14 years ago
18 changed files with 460 additions and 156 deletions
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ |
<?php |
class fedoraBookTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase { |
public static function getInfo() { |
return array( |
'name' => 'Fedora Ilives', |
'description' => t('The Fedora repository book module.'), |
'group' => t('fedora repository'), |
); |
} |
protected function setUp() { |
parent::setUp('fedora_ilives', 'fedora_repository'); |
// Create and login user. |
$drupal_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('add fedora datastreams', |
'edit fedora meta data', |
'edit tags datastream', |
'ingest new fedora objects', |
'purge objects and datastreams', |
'view fedora collection')); |
$this->drupalLogin($drupal_user); |
} |
public function testFedoraIlives() { |
// Initially we are just testing that the module installs successfully from a clean Drupal. ISLANDORA-165. |
$this->pass(drupal_get_path('module', 'fedora_ilives')); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ |
<?php |
// $Id$ |
/* |
* Tests the functions of the Fedora Repository module. |
*/ |
class FedoraBookTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase { |
public static function getInfo() { |
return array( |
'name' => 'Fedora Book', |
'description' => t('The Fedora repository book content model.'), |
'group' => t('fedora repository'), |
); |
} |
function setUp() { |
parent::setUp('fedora_repository', 'fedora_ilives', 'tabs'); |
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_item'); |
// Create and login user. |
$repository_user = $this->drupalCreateFedoraUser(array('add fedora datastreams', |
'edit fedora meta data', |
'edit tags datastream', |
'ingest new fedora objects', |
'purge objects and datastreams', |
'view fedora collection', |
'view detailed list of content')); |
$this->drupalLogin($repository_user); |
} |
public function testBookCModel() { |
// First add a book collection |
$pid_list = array(); |
// Create a collection for ingesting book content model objects. |
$ingest_form = array(); |
$ingest_form['models'] = 'islandora:collectionCModel/ISLANDORACM'; |
$this->drupalPost('fedora/ingestObject/islandora:top/Islandora%20Top-Level%20Collection', $ingest_form, 'Next'); |
$ingest_title = $this->randomName(32); |
$ingest_form_step_2['dc:title'] = $ingest_title; |
$ingest_form_step_2['dc:description'] = $this->randomName(256); |
$ingest_form_step_2['files[ingest-file-location]'] = realpath(drupal_get_path('module', 'fedora_ilives') . '/xml/book_collection_policy.xml'); |
$this->drupalPost(NULL, $ingest_form_step_2, 'Ingest'); |
$this->assertPattern('/Item .* created successfully./', "Verified item created."); |
$pid = $this->getIngestedPid(); |
$this->drupalGet("fedora/repository/$pid"); |
$pid_list[] = $pid; |
// Now add a book into the new collection |
$this->pass("Create book collection $pid below top-level collection.", 'fedora book'); |
$ingest_book_form = array(); |
$ingest_book_form['models'] = 'ilives:bookCModel/ISLANDORACM'; |
$this->drupalPost("fedora/ingestObject/$pid/", $ingest_book_form, 'Next'); |
$ingest_book_form_step_2 = array(); |
$ingest_book_form_step_2['mods[mods_record]'] = file_get_contents(drupal_get_path('module', 'fedora_ilives') . '/tests/test_files/mods_record.xml'); |
$this->outputScreenContents(); |
$this->drupalPost(NULL, $ingest_book_form_step_2, 'Ingest'); |
$this->outputScreenContents(); |
$book_pid = $this->getIngestedPid(); |
$pid_list[] = $book_pid; |
if (!empty($book_pid)) { |
$this->pass("Successfully ingested book object $book_pid."); |
} |
$this->cleanUpRepository($pid_list); |
} |
private function cleanUpRepository($pid_list = array()) { |
$this->pass("This is the PID list to purge: ". implode(", ", $pid_list) ); |
foreach ($pid_list as $pid) { |
$this->drupalPost("fedora/repository/purgeObject/$pid", array(), 'Purge'); |
$this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), 'Delete'); |
} |
} |
private function getIngestedPid() { |
$subject = $this->drupalGetContent(); |
$pattern = '/">(.*)<\/a> created successfully./'; |
$matches = array(); |
$res = preg_match($pattern, $subject, $matches); |
return $matches[1]; |
} |
private function outputScreenContents($description = '', $basename = '') { |
// This is a hack to get a directory that won't be cleaned up by SimpleTest. |
$file_dir = file_directory_path() . '../simpletest_output_pages'; |
if (!is_dir($file_dir)) { |
mkdir($file_dir, 0777, TRUE); |
} |
$output_path = "$file_dir/$basename.". $this->randomName(10) . '.html'; |
$rv = file_put_contents($output_path, $this->drupalGetContent()); |
$this->pass("$description: Contents of result page are ". l('here', $output_path)); |
} |
protected function drupalCreateFedoraUser($permissions = array('access comments', 'access content', 'post comments', 'post comments without approval')) { |
// Create a role with the given permission set. |
if (!($rid = $this->drupalCreateRole($permissions))) { |
return FALSE; |
} |
// Create a user assigned to that role. |
$edit = array(); |
$edit['name'] = 'simpletestuser'; |
$edit['mail'] = $edit['name'] . ''; |
$edit['roles'] = array($rid => $rid); |
$edit['pass'] = 'simpletestpass'; |
$edit['status'] = 1; |
$account = user_save('', $edit); |
$this->assertTrue(!empty($account->uid), t('User created with name %name and pass %pass', array('%name' => $edit['name'], '%pass' => $edit['pass'])), t('User login')); |
if (empty($account->uid)) { |
return FALSE; |
} |
// Add the raw password so that we can log in as this user. |
$account->pass_raw = $edit['pass']; |
return $account; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0"?> |
<mods:modsCollection xmlns:mods="" version="3.0"> |
<mods:mods xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" version="3.0" xsi:schemaLocation=""> |
<titleInfo> |
<nonSort>The </nonSort> |
<title>amazing Maurice and his educated rodents</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<name type="personal"> |
<namePart>Pratchett, Terry.</namePart> |
<role> |
<roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="text">creator</roleTerm> |
</role> |
</name> |
<typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource> |
<genre authority="marc">novel</genre> |
<originInfo> |
<place> |
<placeTerm type="code" authority="marccountry">enk</placeTerm> |
</place> |
<place> |
<placeTerm type="text">London</placeTerm> |
</place> |
<publisher>Corgi Books</publisher> |
<dateIssued>2002</dateIssued> |
<dateIssued encoding="marc">2001</dateIssued> |
<issuance>monographic</issuance> |
</originInfo> |
<language> |
<languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">eng</languageTerm> |
</language> |
<physicalDescription> |
<form authority="marcform">print</form> |
<extent>269 p. ; 22 cm.</extent> |
</physicalDescription> |
<abstract>A talking cat, intelligent rats, and a strange boy cooperate in a Pied Piper scam until they try to con the wrong town and are confronted by a deadly evil rat king.</abstract> |
<targetAudience authority="marctarget">juvenile</targetAudience> |
<note type="statement of responsibility">Terry Pratchett.</note> |
<note>Carnegie Medal winner.</note> |
<subject authority="lcsh"> |
<topic>Discworld (Imaginary place)</topic> |
<topic>Fiction</topic> |
</subject> |
<subject authority="lcsh"> |
<topic>Discworld (Imaginary place)</topic> |
<topic>Fiction</topic> |
</subject> |
<subject authority="lcsh"> |
<topic>Rats</topic> |
<topic>Fiction</topic> |
</subject> |
<subject authority="lcsh"> |
<topic>Cats</topic> |
<topic>Fiction</topic> |
</subject> |
<subject authority="lcsh"> |
<topic>Fantasy fiction</topic> |
</subject> |
<subject authority="lcsh"> |
<topic>Humorous stories</topic> |
</subject> |
<classification authority="lcc">PZ7.P8865 Am 2002</classification> |
<relatedItem> |
<titleInfo> |
<title>Discworld series</title> |
</titleInfo> |
<name type="personal"> |
<namePart>Pratchett, Terry.</namePart> |
</name> |
</relatedItem> |
<identifier type="isbn">006001234X (library binding)</identifier> |
<identifier type="isbn">0385601239</identifier> |
<identifier type="isbn">0552546933 (pbk.)</identifier> |
<recordInfo> |
<recordContentSource authority="marcorg">CaNWHRN</recordContentSource> |
<recordCreationDate encoding="marc">010730</recordCreationDate> |
<recordChangeDate encoding="iso8601">20020314 .0</recordChangeDate> |
<languageOfCataloging> |
<languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">eng</languageTerm> |
</languageOfCataloging> |
</recordInfo> |
</mods:mods> |
</mods:modsCollection> |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<collection_policy xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" name="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> |
<content_models> |
<content_model dsid="ISLANDORACM" name="Book" namespace="islandora" pid="ilives:bookCModel"></content_model> |
</content_models> |
<search_terms> |
<term field="dc.title">dc.title</term> |
<term field="dc.creator">dc.creator</term> |
<term default="true" field="dc.description">dc.description</term> |
<term field=""></term> |
<term field="dc.identifier">dc.identifier</term> |
<term field="dc.language">dc.language</term> |
<term field="dc.publisher">dc.publisher</term> |
<term field="dc.rights">dc.rights</term> |
<term field="dc.subject">dc.subject</term> |
<term field="dc.relation">dc.relation</term> |
<term field="dcterms.temporal">dcterms.temporal</term> |
<term field="dcterms.spatial">dcterms.spatial</term> |
<term field="fgs.DS.first.text">Full Text</term> |
</search_terms> |
<relationship>isMemberOfCollection</relationship> |
</collection_policy> |
Reference in new issue