room_reservation module as it exists on rooms.lib.. seemed like a clean module from Due to covid we have had to make some changes, I am tracking them here (pp).
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* @file
* Single reservation controller functionality.
//module_load_include('inc', 'room_reservations', '/view/room_reservations_reservation.view');
* Make a new reservation.
* Validates whether the user can make a
* reservation for the requested date, time, and room.
* @global object $user
* The Drupal user object.
* @param int $month_number
* The month for which the reservation is being made.
* @param int $xday
* The day for which the reservation is being made.
* @param string $time
* The time at which the reservation is beeing made.
* @param int $xroom
* The room that is being reserved.
* @return string
* A form that can be used for making a reservation.
function room_reservations_res_add($month_number, $xday, $time, $xroom) {
$res = new Reservation();
$res->monthNumber = $month_number;
$res->day = $xday;
$res->time = $time;
$res->room = $xroom;
$parameter_errors = FALSE;
$output = '';
global $user;
$logged_in = ($user->uid);
$res->userName = ($logged_in) ? $user->name : "";
$res->emailAddresses = _room_reservations_default_email();
if (!$logged_in) {
drupal_set_message(t("You must be logged in to make a reservation."), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// Validate date and get day of week, month name, and year.
$dates = _room_reservations_dates();
$reservation_is_for_today = FALSE;
$day_found = FALSE;
foreach ($dates as $day) {
if (($res->monthNumber == $day['month-number']) && ($res->day == $day['day'])) {
$day_found = TRUE;
$month = $day['month'];
$res->year = $day['year'];
$day_of_week = $day['day-of-week'];
$res->displayDate = $day['display'];
$res->date = $day['yyyymmdd'];
$unix_timestamp = strtotime($res->date);
$res->displayDate = date("l, F j, Y", $unix_timestamp);
if ($day['today']) {
$reservation_is_for_today = TRUE;
if (!$day_found) {
drupal_set_message(t("An invalid date has been entered."), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
else {
// Determine if the building is open.
$_room_reservations_building_hours = _room_reservations_facility_hours();
$building_hours_day = $_room_reservations_building_hours[$res->date];
if (!$building_hours_day['open']) {
drupal_set_message(t("An invalid date has been entered."), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// Validate time.
$hours = _room_reservations_hours();
$hour_found = FALSE;
foreach ($hours as $time_slot) {
if ($res->time == $time_slot['time']) {
$res->displayTime = $time_slot['display'];
$hour_found = TRUE;
if (!$hour_found) {
drupal_set_message(t("An invalid time has been entered."), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// Determine if the building is open for the time selected.
if ($day_found) {
$building_is_open = FALSE;
$int_time_slot_time = intval($res->time);
$int_first_shift_open = intval($building_hours_day['first_shift_open']);
$int_first_shift_close = intval($building_hours_day['first_shift_close']);
$int_second_shift_open = intval($building_hours_day['second_shift_open']);
$int_second_shift_close = intval($building_hours_day['second_shift_close']);
$open_24 = $building_hours_day['open_24_hours'];
if ($open_24) {
$building_is_open = TRUE;
elseif ((($int_time_slot_time >= $int_first_shift_open) &&
($int_time_slot_time < $int_first_shift_close)) ||
(($int_time_slot_time >= $int_second_shift_open) &&
($int_time_slot_time < $int_second_shift_close))) {
$building_is_open = TRUE;
else {
$building_is_open = FALSE;
if (!$building_is_open) {
drupal_set_message(t("An invalid time has been entered."), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// If the reservation is being made for the current date, it must be for a
// time that is later than the current time.
if (!$parameter_errors) {
$reservation_date_time = strtotime($res->date . ' ' .
drupal_substr($res->time, 0, 2) . ':' .
drupal_substr($res->time, 2) . ':00');
$now = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
if ($reservation_date_time < $now) {
drupal_set_message(t("A reservation cannot be made for a time that has already passed."), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// Validate room.
$rooms = _room_reservations_rooms();
$room_found = FALSE;
foreach ($rooms as $room) {
if ($res->room == $room['name']) {
$res->roomCapacity = $room['capacity'];
$res->roomCategory = $room['category'];
$room_found = TRUE;
if (!$room_found) {
drupal_set_message(t("An invalid room has been entered."), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// Determine if the room and time conflicts with another reservation.
if (!$parameter_errors) {
$conflicts_found = _room_reservations_start_conflicts($res->room, $res->date, $res->time);
if ($conflicts_found) {
$hours = _room_reservations_hours();
foreach ($hours as $individual_hour) {
if ($individual_hour['time'] == $time) {
$display_time = $individual_hour['display'];
$unix_timestamp = strtotime($res->date);
$display_date = date("F j, Y", $unix_timestamp);
drupal_set_message(t('Room @room has already been reserved for !date at
!time.', array(
'@room' => $res->room,
'!date' => $display_date,
'!time' => $display_time,
)), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// Determine the valid lengths of time for this reservation.
if (!$parameter_errors) {
$res->validLengths = _room_reservations_valid_lengths($res->room, $res->date, $res->time);
// Limit the total number of active user reservations.
$user_reservations = _room_reservations_user_reservations();
$count = count($user_reservations);
$max = variable_get('room_reservations_reservations_per_user', 4);
if ($max) {
if ($count >= $max) {
drupal_set_message(t("You have already made the allowable number of reservations."), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// Limit the daily number of user reservations.
if ($res->date) {
if (_room_reservations_daily_max_exceeded($res->date)) {
drupal_set_message(t('You have already made the allowable number of reservations for !date.', array('!date' => $res->displayDate)), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// Show either errors or form.
if ($parameter_errors) {
else {
$res->length = 0;
$res->name = '';
$res->groupSize = 0;
$res->id = 0;
$res->textmsg = 0;
$res->carrier = 0;
$res->phone = '';
$output .= drupal_get_form('room_reservations_res_form', 'add', $res);
return $output;
* View an existing reservation.
* Determine if the current user has the right to view the requested
* reservation.
* @global object $user
* Drupal user object.
* @param int $id
* The record key of the requested reservation.
* @return string
* A form used for displaying the reservation.
function room_reservations_res_view($id) {
$parameter_errors = FALSE;
$output = '';
// Current user.
global $user;
$logged_in = ($user->uid);
$user_login_name = ($logged_in) ? $user->name : "";
if (!$logged_in) {
drupal_set_message(t("You must be logged in to view reservation details.", 'error'));
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// Get the reservation record.
$res = new Reservation($id);
if (!$res->id) {
drupal_set_message(t("A reservation with this record ID could not be found."), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// Format the display date and time; get room capacity.
if ($res->id) {
$res->displayTime = '';
$res->roomCapacity = 0;
$unix_timestamp = strtotime($res->date);
$res->displayDate = date("l, F j, Y", $unix_timestamp);
$hours = _room_reservations_hours();
foreach ($hours as $time_slot) {
if ($res->time == $time_slot['time']) {
$res->displayTime = $time_slot['display'];
$rooms = _room_reservations_rooms();
foreach ($rooms as $room) {
if ($res->room == $room['name']) {
$res->roomCapacity = $room['capacity'];
$res->roomCategory = $room['category'];
// Determine if the person requesting the record is either the one who made
// the reservation Or an employee that has access to the record.
$current_user_is_owner = FALSE;
if ($res->id) {
if ($res->userName == $user_login_name) {
$current_user_is_owner = TRUE;
elseif (_room_reservations_full_access()) {
// Valid user.
else {
drupal_set_message(t("You are not allowed to view this reservation record."), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// If the reservation is for a future date and/or time, it can be updated by
// the person who made the reservation.
$reservation_can_still_be_updated = FALSE;
if ($res->id) {
$reservation_date_time = strtotime($res->date . ' ' . drupal_substr($res->time, 0, 2) . ':' . drupal_substr($res->time, 2) . ':00');
$now = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
if ($reservation_date_time > $now) {
$reservation_can_still_be_updated = TRUE;
// Set the operation for the form to either 'view' or 'update'.
$operation = 'view';
if ($res->id) {
if (($current_user_is_owner) && ($reservation_can_still_be_updated)) {
$operation = 'update';
$res->validLengths = NULL;
if ((!$parameter_errors) && ($operation == 'update')) {
$res->validLengths = _room_reservations_valid_lengths($res->room, $res->date, $res->time, $res->id);
// Show either errors or form.
if ($parameter_errors) {
else {
$res->monthNumber = drupal_substr($res->date, 5, 2);
$res->day = drupal_substr($res->date, 8);
$res->year = drupal_substr($res->date, 0, 4);
$res->textmsg = ($res->textmsg == 'Y') ? 1 : 0;
$output .= drupal_get_form('room_reservations_res_form', $operation, $res);
return $output;
* Delete a reservation.
* Determine if the current user has the right to delete the requested
* reservation.
* @global object $user
* Drupal user object.
* @param int $id
* The record key of the requested reservation.
* @return string
* A form used for deleting the reservation.
function room_reservations_res_delete($id) {
$parameter_errors = FALSE;
$output = '';
// Current user.
global $user;
$logged_in = ($user->uid);
$user_login_name = ($logged_in) ? $user->name : "";
if (!$logged_in) {
drupal_set_message(t("You must be logged in to cancel a reservation."), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// Get the reservation record.
$res = new Reservation($id);
if (!$res->id) {
drupal_set_message(t("A reservation with this record ID could not be found."), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// Format the display date and time; get room capacity.
if ($res->id) {
$res->displayTime = '';
$res->roomCapacity = 0;
$unix_timestamp = strtotime($res->date);
$res->displayDate = date("l, F j, Y", $unix_timestamp);
$hours = _room_reservations_hours();
foreach ($hours as $time_slot) {
if ($res->time == $time_slot['time']) {
$res->displayTime = $time_slot['display'];
$rooms = _room_reservations_rooms();
foreach ($rooms as $room) {
if ($res->room == $room['name']) {
$res->roomCapacity = $room['capacity'];
$res->roomCategory = $room['category'];
// Determine if the person requesting the record is either the one who made
// the reservation or an employee that has access to the record.
$current_user_is_owner = FALSE;
if ($res->id) {
if ($res->userName == $user_login_name) {
$current_user_is_owner = TRUE;
else {
drupal_set_message(t("This reservation can only be cancelled by the person who made it."), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// If the reservation is for a future date and/or time, it can be deleted by
// the person who made the reservation.
$reservation_can_still_be_updated = FALSE;
if ($res->id) {
$reservation_date_time = strtotime($res->date . ' ' .
drupal_substr($res->time, 0, 2) . ':' .
drupal_substr($res->time, 2) . ':00');
$now = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
if ($reservation_date_time > $now) {
$reservation_can_still_be_updated = TRUE;
else {
drupal_set_message(t("This reservation can no longer be cancelled."), 'error');
$parameter_errors = TRUE;
// Show either the validation errors or the form.
if ($parameter_errors) {
else {
$res->monthNumber = drupal_substr($res->date, 5, 2);
$res->day = drupal_substr($res->date, 8);
$res->year = drupal_substr($res->date, 0, 4);
$output .= drupal_get_form('room_reservations_cancel_form', $res);
return $output;