You can not select more than 25 topics
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110 lines
4.3 KiB
110 lines
4.3 KiB
14 years ago
// $Id$
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_workflow_client', 'process');
class solr_index extends Process {
protected function process($pid, $parameters) {
$required_params = array('dsid');
$missing_params = array();
foreach ($required_params as $param)
if (!isset($parameters[$param]))
$missing_params[] = $param;
if (count($missing_params) > 0) {
$this->setMessage(t('Missing parameter(s) "%params" for solr_index process on "%pid"', array('%params' => join(',', $missing_params), '%pid' => $pid)));
return FALSE;
if (!isset($parameters['xslt']) && !isset($parameters['xslt_file'])) {
$this->setMessage(t('Must include either "xslt_file" or "xslt" parameter to specify which template to apply on "%pid" for process solr_index.', array('%pid' => $pid)));
return FALSE;
if (module_load_include('php', 'islandora_solr_search', 'Solr/Service') === FAlSE) {
$this->setMessage(t('Unable to load Solr/Service from islandora_solr_search module on "%pid" for process solr_index.', array('%pid' => $pid)));
return FALSE;
module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_item');
$xsltDom = NULL;
if (isset($parameters['xslt'])) {
list($template_pid, $template_dsid) = explode('/', $parameters['xslt']);
$template_item = new fedora_item($template_pid);
$dslist = $template_item->get_datastreams_list_as_array();
if (!isset($dslist[$template_dsid])) {
$this->setMessage(t('Datastream "%dsid" for template "%template" could not be found for xslt process on "%pid"', array('%template' => $parameters['xslt'], '%dsid' => $template_dsid, '%pid' => $pid)));
return FALSE;
$xsltDom = DOMDocument::loadXML($template_item->get_datastream_dissemination($template_dsid));
else {
$xsltDom = new DOMDocument();
$xsltDom->load(drupal_get_path('module', 'islandora_workflow_client') .'/xsl/'. trim($parameters['xslt_file']));
$item = new fedora_item($pid);
$dslist = $item->get_datastreams_list_as_array();
if (!isset($dslist[$parameters['dsid']])) {
$this->setMessage(t('Datastream "%dsid" could not be found for solr_index process on "%pid"', array('%dsid' => $parameters['dsid'], '%pid' => $pid)));
return FALSE;
$dom = DOMDocument::loadXML($item->get_datastream_dissemination($parameters['dsid']));
if ($dom === FALSE) {
$this->setMessage(t('Unable to load/interpret DOM Document from "%dsid" for solr_index process on "%pid"', array('%dsid' => $parameters['dsid'], '%pid' => $pid)));
return FALSE;
$proc = new XSLTProcessor();
$solrDoc = $proc->transformToXML($dom);
$solrDom = DOMDocument::loadXML($solrDoc);
$doc = $solrDom->getElementsByTagName('doc');
if ($doc->length > 0) {
$workflow = Workflow::loadFromObject($pid);
$procs= $workflow->getProcesses();
foreach ($procs as $id => $proc) {
$field=$solrDom->createElement('field', $proc);
$field->setAttribute('name', 'workflow_process_t');
if (isset($dslist['DC']))
$dc = $item->get_datastream('DC');
$host = variable_get('islandora_solr_search_block_host', 'localhost');
$port = variable_get('islandora_solr_search_block_port', '8080');
$appName = variable_get('islandora_solr_search_block_app_name', 'solr');
$solr = new Apache_Solr_Service($host, $port, '/'. $appName .'/');
try {
if ($solr->ping()) {
return TRUE;
else {
$this->setMessage(t('Unable to connect to Solr at "%solr" for solr_index process on "%pid".', array('%pid' => $pid, '%solr' => $host .':'. $port . '/'. $appName .'/')));
return FALSE;
catch (Exception $e) {
$this->setMessage(t('Caught exception from Solr at %solr for solr_index process on "%pid": %msg', array('%pid' => $pid, '%solr' => $host .':'. $port .'/'. $appName .'/', '%msg' => $e->getMessage())));
return FALSE;