moved object status check into a separate function so it can be called both when installing objects through the sp admin page and through module install
$form['solution_pack']['install_status']['#markup'] .= ' ' . theme('image', array('path' => 'misc/watchdog-warning.png')) . ' ' . t('Some objects must be re-ingested. See objects list for details.');
elseif ($needs_install) {
$form['solution_pack']['install_status']['#markup'] .= ' ' . theme('image', array('path' => 'misc/watchdog-warning.png')) . ' ' . t('Some objects are missing and must be installed. See objects list for details.');
$submit_button_text = t("Install objects");
elseif ($needs_update) {
$form['solution_pack']['install_status']['#markup'] .= ' ' . theme('image', array('path' => 'misc/watchdog-warning.png')) . ' ' . t('Some objects must be reinstalled. See objects list for details.');
drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: did not install <ahref="!url"title="@pid">@label</a>. The object already exists and is up-to-date.', array('@module_label' => $module_label, '@label' => $label, '@pid' => $pid, '!url' => $object_url)));
case 'missing_datastream':
drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: did not install <ahref="!url"title="@pid">@label</a>. The object already exists but is missing a datastream. Please reinstall the object on the <ahref="!sp_admin"title="Solution pack admin page">solution pack admin page</a>.', array('@module_label' => $module_label, '@label' => $label, '@pid' => $pid, '!url' => $object_url, '!sp_admin' => $sp_admin)), 'warning');
case 'out_of_date':
drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: did not install <ahref="!url"title="@pid">@label</a>. The object already exists but is out-of-date. Please update the object on the <ahref="!sp_admin"title="Solution pack admin page">solution pack admin page</a>.', array('@module_label' => $module_label, '@label' => $label, '@pid' => $pid, '!url' => $object_url, '!sp_admin' => $sp_admin)), 'warning');
drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: Did not remove <ahref="!object_url"title="@pid">@label</a>. It may be used by other sites.', array('@pid' => $pid, '!object_url' => $object_url, '@label' => $label, '@module_label' => $module_label)), 'warning');
drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: did not remove <ahref="!object_url"title="@pid">@label</a>. It may be used by other sites.', array('@pid' => $pid, '!object_url' => $object_url, '@label' => $label, '@module_label' => $module_label)), 'warning');
* Function to check the status of an object against an object model array.
* @param array $object_model
* an array describing an object
* @return string
* Returns one of the following values:
* up_to_date, missing, missing_datastream or out_of_date
* You can perform an appropriate action based on this value.
* Returns FALSE if the array is empty
* @see islandora_solution_pack_form()
* @see islandora_install_solution_pack()
* @TODO: should this function live in islandora.module so it can be called easier without having to include the file?
function islandora_check_object_status($object_model = array()) {
if (!empty($object_model)) {
// set variables
$pid = $object_model['pid'];
$object_status = 'up_to_date';
// table row
$table_row = array();
// load object
$object = islandora_object_load($pid);
// check if object exists
if (!$object) {
$object_status = 'missing';
else {
// object defined with single datastream file // @TODO: should dsversion be mandatory for the check to valid?
if (isset($object_model['dsid']) && isset($object_model['datastream_file']) && isset($object_model['dsversion'])) {