watchdog('fedora_repository', 'Error generating breadcrumbs for %pid. Verify there exists relationships back up to %root. (May also be due to a hierarchy deeper than %max_depth).', array('%pid' => $pid, '%root' => $root, '%max_depth' => $max_depth), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
watchdog('fedora_repository', 'Error generating breadcrumbs for %pid. Verify there exists relationships back up to %root. (May also be due to a hierarchy deeper than %max_depth).', array('%pid' => $pid, '%root' => $root, '%max_depth' => $max_level), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
$breadcrumbs[] = '...'; //Add an non-link, as we don't know how to get back to the root.
$breadcrumbs[] = '...'; //Add an non-link, as we don't know how to get back to the root.
$next_pid = $root; //And cue the last two links to render and break recursion (on the next pass).
$next_pid = $root; //And cue the last two links to render and break recursion (on the next pass).