* Pulling islandora module back to the top
* Pulling dependencies from main composer.json into this module's
* Testing how module dependencies work
* Adding search_api to module depenedencies.
* Just .info is not enough
* Adding jsonld serializer to composer dependencies
* Changing vendor name and pointing to @DiegoPino's fork
* Adding keywords
* Adding phpcs back in
* Pointing to islandora org for jsonld serializer.
* Add a Collection bundle for FedoraResource
* update rdf mapping
* field type changes, add enforced module
* Default collection rdf mapping
* Forgot uuid
* Adding pcdm namespace
* Using hasURN for uuids.
* Adding dc back in
* Naive vector clock implementation
* RDF mapping and dummy/namespace predicate.
* Derpin it up
* Removing the derp to make branch appear on github
* Tests
* in => int
* Clean up to Drupal coding standards
Add travis config
* Remove codesniffer from travis-setup.sh
* Not needed right now and breaks php on hhvm
* Deleted too much
* Revert type hinting.
* Sprint Sept 2016
Huge Pull Request,
* removed rdf_type from fedora_source_type entity, better to handle
this via rdfmapping based on bundle rdf assignment
* Added inline form support
* Added default rdf namespace register
* Added test rdf.map config entity (have to check if it’s working,
probably some typo?
* Added experimental UUID Entity Solver(service, route and @annotation
* Made jsonld serialiser (github.com/diegopino/claw-jsonld) a
* Some route cleanups
* Updated to correct Branch
* Bad cherry picked
Double method declaration after cherry picking, fixed.