Drupal modules for browsing and managing Fedora-based digital repositories.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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var images = [
{src: 'images/ardillitaMac.jpg', label: 'Ardileta!', onclick: function(){alert('image1');}},
{src: 'http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1380/1426855399_b4b8eccbdb.jpg?v=0'},
{src: 'http://farm1.static.flickr.com/69/213130158_0d1aa23576_d.jpg'},
{src: 'http://farm1.static.flickr.com/69/213130158_0d1aa23576_d.jpg'},
{src: 'images/msn2.jpg', label: 'My Mac'},
{src: 'images/msn2.jpg', label: 'My Mac again...'}
var myCoverFlow = new YAHOO.ext.CoverFlow('coverFlowTest', {height: 200, width: 600, images: images});
function moveLeft(e, coverFlow){
function moveRight(e, coverFlow){
var myMoveLeftBtn = new YAHOO.widget.Button('moveLeftButton', {onclick: {fn: moveLeft, obj: myCoverFlow}});
var myMoveRightBtn = new YAHOO.widget.Button('moveRightButton', {onclick: {fn: moveRight, obj: myCoverFlow}});
var otherImages = [
{src: 'images/ardillitaMac.jpg', label: 'Ardileta!', onclick: function(){alert('image1');}},
{src: 'images/msn2.jpg', label: 'My Mac'},
{src: 'images/msn2.jpg', label: 'My Mac again...'}
var anotherCoverFlow = new YAHOO.ext.CoverFlow('anotherCoverFlowTest', {height: 150, width: 500, images: otherImages, bgColor: '#C0C0C0'});