* @file
* This file contains the admin form and callback functions for datastream manipulations.
* Callback to download the given datastream to the users computer.
* @param FedoraDatastream $datastream
* The datastream to download.
function islandora_download_datastream(FedoraDatastream $datastream) {
islandora_view_datastream($datastream, TRUE);
* Callback function to view or download a datastream.
* @note
* This function calls exit().
* @param FedoraDatastream $datastream
* The datastream to view/download.
* @param boolean $download
* If TRUE the file is download to the user computer for viewing otherwise it will attempt to display in the browser natively.
function islandora_view_datastream(FedoraDatastream $datastream, $download = FALSE) {
header('Content-type: ' . $datastream->mimetype);
if ($datastream->controlGroup == 'M' || $datastream->controlGroup == 'X') {
header('Content-length: ' . $datastream->size);
if ($download) {
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$datastream->label}\"");
// Try not to load the file into PHP memory!
$file = drupal_tempnam(file_directory_temp(), 'islandora');
* Get the human readable size of the given datastream.
* @param FedoraDatastream $datastream
* The datastream to check.
* @return string
* A human readable size of the given datastream, or '-' if the size could not be determined.
function islandora_datastream_get_human_readable_size(FedoraDatastream $datastream) {
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'includes/utilities');
$size_is_calculatable = $datastream->controlGroup == 'M' || $datastream->controlGroup == 'X';
return $size_is_calculatable ? islandora_convert_bytes_to_human_readable($datastream->size) : '-';
* Get either the 'view' or 'download' url for the given datastream if possible.
* @param FedoraDatastream $datastream
* The datastream to generated the url to.
* @return string
* either the 'view' or 'download' url for the given datastream.
function islandora_datastream_get_url(FedoraDatastream $datastream, $type = 'download') {
return $datastream->controlGroup == 'R' ? $datastream->url : "islandora/object/{$datastream->parent->id}/datastream/{$datastream->id}/$type";
* Gets the delete link.
* @param FedoraDatastream $datastream
* The datastream to generated the url to.
function islandora_datastream_get_delete_link(FedoraDatastream $datastream) {
$datastreams = module_invoke_all('islandora_undeletable_datastreams', $datastream->parent->models);
if (in_array($datastream->id, $datastreams)) {
return '';
else {
return l(t('delete'), 'islandora/object/' . $datastream->parent->id . '/datastream/' . $datastream->id . '/delete');
function islandora_datastream_edit_get_link($object, $ds_id) {
$edit_registry = module_invoke_all('islandora_edit_datastream_registry', $object, $ds_id);
if (count($edit_registry) > 0 && user_access(FEDORA_METADATA_EDIT)) {
return l(t('edit'), 'islandora/object/' . $object->id . '/datastream/' . $ds_id . '/edit');
else {
return '';
function islandora_edit_datastream($object, $ds_id) {
$edit_registry = module_invoke_all('islandora_edit_datastream_registry', $object, $ds_id);
$edit_count = count($edit_registry);
if ($edit_count == 0) {
// No edit implementations.
drupal_set_message(t('There are no edit methods specified for this datastream.'));
drupal_goto('islandora/object/' . $object->id . '/manage/datastreams');
elseif ($edit_count == 1) {
// One registry implementation, go there
else {
// Multiple edit routes registered
return islandora_edit_datastream_registry_render($edit_registry);
// @TODO: theme / preprocess
function islandora_edit_datastream_registry_render($edit_registry) {
$output = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#markup' => '',
foreach ($edit_registry AS $edit_route) {
$output['#markup'] .= l($edit_route['name'], $edit_route['url']) . '<br/>';
return $output;