Base theme for LMMI Journal
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

28 lines
865 B

QUnit.test( 'jquery success', function( assert ) {
'use strict';
var $ = window.jQuery;
var done = assert.async( 6 );
$('#jquery-success').imagesLoaded( function( instance ) {
assert.ok( true, 'callback triggered' );
assert.ok( instance instanceof imagesLoaded, 'instance instanceof imagesLoaded' );
.done( function( instance ) {
assert.ok( true, 'done triggered' );
assert.ok( instance instanceof imagesLoaded, 'instance instanceof imagesLoaded' );
.always( function( instance ) {
assert.ok( true, 'always triggered' );
assert.ok( instance instanceof imagesLoaded, 'instance instanceof imagesLoaded' );
.progress( function( instance, image ) {
assert.ok( image.isLoaded, 'progress trigged, image is loaded');