@ -435,17 +435,18 @@ function get_represented_content_models($pid) {
$restConnection = new RestConnection();
$restConnection = new RestConnection();
require_once 'sites/all/libraries/tuque/RepositoryQuery.php';
require_once 'sites/all/libraries/tuque/RepositoryQuery.php';
$query = "select \$model from < #ri>
$query = "select \$model \$title from < #ri>
where (\$object < info:fedora / fedora-system:def / relations-external # isMemberOf > < info:fedora / $ pid >
where (\$object < info:fedora / fedora-system:def / relations-external # isMemberOf > < info:fedora / $ pid >
or \$object < info:fedora / fedora-system:def / relations-external # isMemberOfCollection > < info:fedora / $ pid > )
or \$object < info:fedora / fedora-system:def / relations-external # isMemberOfCollection > < info:fedora / $ pid > )
and \$object < info:fedora / fedora-system:def / model # hasModel > \$model";
and \$object < info:fedora / fedora-system:def / model # hasModel > \$model
and \$object < dc:title > \$title";
$model_pids = $restConnection->repository->ri->itqlQuery($query, 'unlimited', '0');
$model_pids = $restConnection->repository->ri->itqlQuery($query, 'unlimited', '0');
$represented_models = array();
$represented_models = array();
foreach ($model_pids as $model_pid) {
foreach ($model_pids as $model_pid) {
if ($model_pid & & $model_pid['object ']['value'] != 'fedora-system:FedoraObject-3.0') {
if ($model_pid & & $model_pid['model ']['value'] != 'fedora-system:FedoraObject-3.0') {
$represented_models[$model_pid['object']['value']] = $model_pid['object ']['value'] . ' ~ ' . $model_pid['title']['value'];
$represented_models[$model_pid['model']['value']] = $model_pid['model ']['value'] . ' ~ ' . $model_pid['title']['value'];
return $represented_models;
return $represented_models;
@ -492,7 +493,6 @@ function Islandora_collections_get_collection_from_pid($pid) {
* @param < type > $query_format R
* @param < type > $query_format R
function get_related_items_as_array($collection_pid, $relationship = array('isMemberOfCollection'), $limit = 10000, $offset = 0, $active_objects_only = TRUE, $cmodel = NULL, $orderby = '$title') {
function get_related_items_as_array($collection_pid, $relationship = array('isMemberOfCollection'), $limit = 10000, $offset = 0, $active_objects_only = TRUE, $cmodel = NULL, $orderby = '$title') {
// module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ObjectHelper');
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'RestConnection');
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'RestConnection');
$restConnection = new RestConnection();
$restConnection = new RestConnection();
require_once 'sites/all/libraries/tuque/RepositoryQuery.php';
require_once 'sites/all/libraries/tuque/RepositoryQuery.php';
@ -533,14 +533,6 @@ function get_related_items_as_array($collection_pid, $relationship = array('isMe
$query_string .= ')
$query_string .= ')
minus $content < mulgara:is > < info:fedora / fedora-system:FedoraObject-3 . 0 >
minus $content < mulgara:is > < info:fedora / fedora-system:FedoraObject-3 . 0 >
order by ' . $orderby;
order by ' . $orderby;
// $query_string = htmlentities(urlencode($query_string));
// $content = '';
// $url = variable_get('fedora_repository_url', 'http://localhost:8080/fedora/risearch');
// $url .= "?type=tuples& flush=TRUE& format=Sparql& limit=$limit& offset=$offset& lang=itql& stream=on& query=" . $query_string;
// $content .= do_curl($url);
$results = $restConnection->repository->ri->itqlQuery($query_string, $limit, $offset);
$results = $restConnection->repository->ri->itqlQuery($query_string, $limit, $offset);
@ -561,4 +553,114 @@ function get_related_items_as_array($collection_pid, $relationship = array('isMe
// $resultsarray[] = substr($result->object->attributes()->uri, 12); // Remove 'info:fedora/'.
// $resultsarray[] = substr($result->object->attributes()->uri, 12); // Remove 'info:fedora/'.
// }
// }
// return $resultsarray;
// return $resultsarray;
* gets the name of the content models for the specified object
* this now returns an array of pids as in Fedora 3 we can have more then one Cmodel for an object
* @param type $pid
* @param type $include_fedora_system_content_models
* @return array
function get_content_models_list($pid, $include_fedora_system_content_models = FALSE) {
// module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'CollectionClass');
// module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'ContentModel');
// $collectionHelper = new CollectionClass();
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'RestConnection');
require_once 'sites/all/libraries/tuque/RepositoryQuery.php';
$restConnection = new RestConnection();
$pids = array();
$query = 'select $object from < #ri>
where < info:fedora / ' . $ pid . ' > < fedora-model:hasModel > $object
and $object < fedora-model:state > < info:fedora / fedora-system:def / model # Active > ';
// $content_models = $collectionHelper->getRelatedItems($pid, $query);
$content_models = $restConnection->repository->ri->itqlQuery($query, 'unlimited', '0');
if (empty($content_models)) {
return $pids;
$cmodels = array();
foreach ($content_models as $content_model) {
if (strpos($content_model['object']['uri'], 'fedora-system:FedoraObject-3.0') != FALSE & & $include_fedora_system_content_models == FALSE) {
$cmodels[] = substr(strstr($content_model['object']['uri'], '/'), 1);
// $cm = ContentModel::loadFromModel($cmodel_pid);
// if ($cm) {
// $cmodels[] = $cm;
// }
return $cmodels;
* Function: get_content_models_as_option_array
* Description: Returns an associative array of all available content models in Fedora instance
* @return array
function get_content_models_as_option_array() {
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'RestConnection');
$restConnection = new RestConnection();
require_once 'sites/all/libraries/tuque/RepositoryQuery.php';
$restricted = variable_get('fedora_namespace_restriction_enforced', TRUE);
$allowed_string = variable_get('fedora_pids_allowed', 'default: demo: changeme: islandora:');
$namespaces = explode(':', $allowed_string);
foreach ($namespaces as $namespace) {
if ($namespace) {
$allowed[] = trim($namespace);
$query = 'select $object $title from < #ri>
where ($object < fedora-model:label > $title
and ($object < fedora-model:hasModel > < info:fedora / fedora-system:ContentModel-3 . 0 >
or $object < fedora-rels-ext:isMemberOfCollection > < info:fedora / islandora:ContentModelsCollection > )
and $object < fedora-model:state > < info:fedora / fedora-system:def / model # Active > )
order by $title';
$list = $restConnection->repository->ri->itqlQuery($query, 'unlimited', '0');
$options = array();
foreach ($list as $item) { //removes blanks
if ($item) {
$item_namespace = explode(':', $item['object']['value']);
if (!$restricted || in_array($item_namespace[0], $allowed)) {
if (!preg_match('/fedora-system/', $item['object']['value'])) {
$options[$item['object']['value']] = $item['title']['value'] . ' ~ ' . $item['object']['value'];
return $options;
function getContentModels($collection_pid, $showError = TRUE) {
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'RestConnection');
$restConnection = new RestConnection();
// module_load_include('inc', 'Fedora_Repository', 'ContentModel');
$collection_stream = $this->getCollectionPolicyStream($collection_pid);
$collection_object = new FedoraObject($collection_pid, $restConnection->repository);
$collection_stream = $collection_object->getDatastream('COLLECTION_POLICY');
try {
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($collection_stream);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($showError) {
drupal_set_message(t('@e', array('@e' => check_plain($e->getMessage()))), 'error');
return NULL;
foreach ($xml->contentmodels->contentmodel as $content_model) {
$contentModel = new ContentModel();
$contentModel->contentModelDsid = $content_model->dsid;
$contentModel->contentModelPid = $content_model->pid;
$contentModel->pidNamespace = $content_model->pidNamespace;
$contentModel->contentModelName = $content_model['name'];
$models[] = $contentModel;
return $models;