You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

72 lines
1.9 KiB

'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const fileType = require('file-type');
const globby = require('globby');
const makeDir = require('make-dir');
const pify = require('pify');
const pPipe = require('p-pipe');
const replaceExt = require('replace-ext');
const fsP = pify(fs);
const handleFile = (input, output, opts) => fsP.readFile(input).then(data => {
const dest = output ? path.join(output, path.basename(input)) : null;
if (opts.plugins && !Array.isArray(opts.plugins)) {
throw new TypeError('The plugins option should be an `Array`');
const pipe = opts.plugins.length > 0 ? pPipe(opts.plugins)(data) : Promise.resolve(data);
return pipe
.then(buf => {
buf = buf.length < data.length ? buf : data;
const ret = {
data: buf,
path: (fileType(buf) && fileType(buf).ext === 'webp') ? replaceExt(dest, '.webp') : dest
if (!dest) {
return ret;
return makeDir(path.dirname(ret.path))
.then(() => fsP.writeFile(ret.path,
.then(() => ret);
.catch(err => {
err.message = `Error in file: ${input}\n\n${err.message}`;
throw err;
module.exports = (input, output, opts) => {
if (!Array.isArray(input)) {
return Promise.reject(new TypeError('Expected an array'));
if (typeof output === 'object') {
opts = output;
output = null;
opts = Object.assign({plugins: []}, opts);
opts.plugins = opts.use || opts.plugins;
return globby(input, {nodir: true}).then(paths => Promise.all( => handleFile(x, output, opts))));
module.exports.buffer = (input, opts) => {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(input)) {
return Promise.reject(new TypeError('Expected a buffer'));
opts = Object.assign({plugins: []}, opts);
opts.plugins = opts.use || opts.plugins;
const pipe = opts.plugins.length > 0 ? pPipe(opts.plugins)(input) : Promise.resolve(input);
return pipe.then(buf => buf.length < input.length ? buf : input);