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Merge pull request #213 from ppound/6.x-release

updated comments in fedora_item
ajstanley 12 years ago
  1. 426


@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
* @file
* Fedora Item
* wrapper around Fedora's Soap api
define('RELS_EXT_URI', 'info:fedora/fedora-system:def/relations-external#');
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ define("RELS_TYPE_DATETIME", 4);
* Fedora Item Class
* includes wrapper functions for the most commonly used Fedora soap apis
class Fedora_Item {
@ -102,23 +104,34 @@ class Fedora_Item {
* Exists
* @return type
* @return boolean
* returns TRUE if the object exists in Fedora and we have permission to
* access
function exists() {
return (!empty($this->objectProfile));
* Add datastream from file
* @param type $datastream_file
* @param type $datastream_id
* @param type $datastream_label
* @param type $datastream_mimetype
* @param type $controlGroup
* @param type $logMessage
* Add Fedora datastream from file
* @param string $datastream_file
* path to the file we want to add to fedora as a datastream
* @param string $datastream_id
* the id to give to the datastream
* @param string $datastream_label
* a label for the datastream
* @param string $datastream_mimetype
* mimetype of the content to be added
* @param string $controlGroup
* One of "X", "M", "R", or "E" (Inline XML, Managed Content, Redirect, or External Referenced)
* @param string $logMessage
* this will be written to the objects audit trail
* @return type
* @return string
* returns the dsid of the newly added datastream
function add_datastream_from_file($datastream_file, $datastream_id, $datastream_label = NULL, $datastream_mimetype = '', $controlGroup = 'M', $logMessage = NULL) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'MimeClass');
@ -152,16 +165,23 @@ class Fedora_Item {
* Add datastream from url
* @param type $datastream_url
* @param type $datastream_id
* @param type $datastream_label
* @param type $datastream_mimetype
* @param type $controlGroup
* @param type $logMessage
* @return type
* Add a fedora datastream from url
* @param string $datastream_url
* a url that references the location of the content
* @param string $datastream_id
* the id to give to the datastream
* @param string $datastream_label
* a label for the datastream
* @param string $datastream_mimetype
* mimetype of the content to be added
* @param string $controlGroup
* One of "X", "M", "R", or "E" (Inline XML, Managed Content, Redirect, or External Referenced)
* @param string $logMessage
* this will be written to the objects audit trail
* @return string
* returns the dsid of the newly added datastream
function add_datastream_from_url($datastream_url, $datastream_id, $datastream_label = NULL, $datastream_mimetype = '', $controlGroup = 'M', $logMessage = NULL) {
global $base_url;
@ -208,14 +228,22 @@ class Fedora_Item {
* Add datastream from string
* @param type $str
* @param type $datastream_id
* @param type $datastream_label
* @param type $datastream_mimetype
* @param type $controlGroup
* @param type $logMessage
* @return type
* @param string str
* a string containing the content for the new datastream
* @param string $datastream_id
* the id to give to the datastream
* @param string $datastream_label
* a label for the datastream
* @param string $datastream_mimetype
* mimetype of the content to be added
* @param string $controlGroup
* One of "X", "M", "R", or "E" (Inline XML, Managed Content, Redirect, or External Referenced)
* @param string $logMessage
* this will be written to the objects audit trail
* @return string
* returns the dsid of the newly added datastream
function add_datastream_from_string($str, $datastream_id, $datastream_label = NULL, $datastream_mimetype = 'text/xml', $controlGroup = 'M', $logMessage = NULL) {
$dir = file_directory_temp();
@ -233,15 +261,25 @@ class Fedora_Item {
* Wrapper to add new or modify existing datastream
* @global url $base_url
* drupal $base_url
* @param url $external_url
* @param string $dsid
* datastream id
* @param string $label
* datastream label
* @param string $mime_type
* mimetype of the content to be added or modified
* @param string $controlGroup
* One of "X", "M", "R", or "E" (Inline XML, Managed Content, Redirect, or External Referenced)
* @param boolean $force
* DEPRECATED in the Fedora api-m soap api, the default is FALSE and should
* be left at FALSE in most cases.
* Force the update even if it would break the data contract
* @param string $logMessage
* this will be written to the objects audit trail
* @param boolean $quiet
* if TRUE will suppress drupal messages
function add_or_modify_by_reference($external_url, $dsid, $label, $mime_type, $controlGroup = 'M', $force = FALSE, $logMessage = 'Modified by Islandora API', $quiet=FALSE) {
global $base_url;
@ -256,9 +294,9 @@ class Fedora_Item {
* @param unknown_type $el
* @param unknown_type $object
* @param unknown_type $type
* @param DomElement $el
* @param string $object
* @param string $type
protected function buildRelsStatement(&$el, $object, $type) {
if ($type > 0) {
@ -300,8 +338,8 @@ class Fedora_Item {
* - 3: integer
* - 4: dateTime
* @return ???
* Value returned from SOAP call for modify_datastream.
* @return string
* The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.
function add_relationship($relationship, $object, $namespaceURI = RELS_EXT_URI, $literal_value = RELS_TYPE_URI) {
static $relsextxml = NULL;
@ -357,9 +395,24 @@ RDF;
* Extension of add_relationship(), which acts on RELS-INT.
* @param $dsid
* @staticvar DomDocument $relsxml
* @param string $dsid
* A string containing either the base dsid (EXAMPLE)
* or URI to the datastream (info:fedora/pid/EXAMPLE)
* @param string $relationship
* The predicate/relationship tag to add
* @param string $object
* The object(s)/dsid to be related to.
* @param string $namespaceURI
* @param int $literal_value
* Used to type the value.
* - 0: URI
* - 1: plain literal
* - 2: string (explicitly typed)
* - 3: integer
* - 4: dateTime
* @return string
* The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.
function add_dsid_relationship($dsid, $relationship, $object, $namespaceURI = RELS_EXT_URI, $literal_value = RELS_TYPE_URI) {
static $relsxml = NULL;
@ -469,11 +522,22 @@ RDF;
* Extension of purge_relationships, which acts on RELS-INT.
* Extension of purge_relationships, this function acts on RELS-INT.
* @param string $dsid
* A string containing either the base dsid (EXAMPLE)
* or URI to the datastream (info:fedora/pid/EXAMPLE)
* @param string $relationship
* The predicate/relationship tag to delete
* @param string $object
* The object to be related to. (NULL/value for which empty()
* evaluates to true will remove all relations of the given type,
* ignoring $literal_value)
* @param string $namespaceURI
* The predicate namespace.
* @param int $literal_value
* Same as add_relationship.
* @return boolean
* returns TRUE if the RElS-INT was modified
function purge_dsid_relationships($dsid, $relationship, $object, $namespaceURI = RELS_EXT_URI, $literal_value = FALSE) {
$f_prefix = 'info:fedora/';
@ -533,6 +597,8 @@ RDF;
* Dropped in favour of purge_relationships, which follows the same paradigm as add_relationship. This function tries to figure out the predicate URI based on the prefix/predicate given, which requires specific naming...
* @param string $relationship
* @param string $object
* @return boolean
* True if object was modified
function purge_relationship($relationship, $object) {
$relsext = $this->get_datastream_dissemination('RELS-EXT');
@ -590,7 +656,8 @@ RDF;
* Export as foxml
* @return type
* @return string
* xml
function export_as_foxml() {
$params = array(
@ -605,11 +672,15 @@ RDF;
* Does a search using the "query" format followed by the Fedora REST APi.
* @param string $pattern to search for, including wildcards.
* @param string $field The field to search on, e.g. pid, title, cDate. See for details
* @param int $max_results not used at this time
* @param string $pattern
* pattern to search for, including wildcards.
* @param string $field
* The field to search on, e.g. pid, title, cDate. See for details
* @param int $max_results
* not used at this time
* @return Array of pid => title pairs that match the results
* @return Array
* pid => title pairs that match the results
static function find_objects_by_pattern($pattern = '*', $field = 'pid', $max_results = 100, $resultFields = array()) {
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_utils');
@ -671,11 +742,18 @@ RDF;
* Get datastream dissemination
* @param type $dsid
* @param type $as_of_date_time
* @param string $dsid
* The DSID of the datastream to get the dissemination of.
* @param string $as_of_date_time
* The date/time stamp specifying the desired version of the object.
* If null, the current version of the object (the most recent time)
* is assumed.
* @param type $quiet
* Squash errors?
* @return null
* @return mixed
* NULL if the DS is not present in Fedora Item's datastream list.
* The content of the DS (NULL if empty)
function get_datastream_dissemination($dsid, $as_of_date_time = "", $quiet=TRUE) {
if (!array_key_exists($dsid, $this->datastreams)) {
@ -703,10 +781,29 @@ RDF;
* Get datastream
* @param type $dsid
* @param string $dsid
* datastream id
* @param type $as_of_date_time
* The date/time stamp specifying the desired version of the object.
* If null, the current version of the object (the most recent time)
* is assumed.
* @return type
* a datastream object
* DatastreamControlGroup controlGroup - String restricted to the values of "X", "M", "R", or "E" (InlineXML,Managed Content,Redirect, or External Referenced).
* String ID - The datastream ID (64 characters max).
* String versionID - The ID of the most recent datastream version
* String[] altIDs - Alternative IDs for the datastream, if any.
* String label - The Label of the datastream.
* boolean versionable - Whether the datastream is versionable.
* String MIMEType - The mime-type for the datastream, if set.
* String formatURI - The format uri for the datastream, if set.
* String createDate - The date the first version of the datastream was created.
* long size - The size of the datastream in Fedora. Only valid for inline XML metadata and managed content datastreams.
* String state - The state of the datastream. Will be "A" (active), "I" (inactive) or "D" (deleted).
* String location - If the datastream is an external reference or redirect, the url to the contents. TODO: Managed?
* String checksumType - The algorithm used to compute the checksum. One of "DEFAULT", "DISABLED", "MD5", "SHA-1", "SHA-256", "SHA-385", "SHA-512".
* String checksum - The value of the checksum represented as a hexadecimal string.
function get_datastream($dsid, $as_of_date_time = '', $quiet = TRUE) {
if (!array_key_exists($dsid, $this->datastreams)) {
@ -724,10 +821,13 @@ RDF;
* Get datastream history
* Gets all versions of a datastream, sorted from most to least recent.
* @param type $dsid
* @param string $dsid
* the datastream id
* @return type
* @return array
* array of datastreams
function get_datastream_history($dsid) {
$params = array(
@ -745,13 +845,18 @@ RDF;
* Get dissemination
* Calls a Fedora disseminator
* @param type $service_definition_pid
* @param type $method_name
* @param type $parameters
* @param type $as_of_date_time
* @param string $service_definition_pid
* the id of the service identifier object
* @param string $method_name
* The name of the method to be executed.
* @param array $parameters
* array of key value pairs
* @param string $as_of_date_time
* The versioning dateTime. If null, Fedora will use the most recent version.
* @return string
* the content returned by the specified method
function get_dissemination($service_definition_pid, $method_name, $parameters = array(), $as_of_date_time = NULL) {
$params = array(
@ -776,7 +881,15 @@ RDF;
* Retrieves and returns a SimpleXML list of this item's datastreams,
* and stores them as an instance variable for caching purposes.
* @return SimpleXMLElement
* @return array
* an array of datastream definitions each element in the array contains an
* object with
* - String ID The datastream id - "DC" for the DC datastream
* - String label The datastream label
* - String MIMEType The mimetype of the datastream, if any
* @todo verify this documentation, previous version of this documentation
* stated this function returned a simpleXML object
function get_datastreams_list_as_SimpleXML() {
//if ( empty( $this->datastreams_list ) ) {
@ -791,6 +904,7 @@ RDF;
* gets information regarding a datastream including
* DatastreamControlGroup controlGroup - String restricted to the values of "X", "M", "R", or "E" (InlineXML,Managed Content,Redirect, or External Referenced).
* String ID - The datastream ID (64 characters max).
* String versionID - The ID of the most recent datastream version
@ -868,7 +982,9 @@ RDF;
* Returns a MIME type string for the given Datastream ID.
* @param string $dsid
* the datastream id
* @return string
* the mime type
function get_mimetype_of_datastream($dsid) {
@ -890,7 +1006,10 @@ RDF;
* exception so we will parse the RELS-EXT ourselves and simulate the
* documented behaviour.
* @param String $relationship - filter the results to match this string.
* @param string $relationship
* - filter the results to match this string.
* @return array
* array of relationships
function get_relationships($relationship = NULL) {
$relationships = array();
@ -969,14 +1088,22 @@ RDF;
return $relationships;
* @todo test and verify that this function is in use
* wrapper for the get_relationships function
* @return array
* returns an array of relationships
function get_models() {
//This is/was formerly just a copy/paste jobbie, without the parameter being passable...
return $this->get_relationships();
* Creates a RELS-EXT XML stream from the supplied array and saves it to
* the item on the server.
* save_relationships
* This function looks like it does nothing except return false
* @todo complete function or remove function
* @param <type> $relationships
@ -1000,7 +1127,15 @@ RDF;
* Set the object to a deleted state
* Set the Fedora object's state to deleted (does not remove the object from
* the repository)
* @param string $log_message
* a log message, this will be written to the fedora objects audit trail
* @param boolean $quiet
* TRUE to suppress drupal error messages
* @return string
* The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.
function move_to_trash($log_message = 'Flagged deleted using Islandora API.', $quiet = TRUE) {
// Loop through the datastreams and mark them deleted.
@ -1022,10 +1157,12 @@ RDF;
* Removes this object form the repository.
* @param type $log_message
* Permanently removes an object from the repository.
* @param string $log_message
* @param type $force
* @return type
* force Force the purge, even if it would break a dependency
* @return string
* The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.
function purge($log_message = 'Purged using Islandora API.', $force = FALSE) {
@ -1048,13 +1185,24 @@ RDF;
* Purge datastream
* @param type $dsID
* @param type $start_date
* @param type $end_date
* @param type $log_message
* @param type $force
* @param string $dsID
* the datastream id
* @param string $start_date
* The (inclusive) start date-time stamp of the range. If null, this is
* taken to be the lowest possible value, and thus, the entire version
* history up to the endDT be purged. *
* @param string $end_date
* The (inclusive) ending date-time stamp of the range. If null, this is
* taken to be the greatest possible value, and thus, the entire version
* history back to the startDT will be purged.
* @param string $log_message
* a log message, this will be written to the Fedora objects audit trail
* @param boolean $force
* force Deprecated. Force the update even if it would break a data contract.
* in most cases this should be left as FALSE
* @return type
* @return string
* The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.
function purge_datastream($dsID, $start_date = NULL, $end_date = NULL, $log_message = 'Purged datastream using Islandora API', $force = FALSE) {
$params = array(
@ -1072,10 +1220,12 @@ RDF;
* url
* @global type $base_url
* drupal $base_url
* @return type
* @return string
* A string containing a URL to the given path.
function url() {
return url('fedora/repository/' . $this->pid . (!empty($this->objectProfile) ? '/-/' . drupal_urlencode($this->objectProfile->objLabel) : ''), array(
@ -1086,9 +1236,10 @@ RDF;
* Get Next PID in Namespace
* @param $pid_namespace string
* @param string $pid_namespace
* @return string
* a new PID
static function get_next_PID_in_namespace($pid_namespace = '', $number_of_pids = 1) {
if (empty($pid_namespace)) {
@ -1116,7 +1267,7 @@ RDF;
* ingest from FOXML
* @param type $foxml
* @param DOMDocument $foxml
* @return Fedora_Item
@ -1133,9 +1284,10 @@ RDF;
* ingest from FOXML file
* @param type $foxml_file
* @param string $foxml_file
* well formed xml conforming to Fedora's FOXML schema
* @return type
* @return Fedora_Item
static function ingest_from_FOXML_file($foxml_file) {
$foxml = new DOMDocument();
@ -1144,9 +1296,10 @@ RDF;
* ingest from FOXML files in directory
* batch ingest from FOXML files in directory
* @param type $path
* @param string $path
* the path on the server to the foxml files
static function ingest_from_FOXML_files_in_directory($path) {
// Open the directory.
@ -1170,13 +1323,19 @@ RDF;
* Modify Object
* @param $label string
* @param $state string
* @param $ownerId string
* @param $logMessage string
* @param $quiet boolean
* @param string $label
* the objects label
* @param string $state
* The new state, "A", "I" or "D". Null leaves unchanged
* @param string $ownerId
* The ownerId for the object.
* @param string $logMessage
* a log message this will get written to the Fedora objects audit trail
* @param boolean $quiet
* If TRUE suppress drupal error message
* @return type
* @return string
* The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.
function modify_object($label = '', $state = NULL, $ownerId = NULL, $logMessage = 'Modified by Islandora API', $quiet=TRUE) {
$params = array(
@ -1273,8 +1432,11 @@ RDF;
* @param string $logMessage
* A message for the audit log.
* @param boolean $quiet
* Error suppression? Refer to soap_call for usage
* (just passed along here).
* if set to true will not do a drupal set message
* @return string
* The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.
* if successfull
function modify_datastream($filename_or_content, $dsid, $label, $mime_type, $force = FALSE, $logMessage='Modified by Islandora API', $quiet=FALSE) {
$toReturn = NULL;
@ -1340,15 +1502,25 @@ RDF;
* Modify datastream by reference
* @param type $external_url
* @param type $dsid
* @param type $label
* @param type $mime_type
* @param type $force
* @param type $logMessage
* @param type $quiet
* @param string $external_url
* a url to pass to fedora so it can load the content
* @param string $dsid
* the datastreams id
* @param string $label
* the datastreams label
* @param string $mime_type
* contents mime type
* @param boolean $force
* DEPRECATED in the Fedora api-m soap api, the default is FALSE and should
* be left at FALSE in most cases.
* Force the update even if it would break the data contract
* @param string $logMessage
* a log message, this will get written to the fedora audit trail
* @param boolean $quiet
* if quiet = TRUE we don't print error messages.
* @return type
* @return string
* The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.
function modify_datastream_by_reference($external_url, $dsid, $label, $mime_type, $force = FALSE, $logMessage = 'Modified by Islandora API', $quiet=FALSE) {
global $base_url;
@ -1376,17 +1548,28 @@ RDF;
* Modify datastream by value
* Modify datastream by value. This operation is only valid for Inline XML
* Datastreams (i.e. controlGroup "X")
* @param type $content
* @param type $dsid
* @param type $label
* @param type $mime_type
* @param type $force
* @param type $logMessage
* @param type $quiet
* @param string $content
* the datastreams content
* @param string $dsid
* the datastreams id
* @param string $label
* the datastreams label
* @param string $mime_type
* the contents mime type
* @param boolean $force
* DEPRECATED in the Fedora api-m soap api, the default is FALSE and should
* be left at FALSE in most cases.
* Force the update even if it would break the data contract
* @param string $logMessage
* a log message, this will get written to the fedora objects audit trail
* @param boolean $quiet
* if $quiet = TRUE don't do drupal_set_message
* @return type
* @return string
* The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.
function modify_datastream_by_value($content, $dsid, $label, $mime_type, $force = FALSE, $logMessage = 'Modified by Islandora API', $quiet=FALSE) {
$params = array(
@ -1406,11 +1589,18 @@ RDF;
* set the state of a fedora objects datastream
* @param string $dsid
* the datastream id
* @param string $state
* the datastream state one of 'A', 'D' or 'I' (Active, Deleted, Inactive)
* @param string $log_message
* a log message will get written to the Fedora objects audit trail
* @param string $quiet
* if $quite = TRUE do not call drupal_set_message
* @return string
* The timestamp of the operation according to the server, in ISO8601 format.
* @param unknown_type $dsid
* @param unknown_type $state
* @param unknown_type $log_message
* @param unknown_type $quiet
function set_datastream_state($dsid, $state, $log_message = 'Modified by Islandora API', $quiet = FALSE) {
$valid_states = array('A', 'D', 'I');
@ -1476,8 +1666,10 @@ RDF;
* Creates the minimal FOXML for a new Fedora object, which is then passed to
* ingest_from_FOXML to be added to the repository.
* @param string $pid if none given, getnextpid will be called.
* @param string $state The initial state, A - Active, I - Inactive, D - Deleted
* @param string $pid
* if none given, getnextpid will be called.
* @param string $state
* The initial state, A - Active, I - Inactive, D - Deleted
* @param type $label
* @param string $owner
* Used to set an object's ownerId attribute. Defaults to current user's
@ -1535,12 +1727,17 @@ RDF;
* ingest new item
* @param type $pid
* @param type $state
* @param type $label
* @param type $owner
* @param string $pid
* Fedora identifier to use in the Foxml
* @param string $state
* Objects state one of 'A', 'D' or 'I' (Active, Deleted, Inactive)
* @param string $label
* the objects label
* @param string $owner
* the objects owner
* @return type
* @return Fedora_Item
* the new Fedora_Item object
static function ingest_new_item($pid = '', $state = 'A', $label = '', $owner = '') {
return self::ingest_from_FOXML(self::create_object_FOXML($pid, $state, $label, $owner));
@ -1549,9 +1746,11 @@ RDF;
* fedora item exists
* @param type $pid
* @param string $pid
* The Fedora objects identifier (pid)
* @return type
* @return boolean
* returns TRUE if the item exists
static function fedora_item_exists($pid) {
$item = new Fedora_Item($pid);
@ -1564,6 +1763,9 @@ RDF;
* @param string $PID
* The Fedora PID to retrieve the
* @return string
* The ownerId property of the Fedora object
static function getOwnerId($PID) {
$params = array(
