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260 lines
7.8 KiB
260 lines
7.8 KiB
<?php |
// $Id$ |
/** |
* @file |
* ShowStreamsInFieldSets class |
*/ |
/** |
* Show Streams In Field Sets ?? |
*/ |
class ShowStreamsInFieldSets { |
private $pid = NULL; |
/** |
* Constructor |
* @param type $pid |
*/ |
function ShowStreamsInFieldSets($pid) { |
$this->pid = $pid; |
} |
/** |
* Show the FLV ?? |
* @return type |
*/ |
function showFlv() { |
//FLV is the datastream id |
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'Fedora_Repository'); |
$fullPath = base_path() . $path; |
$content = ""; |
$pathTojs = drupal_get_path('module', 'Fedora_Repository') . '/js/swfobject.js'; |
drupal_add_js("$pathTojs"); |
$content .= '<div id="player' . $this->pid . 'FLV"><a href="">Get the Flash Player</a> to see this player.</div>'; |
drupal_add_js('var s1 = new SWFObject("' . $fullPath . '/flash/flvplayer.swf","single","320","240","7"); |
s1.addParam("allowfullscreen","TRUE"); |
s1.addVariable("file","' . base_path() . 'fedora/repository/' . $this->pid . '/FLV/FLV.flv"); |
s1.write("player' . $this->pid . 'FLV");', 'inline', 'footer'); |
$collection_fieldset = array( |
'#title' => t('Flash Video'), |
'#collapsible' => TRUE, |
'#collapsed' => FALSE, |
'#value' => $content); |
return theme('fieldset', $collection_fieldset); |
} |
/** |
* Show the TN ?? |
* @global type $base_url |
* @return type |
*/ |
function showTN() { |
global $base_url; |
$collection_fieldset = array( |
'#title' => '', |
'#attributes' => array(), |
'#collapsible' => FALSE, |
'#value' => '<a href="' . $base_url . '/fedora/repository/' . $this->pid . '/OBJ/"><img src="' . $base_url . '/fedora/repository/' . $this->pid . '/TN/TN' . '" /></a>', |
); |
return theme('fieldset', $collection_fieldset); |
} |
/** |
* Same as showTN but artinventory stores the image in a dsid of IMAGE instead of OBJ |
* @global type $base_url |
* @return type |
*/ |
function showArtInventoryTN() { |
global $base_url; |
$collection_fieldset = array( |
'#collapsible' => FALSE, |
'#value' => '<a href="' . $base_url . '/fedora/repository/' . $this->pid . '/IMAGE/image.jpg"><img src="' . $base_url . '/fedora/repository/' . $this->pid . '/TN/TN' . '" /></a>', |
); |
return theme('fieldset', $collection_fieldset); |
} |
/** |
* Embed Google Docs' PDF viewer into the page. |
* @global type $base_url |
* @global type $base_path |
* @global type $user |
* @return type |
*/ |
function showPDFPreview() { |
global $base_url; |
global $base_path; |
global $user; |
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_repository', 'api/fedora_item'); |
$tabset = array(); |
$tabset['first_tab'] = array( |
'#type' => 'tabpage', |
'#title' => t('Description'), |
); |
$tabset['first_tab']['tabs'] = array( |
'#type' => 'tabset', |
); |
$objectHelper = new ObjectHelper(); |
$item = new Fedora_Item($this->pid); |
if (key_exists('TN', $item->datastreams)) { |
$tn_url = $base_url . '/fedora/repository/' . $item->pid . '/TN'; |
} |
else { |
$tn_url = $base_path . drupal_get_path('module', 'islandora_repository') . '/images/Crystal_Clear_app_download_manager.png'; |
} |
$dc_html = $objectHelper->getFormattedDC($item); |
$dl_link = l('<div style="float:left; padding: 10px"><img src="' . $tn_url . '"><br />View Document</div>', 'fedora/repository/' . $this->pid . '/OBJ', array('html' => TRUE)); |
$tabset['first_tab']['tabs']['view'] = array( |
'#type' => 'tabpage', |
'#title' => t('View'), |
'#content' => $dl_link . $dc_html, |
); |
if (islandora_repository_access(OBJECTHELPER :: $EDIT_FEDORA_METADATA, $this->pid, $user)) { |
$editform = drupal_get_form('islandora_repository_edit_qdc_form', $this->pid, 'DC'); |
$tabset['first_tab']['tabs']['edit'] = array( |
'#type' => 'tabpage', |
'#title' => t('Edit'), |
'#content' => $editform, |
); |
} |
$tabset['second_tab'] = array( |
'#type' => 'tabpage', |
'#title' => t('Read Online'), |
'#content' => "<iframe src=\"" . $base_url . '/fedora/repository/' . |
$this->pid . '/OBJ/preview.pdf' . "&embedded=TRUE\" style=\"width:600px; height:500px;\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe>" |
); |
// Render the tabset. |
return $tabset; |
} |
/** |
* Show QDC ?? |
* @return type |
*/ |
function showQdc() { |
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_repository', 'ObjectHelper'); |
$objectHelper = new ObjectHelper(); |
$content = $objectHelper->getQDC($this->pid); |
$collection_fieldset = array( |
'#title' => t('Description'), |
'#collapsible' => TRUE, |
'#collapsed' => FALSE, |
'#value' => $content, |
); |
return theme('fieldset', $collection_fieldset); |
} |
/** |
* Show Object Link ?? |
* @global type $base_url |
* @return type |
*/ |
function showOBJLink() { |
global $base_url; |
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_repository', 'api/fedora_item'); |
$item = new Fedora_Item($this->pid); |
$streams = $item->get_datastreams_list_as_array(); |
return "<a href='" . $base_url . "/fedora/repository/" . $this->pid . "/OBJ/" . $streams['OBJ']['label'] . "'>" . $streams['OBJ']['label'] . "</a>"; |
} |
/** |
* Show REF works ?? |
* @return type |
*/ |
function showRefworks() { |
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'islandora_repository'); |
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_repository', 'ObjectHelper'); |
$collectionHelper = new CollectionClass(); |
$xmlstr = $collectionHelper->getStream($this->pid, "refworks"); |
html_entity_decode($xmlstr); |
if ($xmlstr == NULL || strlen($xmlstr) < 5) { |
return " "; |
} |
try { |
$proc = new XsltProcessor(); |
} catch (Exception $e) { |
drupal_set_message(t("!e", array('!e' => $e->getMessage())), 'error'); |
return " "; |
} |
$xsl = new DomDocument(); |
$xsl->load($path . '/xsl/refworks.xsl'); |
$input = new DomDocument(); |
$input->loadXML(trim($xmlstr)); |
$xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl); |
$newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($input); |
$content = $newdom->saveXML(); |
$collection_fieldset = array( |
'#title' => t('Refworks'), |
'#collapsible' => TRUE, |
'#collapsed' => FALSE, |
'#value' => $content); |
return theme('fieldset', $collection_fieldset); |
} |
/** |
* Show JP2000 |
* @param type $collapsed |
* @return type |
*/ |
function showJP2($collapsed = FALSE) { |
$viewer_url = variable_get('fedora_base_url', '') . '/get/' . $this->pid . '/ilives:viewerSdef/getViewer'; |
$html = '<iframe src="' . $viewer_url . '" frameborder="0" style="width: 100%; height: 400px;">Errors: unable to load viewer</iframe>'; |
$fieldset = array( |
'#title' => t('Viewer'), |
'#collapsible' => TRUE, |
'#collapsed' => $collapsed, |
'#value' => $html |
); |
return theme('fieldset', $fieldset); |
} |
/** |
* Show Romeo ?? |
* @param type $collapsed |
* @return type |
*/ |
function showRomeo($collapsed = FALSE) { |
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'Fedora_Repository'); |
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_repository', 'CollectionClass'); |
$collectionHelper = new CollectionClass(); |
$xmlstr = $collectionHelper->getStream($this->pid, "ROMEO", 0); |
if ($xmlstr == NULL || strlen($xmlstr) < 5) { |
return " "; |
} |
try { |
$proc = new XsltProcessor(); |
} catch (Exception $e) { |
drupal_set_message(t("!e", array('!e' => $e->getMessage())), 'error'); |
return; |
} |
$xsl = new DomDocument(); |
$xsl->load($path . '/xsl/romeo.xsl'); |
$input = new DomDocument(); |
$input->loadXML(trim($xmlstr)); |
$xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl); |
$newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($input); |
$content = $newdom->saveXML(); |
$collection_fieldset = array( |
'#title' => t('Romeo'), |
'#collapsible' => TRUE, |
'#collapsed' => $collapsed, |
'#value' => $content |
); |
return theme('fieldset', $collection_fieldset); |
} |