You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
376 lines
15 KiB
376 lines
15 KiB
<?php |
// $Id$ |
/** |
* @package Islandora |
* @subpackage plugins |
*/ |
/* |
* Created on 19-Feb-08 |
* |
* |
* implements methods from content model ingest form xml |
* builds a dc metadata form |
*/ |
class FormBuilder { |
function FormBuilder() { |
module_load_include('inc', 'FormBuilder', ''); |
drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); |
} |
function createQDCStream($form_values, &$dom, &$rootElement) { |
$datastream = $dom->createElement("foxml:datastream"); |
$datastream->setAttribute("ID", "DC"); |
$datastream->setAttribute("STATE", "A"); |
$datastream->setAttribute("CONTROL_GROUP", "X"); |
$version = $dom->createElement("foxml:datastreamVersion"); |
$version->setAttribute("ID", "DC.0"); |
$version->setAttribute("MIMETYPE", "text/xml"); |
$version->setAttribute("LABEL", "Dublin Core Record"); |
$datastream->appendChild($version); |
$content = $dom->createElement("foxml:xmlContent"); |
$version->appendChild($content); |
///begin writing qdc |
$oai = $dom->createElement("oai_dc:dc"); |
$oai->setAttribute('xmlns:oai_dc', ""); |
$oai->setAttribute('xmlns:dc', ""); |
$oai->setAttribute('xmlns:dcterms', ""); |
$oai->setAttribute('xmlns:xsi', ""); |
$content->appendChild($oai); |
//dc elements |
$previousElement=NULL;//used in case we have to nest elements for qualified dublin core |
foreach ($form_values as $key => $value) { |
$key = str_replace('_', ':', $key); |
$index = strrpos($key, '-'); |
if ($index > 01) { |
$key = substr($key, 0, $index); |
} |
$test = substr($key, 0, 2); |
if ($test == 'dc' || $test == 'ap') { |
//don't try to process other form values |
try { |
if (!strcmp(substr($key, 0, 4), 'app_')) { |
$key = substr($key, 4); |
$previousElement->appendChild($dom->createElement($key, $value)); |
} |
else { |
$previousElement = $dom->createElement($key, $value); |
$oai->appendChild($previousElement); |
} |
} |
catch (exception $e) { |
drupal_set_message(t("!e", array('!e' => $e->getMessage())), 'error'); |
continue; |
} |
} |
$rootElement->appendChild($datastream); |
} |
} |
//create the security Policy |
function createPolicy($collectionPid, &$dom, &$rootElement) { |
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper'); |
$objectHelper = new ObjectHelper(); |
$dsid = 'CHILD_SECURITY'; |
$policyStreamDoc = $objectHelper->getStream($collectionPid, $dsid, FALSE); |
if (!isset($policyStreamDoc)) { |
return NULL; //there is no policy stream so object will not have a policy stream |
} |
try { |
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($policyStreamDoc); |
} |
catch (Exception $e) { |
watchdog(t("Fedora_Repository"), t("Problem getting security policy."), NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR); |
drupal_set_message(t('Problem getting security policy: !e', array('!e' => $e->getMessage())), 'error'); |
return FALSE; |
} |
$policyElement = $dom->createDocumentFragment(); |
if (!$policyElement) { |
drupal_set_message(t('Error parsing security policy stream.')); |
watchdog(t("Fedora_Repository"), t("Error parsing security policy stream, could not parse policy stream."), NULL, WATCHDOG_NOTICE); |
return FALSE; |
} |
$dom->importNode($policyElement, TRUE); |
$value=$policyElement->appendXML($policyStreamDoc); |
if (!$value) { |
drupal_set_message(t('Error creating security policy stream.')); |
watchdog(t("Fedora_Repository"), t("Error creating security policy stream, could not parse collection policy template file."), NULL, WATCHDOG_NOTICE); |
return FALSE; |
} |
$ds1 = $dom->createElement("foxml:datastream"); |
$rootElement->appendChild($ds1); |
$ds1->setAttribute("ID", "POLICY"); |
$ds1->setAttribute("STATE", "A"); |
$ds1->setAttribute("CONTROL_GROUP", "X"); |
$ds1v = $dom->createElement("foxml:datastreamVersion"); |
$ds1->appendChild($ds1v); |
$ds1v->setAttribute("ID", "POLICY.0"); |
$ds1v->setAttribute("MIMETYPE", "text/xml"); |
$ds1v->setAttribute("LABEL", "POLICY"); |
$content = $dom->createElement("foxml:xmlContent"); |
$ds1v->appendChild($content); |
$content->appendChild($policyElement); |
return TRUE; |
} |
function handleQDCForm($form_values) { |
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_item'); |
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'CollectionPolicy'); |
$dom = new DomDocument("1.0", "UTF-8"); |
$dom->formatOutput = TRUE; |
$pid=$form_values['pid']; |
$rootElement = $dom->createElement("foxml:digitalObject"); |
$rootElement->setAttribute('VERSION', '1.1'); |
$rootElement->setAttribute('PID', "$pid"); |
$rootElement->setAttribute('xmlns:foxml', "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/foxml#"); |
$rootElement->setAttribute('xmlns:xsi', ""); |
$rootElement->setAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation', "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/foxml#"); |
$dom->appendChild($rootElement); |
// Create standard fedora stuff |
$this->createStandardFedoraStuff($form_values, $dom, $rootElement); |
// Create relationships |
$this->createRelationShips($form_values, $dom, $rootElement); |
$collectionPid = $form_values['collection_pid']; |
if (($cp = CollectionPolicy::LoadFromCollection($collectionPid)) !== FALSE) { |
$collectionName = trim($cp->getName()); |
if (trim($collectionName) != '') { |
$form_values['dc_relation'] = $collectionName; |
} |
} |
// Create dublin core |
$this->createQDCStream($form_values, $dom, $rootElement); |
if (!empty($form_values['ingest-file-location'])) { |
$this->createFedoraDataStreams($form_values, $dom, $rootElement); |
} |
$this->createPolicy($collectionPid, &$dom, &$rootElement); |
try { |
$object = Fedora_Item::ingest_from_FOXML($dom); |
if (!empty($object->pid)) { |
// drupal_set_message("Item ". l($object->pid, 'fedora/repository/'. $object->pid) . " created successfully.", "status"); |
drupal_set_message(t("Item !pid created successfully.", array('!pid' => l($object->pid, 'fedora/repository/'. $object->pid))), "status"); |
} |
if (!empty( $_SESSION['fedora_ingest_files'])) { |
foreach ($_SESSION['fedora_ingest_files'] as $dsid => $createdFile) { |
file_delete($createdFile); |
} |
} |
file_delete($form_values['ingest-file-location']); |
} |
catch (exception $e) { |
drupal_set_message(t('Error ingesting object: !e', array('!e' => $e->getMessage())), 'error'); |
watchdog(t("Fedora_Repository"), t("Error ingesting object: !e", array('!e' => $e->getMessage())), NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR); |
return; |
} |
} |
function createFedoraDataStreams($form_values, &$dom, &$rootElement) { |
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'MimeClass'); |
global $base_url; |
$mimetype = new MimeClass(); |
$server=NULL; |
$file=$form_values['ingest-file-location']; |
if (!empty( $file)) { |
$dformat = $mimetype->getType($file); |
$parts = explode('/', $file); |
foreach ($parts as $n => $part) { |
$parts[$n] = rawurlencode($part); |
} |
$path = implode('/', $parts); |
$fileUrl = $base_url . '/' . $path; |
$beginIndex = strrpos($fileUrl, '/'); |
$dtitle = substr($fileUrl, $beginIndex + 1); |
$dtitle = urldecode($dtitle); |
$ds1 = $dom->createElement("foxml:datastream"); |
$ds1->setAttribute("ID", "OBJ"); |
$ds1->setAttribute("STATE", "A"); |
$ds1->setAttribute("CONTROL_GROUP", "M"); |
$ds1v= $dom->createElement("foxml:datastreamVersion"); |
$rootElement->appendChild($ds1); |
$ds1v->setAttribute("ID", "OBJ.0"); |
$ds1v->setAttribute("MIMETYPE", "$dformat"); |
$ds1v->setAttribute("LABEL", "$dtitle"); |
$ds1content = $dom->createElement('foxml:contentLocation'); |
$ds1content->setAttribute("REF", "$fileUrl"); |
$ds1content->setAttribute("TYPE", "URL"); |
$ds1->appendChild($ds1v); |
$ds1v->appendChild($ds1content); |
} |
if (!empty($_SESSION['fedora_ingest_files'])) { |
foreach ($_SESSION['fedora_ingest_files'] as $dsid => $createdFile) { |
if (!empty($file)) { |
$found = strstr($createdFile, $file); |
if ($found !== FALSE) { |
$createdFile = $found; |
} |
} |
$dformat = $mimetype->getType($createdFile); |
$parts = explode('/', $createdFile); |
foreach ($parts as $n => $part) { |
$parts[$n] = rawurlencode($part); |
} |
$path = implode('/', $parts); |
$fileUrl = $base_url . '/' . $path; |
$beginIndex = strrpos($fileUrl, '/'); |
$dtitle = substr($fileUrl, $beginIndex + 1); |
$dtitle = urldecode($dtitle); |
$dtitle = $dtitle; |
$ds1 = $dom->createElement("foxml:datastream"); |
$ds1->setAttribute("ID", "$dsid"); |
$ds1->setAttribute("STATE", "A"); |
$ds1->setAttribute("CONTROL_GROUP", "M"); |
$ds1v= $dom->createElement("foxml:datastreamVersion"); |
$ds1v->setAttribute("ID", "$dsid.0"); |
$ds1v->setAttribute("MIMETYPE", "$dformat"); |
$ds1v->setAttribute("LABEL", "$dtitle"); |
$ds1content = $dom->createElement('foxml:contentLocation'); |
$ds1content->setAttribute("REF", "$fileUrl"); |
$ds1content->setAttribute("TYPE", "URL"); |
$ds1->appendChild($ds1v); |
$ds1v->appendChild($ds1content); |
$rootElement->appendChild($ds1); |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
* Creates the RELS-EXT for the foxml |
*/ |
function createRelationShips($form_values, &$dom, &$rootElement) { |
$drdf = $dom->createElement("foxml:datastream"); |
$drdf->setAttribute("ID", "RELS-EXT"); |
$drdf->setAttribute("CONTROL_GROUP", "X"); |
$dvrdf = $dom->createElement("foxml:datastreamVersion"); |
$dvrdf->setAttribute("FORMAT_URI", "info:fedora/fedora-system:FedoraRELSExt-1.0"); |
$dvrdf->setAttribute("ID", "RELS-EXT.0"); |
$dvrdf->setAttribute("MIMETYPE", "application/rdf+xml"); |
$dvrdf->setAttribute("LABEL", "RDF Statements about this Object"); |
$dvcontent = $dom->createElement("foxml:xmlContent"); |
$rdf = $dom->createElement("rdf:RDF"); |
$rdf->setAttribute("xmlns:rdf", ""); |
$rdf->setAttribute("xmlns:rdfs", ""); |
$rdf->setAttribute("xmlns:fedora", "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/relations-external#"); |
$rdf->setAttribute("xmlns:dc", ""); |
$rdf->setAttribute("xmlns:oai_dc", ""); |
$rdf->setAttribute("xmlns:fedora-model", "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#"); |
$rdfdesc = $dom->createElement("rdf:Description"); |
$pid = $form_values['pid']; |
$rdfdesc->setAttribute("rdf:about", "info:fedora/$pid"); |
$relationship = $form_values['relationship']; |
if (!isset($relationship)) { |
$relationship = 'isMemberOfCollection'; |
} |
$member = $dom->createElement("fedora:". $relationship); |
$membr = $form_values['collection_pid']; |
$member->setAttribute("rdf:resource", "info:fedora/$membr"); |
$rdfHasModel = $dom->createElement("fedora-model:hasModel"); |
$contentModelPid=$form_values['content_model_pid']; |
$rdfHasModel->setAttribute("rdf:resource", "info:fedora/$contentModelPid"); |
$drdf->appendChild($dvrdf); |
$dvrdf->appendChild($dvcontent); |
$dvcontent->appendChild($rdf); |
$rdf->appendChild($rdfdesc); |
$rdfdesc->appendChild($member); |
$rdfdesc->appendChild($rdfHasModel); |
$rootElement->appendChild($drdf); |
} |
/** |
* Creates the standard foxml properties |
*/ |
function createStandardFedoraStuff($form_values, &$dom, &$rootElement) { |
// Foxml object properties section |
$objproperties = $dom->createElement("foxml:objectProperties"); |
$prop2 = $dom->createElement("foxml:property"); |
$prop2->setAttribute("NAME", "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#state"); |
$prop2->setAttribute("VALUE", "A"); |
$prop3 = $dom->createElement("foxml:property"); |
$prop3->setAttribute("NAME", "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#label"); |
$prop3->setAttribute("VALUE", $form_values['dc:title']); |
$prop5 = $dom->createElement("foxml:property"); |
$prop5->setAttribute("NAME", "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#ownerId"); |
$prop5->setAttribute("VALUE", $form_values['user_id']); |
$objproperties->appendChild($prop2); |
$objproperties->appendChild($prop3); |
$objproperties->appendChild($prop5); |
$rootElement->appendChild($objproperties); |
} |
function buildQDCForm(&$form, $elements, &$form_values) { |
$form['#multistep'] = TRUE; // used so that it triggers a form rebuild every time. |
$form['indicator2'] = array( |
'#type' => 'fieldset', |
'#title' => t('Ingest digital object step #2'), |
); |
foreach ($elements as $element) { |
if ($element['type'] == 'markup') { |
$el = array('#value'=> $element['description']); |
} else { |
$el = array( |
'#title' => $element['label'], |
'#required' => ($element['required'] ? 1 : 0), |
'#description' => $element['description'], |
'#type' => $element['type'] |
); |
} |
$name = explode('][', $element['name']); |
$elLocation = &$form['indicator2']; |
while (isset($elLocation[$name[0]]) && ($partial = array_shift($name)) != NULL) { |
$elLocation = &$elLocation[$partial]; |
} |
$autocomplete_path = FALSE; |
$autocomplete_omit_collection = FALSE; |
foreach ($element['parameters'] as $key => $val) { |
if ($key == '#autocomplete_path') { |
$autocomplete_path = $val; |
} elseif ($key == '#autocomplete_omit_collection') { |
$autocomplete_omit_collection = TRUE; |
} else { |
$el[$key]=$val; |
} |
} |
if ($autocomplete_path !== FALSE) { |
$el['#autocomplete_path'] = $autocomplete_path . (!$autocomplete_omit_collection?'/'.$form_values['storage']['collection_pid']:'/'); |
} |
if ($element['type'] == 'select' || $element['type'] == 'other_select') { |
$el['#options']= isset($element['authoritative_list'])?$element['authoritative_list']:array(); |
} |
$elLocation[join('][', $name)] = $el; |
} |
return $form; |
} |