Drupal modules for browsing and managing Fedora-based digital repositories.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* @file
* Contains islandora.module.
* This file is part of the Islandora Project.
* (c) Islandora Foundation
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* @author Diego Pino Navarro <dpino@metro.org> https://github.com/diegopino
use Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityViewDisplayInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Site\Settings;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\islandora\Form\IslandoraSettingsForm;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
use Drupal\media\MediaInterface;
use Drupal\file\FileInterface;
use Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
* Implements hook_help().
function islandora_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
switch ($route_name) {
// Main module help for the islandora module.
case 'help.page.islandora':
$output = '';
$output .= '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
$output .= '<p>' . t('Islandora integrates Drupal with a Fedora repository.') . '</p>';
return $output;
* Implements hook_node_insert().
function islandora_node_insert(NodeInterface $node) {
$utils = \Drupal::service('islandora.utils');
// Execute index reactions.
$utils->executeNodeReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\IndexReaction', $node);
* Implements hook_node_update().
function islandora_node_update(NodeInterface $node) {
$utils = \Drupal::service('islandora.utils');
if (!$utils->haveFieldsChanged($node, $node->original)) {
// Execute index reactions.
$utils->executeNodeReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\IndexReaction', $node);
* Implements hook_node_delete().
function islandora_node_delete(NodeInterface $node) {
$utils = \Drupal::service('islandora.utils');
// Execute delete reactions.
$utils->executeNodeReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\DeleteReaction', $node);
* Implements hook_media_insert().
function islandora_media_insert(MediaInterface $media) {
$utils = \Drupal::service('islandora.utils');
// Execute index reactions.
$utils->executeMediaReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\IndexReaction', $media);
// If it has a parent node...
$node = $utils->getParentNode($media);
if ($node) {
// Fire off derivative reactions for the Media.
// Wait until the media insert is complete, then fire file derivatives.
drupal_register_shutdown_function('_islandora_fire_media_file_derivative_reaction', $media);
* Implements hook_media_update().
function islandora_media_update(MediaInterface $media) {
$media_source_service = \Drupal::service('islandora.media_source_service');
// Exit early if nothing's changed.
$utils = \Drupal::service('islandora.utils');
if (!$utils->haveFieldsChanged($media, $media->original)) {
// Execute index reactions.
$utils->executeMediaReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\IndexReaction', $media);
// Does it have a source field?
$source_field = $media_source_service->getSourceFieldName($media->bundle());
if (empty($source_field)) {
// Exit early if the source file did not change.
if ($media->get($source_field)->equals($media->original->get($source_field))) {
// If it has a parent node...
$node = $utils->getParentNode($media);
if ($node) {
// Fire off derivative reactions for the Media.
$utils->executeMediaReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\DerivativeFileReaction', $media);
* Implements hook_media_delete().
function islandora_media_delete(MediaInterface $media) {
$utils = \Drupal::service('islandora.utils');
// Execute delete reactions.
$utils->executeMediaReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\DeleteReaction', $media);
* Helper to fire media derivative file reactions after a media 'insert'.
* This function should not be called on its own; it exists as a workaround to
* being unable to fire media events after a media insert operation. This
* behaviour will eventually be replaced by event listeners once these are
* implemented in Drupal 9.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Media\MediaInterface $media
* The media that was just inserted.
* @see https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/2551893
function _islandora_fire_media_file_derivative_reaction(MediaInterface $media) {
$utils = \Drupal::service('islandora.utils');
// Execute derivative file reactions.
$utils->executeMediaReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\DerivativeFileReaction', $media);
* Implements hook_file_insert().
function islandora_file_insert(FileInterface $file) {
$utils = \Drupal::service('islandora.utils');
// Execute index reactions.
$utils->executeFileReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\IndexReaction', $file);
* Implements hook_file_update().
function islandora_file_update(FileInterface $file) {
// Exit early if unchanged.
if ($file->filehash != NULL && $file->original->filehash != NULL && $file->filehash['sha1'] == $file->original->filehash['sha1']) {
$utils = \Drupal::service('islandora.utils');
// Execute index reactions.
$utils->executeFileReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\IndexReaction', $file);
// Execute derivative reactions.
foreach ($utils->getReferencingMedia($file->id()) as $media) {
$node = $utils->getParentNode($media);
if ($node) {
* Implements hook_file_delete().
function islandora_file_delete(FileInterface $file) {
$utils = \Drupal::service('islandora.utils');
// Execute delete reactions.
$utils->executeFileReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\DeleteReaction', $file);
* Implements hook_taxonomy_term_insert().
function islandora_taxonomy_term_insert(TermInterface $term) {
$utils = \Drupal::service('islandora.utils');
// Execute index reactions.
$utils->executeTermReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\IndexReaction', $term);
* Implements hook_taxonomy_term_update().
function islandora_taxonomy_term_update(TermInterface $term) {
$utils = \Drupal::service('islandora.utils');
// Execute index reactions.
$utils->executeTermReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\IndexReaction', $term);
* Implements hook_taxonomy_term_delete().
function islandora_taxonomy_term_delete(TermInterface $term) {
$utils = \Drupal::service('islandora.utils');
// Execute delete reactions.
$utils->executeTermReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\DeleteReaction', $term);
* Implements hook_jsonld_alter_normalized_array().
function islandora_jsonld_alter_normalized_array(EntityInterface $entity, array &$normalized, array $context) {
$context_manager = \Drupal::service('context.manager');
foreach ($context_manager->getActiveReactions('\Drupal\islandora\ContextReaction\NormalizerAlterReaction') as $reaction) {
$reaction->execute($entity, $normalized, $context);
foreach ($context_manager->getActiveContexts() as $context_config) {
try {
if ($context_config->getReaction($reaction->getPluginId()) && isset($context['cacheability'])
&& method_exists($context['cacheability'], 'addCacheTags')) {
catch (PluginNotFoundException $e) {
// Squash :(.
* Implements hook_entity_view_mode_alter().
function islandora_entity_view_mode_alter(&$view_mode, EntityInterface $entity) {
// Change the view mode based on user input from a 'view_mode_alter'
// ContextReaction.
$entity_type = $entity->getEntityType()->id();
$storage = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')->getStorage('entity_view_mode');
$context_manager = \Drupal::service('context.manager');
$current_entity = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter($entity_type);
$current_id = ($current_entity instanceof NodeInterface || $current_entity instanceof MediaInterface) ? $current_entity->id() : NULL;
if (isset($current_id) && $current_id == $entity->id()) {
foreach ($context_manager->getActiveReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\ViewModeAlterReaction') as $reaction) {
// Construct the new view mode's machine name.
$entity_type = $entity->getEntityTypeId();
$mode = $reaction->execute();
$machine_name = "$entity_type.$mode";
// Try to load it.
$new_mode = $storage->load($machine_name);
// If successful, alter the view mode.
if ($new_mode) {
$view_mode = $mode;
else {
// Otherwise, leave it be, but log a message.
->info("EntityViewMode $machine_name does not exist. View mode cannot be altered.");
* Implements hook_preprocess_node().
function islandora_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
// Using alternate view modes causes on a node's canoncial page
// causes the title to get printed out twice. Once from the
// fields themselves and again as a block above the main content.
// Setting 'page' to TRUE gets rid of the title in the fields and
// leaves the block. This makes it look uniform with the 'default'
// view mode.
if (node_is_page($variables['elements']['#node'])) {
$variables['page'] = TRUE;
* Implements hook_form_alter().
function islandora_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
$media_add_forms = ['media_audio_add_form', 'media_document_add_form',
'media_extracted_text_add_form', 'media_file_add_form', 'media_image_add_form',
'media_fits_technical_metadata_add_form', 'media_video_add_form',
if (in_array($form['#form_id'], $media_add_forms)) {
$params = \Drupal::request()->query->all();
if (isset($params['edit'])) {
$media_of_nid = $params['edit']['field_media_of']['widget'][0]['target_id'];
$node = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node')->load($media_of_nid);
if ($node) {
$form['name']['widget'][0]['value']['#default_value'] = $node->getTitle();
* Implements hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter().
function islandora_field_widget_image_image_form_alter(&$element, $form_state, $context) {
$element['#process'][] = 'islandora_add_default_image_alt_text';
* Callback for hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter().
function islandora_add_default_image_alt_text($element, $form_state, $form) {
if ($element['alt']['#access']) {
$params = \Drupal::request()->query->all();
if (isset($params['edit'])) {
$media_of_nid = $params['edit']['field_media_of']['widget'][0]['target_id'];
$node = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node')->load($media_of_nid);
if ($node) {
$element['alt']['#default_value'] = $node->getTitle();
return $element;
* Implements hook_entity_form_display_alter().
function islandora_entity_form_display_alter(&$form_display, $context) {
// Change the form display based on user input from a 'form_display_alter'
// ContextReaction.
$storage = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')->getStorage('entity_form_display');
$context_manager = \Drupal::service('context.manager');
// Alter form display based on context.
foreach ($context_manager->getActiveReactions('\Drupal\islandora\Plugin\ContextReaction\FormDisplayAlterReaction') as $reaction) {
// Construct the new form display's machine name.
$entity_type = $context['entity_type'];
$bundle = $context['bundle'];
$mode = $reaction->execute();
$machine_name = "$entity_type.$bundle.$mode";
// Try to load it.
$new_display = $storage->load($machine_name);
// If successful, alter the form display.
if ($new_display) {
$form_display = $new_display;
else {
// Otherwise, leave it be, but log a message.
\Drupal::logger('islandora')->info("EntityFormDisplay $machine_name does not exist. Form display cannot be altered.");
* Implements hook_form_form_id_alter().
function islandora_form_block_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
// Unset our custom conditions. There's too many to use well within
// the core block placement UI, and no other reasonable way to filter
// them out. See https://www.drupal.org/node/2284687. Use
// /admin/structure/context instead if you want to use these conditions
// to alter block layout.
* Implements hook_entity_extra_field_info().
function islandora_entity_extra_field_info() {
$config_factory = \Drupal::service('config.factory')->get(IslandoraSettingsForm::CONFIG_NAME);
$extra_field = [];
$pseudo_bundles = $config_factory->get(IslandoraSettingsForm::GEMINI_PSEUDO);
if (!empty($pseudo_bundles)) {
foreach ($pseudo_bundles as $key) {
list($bundle, $content_entity) = explode(":", $key);
$extra_field[$content_entity][$bundle]['display']['field_gemini_uri'] = [
'label' => t('Fedora URI'),
'description' => t('The URI to the persistent'),
'weight' => 100,
'visible' => TRUE,
return $extra_field;
* Implements hook_entity_view().
function islandora_entity_view(array &$build, EntityInterface $entity, EntityViewDisplayInterface $display, $view_mode) {
$route_match_item = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameters()->get($entity->getEntityTypeId());
// Ensure the entity matches the route.
if ($entity === $route_match_item) {
if ($display->getComponent('field_gemini_uri')) {
$mapper = \Drupal::service('islandora.entity_mapper');
$flysystem_config = Settings::get('flysystem');
$fedora_root = $flysystem_config['fedora']['config']['root'];
$fedora_root = rtrim($fedora_root, '/');
if ($entity->getEntityTypeId() == 'media') {
// Check if the source file is in Fedora or not.
$media_source_service = \Drupal::service('islandora.media_source_service');
$source_file = $media_source_service->getSourceFile($entity);
$uri = $source_file->getFileUri();
$scheme = \Drupal::service('stream_wrapper_manager')->getScheme($uri);
$flysystem_config = Settings::get('flysystem');
// Use the file's path if it's in fedora.
// Otherwise do the UUID -> pair tree thang.
if (isset($flysystem_config[$scheme]) && $flysystem_config[$scheme]['driver'] == 'fedora') {
$parts = parse_url($uri);
$path = $parts['host'] . $parts['path'];
else {
$path = $mapper->getFedoraPath($source_file->uuid());
$path = trim($path, '/');
$fedora_uri = "$fedora_root/$path/fcr:metadata";
else {
// All non-media entities do the UUID -> pair tree thang.
$path = $mapper->getFedoraPath($entity->uuid());
$path = trim($path, '/');
$fedora_uri = "$fedora_root/$path";
// Stuff the fedora url into the pseudo field.
$build['field_gemini_uri'] = [
'#type' => 'container',
'#attributes' => [
'id' => 'field-gemini-uri',
'internal_label' => [
'#type' => 'item',
'#title' => t('Fedora URI'),
'internal_uri' => [
'#type' => 'link',
'#title' => t("@url", ['@url' => $fedora_uri]),
'#url' => Url::fromUri($fedora_uri),
* Implements hook_preprocess_views_view_table().
* Used for the integer-weight drag-n-drop. Taken almost
* verbatim from the weight module.
function islandora_preprocess_views_view_table(&$variables) {
// Check for a weight selector field.
foreach ($variables['view']->field as $field_key => $field) {
if ($field->options['plugin_id'] == 'integer_weight_selector') {
// Check if the weight selector is on the first column.
$is_first_column = array_search($field_key, array_keys($variables['view']->field)) > 0 ? FALSE : TRUE;
// Add the tabledrag attributes.
foreach ($variables['rows'] as $key => $row) {
if ($is_first_column) {
// If the weight selector is the first column move it to the last
// column, in order to make the draggable widget appear.
$weight_selector = $variables['rows'][$key]['columns'][$field->field];
$variables['rows'][$key]['columns'][$field->field] = $weight_selector;
// Add draggable attribute.
// The row key identify in an unique way a view grouped by a field.
// Without row number, all the groups will share the same table_id
// and just the first table can be draggable.
$table_id = 'weight-table-' . $variables['view']->dom_id . '-row-' . $key;
$variables['attributes']['id'] = $table_id;
$options = [
'table_id' => $table_id,
'action' => 'order',
'relationship' => 'sibling',
'group' => 'weight-selector',
drupal_attach_tabledrag($variables, $options);