* Committing to test on clean box.
* Updates from testing
* Bootstrapping tests with a bundle and mapping for jsonld contexts
* Checkstyle and rdf mapping for thumbnail media entity
* Clobbering whitespace
* Re-exporting and REST plugins
* Using just dc
* Adding changed and created dates for thumbnail rdf mapping.
* TN is a ThumbnailImage
* Rules for media write operations. Indexing media in triplestore now.
* Found two that lingered after uninstalling module.
* This ain't no playground.
* Membership view
* Pulling islandora module back to the top
* Pulling dependencies from main composer.json into this module's
* Testing how module dependencies work
* Adding search_api to module depenedencies.
* Just .info is not enough
* Adding jsonld serializer to composer dependencies
* Changing vendor name and pointing to @DiegoPino's fork
* Adding keywords
* Adding phpcs back in
* Pointing to islandora org for jsonld serializer.