Drupal modules for browsing and managing Fedora-based digital repositories.
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// $Id$
* @file fedora_repository.install
* Implementation of hook_enable().
function fedora_collections_enable() {
//nothing to do as we do not currently touch the drupal database.
//other than the variables table
* Implementation of hook_requirements().
* @return
* An array describing the status of the site regarding available updates.
* If there is no update data, only one record will be returned, indicating
* that the status of core can't be determined. If data is available, there
* will be two records: one for core, and another for all of contrib
* (assuming there are any contributed modules or themes enabled on the
* site). In addition to the fields expected by hook_requirements ('value',
* 'severity', and optionally 'description'), this array will contain a
* 'reason' attribute, which is an integer constant to indicate why the
* given status is being returned (UPDATE_NOT_SECURE, UPDATE_NOT_CURRENT, or
* UPDATE_UNKNOWN). This is used for generating the appropriate e-mail
* notification messages during update_cron(), and might be useful for other
* modules that invoke update_requirements() to find out if the site is up
* to date or not.
* @see _update_message_text()
* @see _update_cron_notify()
function fedora_repository_requirements($phase) {
global $base_url;
$requirements = array();
if ($phase == 'install') {
$requirements['fedora-soap']['title'] = t("PHP SOAP extension library");
if (!class_exists('SoapClient')) {
$requirements['fedora-soap']['value'] = t("Not installed");
$requirements['fedora-soap']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
$requirements['fedora-soap']['description'] = t('Ensure that the PHP SOAP extension is installed.');
else {
$requirements['fedora-soap']['value'] = t("Installed");
$requirements['fedora-soap']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK;
elseif ($phase == 'runtime') {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_utils');
$requirements['fedora-repository']['title'] = t("Fedora server");
if (!fedora_available()) {
$requirements['fedora-repository']['value'] = t("Not available");
$requirements['fedora-repository']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
$requirements['fedora-repository']['description'] = t('Ensure that Fedora is running and that the <a href="@collection-settings">collection settings</a> are correct.',
array('@collection-settings' => $base_url.'/admin/settings/fedora_repository'));
else {
$requirements['fedora-repository']['value'] = t("Available");
$requirements['fedora-repository']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK;
// Check for ImageMagick
$requirements['fedora-imagemagick']['title'] = t("ImageMagick convert in \$PATH");
system('which convert', $res);
if ($res != 0) {
$requirements['fedora-imagemagick']['value'] = t('Not in $PATH');
$requirements['fedora-imagemagick']['description'] = t('Islandora will not be able to create thumbnails. Ensure that <a href="www.imagemagick.org/">ImageMagick</a> is installed and the convert command is executable by the web server user.');
$requirements['fedora-imagemagick']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING;
else {
$requirements['fedora-imagemagick']['value'] = t("Available");
$requirements['fedora-imagemagick']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK;
$requirements['fedora-kakadu']['title'] = 'Kakadu kdu_compress in $PATH';
system('which kdu_compress', $kdu_res);
if ($kdu_res != 0) {
$requirements['fedora-kakadu']['value'] = ('Not in $PATH');
$requirements['fedora-kakadu']['description'] = t('Islandora cannot convert TIFF image files to JPEG2000 format. Ensure <a href="http://www.kakadusoftware.com/">Kakadu</a> is installed and the kdu_compress command is executable by the web server user.');
$requirements['fedora-kakadu']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING;
else {
$requirements['fedora-kakadu']['value'] = t("Available");
$requirements['fedora-kakadu']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK;
return $requirements;
* Invokes a hook to any dependent modules asking them if their installations require
* any fedora objects to be present. Modules implementing this hook should return an array
* of arrays of the form:
* array( 'pid', 'path-to-foxml-file', 'dsid', 'path-to-datastream-file', int dsversion)
* where the last three options are optional. A module can either point to a simple
* foxml file to install, or can specify a datastreamstream to check for, with a
* path to load the datastream from if it isn't there. Optionally a version number
* can be included, to enable updating of content model or collection policy streams
* that may have been updated. THis is a simple whole number that should be incremented
* when changed. This value appears in as an attribute of the topmost element of the stream,
* e.g.,:
* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <content_model name="Collection" version="2" ...
* Datastreams which don't have this element are assumed to be at version 0.
function fedora_repository_check_for_required_fedora_objects() {
$required_objects = module_invoke_all('required_fedora_objects');