EBSCO Discovery module. Used on the library.upei.ca website. The bento box modules leverages the auth parts of this module.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

875 lines
22 KiB

* The EBSCO Document model class.
* It provides all the methods and properties needed for :
* - setting up and performing API calls
* - displaying results in UI
* - displaying statistics about the search, etc.
* PHP version 5
* Copyright [2017] [EBSCO Information Services]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.*
require_once 'EBSCOAPI.php';
require_once 'EBSCORecord.php';
class EBSCODocument {
* The EBSCOAPI object that performs the API calls.
* @global object EBSCOAPI
private $eds = NULL;
* The associative array of current request parameters.
* @global array
private $params = array();
* The associative array of EBSCO results returned by a Search API call
* #global array.
private $results = array();
* The associative array of data returned by a Retrieve API call.
* @global array
private $result = array();
* The array of data returned by an Info API call.
* @global array
private $info = array();
* The EBSCORecord model returned by a Retrieve API call
* #global object EBSCORecord.
private $record = NULL;
* The array of EBSCORecord models returned by a Search API call
* #global array of EBSCORecord objects.
private $records = array();
* The array of EBSCORecord models returned by a Search API call
* #global array of RelatedRecords.
private $relatedContent = array();
private $autoSuggestTerms = array();
* The array of filters currently applied.
* @global array
private $filters = array();
* Maximum number of results returned by Search API call .
* @global integer
private $limit = 10;
* Default level of data detail.
* @global string
private $amount = 'brief';
* Maximum number of links displayed by the pagination.
* @global integer
private static $page_links = 10;
* Limit options
* global array.
private static $limit_options = array(
10 => 10,
20 => 20,
30 => 30,
40 => 40,
50 => 50,
* Sort options
* global array.
private static $sort_options = array(
'relevance' => 'Relevance',
'date_desc' => 'Date Descending',
'date_asc' => 'Date Ascending',
* Amount options
* global array.
private static $amount_options = array(
'detailed' => 'Detailed',
'brief' => 'Brief',
'title' => 'Title Only',
* Bool options
* global array.
private static $bool_options = array(
'AND' => 'All terms',
'OR' => 'Any terms',
'NOT' => 'No terms',
* Search mode options
* global array.
private static $mode_options = array(
'all' => 'All search terms',
'bool' => 'Boolean / Phrase',
'any' => 'Any search terms',
'smart' => 'SmartText Searching',
* Basic search type options
* global array.
private static $basic_search_type_options = array(
'AllFields' => 'All Text',
'Title' => 'Title',
'Author' => 'Author',
'Subject' => 'Subject terms',
'Source' => 'Source',
'Abstract' => 'Abstract',
* Advanced search type options
* global array.
private static $advanced_search_type_options = array(
'AllFields' => 'All Text',
'Title' => 'Title',
'Author' => 'Author',
'Subject' => 'Subject terms',
'Source' => 'Journal Title/Source',
'Abstract' => 'Abstract',
'ISBN' => 'ISBN',
'ISSN' => 'ISSN',
private $local_ips = "";
* Constructor.
* @param array $data
* Raw data from the EBSCO search representing the record.
public function __construct($params = NULL) {
$this->eds = new EBSCOAPI(array(
'password' => variable_get('ebsco_password'),
'user' => variable_get('ebsco_user'),
'profile' => variable_get('ebsco_profile'),
'interface' => variable_get('ebsco_interface'),
'organization' => variable_get('ebsco_organization'),
'local_ip_address' => variable_get('ebsco_local_ips'),
'guest' => variable_get('ebsco_guest'),
'log' => variable_get('ebsco_log'),
$this->params = $params ? $params : $_REQUEST;
$this->limit = variable_get('ebsco_default_limit') ? variable_get('ebsco_default_limit') : $this->limit;
$this->amount = variable_get('ebsco_default_amount') ? variable_get('ebsco_default_amount') : $this->amount;
* Perform the API Info call.
* @return array
public function info() {
$this->info = $this->eds->apiInfo();
return $this->info;
* Perform the API Retrieve call.
* @return array
public function retrieve() {
list($an, $db) = isset($this->params['id']) ? explode('|', $this->params['id'], 2) : array(NULL, NULL);
$this->result = $this->eds->apiRetrieve($an, $db);
return $this->result;
* Perform the API Search call.
* @return array
public function search() {
$search = array();
if (isset($this->params['lookfor']) && isset($this->params['type'])) {
$search = array(
'lookfor' => $this->params['lookfor'],
'index' => $this->params['type'],
elseif (isset($this->params['group'])) {
$search = $this->params;
else {
return array();
$filter = isset($this->params['filter']) ? $this->params['filter'] : array();
$page = isset($this->params['page']) ? $this->params['page'] + 1 : 1;
$limit = $this->limit;
$sort = isset($this->params['sort']) ? $this->params['sort'] : 'relevance';
$amount = isset($this->params['amount']) ? $this->params['amount'] : 'brief'; $mode = isset($this->params['mode']) ? $this->params['mode'] : 'all';
// Check if research starters , EMP are active.
$info = $this->info();
$rs = FALSE;
$emp = FALSE;
if ($info["relatedContent"]) {
foreach ($info["relatedContent"] as $related) {
if (($related["Type"] == "rs") and ($related["DefaultOn"] == "y")) {
$rs = TRUE;
if (($related["Type"] == "emp") and ($related["DefaultOn"] == "y")) {
$emp = TRUE;
$autosug = FALSE;
if ($info["didYouMean"]) {
if ($info["didYouMean"][0]["DefaultOn"] == "y") {
$autosug = TRUE;
$this->results = $this->eds->apiSearch($search, $filter, $page, $limit, $sort, $amount, $mode, $rs, $emp, $autosug);
return $this->results;
* Get the EBSCORecord model for the result.
* * @return array.
public function record() {
if (empty($this->record) && !(empty($this->result))) {
$this->record = new EBSCORecord($this->result);
return $this->record;
* Get the EBSCORecord models array from results array.
* * @return array.
public function records() {
if ($this->record instanceof EBSCOException) {
return NULL;
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return NULL;
if (empty($this->records) && !(empty($this->results))) {
foreach ($this->results['documents'] as $result) {
$this->records[] = new EBSCORecord($result);
return $this->records;
public function relatedContent() {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return NULL;
$this->relatedContent = isset($this->results['relatedContent']) ? $this->results['relatedContent'] : array();
return $this->relatedContent;
public function autoSuggestTerms() {
$this->autoSuggestTerms = isset($this->results['autoSuggestTerms']) ? $this->results['autoSuggestTerms'] : NULL;
return $this->autoSuggestTerms;
* Get the pagination HTML string.
* * @return HTML string.
public function pager() {
$pager = NULL;
try {
if ($this->has_records()) {
pager_default_initialize($this->record_count() / $this->limit, 1);
$pager = theme('pager', array('tags' => NULL, 'quantity' => self::$page_links));
$pager = preg_replace('/<li class="pager-last last">(.*)<\/li>/', '', $pager);
catch (Exception $e) {
return $pager;
* Getters (class methods)
* Getter for sort options.
* @return array
public static function limit_options() {
return self::$limit_options;
* Getter for sort options.
* @return array
public static function sort_options() {
return self::$sort_options;
* Getter for amount options.
* @return array
public static function amount_options() {
return self::$amount_options;
* Getter for boolean options.
* @return array
public static function bool_options() {
return self::$bool_options;
* Getter for search mode options.
* @return array
public static function mode_options() {
return self::$mode_options;
* Getter for Basic search type options.
* @return array
public static function basic_search_type_options() {
return self::$basic_search_type_options;
* Getter for Advanced search type options.
* @return array
public static function advanced_search_type_options() {
return self::$advanced_search_type_options;
* Helper methods
* Get the expanders.
* @return array
public function expanders() {
$expanders = array();
try {
if ($this->info instanceof EBSCOException) {
return $expanders;
$actions = array();
$filters = $this->filters();
foreach ($filters as $filter) {
$actions[] = $filter['action'];
$expanders = isset($this->info['expanders']) ? $this->info['expanders'] : array();
foreach ($expanders as $key => $expander) {
if (in_array($expander['Action'], $actions)) {
$expanders[$key]['selected'] = TRUE;
catch (Exception $e) {
return $expanders;
* Get the facets.
* @return array
public function facets() {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return array();
$actions = array();
foreach ($this->filters as $filter) {
$actions[] = $filter['action'];
$facets = isset($this->results['facets']) ? $this->results['facets'] : array();
foreach ($facets as $key => $cluster) {
foreach ($cluster['Values'] as $k => $facet) {
$is_applied = FALSE;
if (in_array($facet['Action'], $actions)) {
$is_applied = TRUE;
$facets[$key]['Values'][$k]['applied'] = $is_applied;
return $facets;
* Get the filters.
* @return array
public function filters() {
if (!empty($_REQUEST['filter'])) {
$labels = array();
foreach ($this->info['limiters'] as $limiter) {
$labels[$limiter['Id']] = $limiter['Label'];
$this->filters = array();
foreach ($_REQUEST['filter'] as $filter) {
if (!empty($filter)) {
$temp = str_replace(array('addfacetfilter(', 'addlimiter(', 'addexpander('), array('', '', ''), $filter);
if (substr($temp, -1, 1) == ')') {
$temp = substr($temp, 0, -1);
// Do not display addfacetfilter, addlimiter or addexpander strings.
if (preg_match('/\:/', $filter)) {
list($field, $value) = explode(':', $temp, 2);
$displayField = isset($labels[$field]) ? $labels[$field] : $field;
$displayValue = $value == 'y' ? 'yes' : $value;
elseif (preg_match('/addexpander/', $filter)) {
$field = $temp;
$value = 'y';
$displayField = isset($labels[$field]) ? $labels[$field] : $field;
$displayValue = 'yes';
else {
$field = $value = $displayField = $displayValue = $filter;
$this->filters[] = array(
'field' => $field,
'value' => $value,
'action' => $filter,
'displayField' => $displayField,
'displayValue' => $displayValue,
return $this->filters;
* Get the limiters.
* @return array
public function limiters() {
$actions = array(); $ids = array();
if ($this->info instanceof EBSCOException) {
return array();
$filters = $this->filters();
foreach ($filters as $filter) {
$actions[] = $filter['action'];
$ids[] = $filter['field'];
$limiters = isset($this->info['limiters']) ? $this->info['limiters'] : array();
foreach ($limiters as $key => $cluster) {
// Multi select limiter.
if (!empty($cluster['Values'])) {
foreach ($cluster['Values'] as $limiter) {
$action = $limiter['Action'];
if (in_array($action, $actions)) {
$limiters[$key]['selected'][] = $limiter['Action'];
// Date limiter.
elseif ($cluster['Type'] == 'ymrange') {
$id = $cluster['Id'];
if (($k = array_search($id, $ids)) !== FALSE) {
$limiters[$key]['selected'] = $filters[$k]['action'];
// Other limiters.
else {
$action = str_replace('value', 'y', $cluster['Action']);
if (in_array($action, $actions)) {
$limiters[$key]['selected'] = TRUE;
return $limiters;
* Get the total number of records.
* @return int
public function record_count() {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return 0;
return !empty($this->results) ? $this->results['recordCount'] : 0;
* Get the number of end record.
* @return int
public function record_end() {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return -1;
$count = !empty($this->results) ? count($this->results['documents']) : 0;
$start = !empty($this->results) ? $this->results['start'] : 0;
return $start + $count;
* Get the number of start record.
* @return int
public function record_start() {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return NULL;
return !empty($this->results) ? $this->results['start'] + 1 : 0;
* Get the search time.
* @return decimal number
public function search_time() {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return 0;
return !empty($this->results) &&
isset($this->results['searchTime']) ? $this->results['searchTime'] : 0;
* Get the search view : basic or advanced.
* @return string
public function search_view() {
if (isset($_REQUEST['group'])) {
return 'advanced';
else {
return 'basic';
* Hidden params used by UpdateForm.
* @return array
public function search_params() {
$params = $this->link_search_params();
// Filter the params that have same values as sidebar checkboxes, otherwise they will produce duplicates.
$not_allowed_values = array(
$params = $this->array_filter_recursive($params, function ($item) use ($not_allowed_values) {
return !($item && in_array($item, $not_allowed_values));
return array_filter($params);
* Hidden params used by UpdateForm.
* @return array
public function link_search_params() {
// Filter the page parameter.
$not_allowed_keys = array('page', 'ui', 'has_js', 'op', 'submit', 'form_id', 'form_build_id');
$query = "";
if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
$query = urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
parse_str($query, $params);
$params = $this->array_unset_recursive($params, $not_allowed_keys);
return $params;
* Check if there are records in results array.
* * @return boolean.
public function has_records() {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return FALSE;
return !empty($this->results) && !empty($this->results['documents']);
* Create the last search data.
* @return void
public function search_create($query = NULL) {
if ($this->results instanceof EBSCOException) {
return array();
$last_search = array();
if (!empty($this->results)) {
$results_identifiers = array();
foreach ($this->results['documents'] as $result) {
$results_identifiers[] = $result['id'];
$last_search['query'] = $query ? $query : $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$last_search['records'] = serialize($results_identifiers);
$last_search['count'] = $this->record_count();
return $last_search;
* Save last search data in session.
* @return void
public function search_write($query = NULL) {
$_SESSION['EBSCO']['last-search'] = $this->search_create($query);
* Load last search data from session.
* @return array
public function search_read($id = NULL, $op = NULL) {
$params = array();
$lastSearch = $_SESSION['EBSCO']['last-search'];
if ($lastSearch) {
$lastSearch['records'] = unserialize($lastSearch['records']);
if ($id) {
parse_str($lastSearch['query'], $params);
$params['page'] = (int) (isset($params['page']) ? $params['page'] : 0);
$index = array_search($id, $lastSearch['records']);
// If this is not the first scroll and if this is not a page refresh.
if (isset($lastSearch['current']) && $lastSearch['current'] != $id) {
// If we change page.
if (($op == 'Next' && $index % $this->limit === 0) ||
($op == 'Previous' && $index % $this->limit === 9)) {
$params['page'] = ($op == 'Next') ? $params['page'] + 1 : $params['page'] - 1;
$query = drupal_http_build_query($params);
$lastSearch['query'] = $_SESSION['EBSCO']['last-search']['query'] = $query;
$start = $params['page'];
if (count($lastSearch['records']) > 10) {
$records = array_slice($lastSearch['records'], $index - $index % $this->limit, $this->limit);
else {
$records = $lastSearch['records'];
if (!isset($lastSearch['records'][$index + 1])) {
$params['page'] += 1;
$driver = new EBSCODocument($params);
$query = drupal_http_build_query($params);
$newSearch = $driver->search_create($query);
$newSearch['records'] = unserialize($newSearch['records']);
$lastSearch['records'] = array_merge($lastSearch['records'], $newSearch['records']);
$_SESSION['EBSCO']['last-search']['records'] = serialize($lastSearch['records']);
if ($op == 'Next') {
$lastSearch['previous'] = isset($records[8]) ? $records[8] : '';
$lastSearch['next'] = isset($newSearch['records'][0]) ? $newSearch['records'][0] : '';
else {
$lastSearch['next'] = $lastSearch['records'][$index + 1];
if (!isset($lastSearch['records'][$index - 1])) {
if ($params['page'] > 0) {
$params['page'] -= 1;
$driver = new EBSCODocument($params);
$query = drupal_http_build_query($params);
$newSearch = $driver->search_create($query);
$newSearch['records'] = unserialize($newSearch['records']);
$lastSearch['records'] = array_merge($lastSearch['records'], $newSearch['records']);
$_SESSION['EBSCO']['last-search']['records'] = serialize($lastSearch['records']);
$lastSearch['previous'] = isset($newSearch['records'][9]) ? $newSearch['records'][9] : '';
if ($op == 'Previous') {
$lastSearch['next'] = isset($records[1]) ? $records[1] : '';
else {
$lastSearch['previous'] = '';
else {
$lastSearch['previous'] = $lastSearch['records'][$index - 1];
$lastSearch['current_index'] = $start * $this->limit + $index % $this->limit + 1;
$lastSearch['current'] = $id;
$_SESSION['EBSCO']['last-search']['current'] = $id;
return $lastSearch;
* A recursive array_filter.
* @return array
private function array_filter_recursive($input, $callback = NULL) {
foreach ($input as &$value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$value = $this->array_filter_recursive($value, $callback);
return array_filter($input, $callback);
* Recursive filter an array using the given $keys.
* @return array
private function array_unset_recursive($input, $keys) {
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (isset($input[$key])) {
if (is_array($input)) {
foreach ($input as $key => $value) {
$input[$key] = is_array($value) ? $this->array_unset_recursive($value, $keys) : $value;
return array_filter($input);