EBSCO Discovery module. Used on the library.upei.ca website. The bento box modules leverages the auth parts of this module.

876 lines
22 KiB

* @file
* The EBSCO Document model class.
* It provides all the methods and properties needed for :
* - setting up and performing API calls
* - displaying results in UI
* - displaying statistics about the search, etc.
* PHP version 5
* Copyright [2017] [EBSCO Information Services]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.*
require_once 'EBSCOAPI.php';
require_once 'EBSCORecord.php';
class EBSCODocument {
* The EBSCOAPI object that performs the API calls.
* @global object EBSCOAPI
private $eds = NULL;
* The associative array of current request parameters.
* @global array
private $params = array();
* The associative array of EBSCO results returned by a Search API call
* #global array.
private $results = array();
* The associative array of data returned by a Retrieve API call.
* @global array
private $result = array();
* The array of data returned by an Info API call.
* @global array
private $info = array();
* The EBSCORecord model returned by a Retrieve API call
* #global object EBSCORecord.
private $record = NULL;
* The array of EBSCORecord models returned by a Search API call
* #global array of EBSCORecord objects.
private $records = array();
* The array of EBSCORecord models returned by a Search API call
* #global array of RelatedRecords.
private $relatedContent = array();
private $autoSuggestTerms = array();
* The array of filters currently applied.
* @global array
private $filters = array();
* Maximum number of results returned by Search API call .
* @global integer
private $limit = 10;
* Default level of data detail.
* @global string
private $amount = 'brief';
* Maximum number of links displayed by the pagination.
* @global integer
private static $page_links = 10;
* Limit options
* global array.
private static $limit_options = array(
10 => 10,
20 => 20,
30 => 30,
40 => 40,
50 => 50,
* Sort options
* global array.
private static $sort_options = array(
'relevance' => 'Relevance',
'date_desc' => 'Date Descending',
'date_asc' => 'Date Ascending',
* Amount options
* global array.
private static $amount_options = array(
'detailed' => 'Detailed',
'brief' => 'Brief',
'title' => 'Title Only',
* Bool options
* global array.
private static $bool_options = array(
'AND' => 'All terms',
'OR' => 'Any terms',
'NOT' => 'No terms',
* Search mode options
* global array.
private static $mode_options = array(
'all' => 'All search terms',
'bool' => 'Boolean / Phrase',
'any' => 'Any search terms',
'smart' => 'SmartText Searching',
* Basic search type options
* global array.
private static $basic_search_type_options = array(
'AllFields' => 'All Text',
'Title' => 'Title',
'Author' => 'Author',
'Subject' => 'Subject terms',
'Source' => 'Source',
'Abstract' => 'Abstract',
* Advanced search type options
* global array.
private static $advanced_search_type_options = array(
'AllFields' => 'All Text',
'Title' => 'Title',
'Author' => 'Author',
'Subject' => 'Subject terms',
'Source' => 'Journal Title/Source',
'Abstract' => 'Abstract',
'ISBN' => 'ISBN',
'ISSN' => 'ISSN',
private $local_ips = "";
* Constructor.
* @param array $data
* Raw data from the EBSCO search representing the record.
public function __construct($params = NULL) {
$this->eds = new EBSCOAPI(array(
'password' => variable_get('ebsco_password'),
'user' => variable_get('ebsco_user'),
'profile' => variable_get('ebsco_profile'),
'interface' => variable_get('ebsco_interface'),
'organization' => variable_get('ebsco_organization'),
'local_ip_address' => variable_get('ebsco_local_ips'),
'guest' => variable_get('ebsco_guest'),
'log' => variable_get('ebsco_log'),
$this->params = $params ? $params : $_REQUEST;
$this->limit = variable_get('ebsco_default_limit') ? variable_get('ebsco_default_limit') : $this->limit;
$this->amount = variable_get('ebsco_default_amount') ? variable_get('ebsco_default_amount') : $this->amount;
* Perform the API Info call.
* @return array
public function info() {
$this->info = $this->eds->apiInfo();
return $this->info;
* Perform the API Retrieve call.
* @return array
public function retrieve() {
list($an, $db) = isset($this->params['id']) ? explode('|', $this->params['id'], 2) : array(NULL, NULL);
$this->result = $this->eds->apiRetrieve($an, $db);
return $this->result;
* Perform the API Search call.
* @return array
public function search() {
$search = array();
if (isset($this->params['lookfor']) && isset($this->params['type'])) {
$search = array(
'lookfor' => $this->params['lookfor'],
'index' => $this->params['type'],
elseif (isset($this->params['group'])) {
$search = $this->params;
else {
return array();
$filter = isset($this->params['filter']) ? $this->params['filter'] : array();
$page = isset($this->params['page']) ? $this->params['page'] + 1 : 1;
$limit = $this->limit;
$sort = isset($this->params['sort']) ? $this->params['sort'] : 'relevance';
$amount = isset($this->params['amount']) ? $this->params['amount'] : 'brief'; $mode = isset($this->params['mode']) ? $this->params['mode'] : 'all';
// Check if research starters , EMP are active.
$info = $this->info();
$rs = FALSE;
$emp = FALSE;
if ($info["relatedContent"]) {
foreach ($info["relatedContent"] as $related) {
if (($related["Type"] == "rs") and ($related["DefaultOn"] == "y")) {
$rs = TRUE;
if (($related["Type"] == "emp") and ($related["DefaultOn"] == "y")) {
$emp = TRUE;
$autosug = FALSE;
if ($info["didYouMean"]) {
if ($info["didYouMean"][0]["DefaultOn"] == "y") {
$autosug = TRUE;
$this->results = $this->eds->apiSearch($search, $filter, $page, $limit, $sort, $amount, $mode, $rs, $emp, $autosug);
return $this->results;
* Get the EBSCORecord model for the result.
* * @return array.
public function record() {
if (empty($this->record) && !(empty($this->result))) {
$this->record = new EBSCORecord($this->result);
return $this->record;
* Get the EBSCORecord models array from results array.
* * @return array.
public function records() {
if ($this->record instanceof EBSCOException) {
return NULL;
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return NULL;
if (empty($this->records) && !(empty($this->results))) {
foreach ($this->results['documents'] as $result) {
$this->records[] = new EBSCORecord($result);
return $this->records;
public function relatedContent() {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return NULL;
$this->relatedContent = isset($this->results['relatedContent']) ? $this->results['relatedContent'] : array();
return $this->relatedContent;
public function autoSuggestTerms() {
$this->autoSuggestTerms = isset($this->results['autoSuggestTerms']) ? $this->results['autoSuggestTerms'] : NULL;
return $this->autoSuggestTerms;
* Get the pagination HTML string.
* * @return HTML string.
public function pager() {
$pager = NULL;
try {
if ($this->has_records()) {
pager_default_initialize($this->record_count() / $this->limit, 1);
$pager = theme('pager', array('tags' => NULL, 'quantity' => self::$page_links));
$pager = preg_replace('/<li class="pager-last last">(.*)<\/li>/', '', $pager);
catch (Exception $e) {
return $pager;
* Getters (class methods)
* Getter for sort options.
* @return array
public static function limit_options() {
return self::$limit_options;
* Getter for sort options.
* @return array
public static function sort_options() {
return self::$sort_options;
* Getter for amount options.
* @return array
public static function amount_options() {
return self::$amount_options;
* Getter for boolean options.
* @return array
public static function bool_options() {
return self::$bool_options;
* Getter for search mode options.
* @return array
public static function mode_options() {
return self::$mode_options;
* Getter for Basic search type options.
* @return array
public static function basic_search_type_options() {
return self::$basic_search_type_options;
* Getter for Advanced search type options.
* @return array
public static function advanced_search_type_options() {
return self::$advanced_search_type_options;
* Helper methods
* Get the expanders.
* @return array
public function expanders() {
$expanders = array();
try {
if ($this->info instanceof EBSCOException) {
return $expanders;
$actions = array();
$filters = $this->filters();
foreach ($filters as $filter) {
$actions[] = $filter['action'];
$expanders = isset($this->info['expanders']) ? $this->info['expanders'] : array();
foreach ($expanders as $key => $expander) {
if (in_array($expander['Action'], $actions)) {
$expanders[$key]['selected'] = TRUE;
catch (Exception $e) {
return $expanders;
* Get the facets.
* @return array
public function facets() {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return array();
$actions = array();
foreach ($this->filters as $filter) {
$actions[] = $filter['action'];
$facets = isset($this->results['facets']) ? $this->results['facets'] : array();
foreach ($facets as $key => $cluster) {
foreach ($cluster['Values'] as $k => $facet) {
$is_applied = FALSE;
if (in_array($facet['Action'], $actions)) {
$is_applied = TRUE;
$facets[$key]['Values'][$k]['applied'] = $is_applied;
return $facets;
* Get the filters.
* @return array
public function filters() {
if (!empty($_REQUEST['filter'])) {
$labels = array();
foreach ($this->info['limiters'] as $limiter) {
$labels[$limiter['Id']] = $limiter['Label'];
$this->filters = array();
foreach ($_REQUEST['filter'] as $filter) {
if (!empty($filter)) {
$temp = str_replace(array('addfacetfilter(', 'addlimiter(', 'addexpander('), array('', '', ''), $filter);
if (substr($temp, -1, 1) == ')') {
$temp = substr($temp, 0, -1);
// Do not display addfacetfilter, addlimiter or addexpander strings.
if (preg_match('/\:/', $filter)) {
list($field, $value) = explode(':', $temp, 2);
$displayField = isset($labels[$field]) ? $labels[$field] : $field;
$displayValue = $value == 'y' ? 'yes' : $value;
elseif (preg_match('/addexpander/', $filter)) {
$field = $temp;
$value = 'y';
$displayField = isset($labels[$field]) ? $labels[$field] : $field;
$displayValue = 'yes';
else {
$field = $value = $displayField = $displayValue = $filter;
$this->filters[] = array(
'field' => $field,
'value' => $value,
'action' => $filter,
'displayField' => $displayField,
'displayValue' => $displayValue,
return $this->filters;
* Get the limiters.
* @return array
public function limiters() {
$actions = array(); $ids = array();
if ($this->info instanceof EBSCOException) {
return array();
$filters = $this->filters();
foreach ($filters as $filter) {
$actions[] = $filter['action'];
$ids[] = $filter['field'];
$limiters = isset($this->info['limiters']) ? $this->info['limiters'] : array();
foreach ($limiters as $key => $cluster) {
// Multi select limiter.
if (!empty($cluster['Values'])) {
foreach ($cluster['Values'] as $limiter) {
$action = $limiter['Action'];
if (in_array($action, $actions)) {
$limiters[$key]['selected'][] = $limiter['Action'];
// Date limiter.
elseif ($cluster['Type'] == 'ymrange') {
$id = $cluster['Id'];
if (($k = array_search($id, $ids)) !== FALSE) {
$limiters[$key]['selected'] = $filters[$k]['action'];
// Other limiters.
else {
$action = str_replace('value', 'y', $cluster['Action']);
if (in_array($action, $actions)) {
$limiters[$key]['selected'] = TRUE;
return $limiters;
* Get the total number of records.
* @return int
public function record_count() {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return 0;
return !empty($this->results) ? $this->results['recordCount'] : 0;
* Get the number of end record.
* @return int
public function record_end() {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return -1;
$count = !empty($this->results) ? count($this->results['documents']) : 0;
$start = !empty($this->results) ? $this->results['start'] : 0;
return $start + $count;
* Get the number of start record.
* @return int
public function record_start() {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return NULL;
return !empty($this->results) ? $this->results['start'] + 1 : 0;
* Get the search time.
* @return decimal number
public function search_time() {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return 0;
return !empty($this->results) &&
isset($this->results['searchTime']) ? $this->results['searchTime'] : 0;
* Get the search view : basic or advanced.
* @return string
public function search_view() {
if (isset($_REQUEST['group'])) {
return 'advanced';
else {
return 'basic';
* Hidden params used by UpdateForm.
* @return array
public function search_params() {
$params = $this->link_search_params();
// Filter the params that have same values as sidebar checkboxes, otherwise they will produce duplicates.
$not_allowed_values = array(
$params = $this->array_filter_recursive($params, function ($item) use ($not_allowed_values) {
return !($item && in_array($item, $not_allowed_values));
return array_filter($params);
* Hidden params used by UpdateForm.
* @return array
public function link_search_params() {
// Filter the page parameter.
$not_allowed_keys = array('page', 'ui', 'has_js', 'op', 'submit', 'form_id', 'form_build_id');
$query = "";
if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
$query = urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
parse_str($query, $params);
$params = $this->array_unset_recursive($params, $not_allowed_keys);
return $params;
* Check if there are records in results array.
* * @return boolean.
public function has_records() {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return FALSE;
return !empty($this->results) && !empty($this->results['documents']);
* Create the last search data.
* @return void
public function search_create($query = NULL) {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return array();
$last_search = array();
if (!empty($this->results)) {
$results_identifiers = array();
foreach ($this->results['documents'] as $result) {
$results_identifiers[] = $result['id'];
$last_search['query'] = $query ? $query : $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$last_search['records'] = serialize($results_identifiers);
$last_search['count'] = $this->record_count();
return $last_search;
* Save last search data in session.
* @return void
public function search_write($query = NULL) {
$_SESSION['EBSCO']['last-search'] = $this->search_create($query);
* Load last search data from session.
* @return array
public function search_read($id = NULL, $op = NULL) {
$params = array();
$lastSearch = $_SESSION['EBSCO']['last-search'];
if ($lastSearch) {
$lastSearch['records'] = unserialize($lastSearch['records']);
if ($id) {
parse_str($lastSearch['query'], $params);
$params['page'] = (int) (isset($params['page']) ? $params['page'] : 0);
$index = array_search($id, $lastSearch['records']);
// If this is not the first scroll and if this is not a page refresh.
if (isset($lastSearch['current']) && $lastSearch['current'] != $id) {
// If we change page.
if (($op == 'Next' && $index % $this->limit === 0) ||
($op == 'Previous' && $index % $this->limit === 9)) {
$params['page'] = ($op == 'Next') ? $params['page'] + 1 : $params['page'] - 1;
$query = drupal_http_build_query($params);
$lastSearch['query'] = $_SESSION['EBSCO']['last-search']['query'] = $query;
$start = $params['page'];
if (count($lastSearch['records']) > 10) {
$records = array_slice($lastSearch['records'], $index - $index % $this->limit, $this->limit);
else {
$records = $lastSearch['records'];
if (!isset($lastSearch['records'][$index + 1])) {
$params['page'] += 1;
$driver = new EBSCODocument($params);
$query = drupal_http_build_query($params);
$newSearch = $driver->search_create($query);
$newSearch['records'] = unserialize($newSearch['records']);
$lastSearch['records'] = array_merge($lastSearch['records'], $newSearch['records']);
$_SESSION['EBSCO']['last-search']['records'] = serialize($lastSearch['records']);
if ($op == 'Next') {
$lastSearch['previous'] = isset($records[8]) ? $records[8] : '';
$lastSearch['next'] = isset($newSearch['records'][0]) ? $newSearch['records'][0] : '';
else {
$lastSearch['next'] = $lastSearch['records'][$index + 1];
if (!isset($lastSearch['records'][$index - 1])) {
if ($params['page'] > 0) {
$params['page'] -= 1;
$driver = new EBSCODocument($params);
$query = drupal_http_build_query($params);
$newSearch = $driver->search_create($query);
$newSearch['records'] = unserialize($newSearch['records']);
$lastSearch['records'] = array_merge($lastSearch['records'], $newSearch['records']);
$_SESSION['EBSCO']['last-search']['records'] = serialize($lastSearch['records']);
$lastSearch['previous'] = isset($newSearch['records'][9]) ? $newSearch['records'][9] : '';
if ($op == 'Previous') {
$lastSearch['next'] = isset($records[1]) ? $records[1] : '';
else {
$lastSearch['previous'] = '';
else {
$lastSearch['previous'] = $lastSearch['records'][$index - 1];
$lastSearch['current_index'] = $start * $this->limit + $index % $this->limit + 1;
$lastSearch['current'] = $id;
$_SESSION['EBSCO']['last-search']['current'] = $id;
return $lastSearch;
* A recursive array_filter.
* @return array
private function array_filter_recursive($input, $callback = NULL) {
foreach ($input as &$value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$value = $this->array_filter_recursive($value, $callback);
return array_filter($input, $callback);
* Recursive filter an array using the given $keys.
* @return array
private function array_unset_recursive($input, $keys) {
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (isset($input[$key])) {
if (is_array($input)) {
foreach ($input as $key => $value) {
$input[$key] = is_array($value) ? $this->array_unset_recursive($value, $keys) : $value;
return array_filter($input);