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116 lines
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116 lines
3.9 KiB
<?php |
function fedora_imageapi_menu() { |
$items = array(); |
$items['fedora/imageapi'] = array( |
'title' => t('Image manipulation functions'), |
'page callback' => 'islandora_repository_image_manip', |
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, |
'access arguments' => array('view fedora collection'), |
); |
return $items; |
} |
/** |
* Call out to the Drupal ImageAPI module and return the resulting image as a stream. |
* |
* @param string $pid |
* @param string $dsid |
* @param string $op |
* @param string $params |
*/ |
function islandora_repository_image_manip($pid = '', $dsid = '', $op = '', $params = '') { |
module_load_include('inc', 'Fedora_Repository', 'ObjectHelper'); |
module_load_include('module', 'imageapi'); |
$obj = new ObjectHelper(); |
$mimetype = $obj->getMimeType($pid, $dsid); |
$ext = substr(strstr($mimetype, '/'), 1); |
$op = (!empty($_GET['op']) ? $_GET['op'] : ''); |
$safe_pid = str_replace(':', '_', $pid); |
$cache_key = 'islandora_repository_image_manip_' . md5($safe_pid . '_' . $dsid . '_' . $ext . '_' . $op . (isset($_GET['width']) ? '_' . $_GET['width'] : '') . (isset($_GET['height']) ? '_' . $_GET['height'] : '')); |
if (($file = cache_get($cache_key)) === 0) { |
//added the slash as sys_get_temp_dir in linux does not seem to include the slash |
$tmp_file_name = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . $safe_pid . '_' . $dsid . '.' . $ext; |
$handle = fopen($tmp_file_name, "w"); |
$numbytes = fwrite($handle, $obj->getStream($pid, $dsid)); |
fclose($handle); |
if ($numbytes == 0) { |
return; |
} |
$image = imageapi_image_open($tmp_file_name); |
switch ($op) { |
case 'scale': |
if (!empty($_GET['height']) || !empty($_GET['width'])) { |
imageapi_image_scale($image, $_GET['width'], $_GET['height']); |
} |
case 'centerscale': |
if (!empty($_GET['height']) && !empty($_GET['width'])) { |
imageapi_image_scale_and_crop($image, $_GET['width'], $_GET['height']); |
} |
} |
imageapi_image_close($image); |
$file = file_get_contents($tmp_file_name); |
cache_set($cache_key, $file, 'cache', time() + variable_get('fedora_image_blocks_cache_time', 3600)); |
file_delete($tmp_file_name); |
} |
else { |
$file = $file->data; |
} |
header("Content-type: $mimetype"); |
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $dsid . '.' . $ext . '"'); |
echo $file; |
// return "$numbytes bytes written to ".sys_get_temp_dir()."$pid_$dsid.$ext\n"; |
} |
/** |
* Implementation of hook_form_alter |
* |
* @param unknown_type $form |
* @param unknown_type $form_state |
* @param unknown_type $form_id |
*/ |
/* |
function fedora_imageapi_form_alter( &$form, $form_state, $form_id) { |
switch ( $form_id ) { |
case 'islandora_repository_admin': |
$fedora_base_url = $form['fedora_base_url']['#default_value']; |
$fedora_server_url = substr($fedora_base_url,0,strpos($fedora_base_url,'/',7)); |
// Add the Djatoka server location. Set it to default to the same server as fedora. |
$form['djatoka_server_url'] = array ( |
'#type' => 'textfield', |
'#title' => '<h3>'.t('Fedora Image API Module').'</h3><br />'.t('aDORe Djatoka image server resolver URL'), |
'#default_value' => variable_get('djatoka_server_url', $fedora_server_url.'/adore-djatoka/resolver' ), |
'#description' => t('The location of your <a href="" title="aDORe Djatoka Home Page">aDORe Djatoka</a> image server, if you have one installed.'), |
'#weight' => 1, |
); |
$form['openlayers_server_url'] = array( |
'#type' => 'textfield', |
'#title' => t('OpenLayers servlet URL'), |
'#default_value' => variable_get('openlayers_server_url', $fedora_server_url.'/islandora/OpenLayers'), |
'#description' => t('URL of your installation of the <a href="">OpenLayers</a> servlet, if you have one.'), |
'#weight' => 1, |
); |
$form['buttons']['#weight'] = 2; |
break; |
} |
} |
function show_openlayers_viewer() { |
$output = 'Hi.'; |
return $output; |
} |