May my code be clean, and follow the law's of "standard".
May it support internationalization for Travis includes all!
May it not contain copy pasta for it is soggy.
Travis be praised!
The message will only be displayed to the user if Drupal is configured to show these
warnings, regardless of the setting though it will be logged to the watchdog.
hook_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_islandora_datastream_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_altezr(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
Also updated the testing scripts to support different configurations, as well
wrote tests for all the implemented hooks. This requires the latest version
of Tuque so be sure to update.
The table printed by used to not mention
which datastreams were modified. We do that now.
We also test the MD5 of the datastream to make sure that it is
actually the same.