* @param $settings
* The settings of the element that invoked the component. Contains
* information about variable/selector mappings between the states.
public function mergeSaveVariables(RulesState $state, RulesPlugin $component, $settings) {
// For any saves that we take over, also block the component.
foreach ($state->save->getArrayCopy() as $selector => $data) {
$parts = explode(':', $selector, 2);
// Adapt the selector to fit for the parent state and move the wrapper.
if (isset($settings[$parts[0] . ':select'])) {
$parts[0] = $settings[$parts[0] . ':select'];
$this->save(implode(':', $parts), $data[0], FALSE);
* Returns an entity metadata wrapper as specified in the selector.
* @param string $selector
* The selector string, e.g. "node:author:mail".
* @param string $langcode
* (optional) The language code used to get the argument value if the
* argument value should be translated. Defaults to LANGUAGE_NONE.
* @return EntityMetadataWrapper
* The wrapper for the given selector.
* @throws RulesEvaluationException
* Throws a RulesEvaluationException in case the selector cannot be applied.
public function applyDataSelector($selector, $langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE) {
$parts = explode(':', str_replace('-', '_', $selector), 2);
$wrapper = $this->get($parts[0]);
if (count($parts) == 1) {
return $wrapper;
elseif (!$wrapper instanceof EntityMetadataWrapper) {
throw new RulesEvaluationException('Unable to apply data selector %selector. The specified variable is not wrapped correctly.', array('%selector' => $selector));
try {
foreach (explode(':', $parts[1]) as $name) {
if ($wrapper instanceof EntityListWrapper || $wrapper instanceof EntityStructureWrapper) {
// Make sure we are using the right language. Wrappers might be cached
// and have previous langcodes set, so always set the right language.
if ($wrapper instanceof EntityStructureWrapper) {
$wrapper = $wrapper->get($name);
else {
throw new RulesEvaluationException('Unable to apply data selector %selector. The specified variable is not a list or a structure: %wrapper.', array('%selector' => $selector, '%wrapper' => $wrapper));
catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {
// In case of an exception, re-throw it.
throw new RulesEvaluationException('Unable to apply data selector %selector: %error', array('%selector' => $selector, '%error' => $e->getMessage()));
return $wrapper;
* Magic method. Only serialize variables and their info.
* Additionally we remember currently blocked configs, so we can restore them
* upon deserialization using restoreBlocks().
public function __sleep() {
$this->currentlyBlocked = self::$blocked;
return array('info', 'variables', 'currentlyBlocked');
* Magic method. Unserialize variables and their info.
public function __wakeup() {
$this->save = new ArrayObject();
* Restores the before-serialization blocked configurations.
* Warning: This overwrites any possible currently blocked configs. Thus
* do not invoke this method if there might be evaluations active.
public function restoreBlocks() {
self::$blocked = $this->currentlyBlocked;
* Defines always-available variables.
* @param $key
* (optional)
public static function defaultVariables($key = NULL) {
// Add a variable for accessing site-wide data properties.
$vars['site'] = array(
'type' => 'site',
'label' => t('Site information'),
'description' => t("Site-wide settings and other global information."),
// Add the property info via a callback making use of the cached info.
'property info alter' => array('RulesData', 'addSiteMetadata'),
'property info' => array(),
'optional' => TRUE,
return isset($key) ? $vars[$key] : $vars;
* A class holding static methods related to data.
class RulesData {
* Returns whether the type match. They match if type1 is compatible to type2.
* @param $var_info
* The name of the type to check for whether it is compatible to type2.
* @param $param_info
* The type expression to check for.
* @param bool $ancestors
* (optional) Whether sub-type relationships for checking type compatibility
* should be taken into account. Defaults to TRUE.
* @return bool
* Whether the types match.
public static function typesMatch($var_info, $param_info, $ancestors = TRUE) {
$var_type = $var_info['type'];
$param_type = $param_info['type'];
if ($param_type == '*' || $param_type == 'unknown') {
return TRUE;
if ($var_type == $param_type) {
// Make sure the bundle matches, if specified by the parameter.
return !isset($param_info['bundles']) || isset($var_info['bundle']) && in_array($var_info['bundle'], $param_info['bundles']);
// Parameters may specify multiple types using an array.
$valid_types = is_array($param_type) ? $param_type : array($param_type);
if (in_array($var_type, $valid_types)) {
return TRUE;
// Check for sub-type relationships.
if ($ancestors && !isset($param_info['bundles'])) {
$cache = &rules_get_cache();
self::typeCalcAncestors($cache, $var_type);
// If one of the types is an ancestor return TRUE.
return (bool) array_intersect_key($cache['data_info'][$var_type]['ancestors'], array_flip($valid_types));
return FALSE;
protected static function typeCalcAncestors(&$cache, $type) {
if (!isset($cache['data_info'][$type]['ancestors'])) {
$cache['data_info'][$type]['ancestors'] = array();
if (isset($cache['data_info'][$type]['parent']) && $parent = $cache['data_info'][$type]['parent']) {
$cache['data_info'][$type]['ancestors'][$parent] = TRUE;
self::typeCalcAncestors($cache, $parent);
// Add all parent ancestors to our own ancestors.
$cache['data_info'][$type]['ancestors'] += $cache['data_info'][$parent]['ancestors'];
// For special lists like list<node> add in "list" as valid parent.
if (entity_property_list_extract_type($type)) {
$cache['data_info'][$type]['ancestors']['list'] = TRUE;
* Returns data for the given info and the to-be-configured parameter.
* Returns matching data variables or properties for the given info and the
* to-be-configured parameter.
* @param $source
* Either an array of info about available variables or a entity metadata
* wrapper.
* @param $param_info
* The information array about the to be configured parameter.
* @param string $prefix
* An optional prefix for the data selectors.
* @param int $recursions
* The number of recursions used to go down the tree. Defaults to 2.
* @param bool $suggestions
* Whether possibilities to recurse are suggested as soon as the deepest
* level of recursions is reached. Defaults to TRUE.
* @return array
* An array of info about matching variables or properties that match, keyed
* with the data selector.
public static function matchingDataSelector($source, $param_info, $prefix = '', $recursions = 2, $suggestions = TRUE) {
// If an array of info is given, get entity metadata wrappers first.
$data = NULL;
if (is_array($source)) {
foreach ($source as $name => $info) {
$source[$name] = rules_wrap_data($data, $info, TRUE);
$matches = array();
foreach ($source as $name => $wrapper) {
$info = $wrapper->info();
$name = str_replace('_', '-', $name);
if (self::typesMatch($info, $param_info)) {
$matches[$prefix . $name] = $info;
if (!is_array($source) && $source instanceof EntityListWrapper) {
// Add some more possible list items.
for ($i = 1; $i < 4; $i++) {
$matches[$prefix . $i] = $info;
// Recurse later on to get an improved ordering of the results.
if ($wrapper instanceof EntityStructureWrapper || $wrapper instanceof EntityListWrapper) {
$recurse[$prefix . $name] = $wrapper;
if ($recursions > 0) {
$matches += self::matchingDataSelector($wrapper, $param_info, $prefix . $name . ':', $recursions - 1, $suggestions);
elseif ($suggestions) {
// We may not recurse any more,
// but indicate the possibility to recurse.
$matches[$prefix . $name . ':'] = $wrapper->info();
if (!is_array($source) && $source instanceof EntityListWrapper) {
// Add some more possible list items.
for ($i = 1; $i < 4; $i++) {
$matches[$prefix . $i . ':'] = $wrapper->info();
return $matches;
* Adds asserted metadata to the variable info.
* In case there are already assertions for a variable, the assertions are
* merged such that both apply.
* @see RulesData::applyMetadataAssertions()
public static function addMetadataAssertions($var_info, $assertions) {
foreach ($assertions as $selector => $assertion) {
// Convert the selector back to underscores, such it matches the varname.
$selector = str_replace('-', '_', $selector);
$parts = explode(':', $selector);
if (isset($var_info[$parts[0]])) {
// Apply the selector to determine the right target array. We build an
// array like
// $var_info['rules assertion']['property1']['property2']['#info'] = ..
$target = &$var_info[$parts[0]]['rules assertion'];
foreach (array_slice($parts, 1) as $part) {
$target = &$target[$part];
// In case the assertion is directly for a variable, we have to modify
// the variable info directly. In case the asserted property is nested
// the info-has to be altered by RulesData::applyMetadataAssertions()
// before the child-wrapper is created.
if (count($parts) == 1) {
// Support asserting a type in case of generic entity references only.
$var_type = &$var_info[$parts[0]]['type'];
if (isset($assertion['type']) && ($var_type == 'entity' || $var_type == 'list<entity>')) {
$var_type = $assertion['type'];
// Add any single bundle directly to the variable info, so the
// variable fits as argument for parameters requiring the bundle.
if (isset($assertion['bundle']) && count($bundles = (array) $assertion['bundle']) == 1) {
$var_info[$parts[0]]['bundle'] = reset($bundles);
// Add the assertions, but merge them with any previously added
// assertions if necessary.
$target['#info'] = isset($target['#info']) ? rules_update_array($target['#info'], $assertion) : $assertion;
// Add in a callback that the entity metadata wrapper pick up for
// altering the property info, such that we can add in the assertions.
$var_info[$parts[0]] += array('property info alter' => array('RulesData', 'applyMetadataAssertions'));
// In case there is a VARNAME_unchanged variable as it is used in update
// hooks, assume the assertions are valid for the unchanged variable
// too.
if (isset($var_info[$parts[0] . '_unchanged'])) {
$name = $parts[0] . '_unchanged';
$var_info[$name]['rules assertion'] = $var_info[$parts[0]]['rules assertion'];
$var_info[$name]['property info alter'] = array('RulesData', 'applyMetadataAssertions');
if (isset($var_info[$parts[0]]['bundle']) && !isset($var_info[$name]['bundle'])) {
$var_info[$name]['bundle'] = $var_info[$parts[0]]['bundle'];
return $var_info;
* Property info alter callback for the entity metadata wrapper.
* Used for applying the rules metadata assertions.
* @see RulesData::addMetadataAssertions()
public static function applyMetadataAssertions(EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper, $property_info) {
$info = $wrapper->info();
if (!empty($info['rules assertion'])) {
$assertion = $info['rules assertion'];
// In case there are list-wrappers pass through the assertions of the item
// but make sure we only apply the assertions for the list items for
// which the conditions are executed.
if (isset($info['parent']) && $info['parent'] instanceof EntityListWrapper) {
$assertion = isset($assertion[$info['name']]) ? $assertion[$info['name']] : array();
// Support specifying multiple bundles, whereas the added properties are
// the intersection of the bundle properties.
if (isset($assertion['#info']['bundle'])) {
$bundles = (array) $assertion['#info']['bundle'];
foreach ($bundles as $bundle) {
$properties[] = isset($property_info['bundles'][$bundle]['properties']) ? $property_info['bundles'][$bundle]['properties'] : array();
// Add the intersection.
$property_info['properties'] += count($properties) > 1 ? call_user_func_array('array_intersect_key', $properties) : reset($properties);
// Support adding directly asserted property info.
if (isset($assertion['#info']['property info'])) {
$property_info['properties'] += $assertion['#info']['property info'];
// Pass through any rules assertion of properties to their info, so any
// derived wrappers apply it.
foreach (element_children($assertion) as $key) {
$property_info['properties'][$key]['rules assertion'] = $assertion[$key];
$property_info['properties'][$key]['property info alter'] = array('RulesData', 'applyMetadataAssertions');
// Apply any 'type' and 'bundle' assertion directly to the property
// info.
if (isset($assertion[$key]['#info']['type'])) {
$type = $assertion[$key]['#info']['type'];
// Support asserting a type in case of generic entity references only.
if ($property_info['properties'][$key]['type'] == 'entity' && entity_get_info($type)) {
$property_info['properties'][$key]['type'] = $type;
if (isset($assertion[$key]['#info']['bundle'])) {
$bundle = (array) $assertion[$key]['#info']['bundle'];
// Add any single bundle directly to the variable info, so the
// property fits as argument for parameters requiring the bundle.
if (count($bundle) == 1) {
$property_info['properties'][$key]['bundle'] = reset($bundle);
return $property_info;
* Property info alter callback for the entity metadata wrapper.
* Used to inject metadata for the 'site' variable. In contrast to doing this
* via hook_rules_data_info() this callback makes use of the already existing
* property info cache for site information of entity metadata.
* @see RulesPlugin::availableVariables()
public static function addSiteMetadata(EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper, $property_info) {
$site_info = entity_get_property_info('site');
$property_info['properties'] += $site_info['properties'];
// Also invoke the usual callback for altering metadata, in case actions
// have specified further metadata.
return RulesData::applyMetadataAssertions($wrapper, $property_info);
* A wrapper class similar to the EntityDrupalWrapper, but for non-entities.
* This class is intended to serve as base for a custom wrapper classes of
* identifiable data types, which are non-entities. By extending this class only
* the extractIdentifier() and load() methods have to be defined.
* In order to make the data type savable implement the
* RulesDataWrapperSavableInterface.
* That way it is possible for non-entity data types to be work with Rules, i.e.
* one can implement a 'ui class' with a direct input form returning the
* identifier of the data. However, instead of that it is suggested to implement
* an entity type, such that the same is achieved via general API functions like
* entity_load().
abstract class RulesIdentifiableDataWrapper extends EntityStructureWrapper {
* Contains the id.
protected $id = FALSE;
* Construct a new wrapper object.
* @param $type
* The type of the passed data.
* @param $data
* (optional) The data to wrap or its identifier.
* @param array $info
* (optional) Used internally to pass info about properties down the tree.
public function __construct($type, $data = NULL, $info = array()) {
parent::__construct($type, $data, $info);
* Sets the data internally accepting both the data id and object.
protected function setData($data) {
if (isset($data) && $data !== FALSE && !is_object($data)) {
$this->id = $data;
$this->data = FALSE;
elseif (is_object($data)) {
// We got the data object passed.
$this->data = $data;
$id = $this->extractIdentifier($data);
$this->id = isset($id) ? $id : FALSE;
* Returns the identifier of the wrapped data.
public function getIdentifier() {
return $this->dataAvailable() && $this->value() ? $this->id : NULL;
* Overridden.
public function value(array $options = array()) {
if (!$this->data && !empty($this->id)) {
// Lazy load the data if necessary.
$this->data = $this->load($this->id);
if (!$this->data) {
throw new EntityMetadataWrapperException('Unable to load the ' . check_plain($this->type) . ' with the id ' . check_plain($this->id) . '.');
return $this->data;
* Overridden to support setting the data by either the object or the id.
public function set($value) {
if (!$this->validate($value)) {
throw new EntityMetadataWrapperException('Invalid data value given. Be sure it matches the required data type and format.');
// As custom wrapper classes can only appear for Rules variables, but not
// as properties we don't have to care about updating the parent.
return $this;
* Overridden.
public function clear() {
$this->id = NULL;
* Prepare for serialization.
public function __sleep() {
$vars = parent::__sleep();
// Don't serialize the loaded data, except for the case the data is not
// saved yet.
if (!empty($this->id)) {
return $vars;
* Prepare for unserialization.
public function __wakeup() {
if ($this->id !== FALSE) {
// Make sure data is set, so the data will be loaded when needed.
$this->data = FALSE;
* Extract the identifier of the given data object.
* @return
* The extracted identifier.
abstract protected function extractIdentifier($data);
* Load a data object given an identifier.
* @return
* The loaded data object, or FALSE if loading failed.
abstract protected function load($id);
* Used to declare custom wrapper classes as savable.
interface RulesDataWrapperSavableInterface {
* Save the currently wrapped data.
public function save();