You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
714 lines
30 KiB
714 lines
30 KiB
<?php |
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'plugins/FormBuilder'); |
class ModsFormBuilder extends FormBuilder { |
static $MODS_NS = ''; |
protected $cm; |
protected $item; |
protected $pid; |
function __construct($pid=NULL) { |
parent::__construct(); |
if ($pid !== NULL) { |
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ContentModel'); |
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_item'); |
$this->pid = $pid; |
$this->cm = ContentModel::loadFromObject($pid); |
$this->item = new fedora_item($pid); |
} |
} |
function handleEditMetadataForm(&$form_id, &$form_values, &$soap_client) { |
$dom = new DomDocument("1.0", "UTF-8"); |
$dom->formatOutput = TRUE; |
$mods = $this->modsFromForm($form_values, $dom); |
$dom->appendChild($mods); |
if ($this->item->modify_datastream_by_value($dom->saveXML(), 'MODS', "MODS Record", 'text/xml') !== NULL) { |
drupal_set_message(t('Successfully updated MODS datastream for object %pid', array('%pid' => $this->pid))); |
} |
drupal_goto('/fedora/repository/' . $this->pid); |
} |
function buildEditMetadataForm() { |
$form['#multistep'] = TRUE; // used so that it triggers a form rebuild every time. |
$form['indicator2'] = array( |
'#type' => 'fieldset', |
'#title' => t('Edit metadata'), |
); |
if ($this->cm !== FALSE && $this->item != NULL) { |
$form['pid'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $this->pid); |
$elements = $this->cm->getIngestFormElements(); |
$content = $this->item->get_datastream_dissemination('MODS'); |
if (trim($content) != '') { |
$dom = DOMDocument::loadXML($content); |
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); |
// Register the php: namespace (required) |
$xpath->registerNamespace("php", ""); |
// Register PHP functions (no restrictions) |
$xpath->registerPHPFunctions(); |
foreach ($elements as $element) { |
$el = array( |
'#title' => $element['label'], |
'#required' => ($element['required'] ? 1 : 0), |
'#description' => $element['description'], |
'#type' => $element['type'] |
); |
$includeEl = TRUE; |
$elname = explode('][', $element['name']); |
$elLocation = &$form['indicator2']; |
while (isset($elLocation[$name[0]]) && ($partial = array_shift($elname)) != NULL) { |
$elLocation = &$elLocation[$partial]; |
} |
foreach ($element['parameters'] as $key => $val) { |
switch ($key) { |
case '#autocomplete_path': |
$val .= '/' . $form_values['storage']['collection_pid']; |
break; |
case '#exclude_from_edit_metadata': |
$includeEl = FALSE; |
break; |
case '#edit_metadata_xpath': |
$nodeList = $xpath->evaluate($val); |
// echo $val. ' '.$nodeList->length.' '; |
// echo $nodeList->item(0)->nodeValue.' '; |
// echo '<br/>'; |
if (is_string($nodeList)) { |
$el['#default_value'] = $nodeList; |
} |
elseif ($nodeList->length > 1) { |
$el['#default_value'] = array(); |
foreach ($nodeList as $node) { |
$el['#default_value'][] = $node->nodeValue; |
} |
} |
elseif ($nodeList->length > 0) { |
if ($el['#type'] == 'list') { |
$values = array(); |
for ($i = 0; $i < $nodeList->length; $i++) { |
$values[] = $nodeList->item($i)->nodeValue; |
} |
$el['#default_value'] = join('; ', $values); |
} |
else { |
$el['#default_value'] = $nodeList->item(0)->nodeValue; |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
if ($key != '#sticky') { |
$el[$key] = $val; |
} |
} |
if ($element['type'] == 'people') { |
$names = $xpath->evaluate('/mods:mods/mods:name'); |
$people = array(); |
foreach ($names as $mname) { |
$type = $mname->getAttribute('type'); |
$role = $mname->getElementsByTagName('roleTerm')->item(0)->nodeValue; |
$nameParts = $mname->getElementsByTagName('namePart'); |
foreach ($nameParts as $namePart) { |
switch ($namePart->getAttribute('type')) { |
case 'given': $given = $namePart->nodeValue; |
break; |
case 'family': $family = $namePart->nodeValue; |
break; |
case 'termsOfAddress': $title = $namePart->nodeValue; |
break; |
case 'date': $date = $namePart->nodeValue; |
break; |
default: $name = $namePart->nodeValue; |
break; |
} |
} |
$person = array('role' => $role); |
switch ($type) { |
case 'personal': |
if (isset($given) && isset($family) && !isset($name)) { |
$name = (isset($title) ? $title . ' ' : '') . $family . ', ' . $family; |
} |
$person['name'] = $name; |
$person['date'] = $date; |
break; |
case 'organization': |
$person['organization'] = $name; |
break; |
case 'conference': |
$person['conference'] = $name; |
$person['date'] = $date; |
break; |
} |
$people[] = $person; |
} |
$names = $xpath->evaluate('/mods:mods/mods:subject/mods:name'); |
foreach ($names as $mname) { |
$type = $mname->getAttribute('type'); |
$nameParts = $mname->getElementsByTagName('namePart'); |
foreach ($nameParts as $namePart) { |
switch ($namePart->getAttribute('type')) { |
case 'given': $given = $namePart->nodeValue; |
break; |
case 'family': $family = $namePart->nodeValue; |
break; |
case 'termsOfAddress': $title = $namePart->nodeValue; |
break; |
case 'date': $date = $namePart->nodeValue; |
break; |
default: $name = $namePart->nodeValue; |
break; |
} |
} |
$person = array('subject' => 1); |
switch ($type) { |
case 'personal': |
if (isset($given) && isset($family) && !isset($name)) { |
$name = (isset($title) ? $title . ' ' : '') . $family . ', ' . $family; |
} |
$person['name'] = $name; |
$person['date'] = $date; |
break; |
case 'organization': |
$person['organization'] = $name; |
break; |
case 'conference': |
$person['conference'] = $name; |
$person['date'] = $date; |
break; |
} |
$people[] = $person; |
} |
$el['#default_value'] = $people; |
} |
if ($element['type'] == 'select' || $element['type'] == 'other_select') { |
$el['#options'] = isset($element['authoritative_list']) ? $element['authoritative_list'] : array(); |
} |
if ($includeEl) { |
$elLocation[join('][', $elname)] = $el; |
} |
} |
$form['submit'] = array( |
'#type' => 'submit', |
'#submit' => array('fedora_repository_edit_qdc_form_submit'), |
'#value' => 'Save Metadata' |
); |
return $form; |
} |
} |
} |
function handleModsForm(&$form_values, &$form_state) { |
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_item'); |
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'CollectionPolicy'); |
$form_state['storage']['people'] = NULL; //clears out old entities for the next run of the formbuilder. |
$dom = new DomDocument("1.0", "UTF-8"); |
$dom->formatOutput = TRUE; |
$pid = $form_values['pid']; |
$rootElement = $dom->createElement("foxml:digitalObject"); |
$rootElement->setAttribute('VERSION', '1.1'); |
$rootElement->setAttribute('PID', "$pid"); |
$rootElement->setAttribute('xmlns:foxml', "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/foxml#"); |
$rootElement->setAttribute('xmlns:xsi', ""); |
$rootElement->setAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation', "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/foxml#"); |
$dom->appendChild($rootElement); |
// Create standard fedora stuff |
$form_values['dc:title'] = $form_values['mods_title']; |
$this->createStandardFedoraStuff($form_values, $dom, $rootElement); |
// Create relationships |
$this->createRelationShips($form_values, $dom, $rootElement); |
$collectionPid = $form_values['collection_pid']; |
if (($cp = CollectionPolicy::LoadFromCollection($collectionPid)) !== FALSE) { |
$collectionName = trim($cp->getName()); |
if (trim($collectionName) != '') { |
$form_values['dc_relation'] = $collectionName; |
} |
} |
// Create MODS |
$this->createModsStream($form_values, $dom, $rootElement); |
$this->createCollectionPolicy($form_values, $dom, $rootElement); |
$this->createWorkflowStream($form_values, $dom, $rootElement); |
if (!empty($form_values['ingest-file-location'])) { |
$this->createFedoraDataStreams($form_values, $dom, $rootElement); |
} |
$this->createPolicy($collectionPid, &$dom, &$rootElement); |
// header('Content-type: application/xml'); |
// echo $dom->saveXML(); exit(); |
try { |
$object = Fedora_Item::ingest_from_FOXML($dom); |
//for some reason, ingest_from_FOXML does not generate a JMS message |
//I just modify the workflow DS and it sends a JMS message. |
$item = new Fedora_Item($object->pid); |
$item->modify_datastream_by_value($item->get_datastream_dissemination('WORKFLOW'), 'WORKFLOW', "Workflow Record", 'text/xml'); |
if (!empty($object->pid)) { |
drupal_set_message(t("Item !pid created successfully.", array('!pid' => l($object->pid, 'fedora/repository/' . $object->pid))), "status"); |
} |
if (!empty($_SESSION['fedora_ingest_files'])) { |
foreach ($_SESSION['fedora_ingest_files'] as $dsid => $createdFile) { |
file_delete($createdFile); |
} |
} |
file_delete($form_values['ingest-file-location']); |
} catch (exception $e) { |
drupal_set_message(t('Error ingesting object: !e', array('!e' => $e->getMessage())), 'error'); |
watchdog(t("Fedora_Repository"), t("Error ingesting object: !e", array('!e' => $e->getMessage())), NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR); |
return; |
} |
} |
function createCollectionPolicy($form_values, &$dom, &$rootElement) { |
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_item'); |
$model = new fedora_item($form_values['content_model_pid']); |
$ds_list = $model->get_datastreams_list_as_array(); |
if (isset($ds_list['COLLECTION_POLICY_TMPL'])) { |
$cp = $model->get_datastream_dissemination('COLLECTION_POLICY_TMPL'); |
$cpDom = DOMDocument::loadXML($cp); |
$cpRootEl = $cpDom->getElementsByTagName('collection_policy'); |
if ($cpRootEl->length > 0) { |
$cpRootEl = $cpRootEl->item(0); |
$newNode = $dom->importNode($cpRootEl, TRUE); |
$datastream = $dom->createElement("foxml:datastream"); |
$datastream->setAttribute("ID", "COLLECTION_POLICY"); |
$datastream->setAttribute("STATE", "A"); |
$datastream->setAttribute("CONTROL_GROUP", "X"); |
$version = $dom->createElement("foxml:datastreamVersion"); |
$version->setAttribute("ID", "COLLECTION_POLICY.0"); |
$version->setAttribute("MIMETYPE", "text/xml"); |
$version->setAttribute("LABEL", "Collection Policy"); |
$datastream->appendChild($version); |
$content = $dom->createElement("foxml:xmlContent"); |
$version->appendChild($content); |
$content->appendChild($newNode); |
$rootElement->appendChild($datastream); |
} |
} |
} |
function createWorkflowStream($form_values, &$dom, &$rootElement) { |
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_item'); |
$model = new fedora_item($form_values['content_model_pid']); |
$ds_list = $model->get_datastreams_list_as_array(); |
if (isset($ds_list['WORKFLOW_TMPL'])) { |
$workflow = $model->get_datastream_dissemination('WORKFLOW_TMPL'); |
$workflowDom = DOMDocument::loadXML($workflow); |
$workflowRootEl = $workflowDom->getElementsByTagName('workflow'); |
if ($workflowRootEl->length > 0) { |
$workflowRootEl = $workflowRootEl->item(0); |
$newNode = $dom->importNode($workflowRootEl, TRUE); |
$datastream = $dom->createElement("foxml:datastream"); |
$datastream->setAttribute("ID", "WORKFLOW"); |
$datastream->setAttribute("STATE", "A"); |
$datastream->setAttribute("CONTROL_GROUP", "X"); |
$version = $dom->createElement("foxml:datastreamVersion"); |
$version->setAttribute("ID", "WORKFLOW.0"); |
$version->setAttribute("MIMETYPE", "text/xml"); |
$version->setAttribute("LABEL", "Workflow Record"); |
$datastream->appendChild($version); |
$content = $dom->createElement("foxml:xmlContent"); |
$version->appendChild($content); |
$content->appendChild($newNode); |
$rootElement->appendChild($datastream); |
} |
} |
} |
function createModsStream($form_values, &$dom, &$rootElement) { |
$datastream = $dom->createElement("foxml:datastream"); |
$datastream->setAttribute("ID", "MODS"); |
$datastream->setAttribute("STATE", "A"); |
$datastream->setAttribute("CONTROL_GROUP", "X"); |
$version = $dom->createElement("foxml:datastreamVersion"); |
$version->setAttribute("ID", "MODS.0"); |
$version->setAttribute("MIMETYPE", "text/xml"); |
$version->setAttribute("LABEL", "MODS Record"); |
$datastream->appendChild($version); |
$content = $dom->createElement("foxml:xmlContent"); |
$version->appendChild($content); |
$mods = $this->modsFromForm($form_values, $dom); |
$content->appendChild($mods); |
$rootElement->appendChild($datastream); |
} |
function modsFromForm(&$form_values, &$dom) { |
///begin writing MODS |
$mods = $dom->createElement("mods:mods"); |
$mods->setAttribute('version', '3.4'); |
$mods->setAttribute('xmlns:xlink', ""); |
$mods->setAttribute('xmlns:mods', ""); |
$mods->setAttribute('xmlns:xsi', ""); |
$mods->setAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation', ""); |
if (isset($form_values['mods_title']) && trim($form_values['mods_title']) != '') { |
$titleinfo = $dom->createElement('mods:titleInfo'); |
$title = $dom->createElement('mods:title', htmlspecialchars($form_values['mods_title'])); |
$titleinfo->appendChild($title); |
$mods->appendChild($titleinfo); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_alternative_titles']) && trim($form_values['mods_alternative_titles']) != '') { |
$titles = preg_split('/\s+\;\s+/', trim($form_values['mods_alternative_titles'])); |
foreach ($titles as $t) { |
$titleinfo = $dom->createElement('mods:titleInfo'); |
$titleinfo->setAttribute('type', 'alternative'); |
$title = $dom->createElement('mods:title', $t); |
$titleinfo->appendChild($title); |
$mods->appendChild($titleinfo); |
} |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_alternative_title']) && trim($form_values['mods_alternative_title']) != '') { |
$titleinfo = $dom->createElement('mods:titleInfo'); |
$titleinfo->setAttribute('type', 'alternative'); |
$title = $dom->createElement('mods:title', trim($form_values['mods_alternative_title'])); |
$titleinfo->appendChild($title); |
$mods->appendChild($titleinfo); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_description']) && trim($form_values['mods_description']) != '') { |
$abstract = $dom->createElement('mods:abstract', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_description']))); |
$mods->appendChild($abstract); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['pid']) && trim($form_values['pid']) != '') { |
$identifier = $dom->createElement('mods:identifier', htmlspecialchars(trim(preg_replace('/\:/', '\/', $form_values['pid'])))); |
$identifier->setAttribute('type', 'hdl'); |
$mods->appendChild($identifier); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['collection_pid']) && trim($form_values['collection_pid']) != '') { |
$relatedItem = $dom->createElement('mods:relatedItem'); |
$relatedItem->setAttribute('type', 'isMemberOfCollection'); |
$identifier = $dom->createElement('mods:identifier', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['collection_pid']))); |
$relatedItem->appendChild($identifier); |
$mods->appendChild($relatedItem); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_identifier']) && trim($form_values['mods_identifier']) != '') { |
$identifier = $dom->createElement('mods:identifier', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_identifier']))); |
$identifier->setAttribute('type', 'local'); |
$mods->appendChild($identifier); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_physicalLocation']) && trim($form_values['mods_physicalLocation']) != '') { |
$location = $dom->createElement('mods:location'); |
$physLocation = $dom->createElement('mods:physicalLocation', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_physicalLocation']))); |
$location->appendChild($physLocation); |
if (isset($form_values['mods_shelfLocator']) && trim($form_values['mods_shelfLocator']) != '') { |
$shelfLocator = $dom->createElement('mods:shelfLocator', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_shelfLocator']))); |
$location->appendChild($shelfLocator); |
} |
$mods->appendChild($location); |
} |
$originInfo = $dom->createElement('mods:originInfo'); |
$addOriginInfo = FALSE; |
if (isset($form_values['mods_pubinfo_place']) && trim($form_values['mods_pubinfo_place']) != '') { |
$place = $dom->createElement('mods:place'); |
$placeTerm = $dom->createElement('mods:placeTerm', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_pubinfo_place']))); |
$placeTerm->setAttribute('type', 'text'); |
$place->appendChild($placeTerm); |
$originInfo->appendChild($place); |
$addOriginInfo = TRUE; |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_pubinfo_publisher']) && trim($form_values['mods_pubinfo_publisher']) != '') { |
$publisher = $dom->createElement('mods:publisher', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_pubinfo_publisher']))); |
$originInfo->appendChild($publisher); |
$addOriginInfo = TRUE; |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_pubinfo_edition']) && trim($form_values['mods_pubinfo_edition']) != '') { |
$edition = $dom->createElement('mods:edition', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_pubinfo_edition']))); |
$originInfo->appendChild($edition); |
$addOriginInfo = TRUE; |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_pubinfo_date']) && trim($form_values['mods_pubinfo_date']) != '' && |
isset($form_values['mods_pubinfo_dateType']) && trim($form_values['mods_pubinfo_dateType']) != '') { |
if (in_array($form_values['mods_pubinfo_dateType'], array('issued', 'created', 'copyright', 'captured'))) { |
$date = $dom->createElement('mods:' . trim($form_values['mods_pubinfo_dateType']) . 'Date', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_pubinfo_date']))); |
} |
else { |
//how to handle other types? otherDate? |
$date = $dom->createElement('mods:otherDate', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_pubinfo_date']))); |
$date->setAttribute('type', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_pubinfo_dateType']))); |
} |
$originInfo->appendChild($date); |
$addOriginInfo = TRUE; |
} |
else { |
if (isset($form_values['mods_createdDate'])) { |
$date = $dom->createElement('mods:createdDate', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_createdDate']))); |
$originInfo->appendChild($date); |
$addOriginInfo = TRUE; |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_issuedDate'])) { |
$date = $dom->createElement('mods:issuedDate', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_issuedDate']))); |
$originInfo->appendChild($date); |
$addOriginInfo = TRUE; |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_copyrightDate'])) { |
$date = $dom->createElement('mods:copyrightDate', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_copyrightDate']))); |
$originInfo->appendChild($date); |
$addOriginInfo = TRUE; |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_capturedDate'])) { |
$date = $dom->createElement('mods:capturedDate', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_capturedDate']))); |
$originInfo->appendChild($date); |
$addOriginInfo = TRUE; |
} |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_pubinfo_journalFreq']) && trim($form_values['mods_pubinfo_journalFreq']) != '') { |
$frequency = $dom->createElement('mods:frequency', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_pubinfo_journalFreq']))); |
$originInfo->appendChild($frequency); |
$issuance = $dom->createElement('mods:issuance', 'journal'); |
$originInfo->appendChild($issuance); |
$addOriginInfo = TRUE; |
} |
elseif (isset($form_values['mods_pubinfo_journalFreq'])) { |
$issuance = $dom->createElement('mods:issuance', 'monographic'); |
$originInfo->appendChild($issuance); |
} |
if ($addOriginInfo) { |
$mods->appendChild($originInfo); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_note']) && trim($form_values['mods_note']) != '') { |
$note = $dom->createElement('mods:note', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_note']))); |
$mods->appendChild($note); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_caption']) && trim($form_values['mods_caption']) != '') { |
$note = $dom->createElement('mods:note', htmlspecialchars(trim($form_values['mods_caption']))); |
$note->setAttribute('type', 'caption'); |
$mods->appendChild($note); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_format']) && trim($form_values['mods_format']) != '') { |
$typeOfResource = $dom->createElement('mods:typeOfResource', htmlspecialchars($form_values['mods_format'])); |
$mods->appendChild($typeOfResource); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_language']) && trim($form_values['mods_language']) != '') { |
$languageList = explode(';', htmlspecialchars($form_values['mods_language'])); |
foreach ($languageList as $lang) { |
$language = $dom->createElement('mods:language'); |
$langTerm = $dom->createElement('mods:languageTerm', htmlspecialchars($lang)); |
$langTerm->setAttribute('type', 'text'); |
$language->appendChild($langTerm); |
$mods->appendChild($language); |
} |
} |
$hasSubject = FALSE; |
$subject = $dom->createElement('mods:subject'); |
// Hierarchical Geographic Subject |
if (isset($form_values['mods_country']) && trim($form_values['mods_country']) != '') { |
$hasSubject = TRUE; |
$geographic = $dom->createElement('mods:hierarchicalGeographic'); |
$country = $dom->createElement('mods:country', htmlspecialchars($form_values['mods_country'])); |
$geographic->appendChild($country); |
if (isset($form_values['mods_province']) && trim($form_values['mods_province']) != '') { |
$province = $dom->createElement('mods:province', htmlspecialchars($form_values['mods_province'])); |
$geographic->appendChild($province); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_state']) && trim($form_values['mods_state']) != '') { |
$state = $dom->createElement('mods:state', htmlspecialchars($form_values['mods_state'])); |
$geographic->appendChild($state); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_city']) && trim($form_values['mods_city']) != '') { |
$city = $dom->createElement('mods:city', htmlspecialchars($form_values['mods_city'])); |
$geographic->appendChild($city); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_area']) && trim($form_values['mods_area']) != '') { |
$state = $dom->createElement('mods:area', htmlspecialchars($form_values['mods_area'])); |
$geographic->appendChild($state); |
} |
$subject->appendChild($geographic); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_date']) && trim($form_values['mods_date']) != '') { |
$hasSubject = TRUE; |
$temporal = $dom->createElement('mods:temporal', htmlspecialchars($form_values['mods_date'])); |
$subject->appendChild($temporal); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_subjtitle']) && trim($form_values['mods_subjtitle']) != '') { |
$hasSubject = TRUE; |
$titleInfo = $dom->createElement('mods:titleInfo'); |
$title = $dom->createElement('mods:title', htmlspecialchars($form_values['mods_subjtitle'])); |
$titleInfo->appendChild($title); |
$subject->appendChild($titleInfo); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_topics']) && trim($form_values['mods_topics']) != '') { |
$hasSubject = TRUE; |
$topicList = explode(';', htmlspecialchars($form_values['mods_topics'])); |
$authority = 'unknown'; |
if (isset($form_values['mods_topicAuthority']) && trim($form_values['mods_topicAuthority']) != '') { |
$authority = htmlspecialchars($form_values['mods_topicAuthority']); |
} |
foreach ($topicList as $t) { |
$topic = $dom->createElement('mods:topic', $t); |
$topic->setAttribute('authority', $authority); |
$subject->appendChild($topic); |
} |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_cc']['cc']) && $form_values['mods_cc']['cc']['cc_enable']) { |
$commercial = trim($form_values['mods_cc']['cc']['cc_commercial']); |
$modifications = trim($form_values['mods_cc']['cc']['cc_modifications']); |
$jurisdiction = trim($form_values['mods_cc']['cc']['cc_jurisdiction']); |
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_form_elements', 'includes/'); |
if (!isset(CreativeCommons::$cc_jurisdiction_vals[$jurisdiction])) |
$jurisdiction = ''; |
$version = CreativeCommons::$cc_versions[$jurisdiction]; |
$license = 'by' . ($commercial != '' ? '-' . $commercial : '') . ($modifications != '' ? '-' . $modifications : '') . '/' . $version . '/' . ($jurisdiction != '' ? $jurisdiction . '/' : ''); |
$accessCondition = $dom->createElement('mods:accessCondition', htmlspecialchars($license)); |
$accessCondition->setAttribute('type', 'Creative Commons License'); |
$mods->appendChild($accessCondition); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_rights']) && trim($form_values['mods_rights']) != '') { |
$accessCondition = $dom->createElement('mods:accessCondition', htmlspecialchars($form_values['mods_rights'])); |
$accessCondition->setAttribute('type', 'restriction on access; use and reproduction'); |
$mods->appendChild($accessCondition); |
} |
if (isset($form_values['mods_people']) && isset($form_values['mods_people']['people']) && is_array($form_values['mods_people']['people'])) { |
foreach ($form_values['mods_people']['people'] as $key => $val) { |
$name = $dom->createElement('mods:name'); |
$appendName = FALSE; |
if (isset($val['role'])) { |
$role = $dom->createElement('mods:role'); |
$roleTerm = $dom->createElement('mods:roleTerm', htmlspecialchars(trim($val['role']))); |
$roleTerm->setAttribute('type', 'text'); |
$roleTerm->setAttribute('authority', 'marcrelator'); |
$role->appendChild($roleTerm); |
$name->appendChild($role); |
} |
if (isset($val['organization'])) { |
$name->setAttribute('type', 'organization'); |
if (trim($val['organization']) != '') { |
$namePart = $dom->createElement('mods:namePart', htmlspecialchars(trim($val['organization']))); |
$name->appendChild($namePart); |
$appendName = TRUE; |
} |
} |
elseif (isset($val['conference'])) { |
$name->setAttribute('type', 'conference'); |
if (trim($val['conference']) != '') { |
$namePart = $dom->createElement('mods:namePart', htmlspecialchars(trim($val['conference']))); |
$name->appendChild($namePart); |
$appendName = TRUE; |
} |
} |
else { |
$name->setAttribute('type', 'personal'); |
if (trim($val['name']) != '') { |
$namePart = $dom->createElement('mods:namePart', htmlspecialchars(trim($val['name']))); |
$name->appendChild($namePart); |
$appendName = TRUE; |
} |
} |
if (isset($val['date'])) { |
$namePart = $dom->createElement('mods:namePart', htmlspecialchars(trim($val['date']))); |
$namePart->setAttribute('type', 'date'); |
$name->appendChild($namePart); |
} |
if ($appendName) { |
if (isset($val['subject'])) { |
$subject->appendChild($name); |
$hasSubject = TRUE; |
} |
else { |
$mods->appendChild($name); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ($hasSubject) { |
$mods->appendChild($subject); |
} |
return $mods; |
} |