* @file
* Contains islandora utility functions
* @todo this file should be broken out into other files.
* Convert bytes to human readable format
* XXX: Shouldn't Drupal's format_size() be preferred?
* @param integer bytes Size in bytes to convert
* @return string
function islandora_convert_bytes_to_human_readable($bytes, $precision = 2) {
$kilobyte = 1024;
$megabyte = $kilobyte * 1024;
$gigabyte = $megabyte * 1024;
$terabyte = $gigabyte * 1024;
if (($bytes >= 0) && ($bytes < $kilobyte)) {
return $bytes . ' B';
elseif (($bytes >= $kilobyte) && ($bytes < $megabyte)) {
return round($bytes / $kilobyte, $precision) . ' KB';
elseif (($bytes >= $megabyte) && ($bytes < $gigabyte)) {
return round($bytes / $megabyte, $precision) . ' MB';
elseif (($bytes >= $gigabyte) && ($bytes < $terabyte)) {
return round($bytes / $gigabyte, $precision) . ' GB';
elseif ($bytes >= $terabyte) {
return round($bytes / $terabyte, $precision) . ' TB';
else {
return $bytes . ' B';
* Creates a label for control group symbols.
function islandora_control_group_to_human_readable($control_group) {
switch ($control_group) {
case 'M':
return '<b>M</b>anaged';
case 'X':
return 'Inline <b>X</b>ML';
case 'R':
return '<b>R</b>edirect';
case 'E':
return '<b>E</b>xternally Referenced';
return $control_group;
* Checks if the given pid is valid.
* @param string $pid
* The object id to check.
* @return boolean
* TRUE if valid, FALSE otherwise.
function islandora_is_valid_pid($pid) {
return drupal_strlen(trim($pid)) <= 64 && preg_match('/^([A-Za-z0-9]|-|\.)+:(([A-Za-z0-9])|-|\.|~|_|(%[0-9A-F]{2}))+$/', trim($pid));
* Checks if the given datastream id is valid.
* @param string $dsid
* The datastream id to check.
* @return boolean
* TRUE if valid, FALSE otherwise.
function islandora_is_valid_dsid($dsid) {
return drupal_strlen(trim($dsid)) <= 64 && preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\.]+$/', trim($dsid));
* Helper function to describe a Fedora repository.
* Can be used to check if Fedora is available.
* @param string $url
* A url to a Fedora repository, if NULL the default is used.
* @return
* Returns an array describing the repository. Returns FALSE if Fedora is down
* or if the url is incorrect.
function islandora_describe_repository($url = NULL) {
$url = isset($url) ? $url : variable_get('islandora_base_url', 'http://localhost:8080/fedora');
$connection = islandora_get_tuque_connection();
if ($connection) {
try {
$info = $connection->api->a->describeRepository();
return $info;
catch (RepositoryException $e) {
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
Created hooks and implemented them as part of the tuque wrapper classes.
hook_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_islandora_datastream_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_altezr(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
Also updated the testing scripts to support different configurations, as well
wrote tests for all the implemented hooks. This requires the latest version
of Tuque so be sure to update.
12 years ago
* Build and invoke a list of hooks by combining the given hook and refinements.
* The given hook will be called as MODULE_HOOK, and for each hook refinement
* as MODULE_REFINEMENT_HOOK. Any additional arguments passed to this function
* will be passed as arguments to module_invoke_all().
Created hooks and implemented them as part of the tuque wrapper classes.
hook_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_islandora_datastream_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_altezr(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
Also updated the testing scripts to support different configurations, as well
wrote tests for all the implemented hooks. This requires the latest version
of Tuque so be sure to update.
12 years ago
* @see islandora_build_hook_list()
* To see how the hook list is generated.
* @param string $hook
* A hook to call.
Created hooks and implemented them as part of the tuque wrapper classes.
hook_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_islandora_datastream_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_altezr(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
Also updated the testing scripts to support different configurations, as well
wrote tests for all the implemented hooks. This requires the latest version
of Tuque so be sure to update.
12 years ago
* @param array $refinements
* An array of strings, that will be escaped and concatinated with the given
* hook. This will most likely be PIDs/DSIDs/Labels etc. We often refine our
* hooks using an objects model.
* @param array $args
* Any arguments to pass onto module_invoke_all().
* @return array
Created hooks and implemented them as part of the tuque wrapper classes.
hook_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_islandora_datastream_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_altezr(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
Also updated the testing scripts to support different configurations, as well
wrote tests for all the implemented hooks. This requires the latest version
of Tuque so be sure to update.
12 years ago
* The merged results from all the hooks.
Created hooks and implemented them as part of the tuque wrapper classes.
hook_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_islandora_datastream_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_altezr(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
Also updated the testing scripts to support different configurations, as well
wrote tests for all the implemented hooks. This requires the latest version
of Tuque so be sure to update.
12 years ago
function islandora_invoke_hook_list($hook, array $refinements, array $args) {
$return = array();
foreach (islandora_build_hook_list($hook, $refinements) as $hook) {
array_unshift($args, $hook);
$result = call_user_func_array('module_invoke_all', $args);
$return = array_merge_recursive($return, $result);
Created hooks and implemented them as part of the tuque wrapper classes.
hook_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_islandora_datastream_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_altezr(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
Also updated the testing scripts to support different configurations, as well
wrote tests for all the implemented hooks. This requires the latest version
of Tuque so be sure to update.
12 years ago
return $return;
Created hooks and implemented them as part of the tuque wrapper classes.
hook_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, array &$context)
hook_islandora_datastream_alter(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_altezr(AbstractFedoraObject $object, AbstractFedoraDatastream $datastream, array &$context)
hook_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_ingested(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_object_modified(FedoraObject $object)
hook_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_DSID_islandora_datastream_ingested(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_modified(FedoraObject $object, FedoraDatastream $datastream)
hook_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_datastream_purged(FedoraObject $object, $dsid)
Also updated the testing scripts to support different configurations, as well
wrote tests for all the implemented hooks. This requires the latest version
of Tuque so be sure to update.
12 years ago
* Build a list of all the hooks to call.
* Concatenates each hook $refinement (escaped) to the hook name, for calling
* with module_invoke_all().
* Any non-valid PHP function characters in the given refinements are
* converted to "_" characters.
* @param string $hook
* The base hook to concatenate.
* @param array $refinements
* An array of strings, that will be escaped and concatinated with the given
* hook. This will most likely be PIDs/DSIDs/Labels etc. We often refine our
* hooks using an objects model.
* @return array
* An array with each refinement escaped and concatenated with the base hook
* name, in addition to the base hook name.
function islandora_build_hook_list($hook, $refinements = array()) {
$refinements = array_unique($refinements);
$hooks = array($hook);
foreach ($refinements as $refinement) {
$refinement = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '_', $refinement);
$hooks[] = "{$refinement}_{$hook}";
return $hooks;
* Escape a Fedora PID to be valid inside of a PHP function name.
* Originally intended to allow inclusion of a PID in a module_invoke_all()
* call.
function islandora_escape_pid_for_function($pid) {
// Apparently, case doesn't matter for function calls in PHP, so let's not
// really worry about changing the case.
return str_replace(
// Any PID characters which are not valid in the name of a PHP function.
* Gets the namespace of the given id.
* @param string $id
* Either a PID or namespace to check for accessibility. Any string like those
* below are fine.
* @code
* 'islandora',
* 'islandora:',
* 'islandora:1234',
* @endcode
* @return string
* The namespace portion of the given string.
function islandora_get_namespace($id) {
$matches = array();
preg_match('/^([^:]*)/', $id, $matches);
return $matches[0];
* Checks the given namespace or PID is/has an accessible namespace as defined
* by the "islandora_pids_allowed" variable.
* @param string $namespace
* Either a PID or namespace to check for accessibility. Any string like those
* below are fine.
* @code
* 'islandora',
* 'islandora:',
* 'islandora:1234',
* @endcode
* @return boolean
* TRUE if accessible, FALSE otherwise.
function islandora_namespace_accessible($id) {
if (variable_get('islandora_namespace_restriction_enforced', FALSE)) {
$namespace = islandora_get_namespace($id) . ':';
$allowed_namespaces = explode(" ", variable_get('islandora_pids_allowed', 'default: demo: changeme: islandora: ilives: islandora-book: books: newspapers: '));
return in_array($namespace, $allowed_namespaces);
return TRUE;
* Gets any objects that the given object has a
* (isMemberOf, isMemberOfCollection) relationship with.
* This function gets its info from the RELS-EXT directly rather than through an
* risearch.
* @param FedoraObject $object
* The object whose parents will be returned.
* @return array
* An array of FedoraObject's that the given object has a
* (isMemberOf, isMemberOfCollection) relationship with.
function islandora_get_parents_from_rels_ext(FedoraObject $object) {
try {
$collections = array_merge(
$object->relationships->get(FEDORA_RELS_EXT_URI, 'isMemberOfCollection'),
$object->relationships->get(FEDORA_RELS_EXT_URI, 'isMemberOf'));
catch (RepositoryException $e) {
// @todo some logging would be nice, not sure what this throws.
return array();
$collections = array_map(function($o) { return islandora_object_load($o['object']['value']); }, $collections);
return array_filter($collections);
* Checks what datastreams the object already has against its required
* datastreams as defined by its content models, and returns their intersection.
* @param FedoraObject $object
* The object which models will be used to determine what datastreams it
* should have.
* @return array
* The DS-COMPOSITE-MODEL defined datastreams that are required for the given
* object, but not already present.
function islandora_get_missing_datastreams_requirements(FedoraObject $object) {
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'includes/utilities');
$datastreams = islandora_get_datastreams_requirements($object);
foreach ($datastreams as $dsid => $requirements) {
if (isset($object[$dsid])) {
return $datastreams;
* Checks the object's content model's for which datastream are expected to be
* used with this object, as defined by the DS-COMPOSITE-MODEL datastreams.
* For duplicate datastreams in the models, the first model defines the
* datastreams attributes regardless of what other models define.
* This should be undefined behavior according to the documentation.
* @see https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FEDORA34/Fedora+Digital+Object+Model#FedoraDigitalObjectModel-ContentModelObjectCMODEL
* @param FedoraObject $object
* The object which models will be used to determine what datastreams it
* should have.
* @see islandora_get_required_datastreams_from_content_model() from more
* details on the return value.
* @return array
* The DS-COMPOSITE-MODEL defined datastreams that are required for the given
* object.
function islandora_get_datastreams_requirements(FedoraObject $object) {
return islandora_get_datastreams_requirements_from_models($object->models);
* Get the list of which datastreams are valid in the given set of models.
* @param array $models
* An array of content models PIDs from which to parse the DS-COMPOSITE-MODEL
* stream.
* @return array
* An associative array of associative arrays, merged from calls to
* islandora_get_datastreams_requirements_from_content_model().
function islandora_get_datastreams_requirements_from_models(array $models) {
$dsids = array();
foreach ($models as $model_pid) {
$model = islandora_object_load($model_pid);
if (isset($model) && $model) {
$dsids += islandora_get_datastreams_requirements_from_content_model($model);
// The AUDIT Datastream can not really be added, so it can't really be missing.
return $dsids;
* Checks the given content model for which datastreams are required for
* subscribing objects, as defined by it's DS-COMPOSITE-MODEL datastream.
* @todo Add support for fetching the schema information.
* @param FedoraObject $object
* The content model whose DS-COMPOSITE-MODEL datastream will be used to
* determine what datastreams are required.
* @return array
* The DS-COMPOSITE-MODEL defined datastreams that are required for the given
* object.
* @code
* array(
* 'DC' => array(
* 'id' => 'DC',
* 'mime' => 'text/xml',
* 'optional' => FALSE,
* )
* )
* @endcode
function islandora_get_datastreams_requirements_from_content_model(FedoraObject $object) {
if (empty($object[DS_COMP_STREAM])) {
return array();
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($object[DS_COMP_STREAM]->content);
foreach ($xml->dsTypeModel as $ds) {
$dsid = (string) $ds['ID'];
$optional = strtolower((string) $ds['optional']);
$mime = array();
foreach ($ds->form as $form) {
$mime[] = (string) $form['MIME'];
$dsids[$dsid] = array(
'id' => $dsid,
'mime' => $mime,
'optional' => ($optional == 'true') ? TRUE : FALSE
return $dsids;
* Prepare an ingestable object.
* @param string $namespace
* The namespace in which the PID for the new object will be created.
* @param string $label
* An optional label to apply to the object.
* @param array $datastreams
* A array of datastreams to add, where each datastream definition is an
* associative array containing:
* - dsid: The datastream ID.
* - label: An optional label for the datastream.
* - mimetype: A MIMEtype for the datastream; defaults to text/xml.
* - control_group: One of X, M, R and E; defaults to M.
* - datastream_file: A web-accessible path, for which we try to get an
* absolute path using url().
* @param array $content_models
* An array of content model PIDs to which the new object should subscribe.
* @param array $relationships
* An array of relationships, where each relationship is an associative array
* containing:
* - relationship: The predicate for the relationship, from the Fedora
* RELS-EXT namespace.
* - pid: The object for the relationship, to which we are creating the
* relationhsip.
* @return NewFedoraObject
* An ingestable NewFedoraObject.
function islandora_prepare_new_object($namespace = NULL, $label = NULL, $datastreams = array(), $content_models = array(), $relationships = array()) {
global $user;
$tuque = islandora_get_tuque_connection();
$object = isset($namespace) ? $tuque->repository->constructObject($namespace) : new IslandoraNewFedoraObject(NULL, $tuque->repository);
$object->owner = isset($user->name) ? $user->name : $object->owner;
$object->label = isset($label) ? $label : $object->label;
foreach ($content_models as $content_model) {
$object->relationships->add(FEDORA_MODEL_URI, 'hasModel', $content_model);
foreach ($relationships as $relationship) {
$object->relationships->add(FEDORA_RELS_EXT_URI, $relationship['relationship'], $relationship['pid']);
foreach ($datastreams as $ds) {
$dsid = $ds['dsid'];
$label = isset($ds['label']) ? $ds['label'] : '';
$mimetype = isset($ds['mimetype']) ? $ds['mimetype'] : 'text/xml';
// Default 'Managed'
$control_group = (isset($ds['control_group']) && in_array($ds['control_group'], array('X', 'M', 'R', 'E'))) ? $ds['control_group'] : 'M';
$datastream_file = url($ds['datastream_file'], array('absolute' => TRUE));
$datastream = $object->constructDatastream($dsid, $control_group);
$datastream->label = $label;
$datastream->mimetype = $mimetype;
switch ($control_group) {
case 'M':
case 'X':
return $object;
* Displays the repository is inaccessible message
* Use anywhere we want to ensure a consitent error message when the repository
* is not accessible.
function islandora_display_repository_inaccessible_message() {
$text = t('Islandora configuration');
$link = l($text, 'admin/islandora/configure', array('attributes' => array('title' => $text)));
$message = t('Could not connect to the repository. Please check the settings on the !link page.',
array('!link' => $link));
drupal_set_message($message, 'error', FALSE);