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So, for first of all, you do not act/talk/ignore to me like you did then expect me to drop everything because you have given me an ultimatem. You talk about me cheating on you well over a year ago and how that ended all. You stayed with me for some reason and even after xmas we continued to build what was to be our apartment/life. I put together, put up, lived with our things and toosed out much of my stuff. I did not know you had other plans and this was just temp storage. In this time you have done repreehensible things to me and in blatant disregard of me and I have said countless times that the fact that you will not even address any of this is a huge fucking problem for me. I dont know how I could have a serios conversation with you with so many 'elephants in the room'. All of mine are in plain sight, yet you still act as if you are deciding whether to 'take me back'... this is going both ways right now. You are the one that mentioned 'red flags', they be a wavin'. I have been gutted by how ive hurt you, Ive talked about it, balwed about it, had you spead it far and wide by calling my family and local bars... You have acted monsterously expect me to keep a straight face when you so gratiously 'give me an hour' of your time at the bar of your choice because you already tried to destroy me in the bars of my choice. Im not above meetingbut ive said this before regarding our meeting again. You are trying to conrol the situation rather than discuss/solve and its very dishonest.