Ben Woodhead
13 years ago
4 changed files with 2593 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
; $Id$ |
name = Digital Repository |
dependencies[] = imageapi |
dependencies[] = tabs |
dependencies[] = islandora_content_model_forms |
description = Shows a list of items in a fedora collection. |
package = Islandora |
version = 11.2.beta1 |
core = 6.x |
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ |
<?php |
/** |
* @file fedora_repository.install |
*/ |
/** |
* Implementation of hook_enable(). |
*/ |
function fedora_collections_enable() { |
//nothing to do as we do not currently touch the drupal database. |
//other than the variables table |
} |
/** |
* Implementation of hook_requirements(). |
* |
* @return |
* An array describing the status of the site regarding available updates. |
* If there is no update data, only one record will be returned, indicating |
* that the status of core can't be determined. If data is available, there |
* will be two records: one for core, and another for all of contrib |
* (assuming there are any contributed modules or themes enabled on the |
* site). In addition to the fields expected by hook_requirements ('value', |
* 'severity', and optionally 'description'), this array will contain a |
* 'reason' attribute, which is an integer constant to indicate why the |
* given status is being returned (UPDATE_NOT_SECURE, UPDATE_NOT_CURRENT, or |
* UPDATE_UNKNOWN). This is used for generating the appropriate e-mail |
* notification messages during update_cron(), and might be useful for other |
* modules that invoke update_requirements() to find out if the site is up |
* to date or not. |
* |
* @see _update_message_text() |
* @see _update_cron_notify() |
*/ |
function fedora_repository_requirements($phase) { |
global $base_url; |
$requirements = array(); |
if ($phase == 'install') { |
// Test for SOAP |
$requirements['fedora-soap']['title'] = t("PHP SOAP extension library"); |
if (!class_exists('SoapClient')) { |
$requirements['fedora-soap']['value'] = t("Not installed"); |
$requirements['fedora-soap']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; |
$requirements['fedora-soap']['description'] = t('Ensure that the PHP SOAP extension is installed.'); |
} |
else { |
$requirements['fedora-soap']['value'] = t("Installed"); |
$requirements['fedora-soap']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK; |
} |
// Test for Curl |
$requirements['curl']['title'] = "PHP Curl extension library"; |
if (!function_exists('curl_init')) { |
$requirements['curl']['value'] = t("Not installed"); |
$requirements['curl']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; |
$requirements['curl']['description'] = t("Ensure that the PHP Curl extension is installed."); |
} |
else { |
$requirements['curl']['value'] = t("Installed"); |
$requirements['curl']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK; |
} |
// Test for DOM |
$requirements['dom']['title'] = "PHP DOM XML extension library"; |
if (!method_exists('DOMDocument', 'loadHTML')) { |
$requirements['dom']['value'] = t("Not installed"); |
$requirements['dom']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; |
$requirements['dom']['description'] = t("Ensure that the PHP DOM XML extension is installed."); |
} |
else { |
$requirements['dom']['value'] = t("Installed"); |
$requirements['dom']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK; |
} |
// Test for XSLT |
$requirements['xsl']['title'] = "PHP XSL extension library"; |
if (!class_exists('XSLTProcessor')) { |
$requirements['xslt']['value'] = t("Not installed"); |
$requirements['xslt']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; |
$requirements['xslt']['description'] = t("Ensure that the PHP XSL extension is installed."); |
} |
else { |
$requirements['xslt']['value'] = t("Installed"); |
$requirements['xslt']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK; |
} |
// Test for Imagick |
system("hash convert 2>&-", $return_value); |
$requirements['imagick']['title'] = t("Image Magick library"); |
if ($return_value) { |
$requirements['imagick']['value'] = t("Not installed"); |
$requirements['imagick']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING; |
$requirements['imagick']['description'] = t('Ensure that the Image Magick library is installed.'); |
} |
else { |
$requirements['imagick']['value'] = t("Installed"); |
$requirements['imagick']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK; |
} |
// Test for Kakadu |
system("hash kdu_compress 2>&-", $return_value); |
$requirements['kakadu']['title'] = t("Kakadu library"); |
if ($return_value) { |
$requirements['kakadu']['value'] = t("Not installed"); |
$requirements['kakadu']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING; |
$requirements['kakadu']['description'] = t('Ensure that the Kakadu library is installed.'); |
} |
else { |
$requirements['kakadu']['value'] = t("Installed"); |
$requirements['kakadu']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK; |
} |
} |
elseif ($phase == 'runtime') { |
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_utils'); |
$requirements['fedora-repository']['title'] = t("Fedora server"); |
if (!fedora_available()) { |
$requirements['fedora-repository']['value'] = t("Not available"); |
$requirements['fedora-repository']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; |
$requirements['fedora-repository']['description'] = t('Ensure that Fedora is running and that the <a href="@collection-settings">collection settings</a> are correct.', array('@collection-settings' => $base_url . '/admin/settings/fedora_repository')); |
} |
else { |
$requirements['fedora-repository']['value'] = t("Available"); |
$requirements['fedora-repository']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK; |
} |
// Check for ImageMagick |
$requirements['fedora-imagemagick']['title'] = t("ImageMagick convert in \$PATH"); |
$result = exec('convert'); |
if (!$result) { |
$requirements['fedora-imagemagick']['value'] = t('Not in $PATH'); |
$requirements['fedora-imagemagick']['description'] = t('Islandora will not be able to create thumbnails. Ensure that <a href="">ImageMagick</a> is installed and the convert command is executable by the web server user.'); |
$requirements['fedora-imagemagick']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING; |
} |
else { |
$requirements['fedora-imagemagick']['value'] = t("Available"); |
$requirements['fedora-imagemagick']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK; |
} |
$requirements['fedora-kakadu']['title'] = 'Kakadu kdu_compress in $PATH'; |
$kdu_res = exec('kdu_compress -v'); |
if (!$kdu_res) { |
$requirements['fedora-kakadu']['value'] = ('Not in $PATH'); |
$requirements['fedora-kakadu']['description'] = t('Islandora cannot convert TIFF image files to JPEG2000 format. Ensure <a href="">Kakadu</a> is installed and the kdu_compress command is executable by the web server user.'); |
$requirements['fedora-kakadu']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING; |
} |
else { |
$requirements['fedora-kakadu']['value'] = t("Available"); |
$requirements['fedora-kakadu']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK; |
} |
} |
return $requirements; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ |
<?php |
/** |
* @file |
* Invokes a hook to any dependent modules asking them if their installations require |
* any fedora objects to be present. Modules implementing this hook should return an array |
* of arrays of the form: |
* |
* array( 'pid', 'path-to-foxml-file', 'dsid', 'path-to-datastream-file', int dsversion) |
* |
* where the last three options are optional. A module can either point to a simple |
* foxml file to install, or can specify a datastreamstream to check for, with a |
* path to load the datastream from if it isn't there. Optionally a version number |
* can be included, to enable updating of content model or collection policy streams |
* that may have been updated. THis is a simple whole number that should be incremented |
* when changed. This value appears in as an attribute of the topmost element of the stream, |
* e.g.,: |
* |
* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <content_model name="Collection" version="2" ...
* |
* Datastreams which don't have this element are assumed to be at version 0. |
*/ |
function fedora_repository_solution_packs_page() { |
$enabled_solution_packs = module_invoke_all('required_fedora_objects'); |
$output = ''; |
foreach ($enabled_solution_packs as $solution_pack_module => $solution_pack_info) { |
$objects = array(); |
foreach ($solution_pack_info as $field => $value) { |
switch ($field) { |
case 'title': |
$solution_pack_name = $value; |
break; |
case 'objects': |
$objects = $value; |
break; |
} |
} |
$output .= drupal_get_form('fedora_repository_solution_pack_form_' . $solution_pack_module, $solution_pack_module, $solution_pack_name, $objects); |
} |
return $output; |
} |
/** |
* Check for installed objects and add a 'Update' or 'Install' button if some objects are missing. |
* @param array $solution_pack |
*/ |
function fedora_repository_solution_pack_form(&$form_state, $solution_pack_module, $solution_pack_name, $objects = array()) { |
// Check each object to see if it is in the repository. |
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_item'); |
global $base_path; |
$needs_update = FALSE; |
$needs_install = FALSE; |
$form = array(); |
$form['solution_pack_module'] = array( |
'#type' => 'hidden', |
'#value' => $solution_pack_module, |
); |
if (!$form_state['submitted']) { |
$form['soluction_pack_name'] = array( |
'#type' => 'markup', |
'#value' => t($solution_pack_name), |
'#prefix' => '<h3>', |
'#suffix' => '</h3>', |
); |
$form['objects'] = array( |
'#type' => 'fieldset', |
'#title' => "Objects", |
'#weight' => 10, |
'#attributes' => array('class' => 'collapsed'), |
'#collapsible' => TRUE, |
'#collapsed' => TRUE, |
); |
$table_header = array('PID', 'Status'); |
$table_rows = array(); |
foreach ($objects as $object) { |
$datastreams = NULL; |
if (isset($object['pid'])) { |
$pid = $object['pid']; |
$item = new Fedora_Item($pid); |
$table_row = array($object['pid']); |
$object_status = t('Up-to-date'); |
if (!$item->exists()) { |
$object_status = 'Missing'; |
$needs_install = TRUE; |
} |
else { |
if (isset($object['dsid']) && isset($object['datastream_file']) && isset($object['dsversion'])) { |
$datastreams = array( |
array( |
'dsid' => $object['dsid'], |
'datastream_file' => $object['datastream_file'], |
'dsversion' => $object['dsversion'], |
), |
); |
} |
elseif (!empty($object['datastreams'])) { |
$datastreams = $object['datastreams']; |
} |
if (!empty($datastreams) && is_array($datastreams)) { |
foreach ($datastreams as $ds) { |
$ds_list = $item->get_datastreams_list_as_array(); |
if (!array_key_exists($ds['dsid'], $ds_list)) { |
$needs_update = TRUE; |
$object_status = 'Missing datastream'; |
break; |
} |
if (isset($ds['dsversion'])) { |
// Check if the datastream is versioned and needs updating. |
$installed_version = fedora_repository_get_islandora_datastream_version($item, $ds['dsid']); |
$available_version = fedora_repository_get_islandora_datastream_version(NULL, NULL, $ds['datastream_file']); |
if ($available_version > $installed_version) { |
$needs_update = TRUE; |
$object_status = 'Out of date'; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
array_push($table_row, $object_status); |
$table_rows[] = $table_row; |
} |
} |
$form['objects']['table'] = array( |
'#type' => 'markup', |
'#value' => theme_table($table_header, $table_rows), |
); |
} |
$form['install_status'] = array( |
'#type' => 'markup', |
'#prefix' => '<strong>' . t('Object status:') . ' </strong>', |
'#suffix' => ' ', |
); |
if (!$needs_install && !$needs_update) { |
$form['install_status']['#value'] = theme_image('misc/watchdog-ok.png') . t('All required objects are installed and up-to-date.'); |
} |
else { |
$form['install_status']['#value'] = theme_image('misc/watchdog-warning.png') . t('Some objects must be re-ingested. See Objects list for details.'); |
} |
$form['submit'] = array( |
'#value' => t('Install'), |
'#disabled' => !$needs_install && !$needs_update, |
'#type' => 'submit', |
'#name' => $solution_pack_module, |
); |
$form['#submit'] = array( |
'fedora_repository_solution_pack_form_submit', |
); |
return $form; |
} |
function fedora_repository_solution_pack_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { |
$what = $form_state; |
$module_name = $form_state['values']['solution_pack_module']; |
$solution_pack_info = call_user_func($module_name . '_required_fedora_objects'); |
$batch = array( |
'title' => t('Installing / updating solution pack objects'), |
'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'fedora_repository') . '/fedora_repository.module', |
'operations' => array(), |
); |
foreach ($solution_pack_info[$module_name]['objects'] as $object) { |
// Add this object to the batch job queue. |
$batch['operations'][] = array('fedora_repository_batch_reingest_object', array($object)); |
} |
batch_set($batch); |
} |
Reference in new issue