rules for php 7.4 which is on ubuntu 20. May also need this version of rules for php7.2. Base off of Development version: 7.x-2.x-dev updated 15 Mar 2020 at 21:52 UTC
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* @file
* Contains event handler interface and base classes.
* Interface for handling rules events.
* Configurable events (i.e. events making use of settings) have a custom
* event suffix, which gets appended to the base event name. The configured
* event name of, e.g. the event for viewing an article node, would be
* node_view--article, whereas "node_view" is the base event name and "article"
* the event suffix as returned from
* RulesEventHandlerInterface::getEventNameSuffix(). The event suffix is
* generated based upon the event settings and must map to this settings, i.e.
* each set of event settings must always generate the same suffix.
* For a configurable event to be invoked, rules_invoke_event() has to be called
* with the configured event name, e.g.
* @code
* rules_invoke_event('node_view--' . $node->type, $node, $view_mode);
* @endcode
* If the event settings are optional, both events have to be invoked whereas
* usually the more general event is invoked last. E.g.:
* @code
* rules_invoke_event('node_view--' . $node->type, $node, $view_mode);
* rules_invoke_event('node_view', $node, $view_mode);
* @endcode
* Rules event handlers have to be declared using the 'class' key in
* hook_rules_event_info(), or may be discovered automatically, see
* rules_discover_plugins() for details.
* @see RulesEventHandlerBase
* @see RulesEventDefaultHandler
interface RulesEventHandlerInterface {
* Constructs the event handler.
* @param string $event_name
* The base event string.
* @param array $info
* The event info of the given event.
public function __construct($event_name, $info);
* Sets the event settings.
* @param array $settings
* An array of settings to set.
* @return RulesEventHandlerInterface
* The handler itself for chaining.
public function setSettings(array $settings);
* Gets the event settings.
* @return array
* The array of settings.
public function getSettings();
* Returns an array of default settings.
* @return array
* The array of default settings.
public function getDefaults();
* Returns a user-facing summary of the settings.
* @return string
* The summary in HTML, i.e. properly escaped or filtered.
public function summary();
* Builds the event settings form.
* @param array $form_state
* An associative array containing the current state of the form.
* @return array
* The form structure.
public function buildForm(array &$form_state);
* Validate the event settings independent from a form submission.
* @throws RulesIntegrityException
* In case of validation errors, RulesIntegrityExceptions are thrown.
public function validate();
* Extract the form values and update the event settings.
* @param array $form
* An associative array containing the structure of the form.
* @param array $form_state
* An associative array containing the current state of the form.
public function extractFormValues(array &$form, array &$form_state);
* Returns the suffix to be added to the base event named based upon settings.
* If event settings are used, the event name Rules uses for the configured
* event is {EVENT_NAME}--{SUFFIX}.
* @return string
* The suffix string. Return an empty string for not appending a suffix.
public function getEventNameSuffix();
* Returns info about the variables provided by this event.
* @return array
* An array of provided variables, keyed by variable names and with the
* variable info array as value.
public function availableVariables();
* Returns the base name of the event the event handler belongs to.
* @return string
* The name of the event the event handler belongs to.
public function getEventName();
* Returns the info array of the event the event handler belongs to.
* @return string
* The info array of the event the event handler belongs to.
public function getEventInfo();
* Interface for event dispatchers.
interface RulesEventDispatcherInterface extends RulesEventHandlerInterface {
* Starts the event watcher.
public function startWatching();
* Stops the event watcher.
public function stopWatching();
* Returns whether the event dispatcher is currently active.
* @return bool
* TRUE if the event dispatcher is currently active, FALSE otherwise.
public function isWatching();
* Base class for event handler.
abstract class RulesEventHandlerBase implements RulesEventHandlerInterface {
* The event name.
* @var string
protected $eventName;
* The event info.
* @var array
protected $eventInfo;
* The event settings.
* @var array
protected $settings = array();
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::__construct().
public function __construct($event_name, $info) {
$this->eventName = $event_name;
$this->eventInfo = $info;
$this->settings = $this->getDefaults();
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::getSettings().
public function getSettings() {
return $this->settings;
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::setSettings().
public function setSettings(array $settings) {
$this->settings = $settings + $this->getDefaults();
return $this;
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::validate().
public function validate() {
// Nothing to check by default.
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::extractFormValues().
public function extractFormValues(array &$form, array &$form_state) {
foreach ($this->getDefaults() as $key => $setting) {
$this->settings[$key] = isset($form_state['values'][$key]) ? $form_state['values'][$key] : $setting;
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::availableVariables().
public function availableVariables() {
return isset($this->eventInfo['variables']) ? $this->eventInfo['variables'] : array();
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::getEventName().
public function getEventName() {
return $this->eventName;
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::getEventInfo().
public function getEventInfo() {
return $this->eventInfo;
* A handler for events having no settings. This is the default handler.
class RulesEventDefaultHandler extends RulesEventHandlerBase {
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::buildForm().
public function buildForm(array &$form_state) {
return array();
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::getConfiguredEventName().
public function getEventNameSuffix() {
return '';
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::summary().
public function summary() {
return check_plain($this->eventInfo['label']);
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::getDefaults().
public function getDefaults() {
return array();
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::getSettings().
public function getSettings() {
return NULL;
* Exposes the bundle of an entity as event setting.
class RulesEventHandlerEntityBundle extends RulesEventHandlerBase {
protected $entityType;
protected $entityInfo;
protected $bundleKey;
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::__construct().
public function __construct($event_name, $info) {
parent::__construct($event_name, $info);
// Cut off the suffix, e.g. remove 'view' from node_view.
$this->entityType = implode('_', explode('_', $event_name, -1));
$this->entityInfo = entity_get_info($this->entityType);
if (!$this->entityInfo) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported event name passed.');
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::summary().
public function summary() {
$bundle = &$this->settings['bundle'];
$bundle_label = isset($this->entityInfo['bundles'][$bundle]['label']) ? $this->entityInfo['bundles'][$bundle]['label'] : $bundle;
$suffix = isset($bundle) ? ' ' . t('of @bundle-key %name', array('@bundle-key' => $this->getBundlePropertyLabel(), '%name' => $bundle_label)) : '';
return check_plain($this->eventInfo['label']) . $suffix;
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::buildForm().
public function buildForm(array &$form_state) {
$form['bundle'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Restrict by @bundle', array('@bundle' => $this->getBundlePropertyLabel())),
'#description' => t('If you need to filter for multiple values, either add multiple events or use the "Entity is of bundle" condition instead.'),
'#default_value' => $this->settings['bundle'],
'#empty_value' => '',
'#options' => array(),
foreach ($this->entityInfo['bundles'] as $name => $bundle_info) {
$form['bundle']['#options'][$name] = $bundle_info['label'];
return $form;
* Returns the label to use for the bundle property.
* @return string
* The label to use for the bundle property.
protected function getBundlePropertyLabel() {
return $this->entityInfo['entity keys']['bundle'];
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::extractFormValues().
public function extractFormValues(array &$form, array &$form_state) {
$this->settings['bundle'] = !empty($form_state['values']['bundle']) ? $form_state['values']['bundle'] : NULL;
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::validate().
public function validate() {
if ($this->settings['bundle'] && empty($this->entityInfo['bundles'][$this->settings['bundle']])) {
throw new RulesIntegrityException(t('The @bundle %bundle of %entity_type is not known.',
'%bundle' => $this->settings['bundle'],
'%entity_type' => $this->entityInfo['label'],
'@bundle' => $this->getBundlePropertyLabel(),
)), array(NULL, 'bundle'));
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::getConfiguredEventName().
public function getEventNameSuffix() {
return $this->settings['bundle'];
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::getDefaults().
public function getDefaults() {
return array(
'bundle' => NULL,
* Implements RulesEventHandlerInterface::availableVariables().
public function availableVariables() {
$variables = $this->eventInfo['variables'];
if ($this->settings['bundle']) {
// Add the bundle to all variables of the entity type.
foreach ($variables as $name => $variable_info) {
if ($variable_info['type'] == $this->entityType) {
$variables[$name]['bundle'] = $this->settings['bundle'];
return $variables;