3 years ago
3 changed files with 58 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
{#{% if fields.field_article_type.content|striptags|trim == "Article" %}#} |
{#{{dump(fields.field_article_type.content|striptags|trim)}}#} |
{% if fields.field_article_type.content|striptags|trim == "Article" %} |
{% set _icon_ = 'fa-file-text-o' %} |
{% set _color_ = 'blue' %} |
{% elseif fields.field_article_type.content|striptags|trim == "Peer-reviewed article" %} |
{% set _icon_ = 'fa-users' %} |
{% set _color_ = 'red' %} |
{% elseif fields.field_article_type.content|striptags|trim == "Audio/visual art" %} |
{% set _icon_ = 'fa-volume-up' %} |
{% set _color_ = 'red' %} |
{% elseif fields.field_article_type.content|striptags|trim == "Blog post" %} |
{% set _icon_ = 'fa-rss' %} |
{% set _color_ = 'green' %} |
{% elseif fields.field_article_type.content|striptags|trim == "Creative writing" %} |
{% set _icon_ = 'fa-pencil-square-o' %} |
{% set _color_ = 'teal' %} |
{% elseif fields.field_article_type.content|striptags|trim == "News" %} |
{% set _icon_ = 'fa-newspaper-o' %} |
{% set _color_ = 'purple' %} |
{% elseif fields.field_article_type.content|striptags|trim == "Note" %} |
{% set _icon_ = 'fa-envelope-open-o' %} |
{% set _color_ = 'aqua' %} |
{% elseif fields.field_article_type.content|striptags|trim == "Notice" %} |
{% set _icon_ = 'fa-exclamation-circle' %} |
{% set _color_ = 'teal' %} |
{% else %} |
{% set _icon_ = '' %} |
{% set _color_ = '' %} |
{% endif %} |
<div class="{{_color_}} teaser-card card mb-4 shadow-sm"> |
{{ fields.field_article_highlight_image.content }} |
<span class="teaser-card__icon"> |
<i class="fa {{_icon_}}" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
</span> |
<div class="teaser-card__category"> |
{{ fields.field_article_type.content }} |
{#{% if fields.field_article_peer_reviewed.content |striptags|trim == "Yes" %}#} |
{#<span class="peer-reviewed">#} |
{#- peer reviewed#} |
{#</span>#} |
{#{% endif %}#} |
</div> |
<div class="teaser-card__body card-body"> |
<p class="teaser-card__title"> {{ fields.title.content }} </p> |
<p class="teaser-card__author"> {{ fields.field_authors_and_affiliations.content }} </p> |
</div> |
{#<i class="fa fa-camera-retro"></i>#} |
{#<i class="fa fa-newspaper-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>#} |
{#<i class="fa fa-video-camera" aria-hidden="true"></i>#} |
{#<i class="fa fa-file-text-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>#} |
{#<i class="fa fa-film" aria-hidden="true"></i>#} |
</div> |
Reference in new issue