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* $Id: es5.js,v 0.1 2012/08/23 19:43:17 dankogai Exp dankogai $
* use mocha to test me
var assert = assert || require("assert");
var Base64 = Base64 || require('../base64.js').Base64;
var is = function (a, e, m) {
return function () {
assert.equal(a, e, m)
if ('extendString' in Base64){
describe('String', function () {
it('.toBase64', is('小飼弾'.toBase64(), '5bCP6aO85by+'));
it('.toBase64', is('小飼弾'.toBase64(true), '5bCP6aO85by-'));
it('.toBase64URI', is('小飼弾'.toBase64URI(), '5bCP6aO85by-'));
it('.fromBase64', is('5bCP6aO85by+'.fromBase64(), '小飼弾'));
it('.fromBase64', is('5bCP6aO85by-'.fromBase64(), '小飼弾'));