497 lines
15 KiB
497 lines
15 KiB
var iiv = {}; |
iiv.Class = function(prototype) { |
var c = function(options) { |
jQuery.extend(this, options); |
this.initialize.apply(this); |
}; |
c.prototype = prototype; |
return c; |
}; |
iiv.Viewer = new iiv.Class({ |
ui: null, |
iivContainer: '.iiv', |
mapContainer: 'iiv-image-panel', |
fedoraUrl: 'http://' + location.host + '/fedora', |
pids: null, |
pageIndex: 0, |
map: null, |
initialize: function(options) { |
this.ui = new iiv.Viewer.UI({viewer: this}); |
this.riSearch = new iiv.Viewer.RISearch(this.riSearchOptions()); |
this.riSearch.search(); |
jQuery.iiv = this; |
}, |
intercept: function(object, method, interceptor) { |
object[method + '_without_interceptor'] = object[method]; |
object[method] = interceptor; |
}, |
riSearchOptions: function() { |
var viewer = this; |
return { |
pid: this.pid, |
cmodel: this.cmodel, |
dsid: this.dsid, |
fedoraUrl: this.fedoraUrl, |
uid: this.uid, |
searchCallback: this.createSearchCallback() |
} |
}, |
createSearchCallback: function() { |
var viewer = this; |
return function(results) { |
viewer.pids = results; |
for (i = 0; i < viewer.pids.length; i++) { |
if (viewer.pids[i] == viewer.pid) { |
viewer.pageIndex = i; |
break; |
} |
} |
viewer.loadText(); |
viewer.initializeMap(); |
viewer.ui.initializeUI(); |
}; |
}, |
initializeMap: function() { |
OpenLayers.Layer.OpenURL.viewerWidth = jQuery('.iiv-canvas').width(); |
OpenLayers.Layer.OpenURL.viewerHeight = jQuery('.iiv-canvas').height(); |
var imageLayer = this.createImageLayer(); |
var mapOptions = this.createMapOptions(imageLayer); |
mapOptions.controls = this.createMapControls(); |
this.map = new OpenLayers.Map(this.mapContainer, mapOptions); |
this.map.addLayer(imageLayer); |
var lon = this.map.maxExtent.width / 2; |
var lat = this.map.maxExtent.height / 2; |
this.map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat), 0); |
}, |
createMapControls: function() { |
var controls = [ |
new OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaults(), |
new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults() |
]; |
return controls; |
}, |
createMapOptions: function(imageLayer) { |
var metadata = imageLayer.getImageMetadata(); |
var resolutions = imageLayer.getResolutions(); |
var maxExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 0, metadata.width, metadata.height); |
var tileSize = imageLayer.getTileSize(); |
return options = {resolutions: resolutions, maxExtent: maxExtent, tileSize: tileSize}; |
}, |
createImageLayer: function() { |
var pid = this.currentPid(); |
var djatokaUrl = this.djatokaUrl(pid); |
var imageLayer = new iiv.Viewer.ImageLayer('OpenURL', '', { |
isBaseLayer : true, |
layername : 'basic', |
format : 'image/jpeg', |
rft_id : this.rftUrl(pid), |
metadataUrl : djatokaUrl + '/getMetadata?uid=' + this.uid |
}); |
imageLayer.djatokaUrl = djatokaUrl; |
imageLayer.uid = this.uid; |
return imageLayer; |
}, |
rftUrl: function(pid) { |
return this.djatokaUrl(pid) + '/JP2?uid=djatoka'; |
}, |
currentPid: function() { |
return this.pids[this.pageIndex]; |
}, |
djatokaUrl: function(pid) { |
return this.pidUrl(pid) + '/ilives:jp2Sdef'; |
}, |
pidUrl: function(pid) { |
return this.fedoraUrl + '/get/' + pid; |
}, |
teiUrl: function(pid) { |
return this.fedoraUrl + '/get/' + pid + '/ilives:tei2htmlSdef/tei2html?uid=' + this.uid; |
}, |
setPage: function(index) { |
if (index != this.pageIndex && index >= 0 && index < this.pids.length) { |
this.pageIndex = index; |
this.loadText(); |
var nextLayer = this.createImageLayer(); |
var options = this.createMapOptions(nextLayer); |
this.map.resolutions = options.resolutions; |
this.map.maxExtent = options.maxExtent; |
this.map.tileSize = options.tileSize; |
var baseLayer = this.map.baseLayer; |
this.map.addLayer(nextLayer); |
this.map.setBaseLayer(nextLayer); |
this.map.removeLayer(baseLayer); |
this.ui.updatePageControls(index); |
} |
}, |
nextPid: function() { |
this.setPage(this.pageIndex + 1); |
}, |
previousPid: function() { |
this.setPage(this.pageIndex - 1); |
}, |
loadText: function() { |
/* var container = this.ui.textContainer; |
container.html(''); |
jQuery.get(this.teiUrl(this.currentPid()), function(data) { |
container.html(data); |
}, 'html');*/ |
}, |
getPrintUrl: function() { |
var imageExtent = this.map.getMaxExtent(); |
var aspect = imageExtent.getWidth() / imageExtent.getHeight(); |
var scale = aspect > 1.3333 ? "600,0" : "0,800"; |
var level = '3'; // TODO calculate |
// assemble url |
var imageUrl = this.djatokaUrl(this.currentPid()) + '/getRegion?uid=' + this.uid + '&level=' + level + '&scale=' + scale; |
var printUrl = '/iiv/print.html?pid=' + this.currentPid() + '&image=' + escape(imageUrl); |
return printUrl; |
} |
}); |
iiv.Viewer.UI = new iiv.Class({ |
viewer: null, |
//sliderPage: null, |
//buttonPagePrevious: null, |
//buttonPageNext: null, |
sliderZoom: null, |
buttonZoomIn: null, |
buttonZoomOut: null, |
buttonZoomMax: null, |
buttonText: null, |
imagePanel: null, |
//textPanel: null, |
//textContainer: null, |
buttonPrint: null, |
initialize: function(options) { |
this.createUI(); |
}, |
createDiv: function(parent, cssClass) { |
var div = jQuery('<div class="' + cssClass + '"></div>'); |
parent.append(div); |
return div; |
}, |
createUI: function() { |
var container = jQuery(this.viewer.iivContainer); |
container.append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="/iiv/css/jquery-ui/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css" type="text/css" />'); |
container.append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="/iiv/css/iiv.css" type="text/css"/>'); |
container.append('<!--[if lte IE 6]><link rel="stylesheet" href="/iiv/css/ie6.css" type="text/css"><![endif]-->'); |
var ui = this.createDiv(container, 'iiv-ui ui-corner-all'); |
var toolbar = this.createDiv(ui, 'iiv-toolbar'); |
this.createZoomControls(toolbar); |
//this.createPageControls(toolbar); |
//this.createOtherControls(toolbar); |
var canvas = this.createDiv(ui, 'iiv-canvas') |
//this.textPanel = this.createDiv(canvas, 'iiv-text-panel'); |
//this.textContainer = this.createDiv(this.textPanel, 'iiv-text-container'); |
this.imagePanel = this.createDiv(canvas, 'iiv-image-panel'); |
this.imagePanel.attr('id', 'iiv-image-panel'); |
var clear = this.createDiv(container, 'iiv-clear'); |
jQuery('.ui-state-default').hover ( |
function(){ |
jQuery(this).addClass("ui-state-hover"); |
}, |
function(){ |
jQuery(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover"); |
} |
); |
}, |
createZoomControls: function(toolbar) { |
var controls = this.createControlSet(toolbar, 'zoom'); |
this.buttonZoomIn = this.createButton(controls, 'zoom-in', 'Zoom in', 'ui-icon-zoomin'); |
this.buttonZoomOut = this.createButton(controls, 'zoom-out', 'Zoom out', 'ui-icon-zoomout'); |
this.buttonZoomMax = this.createButton(controls, 'zoom-max', 'Zoom to full image', 'ui-icon-search'); |
return controls; |
}, |
createPageControls: function(toolbar) { |
var controls = this.createControlSet(toolbar, 'page'); |
this.buttonPagePrevious = this.createButton(controls, 'page-previous', 'Previous page', 'ui-icon-arrowthick-1-w'); |
this.createPageNumberDisplay(controls); |
this.buttonPageNext = this.createButton(controls, 'page-next', 'Next page', 'ui-icon-arrowthick-1-e'); |
return controls; |
}, |
createOtherControls: function(toolbar) { |
var controls = this.createControlSet(toolbar, 'other'); |
//this.buttonText = this.createButton(controls, 'text', 'Show text', 'iiv-icon-text'); |
this.buttonPrint = this.createButton(controls, 'print', 'Print page', 'ui-icon-print'); |
return controls; |
}, |
createPageNumberDisplay: function(parent) { |
var container = this.createDiv(parent, 'iiv-page-number'); |
this.currentPageSpan = jQuery('<span class="current">-</span>'); |
this.maxPageSpan = jQuery('<span class="max">-</span>'); |
container.append(this.currentPageSpan); |
container.append('<span class="separator"> / </span>'); |
container.append(this.maxPageSpan); |
return container; |
}, |
createControlSet: function(parent, name) { |
var controls = this.createDiv(parent, 'iiv-controlset ' + name); |
parent.append(controls); |
return controls; |
}, |
createButton: function(parent, name, title, iconClass) { |
var button = jQuery('<button class="' + name + ' ui-corner-all ui-state-default" title="' + title + '"><span class="ui-icon ' + iconClass + '"></span></button>'); |
parent.append(button); |
return button; |
}, |
initializeUI: function() { |
this.addInterceptors(); |
this.updateZoomControls(this.viewer.map.getZoom()); |
this.addEventHandlers(); |
}, |
addInterceptors: function() { |
var ui = this; |
ui.viewer.intercept(this.viewer.map, 'setCenter', function(lonlat, zoom, dragging, forceZoomChange) { |
if (zoom != null && zoom != ui.viewer.map.getZoom()) { |
ui.updateZoomControls(zoom); |
} |
ui.viewer.map.setCenter_without_interceptor(lonlat, zoom, dragging, forceZoomChange); |
}); |
}, |
addEventHandlers: function() { |
var viewerUI = this; |
viewerUI.buttonZoomIn.click(function() { |
viewerUI.viewer.map.zoomIn(); |
}); |
viewerUI.buttonZoomOut.click(function() { |
viewerUI.viewer.map.zoomOut(); |
}); |
viewerUI.buttonZoomMax.click(function() { |
viewerUI.viewer.map.zoomToMaxExtent(); |
}); |
viewerUI.sliderZoom.bind('slidestop', function(event, ui) { |
viewerUI.viewer.map.zoomTo(ui.value); |
}); |
viewerUI.buttonPrint.click(function() { |
viewerUI.printPage(); |
}); |
}, |
printPage: function() { |
var url = this.viewer.getPrintUrl(); |
// open popup window |
var popupWidth = Math.max(312, Math.min(624, window.screen.availWidth)); |
var popupHeight = Math.max(312, Math.min(824 / 2, window.screen.availHeight)); |
var features = 'width=' + popupWidth + ',height=' + popupHeight; |
window.open(url, '_blank', features); |
}, |
updatePageControls: function(page) { |
this.sliderPage.slider('value', page) |
this.currentPageSpan.text(page + 1); |
if (page == 0) { |
this.disable(this.buttonPagePrevious); |
} |
else { |
this.enable(this.buttonPagePrevious); |
} |
if (page == this.sliderPage.slider('option', 'max')) { |
this.disable(this.buttonPageNext); |
} |
else { |
this.enable(this.buttonPageNext); |
} |
}, |
updateZoomControls: function(zoom) { |
this.enable(this.buttonZoomOut); |
this.enable(this.buttonZoomIn); |
}, |
disable: function(button) { |
button.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); |
}, |
enable: function(button) { |
button.removeAttr('disabled'); |
}, |
toggleText: function() { |
this.buttonText.toggleClass('ui-state-active'); |
this.buttonText.toggleClass('ui-state-default'); |
this.imagePanel.toggleClass('narrow'); |
this.textPanel.toggle(); |
this.viewer.map.updateSize(); |
} |
}); |
iiv.Viewer.RISearch = new iiv.Class({ |
type: 'tuples', |
lang: 'itql', |
format: 'csv', |
query: null, |
results: null, |
initialize: function(options) { |
if (!this.query) { |
if (this.cmodel == 'ilives:bookCModel') { |
this.query = 'select $object from <#ri> ' |
+ 'where ($object <fedora-model:hasModel> <fedora:ilives:pageCModel> ' |
+ 'and $object <fedora-rels-ext:isMemberOf> <fedora:' + this.pid + '>) ' |
+ 'order by $object'; |
} |
else if (this.cmodel == 'ilives:pageCModel') { |
this.query = 'select $parent ' |
+ 'subquery (' |
+ ' select $sibling from <#ri> ' |
+ ' where $sibling <fedora-rels-ext:isMemberOf> $parent ' |
+ ' and $sibling <fedora-model:hasModel> <fedora:ilives:pageCModel> ' |
+ ' order by $sibling) ' |
+ 'from <#ri> ' |
+ 'where $child <mulgara:is> <fedora:' + this.pid + '> ' |
+ 'and $child <fedora-rels-ext:isMemberOf> $parent ' |
+ 'and $parent <fedora-model:hasModel> <fedora:ilives:bookCModel>'; |
} /* |
else if (this.cmodel == 'islandora:slideCModel') { |
this.query = 'select $parent ' |
+ 'subquery (' |
+ ' select $sibling from <#ri> ' |
+ ' where $sibling <fedora-rels-ext:isMemberOfCollection> $parent ' |
+ ' and $sibling <fedora-model:hasModel> <fedora:islandora:slideCModel> ' |
+ ' order by $sibling) ' |
+ 'from <#ri> ' |
+ 'where $child <mulgara:is> <fedora:' + this.pid + '> ' |
+ 'and $child <fedora-rels-ext:isMemberOfCollection> $parent ' |
+ 'and $parent <fedora-model:hasModel> <fedora:islandora:collectionCModel>'; |
} */ |
else { |
// no query -- pid will be used alone. |
this.query = 'select $object from <#ri>' |
+ 'where $object <mulgara:is> \'' + this.pid + '\''; |
} |
} |
}, |
search: function() { |
if (this.query == null) { |
this.results = [this.pid]; |
} |
else { |
options = { |
type: this.type, |
lang: this.lang, |
format: this.format, |
query: this.query, |
uid: this.uid |
}; |
jQuery.post(this.fedoraUrl + '/risearch', options, this.createCallback(), 'text'); |
} |
}, |
extractPid: function(riSearchResult) { |
return riSearchResult.replace(/^.*\//, ''); |
}, |
createCallback: function() { |
var riSearch = this; |
return function(data, status) { |
var results = []; |
if ('success' == status) { |
var lines = data.split("\n"); |
for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { |
if (i > 0 && lines[i] != '') { |
results.push(riSearch.extractPid(lines[i])); |
} |
} |
} |
riSearch.searchCallback(results); |
} |
} |
}); |
/* monkey patch OpenLayers.Layer.OpenURL */ |
iiv.Viewer.ImageLayer = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.OpenURL, { |
djatokaUrl: null, |
uid: null, |
/** |
* this implementation is the same as the superclass, except that we use a |
* fedora service as the url base, not djatoka itself |
*/ |
getURL: function(bounds) { |
bounds = this.adjustBounds(bounds); |
this.calculatePositionAndSize(bounds); |
var z = this.map.getZoom() + this.zoomOffset; |
// uid and djatokaUrl set in createImageLayer |
var path = this.djatokaUrl + '/getRegion?uid=' + this.uid + '&level=' + z |
+ '®ion=' + this.tilePos.lat + "," + this.tilePos.lon + "," + this.imageSize.h + "," + this.imageSize.w; |
var url = this.url; |
if (url instanceof Array) { |
url = this.selectUrl(path, url); |
} |
return url + path; |
} |