'#description' => t('Select the test(s) or test group(s) you would like to run, and click <em>Run tests</em>.<br/><br/>NOTE: Tests in groups prefixed with <em>Islandora</em> generally require a configuration file, found in the Islandora module "tests" folder, as well as the use of the Islandora Drupal filter. Before any tests are run, please ensure that your web server has the appropriate permissions to alter the drupal_filter.xml file in your Fedora config folder. Your original Islandora Drupal filter configuration will NOT be overwritten by tests; HOWEVER, if PHP exits abnormally before the filter is reset, please use the "Repair Drupal Filter" button below.'),
'#description' => t('Attempts to repair the Islandora Drupal filter if a test that alters the Drupal filter has crashed. This is also intended for developers when creating tests built using the IslandoraWebTestCase class.'),
drupal_set_message(t("No simpletest entries were found in the Drupal filter."));
else {
drupal_set_message(format_plural($entries, "Removed 1 simpletest entry from the Drupal filter.", "Removed @count simpletest entries from the Drupal filter."));
$results = $drupal_filter_xpath->query("/FilterDrupal_Connection/connection[@server='$server' and @dbname='$dbname' and @user='$user' and @password='$password' and @port='$port']/sql");
$results->item(0)->nodeValue = "SELECT DISTINCT u.uid AS userid, u.name AS Name, u.pass AS Pass, r.name AS Role FROM ({$prefix}users u LEFT JOIN {$prefix}users_roles ON u.uid={$prefix}users_roles.uid) LEFT JOIN {$prefix}role r ON r.rid={$prefix}users_roles.rid WHERE u.name=? AND u.pass=?;";
$sql_node->appendChild($drupal_filter_dom->createTextNode("SELECT DISTINCT u.uid AS userid, u.name AS Name, u.pass AS Pass, r.name AS Role FROM ({$prefix}users u LEFT JOIN {$prefix}users_roles ON u.uid={$prefix}users_roles.uid) LEFT JOIN {$prefix}role r ON r.rid={$prefix}users_roles.rid WHERE u.name=? AND u.pass=?;"));