mysql -u root -e 'create database drupal;'
mysql -u root -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON drupal.* To 'drupal'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'drupal';"
cd $HOME
pear channel-discover pear.drush.org
pear upgrade --force Console_GetoptPlus
pear upgrade --force pear
pear channel-discover pear.drush.org
# Drush
cd /tmp
php -r "readfile('https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.drush.org/drush.phar');" > drush
php drush core-status
chmod +x drush
sudo mv drush /opt
sudo ln -s /opt/drush /usr/bin/drush
phpenv rehash
cd $HOME
drush dl drupal-8.2.2 --drupal-project-rename=drupal
cd $HOME/drupal
drush si minimal --db-url=mysql://drupal:drupal@localhost/drupal --yes
drush runserver --php-cgi=$HOME/.phpenv/shims/php-cgi localhost:8081 &>/tmp/drush_webserver.log &
ln -s $ISLANDORA_DIR modules/islandora
drush en -y rdf
drush en -y responsive_image
drush en -y syslog
drush en -y serialization
drush en -y basic_auth
drush en -y rest
drush en -y simpletest
drush dl rdfui --dev
drush en -y rdfui
drush en -y rdf_builder
drush dl restui
drush en -y restui
drush dl inline_entity_form
drush en -y inline_entity_form
drush dl media_entity
drush en -y media_entity
drush dl media_entity_image
drush en -y media_entity_image
drush dl search_api
drush -y pm-uninstall search
drush en -y search_api
drush dl typed_data
drush en -y typed_data
drush dl rules
drush en -y rules
cd $HOME/drupal/modules
git clone https://github.com/DiegoPino/claw-jsonld.git
drush en -y jsonld
drush en -y islandora
drush cr
cd $HOME
wget "http://archive.apache.org/dist/activemq/5.14.3/apache-activemq-5.14.3-bin.tar.gz"
tar -xzf apache-activemq-5.14.3-bin.tar.gz
sudo sed -i 's|ACTIVEMQ_USER="activemq"|ACTIVEMQ_USER="travis"|' /etc/default/activemq
apache-activemq-5.14.3/bin/activemq start
# The shebang in this file is a bogeyman that is haunting the web test cases.
rm /home/travis/.phpenv/rbenv.d/exec/hhvm-switcher.bash
sleep 20