@ -34,9 +34,8 @@ This is one Drupal module in a suite of modules (and stack of related software)
Before installing Islandora, the XACML policies located [here](https://github.com/Islandora/islandora-xacml-policies) should be copied into the Fedora global XACML policies folder. This will allow "authenticated users" in Drupal to access Fedora API-M functions (create, edit, and delete objects in Fedora).
* The `permit-upload-to-anonymous-user.xml` and `permit-apim-to-anonymous-user.xml` policies allow anonymous (unauthenticated)
users to create objects and datastreams. They do not need to be present if this is not required.
* The policy `deny-purge-datastream-if-active-or-inactive.xml` must be deleted to allow users to purge (permanently remove) datastream versions.
* Delete the `permit-upload-to-anonymous-user.xml` and `permit-apim-to-anonymous-user.xml` policies unless you want to allow anonymous (unauthenticated) users to create Islandora objects (not recommended).
* Delete the `deny-purge-datastream-if-active-or-inactive.xml` to allow users to purge (permanently remove) datastream versions.
More detailed information can be found in the 'Set XACML Policies' in the [Installing Fedora](https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/ISLANDORA/milestone+1+-+Installing+Fedora) chapter of the documentation.