rules for php 7.4 which is on ubuntu 20. May also need this version of rules for php7.2. Base off of Development version: 7.x-2.x-dev updated 15 Mar 2020 at 21:52 UTC
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* @file
* Rules scheduler module.
define('RULES_SCHEDULER_PATH', 'admin/config/workflow/rules/schedule');
* Implements hook_cron().
function rules_scheduler_cron() {
if (rules_scheduler_queue_tasks()) {
// hook_exit() is not invoked for cron runs, so register it as shutdown
// callback for logging the rules log to the watchdog.
// Clear the log before running tasks via the queue to avoid logging
// unrelated logs from previous cron-operations.
* Implements hook_cron_queue_info().
function rules_scheduler_cron_queue_info() {
$queues['rules_scheduler_tasks'] = array(
'worker callback' => 'rules_scheduler_run_task',
'time' => 15,
return $queues;
* Queue worker callback for running a single task.
* @param array $task
* The task to process.
function rules_scheduler_run_task(array $task) {
try {
// BC support for tasks that have been already queued, before update
// rules_scheduler_update_7204() ran.
if (isset($task['state'])) {
$task['data'] = $task['state'];
catch (RulesEvaluationException $e) {
rules_log($e->msg, $e->args, $e->severity);
rules_log('Unable to execute task with identifier %id scheduled on date %date.', array('%id' => $task['identifier'], '%date' => format_date($task['date'])), RulesLog::ERROR);
* Returns the task handler for a given task.
* @param array $task
* A task (queue item) array.
* @throws RulesEvaluationException
* If the task handler class is missing.
* @return RulesSchedulerTaskHandlerInterface
* The task handler.
function rules_scheduler_task_handler(array $task) {
$class = !empty($task['handler']) ? $task['handler'] : 'RulesSchedulerDefaultTaskHandler';
if (!class_exists($class)) {
throw new RulesEvaluationException('Missing task handler implementation %class.', array('%class' => $class), NULL, RulesLog::ERROR);
return new $class($task);
* Implements hook_rules_ui_menu_alter().
* Adds a menu item for the 'schedule' operation.
function rules_scheduler_rules_ui_menu_alter(&$items, $base_path, $base_count) {
$items[$base_path . '/manage/%rules_config/schedule'] = array(
'title callback' => 'rules_get_title',
'title arguments' => array('Schedule !plugin "!label"', $base_count + 1),
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array('rules_scheduler_schedule_form', $base_count + 1, $base_path),
'access callback' => 'rules_config_access',
'access arguments' => array('update', $base_count + 1),
'file' => '',
'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'rules_scheduler'),
* Implements hook_menu().
function rules_scheduler_menu() {
$items = array();
$items[RULES_SCHEDULER_PATH] = array(
'title' => 'Schedule',
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'page callback' => 'rules_scheduler_schedule_page',
'access arguments' => array('administer rules'),
'file' => '',
$items[RULES_SCHEDULER_PATH . '/%rules_scheduler_task/delete'] = array(
'title' => 'Delete a scheduled task',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array('rules_scheduler_delete_task', 5),
'access arguments' => array('administer rules'),
'file' => '',
return $items;
* Loads a task by a given task ID.
* @param int $tid
* The task ID.
function rules_scheduler_task_load($tid) {
$result = db_select('rules_scheduler', 'r')
->condition('tid', (int) $tid)
return $result->fetchAssoc();
* Deletes a task by a given task ID.
* @param int $tid
* The task ID.
function rules_scheduler_task_delete($tid) {
->condition('tid', $tid)
* Schedule a task to be executed later on.
* @param array $task
* An array representing the task with the following keys:
* - config: The machine readable name of the to-be-scheduled component.
* - date: Timestamp when the component should be executed.
* - state: (deprecated) Rules evaluation state to use for scheduling.
* - data: Any additional data to store with the task.
* - handler: The name of the task handler class.
* - identifier: User provided string to identify the task per scheduled
* configuration.
function rules_scheduler_schedule_task($task) {
// Map the deprecated 'state' property into 'data'.
if (isset($task['state'])) {
$task['data'] = $task['state'];
if (!empty($task['identifier'])) {
// If there is a task with the same identifier and component, we replace it.
->condition('config', $task['config'])
->condition('identifier', $task['identifier'])
drupal_write_record('rules_scheduler', $task);
* Queue tasks that are ready for execution.
* @return bool
* TRUE if any queue items were created, otherwise FALSE.
function rules_scheduler_queue_tasks() {
$items_created = FALSE;
// Limit adding tasks to 1000 per cron run.
$result = db_select('rules_scheduler', 'r', array('fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
->condition('date', time(), '<=')
->range(0, 1000)
$queue = DrupalQueue::get('rules_scheduler_tasks');
foreach ($result as $task) {
// Add the task to the queue and remove the entry afterwards.
if ($queue->createItem($task)) {
$items_created = TRUE;
return $items_created;
* Implements hook_rules_config_delete().
function rules_scheduler_rules_config_delete($rules_config) {
// Only react on real delete, not revert.
if (!$rules_config->hasStatus(ENTITY_IN_CODE)) {
// Delete all tasks scheduled for this config.
->condition('config', $rules_config->name)
* Implements hook_views_api().
function rules_scheduler_views_api() {
return array(
'api' => '3.0-alpha1',
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'rules_scheduler') . '/includes',