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Drupal-parsable docs

Adam Vessey 13 years ago
  1. 20


@ -879,17 +879,25 @@ RDF;
* Wrap modify by value and reference
* Wrap modify by value and reference, so that the proper one gets called in the correct instance. (value if inline XML, reference otherwise)
* First tries to treat the passed in value as a filename, tries using as contents second.
* Coerces the data into what is required, and passes it on to the relevant function.
* @param $filename_or_content Either a filename to add, or an string of content.
* @param $dsid The DSID to update
* @param $label A label to withwhich to update the datastream
* @param $mime_type Mimetype for the data being pushed into the datastream
* @param $force Dunno, refer to underlying functions/SOAP interface. We just pass it like a chump.
* @param $logMessage A message for the audit log.
* @param string $filename_or_content
* Either a filename to add, or an string of content.
* @param string $dsid
* The DSID to update
* @param string $label
* A label to withwhich to update the datastream
* @param string $mime_type
* Mimetype for the data being pushed into the datastream
* @param boolean $force
* Dunno, refer to underlying functions/SOAP interface. We just pass it like a chump.
* @param string $logMessage
* A message for the audit log.
function modify_datastream($filename_or_content, $dsid, $label, $mime_type, $force = FALSE, $logMessage='Modified by Islandora API') {
//Determine if it's inline xml; if it is, modify by value
