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Merge branch '7.x-derivatives' of into 7.x

Jordan Dukart 12 years ago
  1. 105
  2. 74
  3. 1
  4. 47
  5. 296
  6. 7
  7. 202


@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
* @file
* Defines functions used when constructing derivatives.
* Kicks off derivative functions based upon hooks and conditions.
* @param AbstractObject $object
* An AbstractObject representing a FedoraObject.
* @param array $options
* An array of parameters containing:
* - force: Bool denoting whether we are forcing the generation of
* derivatives.
* - source_dsid: (Optional) String of the datastream id we are generating
* from or NULL if it's the object itself.
* - destination_dsid: (Optional) String of the datastream id that is being
* created. To be used in the UI.
* @return array
* An array of messages describing the outcome of the derivative events.
* Each individual message array has the following structure:
* - success: Bool denoting whether the operation was successful.
* - messages: An array structure containing:
* - message: A string passed through t() describing the
* outcome of the operation.
* - message_sub: (Optional) Substitutions to be passed along to t() or
* watchdog.
* - type: A string denoting whether the output is to be
* drupal_set_messaged (dsm) or watchdogged (watchdog).
* - severity: (Optional) A severity level / status to be used when
* logging messages. Uses the defaults of drupal_set_message and
* watchdog if not defined.
function islandora_do_derivatives(AbstractObject $object, array $options) {
$options += array(
'force' => FALSE,
$hooks = islandora_invoke_hook_list(ISLANDORA_DERVIATIVE_CREATION_HOOK, $object->models, array());
uasort($hooks, 'drupal_sort_weight');
$results = array();
if (array_key_exists('source_dsid', $options)) {
$hooks = array_filter($hooks, function($filter_hook) use($options) {
return array_key_exists('source_dsid', $filter_hook) &&
$filter_hook['source_dsid'] == $options['source_dsid'];
if (array_key_exists('destination_dsid', $options)) {
$hooks = array_filter($hooks, function($filter_hook) use($options) {
return array_key_exists('destination_dsid', $filter_hook) &&
$filter_hook['destination_dsid'] == $options['destination_dsid'];
foreach ($hooks as $hook) {
if (isset($hook['file'])) {
require_once $hook['file'];
foreach ($hook['function'] as $function) {
$logging = call_user_func($function, $object, $options['force']);
if (!empty($logging)) {
$results[] = $logging;
return $results;
* Handles the logging of derivative messages.
* @param array $logging_results
* An array of messages describing the outcome of the derivative events.
* Each individual message array has the following structure:
* - success: Bool denoting whether the operation was successful.
* - messages: An array structure containing:
* - message: A string passed through t() describing the
* outcome of the operation.
* - message_sub: (Optional) Substitutions to be passed along to t() or
* watchdog.
* - type: A string denoting whether the output is to be
* drupal_set_messaged (dsm) or watchdogged (watchdog).
* - severity: (Optional) A severity level / status to be used when
* logging messages. Uses the defaults of drupal_set_message and
* watchdog if not defined.
function islandora_derivative_logging(array $logging_results) {
foreach ($logging_results as $result) {
foreach ($result['messages'] as $message) {
if ($message['type'] === 'dsm') {
drupal_set_message(filter_xss(format_string($message['message'], isset($message['message_sub']) ? $message['message_sub'] : array())), isset($message['severity']) ? $message['severity'] : 'status');
else {
// We know what we are doing here. Passing through the translated
// message and the substitutions needed. We are using
// call_user_func until such time as the @ignore changes
// are merged into the standard release for Coder.
call_user_func('watchdog', $message['message'], isset($message['message_sub']) ? $message['message_sub'] : array(), isset($message['severity']) ? $message['severity'] : WATCHDOG_NOTICE);


@ -541,3 +541,77 @@ function hook_islandora_datastream_access($op, $object, $user) {
function hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_access($op, $object, $user) {
* Defines derivative functions to be executed based on certain conditions.
* This hook fires when an object/datastream is ingested or a datastream is
* modified.
* @return array
* An array containing an entry for each derivative to be created. Each entry
* is an array of parameters containing:
* - force: Bool denoting whether we are forcing the generation of
* derivatives.
* - source_dsid: (Optional) String of the datastream id we are generating
* from or NULL if it's the object itself.
* - destination_dsid: (Optional) String of the datastream id that is being
* created. To be used in the UI.
* - weight: A string denoting the weight of the function. This value is
* sorted upon to run functions in order.
* - function: An array of function(s) to be ran when constructing
* derivatives. Functions that are defined to be called for derivation
* creation must have the following structure:
* module_name_derivative_creation_function($object, $force = FALSE)
* These functions must return an array in the structure of:
* - success: Bool denoting whether the operation was successful.
* - messages: An array structure containing:
* - message: A string passed through t() describing the
* outcome of the operation.
* - message_sub: (Optional) Substitutions to be passed along to t() or
* watchdog.
* - type: A string denoting whether the output is to be
* drupal_set_messaged (dsm) or watchdogged (watchdog).
* - severity: (Optional) A severity level / status to be used when
* logging messages. Uses the defaults of drupal_set_message and
* watchdog if not defined.
* - file: A string denoting the path to the file where the function
* is being called from.
function hook_islandora_derivative() {
return array(
'source_dsid' => 'OBJ',
'destination_dsid' => 'DERIV',
'weight' => '0',
'function' => array(
'source_dsid' => 'SOMEWEIRDDATASTREAM',
'destination_dsid' => 'STANLEY',
'weight' => '-1',
'function' => array(
'source_dsid' => NULL,
'destination_dsid' => 'NOSOURCE',
'weight' => '-3',
'function' => array(
* Content model specific version of hook_islandora_derivative().
* @see hook_islandora_derivative()
function hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_derivative() {


@ -18,4 +18,5 @@ files[] = tests/ingest.test
files[] = tests/hooked_access.test
files[] = tests/islandora_manage_permissions.test
files[] = tests/datastream_versions.test
files[] = tests/derivatives.test
php = 5.3


@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ define('ISLANDORA_DATASTREAM_INGESTED_HOOK', 'islandora_datastream_ingested');
define('ISLANDORA_DATASTREAM_MODIFIED_HOOK', 'islandora_datastream_modified');
define('ISLANDORA_DATASTREAM_PURGED_HOOK', 'islandora_datastream_purged');
define('ISLANDORA_INGEST_STEP_HOOK', 'islandora_ingest_steps');
define('ISLANDORA_DERVIATIVE_CREATION_HOOK', 'islandora_derivative');
// Autocomplete paths.
define('ISLANDORA_CONTENT_MODELS_AUTOCOMPLETE', 'islandora/autocomplete/content-models');
@ -1493,3 +1494,49 @@ function islandora_islandora_basic_collection_get_query_filters() {
* Implements hook_islandora_object_ingested().
* On object ingestion we call the case of source_dsid being NULL only as
* the islandora_islandora_datastream_ingested hook will handle the cases
* where specific values of source_dsid can occur.
function islandora_islandora_object_ingested(AbstractObject $object) {
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'includes/derivatives');
$logging_results = islandora_do_derivatives($object, array(
'source_dsid' => NULL,
* Implements hook_islandora_datastream_ingested().
* When a datastream is ingested we filter the derivatives on source_dsid being
* equal to the current ingested datastream's id.
function islandora_islandora_datastream_ingested(AbstractObject $object, AbstractDatastream $datastream) {
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'includes/derivatives');
$logging_results = islandora_do_derivatives($object, array(
'source_dsid' => $datastream->id,
* Implements hook_islandora_datastream_modified().
* When a datastream is modified we filter the derivatives on source_dsid being
* equal to the current ingested datastream's id. Force is set to TRUE such that
* existing derivatives will be updated to reflect the change in the source.
function islandora_islandora_datastream_modified(AbstractObject $object, AbstractDatastream $datastream) {
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'includes/derivatives');
$logging_results = islandora_do_derivatives($object, array(
'source_dsid' => $datastream->id,
'force' => TRUE,


@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
* @file
* Tests to see if the hooks get called when appropriate.
* In the test module 'islandora_derivatives_test' there are implementations
* of hooks being tested. These implementations modifies the session, and
* that's how we test if the hook gets called.
* To make sense of these tests reference islandora_derivatives_test.module.
class IslandoraDerivativesTestCase extends IslandoraWebTestCase {
* Gets info to display to describe this test.
* @see IslandoraWebTestCase::getInfo()
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Islandora Derivative Generation',
'description' => 'Ensure that the derivative generation hooks return appropriate results.',
'group' => 'Islandora',
* Creates an admin user and a connection to a fedora repository.
* @see IslandoraWebTestCase::setUp()
public function setUp() {
$url = variable_get('islandora_base_url', 'http://localhost:8080/fedora');
$this->connection = new RepositoryConnection($url, $this->admin->name, $this->admin->pass);
$this->connection->reuseConnection = TRUE;
$this->api = new FedoraApi($this->connection);
$this->cache = new SimpleCache();
$this->repository = new FedoraRepository($this->api, $this->cache);
$this->pid = $this->randomName() . ":" . $this->randomName();
* Free any objects/resources created for this test.
* @see IslandoraWebTestCase::tearDown()
public function tearDown() {
$tuque = islandora_get_tuque_connection();
* Tests that the islandora_islandora_object_ingested hook gets fired.
public function testDerivativeOnIngest() {
global $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method;
$_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method = 'modifyDatastream';
$tuque = islandora_get_tuque_connection();
$object = $tuque->repository->constructObject($this->pid);
$object->models = array(
$dsid = 'OBJ';
$ds = $object->constructDatastream($dsid);
$ds->label = 'Test';
$ds->content = 'test';
$this->assertDatastreams($object, array(
$this->assertEqual('ingestDatastream', $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method, 'The expected ingest method is "ingestDatastream", got "' . $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method . '".');
$this->assertEqual('test some string', $object['DERIV']->content, 'The expected content of the DERIV datastream is "test some string", got "' . $object['DERIV']->content . '".');
$this->assertEqual('NOSOURCE', $object['NOSOURCE']->content, 'The expected content of the NOSOURCE datastream is "NOSOURCE", got "' . $object['NOSOURCE']->content . '".');
* Tests the ingest method when when forcing on existing datastreams.
public function testDerivativeOnForceExistingDatastream() {
global $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method;
$_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method = 'ingestDatastream';
$object = $this->constructBaseObject();
$object = $this->constructDERIVDatastream($object);
$islandora_object = islandora_object_load($this->pid);
islandora_do_derivatives($islandora_object, array(
'force' => TRUE,
$this->assertEqual('modifyDatastream', $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method, 'The expected ingest method is "modifyDatastream", got "' . $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method . '".');
$this->assertEqual('FORCEFULLY APPENDING CONTENT TO test', $islandora_object['DERIV']->content, 'The expected content of the DERIV datastream is "FORCEFULLY APPENDING CONTENT TO test", got "' . $islandora_object['DERIV']->content . '".');
* Tests the ingest method when forcing on non-existing datastreams.
public function testDerivativeOnForceNonExistingDatastream() {
global $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method;
$_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method = 'modifyDatastream';
$object = islandora_object_load($this->pid);
islandora_do_derivatives($object, array(
'force' => TRUE,
$this->assertEqual('ingestDatastream', $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method, 'The expected ingest method is "ingestDatastream", got "' . $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method . '".');
$this->assertEqual('test some string', $object['DERIV']->content, 'The expected content of the DERIV datastream is "test some string", got "' . $object['DERIV']->content . '".');
* Tests the islandora_datastream_modified hook when there are existing DSes.
public function testDerivativeOnModifyExistingDatastream() {
global $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method;
$_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method = 'ingestDatastream';
$object = $this->constructBaseObject();
// Need to do this as Tuque caches.
$connection = islandora_get_tuque_connection();
$islandora_object = islandora_object_load($this->pid);
$changed_content = 'islandora beast';
$islandora_object['OBJ']->content = $changed_content;
$this->assertEqual('modifyDatastream', $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method, 'The expected ingest method is "modifyDatastream", got "' . $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method . '".');
$this->assertEqual('FORCEFULLY APPENDING CONTENT TO ' . $changed_content, $islandora_object['DERIV']->content, 'The expected content of the DERIV datastream is "FORCEFULLY APPENDING CONTENT TO islandora beast", got "' . $islandora_object['DERIV']->content . '".');
* Tests islandora_datastream_modified hook when there are no existing DSes.
public function testDerivativeOnModifyNonExistingDatastream() {
global $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method;
$_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method = 'modifyDatastream';
// Need to do this as Tuque caches.
$connection = islandora_get_tuque_connection();
$islandora_object = islandora_object_load($this->pid);
$changed_content = 'islandora beast';
$islandora_object['OBJ']->content = $changed_content;
$this->assertEqual('ingestDatastream', $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method, 'The expected ingest method is "ingestDatastream", got "' . $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method . '".');
$this->assertEqual($changed_content . ' some string', $islandora_object['DERIV']->content, 'The expected content of the DERIV datastream is "islandora beast string", got "' . $islandora_object['DERIV']->content . '".');
* Tests derivative hook filtering based upon source_dsid.
public function testDerivativeFilteringOnSourceDSID() {
global $_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions;
$_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions = array();
$object = islandora_object_load($this->pid);
islandora_do_derivatives($object, array(
'source_dsid' => 'OBJ',
$this->assertEqual(1, count($_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions), 'Expected 1 derivative function for the source_dsid of "OBJ", got ' . count($_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions) . '.');
$called_function = (string) reset($_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions);
$this->assertEqual('islandora_derivatives_test_create_deriv_datastream', $called_function, 'Expected derivative function is "islandora_derivatives_test_create_deriv_datastream", got "' . $called_function . '".');
// Reset the derivative functions array as we are going to use it again.
$_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions = array();
islandora_do_derivatives($object, array(
'source_dsid' => 'SOMEWEIRDDATASTREAM',
$this->assertEqual(1, count($_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions), 'Expected 1 derivative function for the source_dsid of "SOMEWEIRDDATASTREAM", got ' . count($_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions) . '.');
$called_function = (string) reset($_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions);
$this->assertEqual('islandora_derivatives_test_create_some_weird_datastream', $called_function, 'Expected derivative function is "islandora_derivatives_test_create_some_weird_datastream", got "' . $called_function . '".');
* Tests that only functions were the source_dsid is NULL are fired.
public function testNULLSourceDSID() {
global $_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions;
$_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions = array();
$object = islandora_object_load($this->pid);
islandora_do_derivatives($object, array(
'source_dsid' => NULL,
$this->assertDatastreams($object, array(
$this->assertEqual(1, count($_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions), 'Expected 1 derivative function for the source_dsid of "NULL", got ' . count($_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions) . '.');
$called_function = (string) reset($_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions);
$this->assertEqual('islandora_derivatives_test_create_nosource_datastream', $called_function, 'Expected derivative function is "islandora_derivatives_test_create_nosource_datastream", got "' . $called_function . '".');
$this->assertEqual('NOSOURCE', $object['NOSOURCE']->content, 'The expected content of the NOSOURCE datastream is "NOSOURCE", got "' . $object['NOSOURCE']->content . '".');
* Tests that when no source_dsid all derivative functions are called.
public function testNoSourceDSIDNoForce() {
global $_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions;
$_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions = array();
$object = islandora_object_load($this->pid);
islandora_do_derivatives($object, array());
$this->assertDatastreams($object, array(
$this->assertEqual(3, count($_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions), 'Expected 3 derivative functions when there is no source_dsid, got ' . count($_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions) . '.');
* Tests that when no source_dsid all derivative functions are called.
public function testNoSourceDSIDForce() {
global $_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions;
$_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions = array();
$object = islandora_object_load($this->pid);
islandora_do_derivatives($object, array(
'force' => TRUE,
$this->assertDatastreams($object, array(
$this->assertEqual(3, count($_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions), 'Expected 3 derivative functions when there is no source_dsid, got ' . count($_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions) . '.');
* Helper function that will construct a base object.
public function constructBaseObject() {
$object = $this->repository->constructObject($this->pid);
$object->models = array(
$dsid = 'OBJ';
$ds = $object->constructDatastream($dsid);
$ds->label = 'Test';
$ds->content = 'test';
return $object;
* Helper function to construct the DERIV datastream without firing hooks.
* @param AbstractObject $object
* An AbstractObject representing a FedoraObject.
* @return AbstractObject
* The modified AbstractObject.
public function constructDERIVDatastream(AbstractObject $object) {
$dsid = 'DERIV';
$ds = $object->constructDatastream($dsid);
$ds->label = 'Test';
$ds->content = 'test some string';
return $object;
* Helper function to construct the NOSOURCE datastream without firing hooks.
* @param AbstractObject $object
* An AbstractObject representing a FedoraObject.
* @return AbstractObject
* The modified AbstractObject.
public function constructNOSOURCEDatastream(AbstractObject $object) {
$dsid = 'NOSOURCE';
$ds = $object->constructDatastream($dsid);
$ds->label = 'Test';
$ds->content = 'NOSOURCE';
return $object;


@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
name = Islandora Derivatives Generation testing
description = Tests derivative generation hooks. Do not enable.
core = 7.x
package = Testing
hidden = TRUE
files[] = islandora_derivatives_test.module
dependencies[] = islandora


@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
* @file
* Tests for derivative generation.
* Implements hook_islandora_CMODEL_PID_derivative().
function islandora_derivatives_test_some_cmodel_islandora_derivative() {
return array(
'source_dsid' => 'OBJ',
'destination_dsid' => 'DERIV',
'weight' => '0',
'function' => array(
'source_dsid' => 'SOMEWEIRDDATASTREAM',
'destination_dsid' => 'STANLEY',
'weight' => '-1',
'function' => array(
'source_dsid' => NULL,
'destination_dsid' => 'NOSOURCE',
'weight' => '-3',
'function' => array(
* Creates the DERIV datastream for use in testing.
* @param AbstractObject $object
* An AbstractObject representing a Fedora object.
* @param bool $force
* Whether or not derivative generation is to be forced.
* @return array
* An array detailing the success of the operation.
* @see hook_islandora_derivative()
function islandora_derivatives_test_create_deriv_datastream(AbstractObject $object, $force = FALSE) {
global $_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions;
$_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions[] = 'islandora_derivatives_test_create_deriv_datastream';
$return = '';
if (!isset($object['DERIV']) || (isset($object['DERIV']) && $force === TRUE)) {
if ($force !== TRUE || !isset($object['DERIV'])) {
$deriv_string = $object['OBJ']->content . ' some string';
else {
$deriv_string = "FORCEFULLY APPENDING CONTENT TO " . $object['OBJ']->content;
$added_successfully = islandora_derivatives_test_add_datastream($object, 'DERIV', $deriv_string);
if ($added_successfully !== TRUE) {
$return = islandora_derivatives_test_failed_adding($added_successfully);
else {
$return = array(
'success' => TRUE,
'messages' => array(
'message' => t('The DERIV datastream was added successfully for @pid!'),
'message_sub' => array('@pid' => $object->id),
'type' => 'dsm',
return $return;
* Stub function that used only for datastream filtering counts.
* @param AbstractObject $object
* An AbstractObject representing a Fedora object.
* @param bool $force
* Whether the derivatives are being forcefully generated or not.
function islandora_derivatives_test_create_some_weird_datastream(AbstractObject $object, $force = FALSE) {
global $_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions;
// Add to the global that we got to this function.
$_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions[] = 'islandora_derivatives_test_create_some_weird_datastream';
* Creates the NOSOURCE datastream for use in testing.
* @param AbstractObject $object
* An AbstractObject representing a Fedora object.
* @param bool $force
* Whether or not derivative generation is to be forced.
* @return array
* An array detailing the success of the operation.
* @see hook_islandora_derivative()
function islandora_derivatives_test_create_nosource_datastream(AbstractObject $object, $force = FALSE) {
global $_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions;
$_islandora_derivative_test_derivative_functions[] = 'islandora_derivatives_test_create_nosource_datastream';
$return = '';
if (!isset($object['NOSOURCE']) || (isset($object['NOSOURCE']) && $force === TRUE)) {
if ($force !== TRUE || !isset($object['NOSOURCE'])) {
$deriv_string = 'NOSOURCE';
else {
$deriv_string = "FORCEFULLY APPENDING CONTENT TO " . $object['NOSOURCE']->content;
$added_successfully = islandora_derivatives_test_add_datastream($object, 'NOSOURCE', $deriv_string);
if ($added_successfully !== TRUE) {
$return = islandora_derivatives_test_failed_adding($added_successfully);
else {
$return = array(
'success' => TRUE,
'messages' => array(
'message' => t('The DERIV datastream was added successfully for @pid!'),
'message_sub' => array('@pid' => $object->id),
'type' => 'dsm',
return $return;
* Helper function that adds/modifies the datastream to the object in testing.
* @param AbstractObject $object
* An AbstractObject representing a Fedora object.
* @param string $dsid
* The datastream id for which we are adding/modifying.
* @param string $deriv_string
* The content of the datastream we are adding.
* @return bool|string
* A bool if the operation was successfully, the error message otherwise.
function islandora_derivatives_test_add_datastream(AbstractObject $object, $dsid, $deriv_string) {
global $_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method;
try {
$ingest = !isset($object[$dsid]);
if ($ingest) {
$ds = $object->constructDatastream($dsid, 'M');
$ds->label = $dsid;
else {
$ds = $object[$dsid];
$ds->content = $deriv_string;
if ($ingest) {
$_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method = 'ingestDatastream';
else {
$_islandora_derivative_test_ingest_method = 'modifyDatastream';
return TRUE;
catch (exception $e) {
$message = $e->getMessage();
return $message;
* Returns a message if we failed to add a derivative.
* @see hook_islandora_derivative()
* @param string $message
* The error message to be returned back.
* @return array
* An array describing the outcome of our failure.
function islandora_derivatives_test_failed_adding($message) {
return array(
'success' => FALSE,
'messages' => array(
'message' => $message,
'type' => 'watchdog',
'severity' => WATCHDOG_ERROR,