Full index

Package indexes

a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v w x _
Variable $availableDataStreamsText
Method addAppliesTo
ContentModel::addAppliesTo() in ContentModel.inc
Method addAuthListItem
Adds an authority list item to a form element.
Method addDispMeth
ContentModel::addDispMeth() in ContentModel.inc
Method addDs
ContentModel::addDs() in ContentModel.inc
Method addElementToForm
Method addForm
ContentModel::addForm() in ContentModel.inc
Adds the named form.
Method addIngestFormElement
Add an ingest form element to the model.
Method addIngestMethod
Method addIngestMethodParam
Method addIngestRule
ContentModel::addIngestRule() in ContentModel.inc
Method addMimetype
ContentModel::addMimetype() in ContentModel.inc
Adds an allowed mimetype to the model.
Method addModel
CollectionPolicy::addModel() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Method addTerm
CollectionPolicy::addTerm() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Adds a search term to the collection policy.
Method add_datastream_from_file
Method add_datastream_from_string
Method add_datastream_from_url
Method add_element
Dublin_Core::add_element() in dublin_core.inc
Method add_relationship
Add a relationship string to this object's RELS-EXT.
Method applyLuceneXSLT
apply an xslt to lucene gsearch search results
Method applySpecifiedXSLT
Method applyXSLT
SearchClass::applyXSLT() in SearchClass.inc
Method asHTML
DarwinCore::asHTML() in DarwinCore.inc
Method asXML
DarwinCore::asXML() in DarwinCore.inc
Method as_xml
Dublin_Core::as_xml() in dublin_core.inc
Serialize this object to XML and return it.
Constant ATOMZip_11
ATOMZip_11 in fedora_export.inc
Constant ATOM_11
ATOM_11 in fedora_export.inc
Function book_add_pages_form
Function book_add_pages_form_submit
Function book_add_pages_form_validate
Method buildAddPagesForm
Method buildDrupalForm
Method buildDrupalForm
Method buildDrupalForm
Method buildDrupalForm
Method buildEditMetadataForm
Method buildEditMetadataForm
Method buildEditMetadataForm
Builds an edit metadata form using the method specified in the <edit_metadata_method> element
Method buildEditMetadataForm
Method buildForm
Refworks::buildForm() in Refworks.inc
Method buildIngestForm
Builds an ingest form using the method specified in <form_builder_method> element of <ingest_form> Returns FALSE on failure.
Method buildQDCForm
Method build_advanced_search_form
Method build_ingest_form
grabs a xml form definition from a content model and builds
Method build_simple_solr_form
Method build_solr_search_form
Page book.inc
book.inc in book.inc
Variable $cm
ModsFormBuilder::$cm in ModsFormBuilder.inc
Variable $collectionObject
CollectionClass::$collectionObject in CollectionClass.inc
Method callMethods
CollectionClass::callMethods() in CollectionClass.inc
calls the methods defined in the content model rules .xml file stored in a Fedora object
Method canIngestHere
SecurityClass::canIngestHere() in SecurityClass.inc
Method canShowIngestForm
Drupal's permissions at this point no xacml yet. xacml decisions are made by fedora
Method can_ingest_here
Class CollectionClass
CollectionClass in CollectionClass.inc
To change the template for this generated file go to Window - Preferences - PHPeclipse - PHP - Code Templates
Page CollectionClass.inc
CollectionClass.inc in CollectionClass.inc
Method CollectionFormBuilder
Class CollectionFormBuilder
CollectionFormBuilder in CollectionFormBuilder.inc
Class CollectionPolicy
CollectionPolicy in CollectionPolicy.inc
Page CollectionPolicy.inc
CollectionPolicy.inc in CollectionPolicy.inc
Method ConnectionHelper
ConnectionHelper::ConnectionHelper() in ConnectionHelper.inc
Class ConnectionHelper
ConnectionHelper in ConnectionHelper.inc
Page ConnectionHelper.inc
ConnectionHelper.inc in ConnectionHelper.inc
Class ContentModel
ContentModel in ContentModel.inc
Page ContentModel.inc
ContentModel.inc in ContentModel.inc
Method convert
DocumentConverter::convert() in DocumentConverter.inc
Method convertFromOldSchema
Attempts to convert from the old XML schema to the new by traversing the XML DOM and building a new DOM. When done $this->xml is replaced by the newly created DOM..
Method convertFromOldSchema
Attempts to convert from the old XML schema to the new by traversing the XML DOM and building a new DOM. When done $this->xml is replaced by the newly created DOM..
Method convertFromOldSchema
Attempts to convert from the old XML schema to the new by traversing the XML DOM and building a new DOM. When done $this->xml is replaced by the newly created DOM..
Method createAddDataStreamForm
Method createAdminForm
Method createChildPolicyStream
Method createCollection
PersonalCollectionClass::createCollection() in PersonalCollectionClass.inc
Class CreateCollection
CreateCollection in CreateCollection.inc
Method CreateCollection
CreateCollection::CreateCollection() in CreateCollection.inc
Method createCollectionPolicy
Method createCollectionPolicyStream
Method createDCStream
PersonalCollectionClass::createDCStream() in PersonalCollectionClass.inc
Method createExtraFieldsets
gets a list of datastreams and related function that we should use to show datastreams in their own fieldsets
Method createFedoraDataStreams
Method createFedoraDataStreams
Method createFedoraDataStreams
Method createFedoraDataStreams
Method createFedoraDataStreams
Method createFedoraDataStreams
Method createIngestForm
Create a multi step form (wizard) for ingesting objects into Fedora
Method createJP2
ImageManipulation::createJP2() in ImageManipulation.inc
Method createMenu
formClass::createMenu() in formClass.inc
Method createMetaDataForm
Creates a drupal form to edit either the QDC or DC datastream
Method createModsStream
Method createPersonalPolicy
Method createPNG
ImageManipulation::createPNG() in ImageManipulation.inc
Method createPolicyStream
PersonalCollectionClass::createPolicyStream() in PersonalCollectionClass.inc
Method createPreview
ImageManipulation::createPreview() in ImageManipulation.inc
Method createQDCEditForm
Create edit form.
Method createQDCIngestForm
Create the QDC Ingest Form.
Method createQDCIngestFormPageOne
Creates the first page of the ingest form for editing QDC.
Method createQDCIngestFormPageTwo
Create the second page of the ingest form for editing QDC
Method createQDCStream
Method createQDCStream
Method createRelationShips
Creates the RELS-EXT for the foxml
Method createRelationShips
creates the RELS-EXT for the foxml
Method createReplaceDataStreamForm
Creates a form for replacing datastream
Method createRomeoDataStream
Method createStandardFedoraStuff
creates the standard foxml properties
Method createStandardFedoraStuff
Method createStandardFedoraStuff
Creates the standard foxml properties
Method createThumbnail
ImageManipulation::createThumbnail() in ImageManipulation.inc
Method createThumbnailFromPDF
Method createUserCollection
Method createWorkflowStream
Method create_dc_from_dict
Method create_link_for_ds
internal function
Method create_object_FOXML
Creates the minimal FOXML for a new Fedora object, which is then passed to ingest_from_FOXML to be added to the repository.
Method create_security_policies
Read the list of Users from the U1 field and Roles from the U2 field and add elements to the security policy record for this item, then add the record as the security policy datastream.
Method custom_search
SearchClass::custom_search() in SearchClass.inc
Page CollectionFormBuilder.inc
CollectionFormBuilder.inc in CollectionFormBuilder.inc
Page CreateCollection.inc
CreateCollection.inc in CreateCollection.inc
Variable $darwinCoreXML
DarwinCore::$darwinCoreXML in DarwinCore.inc
Variable $datastreams
Fedora_Item::$datastreams in fedora_item.inc
Variable $dc
Dublin_Core::$dc in dublin_core.inc
CollectionPolicy::$DEFAULT_DSID in CollectionPolicy.inc
ContentModel::$DEFAULT_DSID in ContentModel.inc
ObjectHelper::$DISPLAY_ALWAYS in ObjectHelper.inc
ObjectHelper::$DISPLAY_NEVER in ObjectHelper.inc
Variable $dsid
XMLDatastream::$dsid in XMLDatastream.inc
Variable $dwcFields
DarwinCore::$dwcFields in DarwinCore.inc
Page dublin_core.inc
dublin_core.inc in dublin_core.inc
Class DarwinCore
DarwinCore in DarwinCore.inc
Method decAuthListItem
Decrements an authority list item from a form element in the list of elements.
Method decFormElement
ContentModel::decFormElement() in ContentModel.inc
Method decIngestFormElement
Decrements an ingest form element in the list of elements.
Method DemoFormBuilder
DemoFormBuilder::DemoFormBuilder() in DemoFormBuilder.inc
Class DemoFormBuilder
DemoFormBuilder in DemoFormBuilder.inc
Method displayExtraFieldset
Calls all defined display methods for the ContentModel.
Method displayInFieldset
Method displayMetadata
Class DocumentConverter
DocumentConverter in DocumentConverter.inc
This class implements document (doc, odt, pdf, etc.) conversion for a generic multi-format document collection.
Function do_curl
do_curl() in fedora_utils.inc
Method Dublin_Core
Dublin_Core::Dublin_Core() in dublin_core.inc
Constructs a Dublin_Core object from a Fedora_Item object and populates the $dc array.
Class Dublin_Core
Dublin_Core in dublin_core.inc
Method dumpXml
XMLDatastream::dumpXml() in XMLDatastream.inc
Dumps the XMLDatastream as an XML String
Page DarwinCore.inc
DarwinCore.inc in DarwinCore.inc
Page DemoFormBuilder.inc
DemoFormBuilder.inc in DemoFormBuilder.inc
Page DocumentConverter.inc
DocumentConverter.inc in DocumentConverter.inc
Variable $errors
XMLDatastream::$errors in XMLDatastream.inc
Method editForm
ContentModel::editForm() in ContentModel.inc
Edits a form element with attribute name='$name' from the 'forms' element.
Method editFormElement
Method editIngestFormAttributes
Method editIngestFormBuilderMethod
Method editIngestFormElement
Edits the ingest form element specified.
Method enableDownload
Method execAddDatastreamMethods
Executes the add datastream method for the specified datastream on the specified file.
Method execFormHandler
Executes the form handler from the <form_builder_method> element of <ingest_form>.
Method execIngestRules
Executes the ingest rules that apply to the specified file/mimetype.
Class Exiftool
Exiftool in Exiftool.inc
Method exists
Fedora_Item::exists() in fedora_item.inc
Method export_as_foxml
Function export_collection
export_collection() in fedora_collection.inc
Exports a fedora collection object and all of its children in a format that will let you import them into another repository.
Function export_foxml_for_pid
export_foxml_for_pid() in fedora_export.inc
Function export_objects_for_pid
export_objects_for_pid() in fedora_export.inc
Function export_to_export_area
export_to_export_area() in fedora_export.inc
Function to to export all objects assocoiated with a given pid to the export area
Method extractMetadata
Method extract_thumbnail
Page Exiftool.inc
Exiftool.inc in Exiftool.inc
Variable $forceSchema
XMLDatastream::$forceSchema in XMLDatastream.inc
Page fedora_collection.inc
fedora_collection.inc in fedora_collection.inc
Page fedora_export.inc
fedora_export.inc in fedora_export.inc
Page fedora_item.inc
fedora_item.inc in fedora_item.inc
Page fedora_utils.inc
fedora_utils.inc in fedora_utils.inc
Method fedoraObject
Class FedoraObject
FedoraObject in fedoraObject.inc
Function fedora_attach_admin
fedora_attach_admin() in fedora_attach.admin.inc
Form builder. Configure Redmine parameters.
Function fedora_available
fedora_available() in fedora_utils.inc
Class Fedora_Item
Fedora_Item in fedora_item.inc
Method fedora_item_exists
FEDORA_MODEL_URI in fedora_item.inc
Page fedora_repository.solutionpacks.inc
fedora_repository.solutionpacks.inc in fedora_repository.solutionpacks.inc
Method fedora_repository_access
Function fedora_repository_image_tagging_form
Function fedora_repository_image_tagging_form_submit
Function fedora_repository_solution_packs_page
fedora_repository_solution_packs_page() in fedora_repository.solutionpacks.inc
Invokes a hook to any dependent modules asking them if their installations require any fedora objects to be present. Modules implementing this hook should return an array of arrays of the form:
Function fedora_repository_solution_pack_form
fedora_repository_solution_pack_form() in fedora_repository.solutionpacks.inc
Check for installed objects and add a 'Update' or 'Install' button if some objects are missing.
Function fedora_repository_solution_pack_form_submit
fedora_repository_solution_pack_form_submit() in fedora_repository.solutionpacks.inc
Method Ffmpeg
Ffmpeg::Ffmpeg() in Ffmpeg.inc
Class Ffmpeg
Ffmpeg in Ffmpeg.inc
Method find_objects_by_pattern
Does a search using the "query" format followed by the Fedora REST APi.
Function fixDsid
fixDsid() in fedora_utils.inc
Function fix_encoding
fix_encoding() in fedora_utils.inc
Returns a UTF-8-encoded transcripiton of the string given in $in_str.
Method FlvFormBuilder
FlvFormBuilder::FlvFormBuilder() in FlvFormBuilder.inc
Class FlvFormBuilder
FlvFormBuilder in FlvFormBuilder.inc
Method FormBuilder
Class FormBuilder
FormBuilder in Flv.inc
Method formClass
formClass::formClass() in formClass.inc
Class formClass
formClass in formClass.inc
Page formClass.inc
formClass.inc in formClass.inc
Constant FOXML_10
FOXML_10 in fedora_export.inc
Constant FOXML_11
FOXML_11 in fedora_export.inc
Page fedoraObject.inc
fedoraObject.inc in fedoraObject.inc
Page fedora_attach.admin.inc
fedora_attach.admin.inc in fedora_attach.admin.inc
Page Ffmpeg.inc
Ffmpeg.inc in Ffmpeg.inc
Page Flv.inc
Flv.inc in Flv.inc
Page FlvFormBuilder.inc
FlvFormBuilder.inc in FlvFormBuilder.inc
Page FormBuilder.inc
FormBuilder.inc in FormBuilder.inc
Method getAddDsMethod
ContentModel::getAddDsMethod() in ContentModel.inc
Method getAllowedMimeTypes
Method getAllowedUsersAndRoles
Method getAndDoRules
CollectionClass::getAndDoRules() in CollectionClass.inc
Grabs the rules from the content model stream
Method getBreadcrumbs
ObjectHelper::getBreadcrumbs() in ObjectHelper.inc
Builds an array of drupal links for use in breadcrumbs.
Method getCollectionInfo
Method getCollectionPolicyStream
Method getCollectionViewStream
Method getContentModels
CollectionPolicy::getContentModels() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Gets a list of ContentModel objects supported by this collection.
Method getContentModels
gets a list of content models from a collection policy
Method getDatastreamInfo
Method getDefaultDSID
CollectionPolicy::getDefaultDSID() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Gets the default DSID to use for ContentModel datastreams.
Method getDefaultDSID
ContentModel::getDefaultDSID() in ContentModel.inc
Gets the default DSID to use for ContentModel datastreams.
Method getDisplayMethods
Method getDSIDFromIdentifier
Parses the DSID from an identifier.
Method getEditFormNames
Method getEditMetadataMethod
Gets an associative array describing the edit metadata method.
Method getForm
ContentModel::getForm() in ContentModel.inc
Find the form element with name $name.
Method getFormattedDC
ObjectHelper::getFormattedDC() in ObjectHelper.inc
Method getFormHandler
CollectionClass::getFormHandler() in CollectionClass.inc
gets the form handler file, class and method and returns them in an array
Method getFormNames
ContentModel::getFormNames() in ContentModel.inc
Method getHistory
XMLDatastream::getHistory() in XMLDatastream.inc
Gets the history of the datastream from fedora.
Method getIdentifier
XMLDatastream::getIdentifier() in XMLDatastream.inc
Gets the identifier for this XMLDatastream Returns FALSE on failure.
Method getIngestFormAttributes
Method getIngestFormBuilderMethod
Method getIngestFormElementParams
Gets a list of all parameters that belong to the specified ingest form element.
Method getIngestFormElements
Gets an array of form elements to use in the ingest form. The results of this array are passed to the specified ingest form builder. The form builder can optionally not use the elements as defined in the form builder if more complex forms or behaviour is required.
Method getIngestFormNames
Method getIngestInterface
Method getIngestRule
ContentModel::getIngestRule() in ContentModel.inc
Method getIngestRules
ContentModel::getIngestRules() in ContentModel.inc
Method getMediaDatastreamInfo
Method getMimeType
ObjectHelper::getMimeType() in ObjectHelper.inc
returns the mime type
Method getMimetypes
ContentModel::getMimetypes() in ContentModel.inc
Gets a list of valid mimetypes that can apply to this model.
Method getName
ContentModel::getName() in ContentModel.inc
Gets the name of the ContentModel Returns false on failure.
Method getName
CollectionPolicy::getName() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Method getNextPid
CollectionClass::getNextPid() in CollectionClass.inc
using the collection policies pid namespace get a new pid by calling fedora' get next pid and appending it to the namespace $pid is the $pid of the content model $dsid is the datastream id of the content model.
Method getNextPid
CollectionPolicy::getNextPid() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Gets the next available PID for the content model specified by the DSID parameter.
Method getObject
ObjectHelper::getObject() in ObjectHelper.inc
Returns XML description of the object (export).
Method getPidFromIdentifier
Parses an PID from an identifier.
Method getPidNameSpace
CollectionClass::getPidNameSpace() in CollectionClass.inc
Method getPosterFrameDatastreamInfo
Method getQDC
ObjectHelper::getQDC() in ObjectHelper.inc
Queries fedora for what we call the qualified dublin core. Currently only dc.coverage has
Method getRelatedItems
CollectionClass::getRelatedItems() in CollectionClass.inc
Gets objects related to this item. It will query the object for a Query stream and use that as a itql query
Method getRelatedObjects
Method getRelationship
CollectionPolicy::getRelationship() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Gets the name of the relationship to use for members of this collection.
Method getRelationshipElement
Method getSearchTerms
CollectionPolicy::getSearchTerms() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Gets a list of search terms from the Collection Policy. If asArray is set it will return an associative array with the value, field name, and the default value.
Method getServices
ContentModel::getServices() in ContentModel.inc
Gets a list of service deployments that this model has.
Method getSoapClient
ConnectionHelper::getSoapClient() in ConnectionHelper.inc
Method getStagingArea
CollectionPolicy::getStagingArea() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Gets the path to the staging area to use for this collection. By default recurses to the parent collection if the staging area is undefined
Method getStream
CollectionClass::getStream() in CollectionClass.inc
Method getStream
ObjectHelper::getStream() in ObjectHelper.inc
returns a stream from a fedora object given a pid and dsid
Method getTerms
SearchClass::getTerms() in SearchClass.inc
Method getType
MimeClass::getType() in MimeClass.inc
function: getType description: An alias to get_mimetype, for backwards-compatibility with our old mimetype class.
Method getXslContent
CollectionClass::getXslContent() in CollectionClass.inc
Queries a collection object for an xslt to format how the collection of objects is displayed.
Method get_all_related_pids
Get a tree of related pids - for the basket functionality
Method get_and_do_datastream_rules
Look in the content model for rules to run on the specified datastream.
Method get_child_pids
ObjectHelper::get_child_pids() in ObjectHelper.inc
Get children of PID - but only 2 levels deep
Method get_content_models_list
Method get_datastream
Method get_datastreams_list_as_array
Returns an associative array of this object's datastreams. Results look like this:
Method get_datastreams_list_as_SimpleXML
Retrieves and returns a SimpleXML list of this item's datastreams, and stores them as an instance variable for caching purposes.
Method get_datastream_dissemination
Method get_datastream_history
Method get_datastream_info
* DatastreamControlGroup controlGroup - String restricted to the values of "X", "M", "R", or "E" (InlineXML,Managed Content,Redirect, or External Referenced).
Method get_dissemination
Method get_extension
function: get_extension
Function get_file_extension
get_file_extension() in fedora_export.inc
Method get_formatted_datastream_list
Gets a list of datastreams from an object using its pid
Method get_mimetype
MimeClass::get_mimetype() in MimeClass.inc
function: get_mimetype
Method get_mimetype_of_datastream
Returns a MIME type string for the given Datastream ID.
Method get_next_PID_in_namespace
Method get_parent_objects
Gets the parent objects that this object is related to
Method get_parent_objects_asHTML
Function get_random_image
get_random_image() in image_rotator_tagger_block.inc
Function get_related_items_as_array
get_related_items_as_array() in fedora_collection.inc
Function get_related_items_as_xml
get_related_items_as_xml() in fedora_collection.inc
Returns an array of pids that match the query contained in teh collection object's QUERY datastream or in the suppled $query parameter.
Method get_relationships
Currently the Fedora API call getRelationships is reporting an uncaught exception so we will parse the RELS-EXT ourselves and simulate the documented behaviour.
Method get_search_terms_array
Method handleEditMetadataForm
Method handleEditMetadataForm
Handles the edit metadata form using the handler specified in the <edit_metadata_method> element Returns FALSE on failure.
Method handleEditMetadataForm
Method handleEditMetadataForm
Method handleForm
Refworks::handleForm() in Refworks.inc
Method handleForm
DarwinCore::handleForm() in DarwinCore.inc
Method handleIngestForm
Method handleIngestForm
Method handleIngestForm
Method handleModsForm
ModsFormBuilder::handleModsForm() in ModsFormBuilder.inc
Method handleQDCForm
Class Herbarium
Herbarium in herbarium.inc
Function hook_imagebutton_process
hook_imagebutton_process() in tagging_form.inc
Page herbarium.inc
herbarium.inc in herbarium.inc
Variable $item
TagSet::$item in tagging.inc
Variable $item
ModsFormBuilder::$item in ModsFormBuilder.inc
Page image_rotator_tagger_block.inc
image_rotator_tagger_block.inc in image_rotator_tagger_block.inc
Function ilives_add_single_page_object
Function ilives_create_page_objects
Create a page object for each element in $image_list as a child object of $pid
Method ImageManipulation
Class ImageManipulation
ImageManipulation in ImageManipulation.inc
Method import_from_xml_string
Creates a new instance of the class by parsing dc_xml
Method incAuthListItem
Increments (or decrements) an authority list item from a form element in the list of elements.
Method incFormElement
ContentModel::incFormElement() in ContentModel.inc
Method incIngestFormElement
Increments (or decrements) ingest form element in the list of elements.
Method ingestBlankModel
Ingests a minimum Content Model to the specified pid/dsid.
Method ingestBlankPolicy
Ingests a new minimum Collection Policy datastream to the specified PID with the DSID specified. Initializes the policy with the specified values.
Method ingestCollectionPolicy
Method ingestFromCollection
Ingests a new Collection Policy datastream to the specified PID with the DSID specified. Clones the collection policy from the source collection pid. Returns false on failure.
Method ingestFromFile
ContentModel::ingestFromFile() in ContentModel.inc
Ingests a Content Model from a file to the specified pid/dsid .
Method ingestFromFile
CollectionPolicy::ingestFromFile() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Ingests a new Collection Policy datastream to the specified PID with the DSID specified. The file should be a valid collection policy XML. Returns false on failure.
Method ingestFromModel
Ingests a Content Model from an existing model to the specified pid/dsid .
Method ingest_from_FOXML
Method ingest_from_FOXML_file
Method ingest_from_FOXML_files_in_directory
Method ingest_new_item
Class IslandoraBook
IslandoraBook in book.inc
Page ImageManipulation.inc
ImageManipulation.inc in ImageManipulation.inc
Method listDatastreams
Gets a list of datastreams from the ContentModel (not including the QDC ds if it is listed).
Method load
TagSet::load() in tagging.inc
Method loadFromCollection
Constructs a new CollectionPolicy object from the specified collection PID. If preFetch is disabled, then Islandora will not get the datastream until needed.
Method loadFromFile
XMLDatastream::loadFromFile() in XMLDatastream.inc
Constructs an XMLDatastream object from the XML file specified.
Method loadFromModel
ContentModel::loadFromModel() in ContentModel.inc
Constructs a ContentModel object from the PID of the model in Fedora.
Method loadFromObject
ContentModel::loadFromObject() in ContentModel.inc
Constructs a ContentModel object from a Fedora item by getting the first content model from the hasModel relationship.
Function log_line
log_line() in fedora_export.inc
Variable $MODS_NS
ModsFormBuilder::$MODS_NS in ModsFormBuilder.inc
Method makeObject
ObjectHelper::makeObject() in ObjectHelper.inc
Grabs a stream from fedora sets the mimetype and returns it. $dsID is the datastream id. If $forceSoap is set, the function will always buffer the datastream from fedora. Otherwise, it will try and use a redirect if possible.
Method manipulateImage
ImageManipulation::manipulateImage() in ImageManipulation.inc
Constant METS_10
METS_10 in fedora_export.inc
Constant METS_11
METS_11 in fedora_export.inc
Class MimeClass
MimeClass in MimeClass.inc
This class inspired by Chris Jean's work, here: http://chrisjean.com/2009/02/14/generating-mime-type-in-php-is-not-magic/
Page MimeClass.inc
MimeClass.inc in MimeClass.inc
Method modified
RelsExt::modified() in rels-ext.inc
Method modify_datastream_by_reference
Method modify_datastream_by_value
Method modify_object
Fedora_Item::modify_object() in fedora_item.inc
Class ModsFormBuilder
ModsFormBuilder in ModsFormBuilder.inc
Method modsFromForm
ModsFormBuilder::modsFromForm() in ModsFormBuilder.inc
Page map_viewer.inc
map_viewer.inc in map_viewer.inc
Page ModsFormBuilder.inc
ModsFormBuilder.inc in ModsFormBuilder.inc
Variable $name
ContentModel::$name in ContentModel.inc
Class Newspaper
Newspaper in Newspaper.inc
Page Newspaper.inc
Newspaper.inc in Newspaper.inc
Variable $objectProfile
Fedora_Item::$objectProfile in fedora_item.inc
Variable $owner
Dublin_Core::$owner in dublin_core.inc
Method ObjectHelper
ObjectHelper::ObjectHelper() in ObjectHelper.inc
Class ObjectHelper
ObjectHelper in ObjectHelper.inc
Page ObjectHelper.inc
ObjectHelper.inc in ObjectHelper.inc
Variable $pid
XMLDatastream::$pid in XMLDatastream.inc
Variable $pid
Fedora_Item::$pid in fedora_item.inc
Variable $pid
ModsFormBuilder::$pid in ModsFormBuilder.inc
Variable $pid_namespace
ContentModel::$pid_namespace in ContentModel.inc
Method parseContent
ObjectHelper::parseContent() in ObjectHelper.inc
internal function uses an xsl to parse the sparql xml returned from the ITQL query
Method parse_refworks_item
Read the input file and generate a list of Reference items.
Method PersonalCollectionClass
Class PersonalCollectionClass
PersonalCollectionClass in PersonalCollectionClass.inc
Page PersonalCollectionClass.inc
PersonalCollectionClass.inc in PersonalCollectionClass.inc
Method purge
Fedora_Item::purge() in fedora_item.inc
Removes this object form the repository.
Method purgeVersions
XMLDatastream::purgeVersions() in XMLDatastream.inc
Purges veersions of the datastream newer than and including the start_date. If End date is specified, it can be used to purge a range of versions instead. Date should be in DATE_RFC822 format
Method purge_datastream
Method purge_relationship
Removes the given relationship from the item's RELS-EXT and re-saves it.
Page QtFormBuilder.php
QtFormBuilder.php in QtFormBuilder.php
Page qt_viewer.inc
qt_viewer.inc in qt_viewer.inc
Method QtFormBuilder
QtFormBuilder::QtFormBuilder() in QtFormBuilder.php
Class QtFormBuilder
QtFormBuilder in QtFormBuilder.php
Method quickSearch
SearchClass::quickSearch() in SearchClass.inc
Variable $relsExtArray
RelsExt::$relsExtArray in rels-ext.inc
Page rels-ext.inc
rels-ext.inc in rels-ext.inc
Page Refworks.inc
Refworks.inc in Refworks.inc
Class Refworks
Refworks in Refworks.inc
Method Refworks
Refworks::Refworks() in Refworks.inc
Class RelsExt
RelsExt in rels-ext.inc
Description of relsext
Method RelsExt
RelsExt::RelsExt() in rels-ext.inc
Constructor that builds itself by retrieving the RELS-EXT stream from the repository for the given Fedora_Item.
RELS_EXT_URI in fedora_item.inc
Method removeAppliesTo
Method removeAuthListItem
Removes an authority list item from a form element.
Method removeDispMeth
ContentModel::removeDispMeth() in ContentModel.inc
Method removeDs
ContentModel::removeDs() in ContentModel.inc
Method removeEditMetadataMethod
Removes the edit data method from the Content Model.
Method removeForm
ContentModel::removeForm() in ContentModel.inc
Removes the named form.
Method removeIngestFormElement
Removes an ingest form element from the list of ingest form elements.
Method removeIngestMethod
Method removeIngestMethodParam
Method removeIngestRule
Method removeMimetype
ContentModel::removeMimetype() in ContentModel.inc
Removes an allowed mimetype from the model.
Method removeModel
CollectionPolicy::removeModel() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Removes the specified content model from the collection policy. This will only prevent future ingests of the removed model to the collection. $cm should be a valid ContentModel object. Returns false on failure or when the CM was not found in the collection policy.
Method removeTerm
CollectionPolicy::removeTerm() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Removes the search term specified by the field parameter from the collection policy.
Method renderCollection
Variable $SCHEMA_URI
CollectionPolicy::$SCHEMA_URI in CollectionPolicy.inc
Variable $SCHEMA_URI
ContentModel::$SCHEMA_URI in ContentModel.inc
Page ShowDemoStreamsInFieldSets.inc
ShowDemoStreamsInFieldSets.inc in ShowDemoStreamsInFieldSets.inc
Page ShowStreamsInFieldSets.inc
ShowStreamsInFieldSets.inc in ShowStreamsInFieldSets.inc
Page slide_viewer.inc
slide_viewer.inc in slide_viewer.inc
Method save
RelsExt::save() in rels-ext.inc
Save the current state of the RELS-EXT array out to the repository item as a datastream.
Method save
Dublin_Core::save() in dublin_core.inc
Method save
TagSet::save() in tagging.inc
Saves an associative array of tags to a datastream.
Method saveToFedora
XMLDatastream::saveToFedora() in XMLDatastream.inc
Saves the current XML datastream back to fedora. The XML must validate.
Method save_relationships
Creates a RELS-EXT XML stream from the supplied array and saves it to the item on the server.
Class SearchClass
SearchClass in SearchClass.inc
Page SearchClass.inc
SearchClass.inc in SearchClass.inc
Class SecurityClass
SecurityClass in SecurityClass.inc
Method SecurityClass
SecurityClass::SecurityClass() in SecurityClass.inc
Page SecurityClass.inc
SecurityClass.inc in SecurityClass.inc
Method setDefaultDispMeth
Method setDefaultTerm
CollectionPolicy::setDefaultTerm() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Method setDisplayInFieldset
Method setIngestFormElementParam
Sets a parameter of an ingest form element. If the value of the element is FALSE the parameter will be removed entirely (if you want to store false as a value, then send the String "false").
Method setRelationship
CollectionPolicy::setRelationship() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Sets the name of the relationship to use for members of this collection.
Method setStagingArea
CollectionPolicy::setStagingArea() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Sets the path to the staging area to use for this collection. If specified path is blank (or false) it will remove the staging are path element from the collection policy.
Method set_allowed_users_and_roles
Add a list of allowed users and roles to the given policy stream and return it.
Method set_element
Dublin_Core::set_element() in dublin_core.inc
Replace the given DC element with the values in $values
Method showArtInventoryTN
ShowStreamsInFieldSets::showArtInventoryTN() in ShowStreamsInFieldSets.inc
Class ShowDemoStreamsInFieldSets
ShowDemoStreamsInFieldSets in ShowDemoStreamsInFieldSets.inc
Method ShowDemoStreamsInFieldSets
Method showFieldSets
Method showFieldSets
Method showFieldSets
FedoraObject::showFieldSets() in fedoraObject.inc
Method showFieldSets
Method showFieldSets
CollectionClass::showFieldSets() in CollectionClass.inc
Method showFlv
ShowStreamsInFieldSets::showFlv() in ShowStreamsInFieldSets.inc
Method ShowILivesStreamsInFieldSets
Class ShowILivesStreamsInFieldSets
ShowILivesStreamsInFieldSets in image_rotator_tagger_block.inc
Method showJP2
ShowStreamsInFieldSets::showJP2() in ShowStreamsInFieldSets.inc
Method showJPG
ShowILivesStreamsInFieldSets::showJPG() in image_rotator_tagger_block.inc
Method showJPG
Method showJPG
Class ShowMapStreamsInFieldSets
ShowMapStreamsInFieldSets in map_viewer.inc
Method ShowMapStreamsInFieldSets
Method showMediumSize
ShowDemoStreamsInFieldSets::showMediumSize() in ShowDemoStreamsInFieldSets.inc
Method showOBJLink
ShowStreamsInFieldSets::showOBJLink() in ShowStreamsInFieldSets.inc
Method showPageFieldSets
Method showPDFPreview
ShowStreamsInFieldSets::showPDFPreview() in ShowStreamsInFieldSets.inc
Embed Google Docs' PDF viewer into the page.
Method showQdc
ShowStreamsInFieldSets::showQdc() in ShowStreamsInFieldSets.inc
Method showQt
Method ShowQtStreamsInFieldSets
Class ShowQtStreamsInFieldSets
ShowQtStreamsInFieldSets in qt_viewer.inc
Method showRefworks
ShowStreamsInFieldSets::showRefworks() in ShowStreamsInFieldSets.inc
Method showRomeo
ShowStreamsInFieldSets::showRomeo() in ShowStreamsInFieldSets.inc
Method ShowSlideStreamsInFieldSets
Class ShowSlideStreamsInFieldSets
ShowSlideStreamsInFieldSets in slide_viewer.inc
Class ShowStreamsInFieldSets
ShowStreamsInFieldSets in ShowStreamsInFieldSets.inc
Method ShowStreamsInFieldSets
Method showTN
ShowStreamsInFieldSets::showTN() in ShowStreamsInFieldSets.inc
Method soap_call
Fedora_Item::soap_call() in fedora_item.inc
Method solr_search
SearchClass::solr_search() in SearchClass.inc
Function str_getcsv
str_getcsv() in fedora_utils.inc
Variable $tags
TagSet::$tags in tagging.inc
Variable $tagsDSID
TagSet::$tagsDSID in tagging.inc
Page tagging.inc
tagging.inc in tagging.inc
Page tagging_form.inc
tagging_form.inc in tagging_form.inc
Method TagSet
TagSet::TagSet() in tagging.inc
Class TagSet
TagSet in tagging.inc
Description of tagging
Method technicalMetadata
Method theme_advanced_search_form
Method theme_solr_search_form
Function transform_mods_to_dc
Method updateEditMetadataMethod
Update the Edit Metadata Method defined in the Content Model
Method updateMetaData
Method url
Fedora_Item::url() in fedora_item.inc
Variable $vocabulary
DarwinCore::$vocabulary in DarwinCore.inc
Method validate
XMLDatastream::validate() in XMLDatastream.inc
Validates the XMLDatastream against the schema location
Method validDsid
XMLDatastream::validDsid() in XMLDatastream.inc
validDsid Validates a fedora Dsid based on the the allowed XML standard NCName.
Function validDsid
validDsid() in fedora_utils.inc
Method validPid
XMLDatastream::validPid() in XMLDatastream.inc
validPid Validates a fedora PID based on the regexp provided in the fedora 3.3 documentation.
Function validPid
validPid() in fedora_utils.inc
Method warnIfMisconfigured
Variable $xml
XMLDatastream::$xml in XMLDatastream.inc
Variable $XMLNS
XMLDatastream::$XMLNS in XMLDatastream.inc
Class XMLDatastream
XMLDatastream in XMLDatastream.inc
Page XMLDatastream.inc
XMLDatastream.inc in XMLDatastream.inc
Function _fedora_image_rotator_tagger_block_content
_fedora_image_rotator_tagger_block_content() in image_rotator_tagger_block.inc
Method _fixURL
ConnectionHelper::_fixURL() in ConnectionHelper.inc
Function _show_subject_tags
_show_subject_tags() in tagging_form.inc
Method __construct
Herbarium::__construct() in herbarium.inc
Method __construct
MimeClass::__construct() in MimeClass.inc
Method __construct
Newspaper::__construct() in Newspaper.inc
Method __construct
XMLDatastream::__construct() in XMLDatastream.inc
Constructor NOTE: Use the static constructor methods whenever possible.
Method __construct
Fedora_Item::__construct() in fedora_item.inc
Create an object to represent an item in the Fedora repository.
Method __construct
ModsFormBuilder::__construct() in ModsFormBuilder.inc
Method __construct
FedoraObject::__construct() in fedoraObject.inc
Method __construct
CollectionPolicy::__construct() in CollectionPolicy.inc
Constructor NOTE: Use the static constructor methods whenever possible.
Method __construct
CollectionClass::__construct() in CollectionClass.inc
Creates a collection object. Optionally can associate it with a single collection with parameter $pid.
Method __construct
ContentModel::__construct() in ContentModel.inc
Constructor NOTE: Use the static constructor methods whenever possible.
Method __construct
DarwinCore::__construct() in DarwinCore.inc
Method __construct
Exiftool::__construct() in Exiftool.inc
Method __construct
DocumentConverter::__construct() in DocumentConverter.inc
Method __construct
a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v w x _