Drupal modules for browsing and managing Fedora-based digital repositories.

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* @file
* Defines the class IslandoraWebTestCase, which allows tests to access Fedora.
class IslandoraWebTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
* Sets up the Drupal filter to access this test Drupal instances database.
* @see DrupalWebTestCase::setUp()
public function setUp() {
$args = func_get_args();
$args = (isset($args[0]) && is_array($args[0])) ? $args[0] : $args;
// Always enable islandora.
$args[] = 'islandora';
// Its possible test are running before class autoloading.
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'includes/tuque');
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'includes/tuque_wrapper');
$this->configuration = $this->getTestConfiguration();
if ($this->configuration['use_drupal_filter']) {
* Parses and returns the settings from the test configuration file.
* If no install specific test_config.ini file is found, it will use the
* assumed default configs found in default.test_config.ini.
* @return array
* The test configuration.
* @see parse_ini_file()
protected function getTestConfiguration() {
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'islandora');
if (file_exists("$path/tests/test_config.ini")) {
$this->pass('Using custom test configuration.');
return parse_ini_file("$path/tests/test_config.ini");
elseif (file_exists("$path/tests/default.test_config.ini")) {
$this->pass('Using default test configuration.');
return parse_ini_file("$path/tests/default.test_config.ini");
throw new Exception('Required default.test_config.ini/test_config.ini file not found');
* Stores the content of the Drupal Filter for later restoration.
protected function backUpDrupalFilter() {
if (file_exists($this->configuration['drupal_filter_file'])) {
$this->originalDrupalFilterContent = file_get_contents($this->configuration['drupal_filter_file']);
else {
throw new Exception('Failed to find the required Drupal Filter configuration file.');
* Sets up a drupal filter that can read for the tests users table.
protected function setUpDrupalFilter() {
$connection_info = Database::getConnectionInfo('default');
$drupal_filter_dom = new DomDocument();
$drupal_filter_xpath = new DOMXPath($drupal_filter_dom);
$server = $connection_info['default']['host'];
$dbname = $connection_info['default']['database'];
$user = $connection_info['default']['username'];
$password = $connection_info['default']['password'];
$port = $connection_info['default']['port'] ? $connection_info['default']['port'] : '3306';
$prefix = $connection_info['default']['prefix']['default'];
$results = $drupal_filter_xpath->query("/FilterDrupal_Connection/connection[@server='$server' and @dbname='$dbname' and @user='$user' and @password='$password' and @port='$port']/sql");
$results->item(0)->nodeValue = "SELECT DISTINCT u.uid AS userid, u.name AS Name, u.pass AS Pass, r.name AS Role FROM ({$prefix}users u LEFT JOIN {$prefix}users_roles ON u.uid={$prefix}users_roles.uid) LEFT JOIN {$prefix}role r ON r.rid={$prefix}users_roles.rid WHERE u.name=? AND u.pass=?;";
file_put_contents($this->configuration['drupal_filter_file'], $drupal_filter_dom->saveXML());
* Creates the a full fedora admin user with a repository connection.
protected function createAdminUser() {
$this->admin = new stdClass();
$this->admin->uid = 1;
$this->admin->name = $this->configuration['admin_user'];
$this->admin->pass = $this->configuration['admin_pass'];
$url = variable_get('islandora_base_url', $this->configuration['fedora_url']);
$connection = islandora_get_tuque_connection($this->admin, $url);
$this->admin->repository = $connection->repository;
return $this->admin;
* Stores the content of the Drupal Filter for later restoration.
protected function restoreDrupalFilter() {
$file = $this->configuration['drupal_filter_file'];
if (isset($this->originalDrupalFilterContent)) {
file_put_contents($file, $this->originalDrupalFilterContent);
elseif (file_exists($file)) {
// Remove if there was never an original.
* Restores the original Drupal filter, frees any allocated resources.
* @see DrupalWebTestCase::tearDown()
public function tearDown() {
if ($this->configuration['use_drupal_filter']) {
* Asserts that the given datastreams exist on the object.
* @param AbstractObject $object
* The PID of the object
* @param array $datastreams
* An array of strings containing datastream names
public function assertDatastreams($object, array $datastreams) {
if (!is_object($object)) {
$this->fail("Failed. Object passed in is invalid.");
foreach ($datastreams as $datastream) {
if (isset($object[$datastream])) {
$this->pass("Loaded datastream {$datastream} from PID {$object->id}");
else {
$this->fail("Failed to load datastream {$datastream} from PID {$object->id}");
* Gets a tuque object from a path.
* @param string $path
* A full or partial path to an islandora object.
* @return AbstractObject
* The pid of the object or FALSE if a PID is not found.
public function getObjectFromPath($path) {
$path_parts = explode('/', $path);
$array_length = count($path_parts);
for ($i = 0; $i < $array_length; $i++) {
if ($path_parts[$i] == 'islandora' && isset($path_parts[$i + 1]) && $path_parts[$i + 1] == 'object') {
if (isset($path_parts[$i + 2])) {
return islandora_object_load(urldecode($path_parts[$i + 2]));
$this->fail("Failed to parse path : $path.");
return FALSE;
* Deletes an object using the PID. This does the deletion using the UI.
* @param string $pid
* The PID of the collection to be deleted
public function deleteObject($pid) {
$current_user = $this->loggedInUser;
$user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array(
'manage object properties',
'delete fedora objects and datastreams',
'view fedora repository objects',
$path = 'islandora/object/' . $pid . '/manage/properties';
$edit = array();
$this->drupalPost($path, $edit, t('Delete'));
$this->drupalPost($this->url, $edit, t('Delete'));
$object = islandora_object_load($pid);
$this->assertResponse(404, "Object $pid successfully deleted.");
if ($current_user) {
else {