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14 years ago
* jCarouselLite - jQuery plugin to navigate images/any content in a carousel style widget.
* @requires jQuery v1.2 or above
* Copyright (c) 2007 Ganeshji Marwaha (
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* Version: 1.0.1
* Note: Requires jquery 1.2 or above from version 1.0.1
* Creates a carousel-style navigation widget for images/any-content from a simple HTML markup.
* The HTML markup that is used to build the carousel can be as simple as...
* <div class="carousel">
* <ul>
* <li><img src="image/1.jpg" alt="1"></li>
* <li><img src="image/2.jpg" alt="2"></li>
* <li><img src="image/3.jpg" alt="3"></li>
* </ul>
* </div>
* As you can see, this snippet is nothing but a simple div containing an unordered list of images.
* You don't need any special "class" attribute, or a special "css" file for this plugin.
* I am using a class attribute just for the sake of explanation here.
* To navigate the elements of the carousel, you need some kind of navigation buttons.
* For example, you will need a "previous" button to go backward, and a "next" button to go forward.
* This need not be part of the carousel "div" itself. It can be any element in your page.
* Lets assume that the following elements in your document can be used as next, and prev buttons...
* <button class="prev"><<</button>
* <button class="next">>></button>
* Now, all you need to do is call the carousel component on the div element that represents it, and pass in the
* navigation buttons as options.
* $(".carousel").jCarouselLite({
* btnNext: ".next",
* btnPrev: ".prev"
* });
* That's it, you would have now converted your raw div, into a magnificient carousel.
* There are quite a few other options that you can use to customize it though.
* Each will be explained with an example below.
* @param an options object - You can specify all the options shown below as an options object param.
* @option btnPrev, btnNext : string - no defaults
* @example
* $(".carousel").jCarouselLite({
* btnNext: ".next",
* btnPrev: ".prev"
* });
* @desc Creates a basic carousel. Clicking "btnPrev" navigates backwards and "btnNext" navigates forward.
* @option btnGo - array - no defaults
* @example
* $(".carousel").jCarouselLite({
* btnNext: ".next",
* btnPrev: ".prev",
* btnGo: [".0", ".1", ".2"]
* });
* @desc If you don't want next and previous buttons for navigation, instead you prefer custom navigation based on
* the item number within the carousel, you can use this option. Just supply an array of selectors for each element
* in the carousel. The index of the array represents the index of the element. What i mean is, if the
* first element in the array is ".0", it means that when the element represented by ".0" is clicked, the carousel
* will slide to the first element and so on and so forth. This feature is very powerful. For example, i made a tabbed
* interface out of it by making my navigation elements styled like tabs in css. As the carousel is capable of holding
* any content, not just images, you can have a very simple tabbed navigation in minutes without using any other plugin.
* The best part is that, the tab will "slide" based on the provided effect. :-)
* @option mouseWheel : boolean - default is false
* @example
* $(".carousel").jCarouselLite({
* mouseWheel: true
* });
* @desc The carousel can also be navigated using the mouse wheel interface of a scroll mouse instead of using buttons.
* To get this feature working, you have to do 2 things. First, you have to include the mouse-wheel plugin from brandon.
* Second, you will have to set the option "mouseWheel" to true. That's it, now you will be able to navigate your carousel
* using the mouse wheel. Using buttons and mouseWheel or not mutually exclusive. You can still have buttons for navigation
* as well. They complement each other. To use both together, just supply the options required for both as shown below.
* @example
* $(".carousel").jCarouselLite({
* btnNext: ".next",
* btnPrev: ".prev",
* mouseWheel: true
* });
* @option auto : number - default is null, meaning autoscroll is disabled by default
* @example
* $(".carousel").jCarouselLite({
* auto: 800,
* speed: 500
* });
* @desc You can make your carousel auto-navigate itself by specfying a millisecond value in this option.
* The value you specify is the amount of time between 2 slides. The default is null, and that disables auto scrolling.
* Specify this value and magically your carousel will start auto scrolling.
* @option speed : number - 200 is default
* @example
* $(".carousel").jCarouselLite({
* btnNext: ".next",
* btnPrev: ".prev",
* speed: 800
* });
* @desc Specifying a speed will slow-down or speed-up the sliding speed of your carousel. Try it out with
* different speeds like 800, 600, 1500 etc. Providing 0, will remove the slide effect.
* @option easing : string - no easing effects by default.
* @example
* $(".carousel").jCarouselLite({
* btnNext: ".next",
* btnPrev: ".prev",
* easing: "bounceout"
* });
* @desc You can specify any easing effect. Note: You need easing plugin for that. Once specified,
* the carousel will slide based on the provided easing effect.
* @option vertical : boolean - default is false
* @example
* $(".carousel").jCarouselLite({
* btnNext: ".next",
* btnPrev: ".prev",
* vertical: true
* });
* @desc Determines the direction of the carousel. true, means the carousel will display vertically. The next and
* prev buttons will slide the items vertically as well. The default is false, which means that the carousel will
* display horizontally. The next and prev items will slide the items from left-right in this case.
* @option circular : boolean - default is true
* @example
* $(".carousel").jCarouselLite({
* btnNext: ".next",
* btnPrev: ".prev",
* circular: false
* });
* @desc Setting it to true enables circular navigation. This means, if you click "next" after you reach the last
* element, you will automatically slide to the first element and vice versa. If you set circular to false, then
* if you click on the "next" button after you reach the last element, you will stay in the last element itself
* and similarly for "previous" button and first element.
* @option visible : number - default is 3
* @example
* $(".carousel").jCarouselLite({
* btnNext: ".next",
* btnPrev: ".prev",
* visible: 4
* });
* @desc This specifies the number of items visible at all times within the carousel. The default is 3.
* You are even free to experiment with real numbers. Eg: "3.5" will have 3 items fully visible and the
* last item half visible. This gives you the effect of showing the user that there are more images to the right.
* @option start : number - default is 0
* @example
* $(".carousel").jCarouselLite({
* btnNext: ".next",
* btnPrev: ".prev",
* start: 2
* });
* @desc You can specify from which item the carousel should start. Remember, the first item in the carousel
* has a start of 0, and so on.
* @option scrool : number - default is 1
* @example
* $(".carousel").jCarouselLite({
* btnNext: ".next",
* btnPrev: ".prev",
* scroll: 2
* });
* @desc The number of items that should scroll/slide when you click the next/prev navigation buttons. By
* default, only one item is scrolled, but you may set it to any number. Eg: setting it to "2" will scroll
* 2 items when you click the next or previous buttons.
* @option beforeStart, afterEnd : function - callbacks
* @example
* $(".carousel").jCarouselLite({
* btnNext: ".next",
* btnPrev: ".prev",
* beforeStart: function(a) {
* alert("Before animation starts:" + a);
* },
* afterEnd: function(a) {
* alert("After animation ends:" + a);
* }
* });
* @desc If you wanted to do some logic in your page before the slide starts and after the slide ends, you can
* register these 2 callbacks. The functions will be passed an argument that represents an array of elements that
* are visible at the time of callback.
* @cat Plugins/Image Gallery
* @author Ganeshji Marwaha/
(function($) { // Compliant with jquery.noConflict()
$.fn.jCarouselLite = function(o) {
o = $.extend({
btnPrev: null,
btnNext: null,
btnGo: null,
mouseWheel: false,
auto: null,
speed: 200,
easing: null,
vertical: false,
circular: true,
visible: 3,
start: 0,
scroll: 1,
beforeStart: null,
afterEnd: null
}, o || {});
return this.each(function() { // Returns the element collection. Chainable.
var running = false, animCss=o.vertical?"top":"left", sizeCss=o.vertical?"height":"width";
var div = $(this), ul = $("ul", div), tLi = $("li", ul), tl = tLi.size(), v = o.visible;
if(o.circular) {
o.start += v;
var li = $("li", ul), itemLength = li.size(), curr = o.start;
div.css("visibility", "visible");
li.css({overflow: "hidden", float: o.vertical ? "none" : "left"});
ul.css({margin: "0", padding: "0", position: "relative", "list-style-type": "none", "z-index": "1"});
div.css({overflow: "hidden", position: "relative", "z-index": "2", left: "0px"});
var liSize = o.vertical ? height(li) : width(li); // Full li size(incl margin)-Used for animation
var ulSize = liSize * itemLength; // size of full ul(total length, not just for the visible items)
var divSize = liSize * v; // size of entire div(total length for just the visible items)
li.css({width: li.width(), height: li.height()});
ul.css(sizeCss, ulSize+"px").css(animCss, -(curr*liSize));
div.css(sizeCss, divSize+"px"); // Width of the DIV. length of visible images
$(o.btnPrev).click(function() {
return go(curr-o.scroll);
$(o.btnNext).click(function() {
return go(curr+o.scroll);
$.each(o.btnGo, function(i, val) {
$(val).click(function() {
return go(o.circular ? o.visible+i : i);
if(o.initial && o.initial >= o.visible)
go(o.circular ? o.visible+o.initial : o.initial);
if(o.mouseWheel && div.mousewheel)
div.mousewheel(function(e, d) {
return d>0 ? go(curr-o.scroll) : go(curr+o.scroll);
setInterval(function() {
function vis() {
return li.slice(curr).slice(0,v);
function go(to) {
if(!running) {
|, vis());
if(o.circular) { // If circular we are in first or last, then goto the other end
if(to<=o.start-v-1) { // If first, then goto last
ul.css(animCss, -((itemLength-(v*2))*liSize)+"px");
// If "scroll" > 1, then the "to" might not be equal to the condition; it can be lesser depending on the number of elements.
curr = to==o.start-v-1 ? itemLength-(v*2)-1 : itemLength-(v*2)-o.scroll;
} else if(to>=itemLength-v+1) { // If last, then goto first
ul.css(animCss, -( (v) * liSize ) + "px" );
// If "scroll" > 1, then the "to" might not be equal to the condition; it can be greater depending on the number of elements.
curr = to==itemLength-v+1 ? v+1 : v+o.scroll;
} else curr = to;
} else { // If non-circular and to points to first or last, we just return.
if(to<0 || to>itemLength-v) return;
else curr = to;
} // If neither overrides it, the curr will still be "to" and we can proceed.
running = true;
animCss == "left" ? { left: -(curr*liSize) } : { top: -(curr*liSize) } , o.speed, o.easing,
function() {
|, vis());
running = false;
// Disable buttons when the carousel reaches the last/first, and enable when not
if(!o.circular) {
$(o.btnPrev + "," + o.btnNext).removeClass("disabled");
$( (curr-o.scroll<0 && o.btnPrev)
(curr+o.scroll > itemLength-v && o.btnNext)
return false;
function css(el, prop) {
return parseInt($.css(el[0], prop)) || 0;
function width(el) {
return el[0].offsetWidth + css(el, 'marginLeft') + css(el, 'marginRight');
function height(el) {
return el[0].offsetHeight + css(el, 'marginTop') + css(el, 'marginBottom');